Anime & Comics · LavenderGooms
[… Fuck, if that doesn't deserve 300P, nothing does.]
Book&Literature · Daddy
[WTF! WHAT DO I EVEN CALL THAT?! Feat: Knock up Cauldron? Impregnate Eden? Breed Contessa?!]
Book&Literature · Daddy
Kori and I spoke to Magic, calling out in friendship. Magic latched onto us desperately. The aspect of all existence — its first Avatar, more specifically — spoke back, interrupting with a plea.
Anime & Comics · Daddy
You have permission from the author to post here and yes, at least put the name flameclawsxx in the description . https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13972779/1/Dungeons-and-Devils
Lucario placed a foot on Primeape's face, applying just enough pressure to send the raging primate sprawling to the ground with a comical splat. The dust cleared, revealing a crater worthy of a comic book, where Primeape had taken a rather dramatic tumble, lying unconscious and spread-eagled.
Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
[Special Side Quest: Only Relative.
Anime & Comics · VALRRR