50% Yuki Awakening in a New World / Chapter 1: Prologue - The Cornalina Stone Necklace
Yuki Awakening in a New World Yuki Awakening in a New World original

Yuki Awakening in a New World

นักเขียน: JhoeManson

© WebNovel

บท 1: Prologue - The Cornalina Stone Necklace

Japan - Tokyo - June - 2023 - Yuki

It was a Saturday morning like any other. Yuki woke up to sunlight illuminating her room. Although he had stayed up late the night before watching a documentary, he had a habit of always getting up early.

On Saturday afternoons, Yuki frequented a library near her home. He enjoyed reading books on medicine as he dreamed of becoming a doctor and discovering a cure for his sister's illness.

Walking through the library, carrying two books in his hands and looking for others to complete his list of studies for the day, something caught his eye.

He was like an angel, his hair reminded me of a precious stone. He was fascinated by that scene.

It was the first time he had seen that girl in the library. She had long, red hair, wore a white blouse and a blue skirt. His eyes were focused on reading, as if he were in another world.

Yuki sat next to her and began to watch her more closely, but soon realized what she was doing and decided to focus on the books she had picked up.

A few days passed, and he noticed that the girl, just like him, went to the library every Saturday.

In an act of courage, he stood up and sat down in front of him. The girl, at first, did not notice him, too focused on reading.

"I remember a story I read once, called 'The Carnelian Stone Necklace,'" he said, trying to arouse the girl's curiosity, in a soft, mysterious tone.

The story was about a man who had lost everything: his faith, emotions, riches...

One evening he was walking near a stream near his home and saw a shiny stone on the riverbank in the distance.

Its color caught his eye, and he quickly hurried to pick it up. With difficulty, he managed to hold it, squeezed it tightly, and made a request.

Even though he was someone who didn't believe in anything, he was so devastated and exhausted that, in a last act of hope, he allowed himself to do this madness. He wished he could feel and see the world with eyes of life and love again.

Suddenly, a burst of light around him startled him.

The girl, intrigued and at the same time curious about what he said, asked:

"And what did he see?" - she asked, closing the book she was reading.

Yuki, with a faint smile on his face, continued with his story:

"A red-haired cat," he replied, gesturing as he described the animal to the young woman. — A red-haired cat wearing a blue suit.

The man had found a gem of unimaginable powers. Such powers could fulfill any wish; however, they were intended only for special people.

The feline looked at the man with a look of pity for the mental and emotional state he was in.

Even though he had found that precious jewel called the Carnelian, the guardian realized that he was not worthy of being the bearer of that rarity and proposed a deal to the man.

"A deal?" How so? - asked the girl, already interested in the story.

"Yes. But not a common agreement.

To have his wish granted, the man did not hesitate and accepted the pact with the red cat. As if by magic, his convictions and faith were restored.

So, he fulfilled his part of the bargain and took the stone to the specific location indicated by the guardian. There, a rare object was created. As the story goes, some say it was a necklace, others a choker, but the fact remains a mystery.

"Hmm, but why are you telling me this story?" She asked intrigued, with one hand on her chin.

"I don't know, I think it's because it's a good story I read in the old days and also because this gem reminds me of you..."

That day, Yuki found out more about the girl, who was named Yumi. She had recently moved to the city and still didn't know many places other than the library. Yuki discovered what she liked: books, animals, and the things she did for fun. After a few hours of conversation, he invited her to show him more of the city.

For Yuki, it wasn't anything extraordinary to ask a girl he was interested in on a date or anything like that.

When she got home, she took a lively bath and then went to play with her younger sister, twelve-year-old Hana. She was a very cheerful, hyperactive, clumsy girl. On a daily basis, Yuki used to play and read some books with her sister.

His parents, Saya and Tsumoto, were chefs. Specifically, his mother was the chef de cuisine and his father the sous-chef, and together they had a famous restaurant called "Menyu". Thus, it was quite common for Yuki to take care of her sister when her parents were busy with work.

"Today was a busy day. He's still awake studying," Tsumoto said, as he massaged his own back with one hand after hours of standing up.

After a few more minutes of studying, Yuki was finally overcome by tiredness and fell soundly asleep on the table.

That night, he had a dream that he had never had before. He was in a dense forest when, suddenly, someone bumped into him hard, and they both fell to the ground.

The girl quickly got up and started speaking in a language unknown to Yuki. He didn't understand anything, but he soon got up and followed her, realizing that she was running away from wolves covered in blood and flames. —Blood wolves, what the hell is this? —he exclaimed, running in distress.

Entering deeper into the forest, following the girl, Yuki noticed that she was in the middle of a battle. Humans using magic and golden armor faced transhumans, elves and other monsters. It was extremely difficult to outrun the wolves, who were getting closer and closer.

The girl was injured in one of her arms and exhausted. Things seemed hopeless until exhaustion brought them down, and Yuki was bitten on the arm by one of the wolves.

The pain was intense, but it didn't make him wake up. Just as the second wolf was about to rip out the girl's throat, a bright light, followed by a precise cut, ripped the wolf apart, splitting it in half.

A young man with black hair and black armor appeared, wielding a dagger. He seemed to have already faced countless battles. With a second strike, he decapitated the wolf attacking Yuki.

Quickly, he picked the girl up with one arm, placed his hand on Yuki's shoulder and disappeared in an explosion of light and smoke, disorienting and blinding the wolves.

When Yuki opened his eyes, he realized that he was in a cave far from the forest. His arm was no longer injured, and the girl and the young man were talking, but he could not understand absolutely anything of what they were saying. — This stone carries no power. Unknown language — said the mysterious girl, looking upset about something. — Apparently, the rumors are true.

These stones choose their owner* — commented the young man with black hair, with his arms crossed and thoughtful.

When they noticed that Yuki had woken up, the girl approached him. The young man noticed that she was starting to get a little excited, but Yuki initially didn't understand.

The girl approached Yuki and whispered something in her ear. When his eyes met, she kissed him deeply and bit his lips. At that moment, he didn't back down and responded to the girl's gesture.

Her body seemed to move on its own as her soft fingers roamed her chest.

He gently placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer and closer, and when he opened his eyes...

—Br...brother, Yu...! — Hana said, her face flushed and looking away. — I was trying... to wake you up. Did something happen?

— No, I think I had a slightly strange dream, that's all — Yuki replied, looking away and blushing a little.

Ierchi Kingdom - Another World - Aleus and Krista

In the cave, the girl opened her eyes and smiled at the dark-haired young man. In a slightly more remote region, Queen Nur's warriors searched for who had stolen the rare gem.

For some years, the kingdom of Ierchi had been in disagreements with the kingdom of Niichu, due to issues of territorial expansion, since both kingdoms were located in the northwest region, close to each other, as well as political disagreements.

The kingdom of Ierchi cherished individual freedom for the sake of harmonious coexistence with all living beings. It was quite common for much of the population and nobility to be vegetarians, due to their love of animals. Art was taught from childhood; Expression, observation and dialogue were key points for the intellectual and critical growth of each citizen.

Queen Nur, who administered this kingdom, was seen as a great strategist and creative at the helm of the nation. The kingdom of Niichu, ruled by Queen Eddora, was the complete opposite. Eddora, with an enviable elegance and a firm hand in decisions, cherished the teaching of the arts dedicated to survival, combat and the use of weapons.

This contributed to his army being one of the best in the world. From an early age, the children participated in simulated weapons combat and underwent rigorous survival tests. It was common for those considered weak to flee to the kingdom of Ierchi.

As night approached, the search for the robbers continued unabated. The warriors had already won the battle and captured some prisoners to gain more information about their home kingdom, the whereabouts of the other thieves, and who was behind the robbery.

"All the work thrown away. We got this jewel and it was nothing more than a stone to be thrown in the trash," said the mysterious young man.

A light illuminated the entire cave where the two of them were, and the precious stone, which had been there before, was no longer present. She had disappeared, leaving the short-haired, pink-haired girl with pointed ears and the young man with medium-haired, neck-length black hair stunned.

- Incredible! She's gone. Has it returned to its owner? - asked the mysterious girl.

Something was different. Shortly after the jewel disappeared, Queen Nur felt something in her chest, as if her powers had diminished. Ilkys, a white-haired, blue-eyed, gray-spotted cat, the keeper of the jewel, sensed something terrible approaching.

"My queen, I will immediately inform the other guardians of what has happened," said Ilkys, disappearing into a mist. He was no longer in his chambers.

Japan - Tokyo - June - 2023 - Yuki and Yumi

Yuki as promised, was showing the places she liked and introducing a little more of the city to Yumi. They started by going to a library famous for its vast collection of physical and digital books.

After borrowing some books, they went to a cafe. — I love iced coffee. What books did you pick up, Yumi? he asked as he sipped his Brown Sugar Latte. — "Being and Time", by Martin Heidegger.

I like this type of book, it makes me think about our role in the world. — Everyone has their role in the story.

I tend to think that we were destined to meet so that, in the future, we could walk a path together — he said with a smirk. — And you, why do you like medical books? Is there any special reason? — she asked, a little embarrassed by what he had said.

He was a little reluctant to open up too much, but he put such thoughts aside and explained to Yumi the reason for reading so many medical books and her desire to become a doctor.

— My sister has a rare disease, Angelman syndrome, and I would like to discover a treatment or a cure for this condition — he said with a serious and confident look, certain that he would discover something, no matter how long it took.

After a few hours of conversation, the two were walking through the streets when Yuki saw a necklace in the window of a store that caught her attention.

— Remember the story I told you, Yumi? — he asked, excited about the rare jewel in front of him.

— Yes. Is this necklace made of Carnelian Stone? — she asked, impressed by the beauty of the object. — Yes, it reminds you of the color of your hair, doesn't it? — he replied, looking away embarrassed.

While Yuki and Yumi were enchanted by the necklace, they didn't realize they were being followed. A person in the distance was watching them closely, suspiciously and cautiously.

After walking through a park and watching the stars, Yuki accompanied Yumi to her house. They talked a little more about the entrance exam they would both take that year; she intended to study Arts and Humanities, focusing on Languages ​​and Literature, while he wanted to study Health Sciences and Medicine.

On the way to the bus stop, Yuki saw a thin and injured stray cat, appearing to have a broken paw.

— Don't worry, little friend, I'll save you — he said.

Yuki really liked cats. As a child, it was common for him to rescue cats or be visited by them in his home.

He caught the cat, took it home, bandaged its leg and tended to the other wounds on its nose. — Hana! Can you do me a favour? I'm going to the pharmacy quickly. Take a look at it, please? — he asked with a cute face to his sister.

Hana smiled and nodded, while Yuki ran to buy some more medicine and snacks.

Ierchi Kingdom - Another world - Aleus and Krista

In a distant world, in the lands to the east, close to the kingdom of Ierchi, Krista and Aleus, after confirming that the precious jewels destined for each kingdom could only be used by chosen people, were looking for a way to circumvent this rule.

They decided to begin a journey towards the underworld, where a renowned wizard lived in the shadows of the dark territory.

— Aleus, what would be the fastest way to the underworld? asked Krista. Even though he was still a young boy, Aleus had already participated in countless adventures alongside his parents' group of mercenaries, which made him skilled at determining routes, although he had only visited the underworld twice in his life.

— As I recall, the last time I was there with my father... it took us about three days, but we were close to the underworld. From the Ierchi kingdom, I assume it will take a whole month.

— Oh, damn! I hate long trips. — Krista grumbled, scratching her head with an annoyed look.

— What do you mean, you hate long trips? — Aleus was outraged by Krista's comment.

— I remember very well the time you dragged me in search of a rare item and in the end it was just trash. It was you who convinced me to travel almost two months after that deception! — Aleus exclaimed irritably.

— But this time it's different. I don't like looking for people, especially when it comes to a wizard. The idea that this could be much more complicated discourages me. — Krista sighed, head down.

— Don't worry, it shouldn't be that difficult. Besides, have you forgotten that I have a great instinct for tracking magic? As a child, I may not have been as skilled, but my skills have improved a lot! — Aleus tried to calm Krista.

— Krista, tell me something. Why did you kiss that boy in the cave? — Aleus was a little perplexed by that memory.

— Don't tell me you were trying... - SECRET. — Krista replied with a slight smile on her face.

Japan - Tokyo - June - Yumi

It was already dawn and the rain became the soundtrack for that cold and silent night. Yumi was asleep in a deep sleep. She was entering a church in a red wedding dress, walking towards the altar. There were humans, elves, dwarves, half-humans, all standing applauding her entrance, and in front of her, a blue-haired woman, the queen of that kingdom, awaited her bride.

— I waited for you for so long and finally this day has arrived. — Said the blue-haired Queen. Yumi opened her eyes after having this type of dream and was left without understanding, asking herself — Who could that woman be? —What world was that? — Why am I getting married? — Confused, she slapped her face twice and went to get ready to start the day.

In the morning, she was preparing her coffee. Her father had already gotten up and gone to work. He worked in construction, and it was common for them to live in a certain place for a short time. It would be the first year that Yumi lived alone.

Within a few days, her father would pick up a new construction in another city. Yumi's father was very present in his daughter's life, even though he spent much of his time trying to balance long working hours with her education.

Her mother, unfortunately, was reported missing. Yumi was just five years old when that fateful day happened. After breakfast, she changed into her gym clothes. In addition to being a bookworm, she also had the habit of exercising and playing sports frequently.

— Wow, today is a perfect day! I love this hot weather. — Stretching and stretching her arms high, Yumi began to run.

As she ran through the neighborhood, something caught her attention. She was a girl, she must have been between ten and twelve years old, crying in the corner, sitting on a bench in a public square.

Yumi was worried and went to help her, approaching her slowly. - Why are you crying? Did something happen? — Yumi asked.

The girl looked at Yumi with eyes full of tears. With difficulty, she rubbed and dried her eyes. — I lost it, my little dog.

— What's your puppy's name? — Smoothing the girl's pink hair as she asked. —Lucky! — Said the little girl. — My name is Yumi and we're going to find your puppy, don't worry.

What is your name? — While gently touching the girl's hair. — Iuye. — In a light and sweet voice, she said.

— Okay, Iuye, let's go look for Lucky! — Iuye, are you a boy?

— Looking a little better and a little embarrassed, Yumi asked. — Yes, Yes. — Slightly embarrassed by the question, Iuye replied.

"So cute!"

Ierchi Kingdom - Another world - The Golden artisans

In the Ierchi Kingdom, base of the gold artisans, after fighting that battle and capturing some men involved in the theft of Queen Nur's precious jewel, the captain leader of the artisans went to personally interrogate one of the leaders involved in this offense against the queen.

— Look, if it isn't the great captain of artisans, the ruthless Ross Ilkis. Haha! — Don't make me waste my precious time.

— Adjusting the glove that was on one of his hands. — Who is in charge?

— Ross, as much as I want to tell you, I can't. - Like this?

—With a terrifying smile and bowing his head. — I'm just a pawn...

A gigantic explosion engulfed the entire base of the gold artisans in flames...

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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