Yanarym looked at Lyndon, no matter how cold and harsh his actions and words, he would not once say sorry for them. He would regret it maybe, but soon after the guilt would be thrown in the abyss of forgetting. That was his mechanism, Yanarym was convinced that it was his innate personality because the environment was not that bad while he grew up. He was a natural close off person. That was the reason why he was so attached once he let someone in, even if it was forced entry.
Well, there was no longer need to behave as the 'meek' version of the original. She stood up and held his wrists, he shifted his baleful eyes at her, "Don't touch me." She pushed them and she sat on his lap, facing him. "Yanarym, I'm not playing with you—"
It's about a villain who desperately wants to be love by her.