No matter what, she was going to turn her parents into noodle store owners, just to fulfil that childish wish of hers. Beside Bai Yue, her mother was pale with horror. She clearly understood the hidden meaning of her words, even if Bai Yue didn't.
Xue Ning narrowed her eyes and immediately planted herself in front of Bai Yue, just in time, for Bai Yue tilted her head and peered at Zhou Yu carefully, pursing her lips.
"But you don't look like a jiejie. You look like an aunty," was Bai Yue's innocently heartless response.
Ouch. Everyone over the age of 20 winced when they heard her statement. Xue Ning laughed at the humiliated flush on Zhou Yu's face.
"What do people say… Only children and fools speak the truth? Is that the quote?" Xue Ning asked mockingly. "I'm only the daughter of humble noodle stall owners, but you should be more well-read than I am."
What do you think Jingwei did to his car?
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