47.36% With Bare-Bones / Chapter 45: Chomp!

บท 45: Chomp!

[Word Count: 3340]



Leo stared wide-eyed, his mind struggling to process the unexpected turn of events. Makima, the enigmatic figure who had always exuded an air of authority and control, was now gripping his thumb between her teeth, his fingers entwined in her hair with an unsettling intensity.

"What the fuck?"




Leo stared blankly at the wall, his mind consumed by a mix of boredom and frustration. The supposed celebration had turned into a lackluster gathering, with most attendees leaving early after indulging in free drinks, leaving behind a handful of intoxicated stragglers amidst the chaotic aftermath.

The evening had taken a toll on Leo's mental energy. He hadn't initially wanted to attend, but the allure of free food had compelled him to override his introverted nature and join the event. Now, he regretted his decision, feeling drained and disconnected from the festivities unfolding around him.

As he scanned the room, the age gap between him and the other devil hunters became apparent. The older hunters seemed to find solace in complaining about the rapid turnover of fresh faces, lamenting the high casualty rate among newcomers. Leo couldn't fathom their frustration. Hadn't they all gone through the same rigorous tests he had endured? How could the mortality rate be so alarmingly high if the selection process was supposed to weed out the unfit?

Suppressing thoughts about Makima and Kishibe's potential manipulation, Leo tried to find some semblance of enjoyment amidst the lackluster atmosphere. However, the celebrations felt hollow, the weight of the job overshadowing any cause for merriment. Killing a few devils seemed trivial compared to the staggering losses and constant threats that the devil hunters faced.

"Don't undermine your own achievements, kid," a gruff voice interrupted Leo's thoughts.

The alcohol coursing through the veins of the gathered hunters had elevated their confidence levels, prompting them to share their perspectives on the relentless dangers they faced. They insisted that Leo should recognize the significance of his accomplishments, reminding him of the daily casualties suffered by their ranks.

Yet, Leo couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt. Wasn't becoming a devil hunter merely a matter of dispatching a few devils? Shouldn't it be an expected outcome rather than a reason for celebration? The conversation at the table only reinforced his belief that he was surrounded by individuals who had resigned themselves to a life teetering on the brink of death.

"It's not impressive, really," Leo argued, his voice tinged with frustration. "Aren't the prerequisites for becoming a devil hunter just about killing a few devils? It should be the bare minimum."

A drunken voice piped up, questioning Leo's claim. "Wait, killing devils before joining? Since when was that a requirement?"

Leo's heart sank, uncertainty creeping in as he realized the conversation was taking an unexpected turn. Had he been deceived by Kishibe and Makima all along? Were the monotonous weeks of tasks they had assigned him merely a pointless exercise?

Just as the weight of his doubts threatened to overwhelm him, a voice broke the silence from behind him. The restaurant owner welcomed another customer, momentarily distracting Leo from his swirling thoughts. Rubbing his weary eyes, he tried to push aside the unsettling revelations, but they lingered in his mind, nagging at him with unsettling persistence.

"They weren't fucking with me, were they?" Leo muttered under his breath, his voice filled with a mix of confusion and frustration.

Doubts about his abilities seemed unfounded, considering both Kishibe and Makima had witnessed Leo's prowess in taking down devils. Kishibe, in particular, had been his teacher, guiding him through the trials and tribulations of devil hunting.

Lost in his own contemplation, Leo failed to notice the final person at the table succumbing to unconsciousness, leaving only him and the newcomer fully awake in the room. The dwindling presence didn't register in Leo's mind as he grappled with his thoughts, his focus fixated on the unsettling revelation of wasted time and potential manipulation.

"Is it because I called her a Nazi?" Leo mused aloud, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and disbelief. The notion that Kishibe and Makima would subject him to a month of trivial tasks as retribution for a casual comment, one only comprehensible to her, bordered on an unimaginable level of pettiness even he wouldn't cross.

As Leo delved deeper into his contemplation, his mind drowning in a sea of doubts, he failed to notice a soft touch upon his hand along with the promise of a reward. His elbow rested on the table, his head propped up by his hand, as his thoughts consumed him.

Then, a sudden sensation jolted Leo from his reverie.


Leo felt a gentle but distinct bite on his thumb, startling him out of his thoughts. Slowly raising his gaze from the table, his eyes widened slightly as he directed his attention away from the wall. His thumb felt moist, the sensation of someone softly gnawing on it seizing his awareness.

Turning his head with measured slowness, Leo's eyes met the blank gaze of Makima, locking into a silent connection. The hamster wheel in Leo's mind gradually resumed its pace as he attempted to comprehend the bizarre situation unfolding before him.

Makima held his hand up to her face, her lips still pressed against his thumb while his fingers grazed against her vibrant red hair. Leo's mind raced, processing the peculiar dynamics of the moment. Makima's yellow eyes, devoid of emotion, contrasted with the physical contact between them. Electrons sparked within his brain as realization dawned upon him, widening his eyes in astonishment.

Slowly retracting his hand, Leo met no resistance from Makima, who maintained her unwavering gaze and neutral smile. As he examined his thumb, a small, distinct bite mark marred his thumbprint, glistening with Makima's saliva. Leo gazed at this thumb then back at Makima then his thumb again and with deliberate movements, Leo brought his hand back towards Makima, maintaining unbroken eye contact, and wiped his thumb on her shoulder

The exchange carried an overwhelming sense of awkwardness, amplified by Makima's unfaltering smile throughout the encounter.

Even as Leo rose from his seat to depart, the enigmatic smile remained etched on Makima's face, unyielding and detached. The whole exchange left a disconcerting impression, stirring a mix of bewilderment, curiosity, and a nagging sense that there was more to Makima's actions than met the eye.

Leaving the confines of the restaurant behind, Leo couldn't help but cast a fleeting glance over his shoulder. Makima sat there, a fixed gaze trained on him, her smile unyielding and unbroken. The air around them crackled with an undeniable awkwardness, an invisible tension that lingered between them.

As Leo walked away he knew his thumb would never be the same after this encounter.




Under the cover of the moonlit night, Leo wandered through the bustling streets of Tokyo, his footsteps echoing in the quietude. The city's vibrant energy, usually a source of solace, failed to distract Leo from the lingering perplexity that plagued his thoughts. Every step he took seemed to carry the weight of the enigmatic encounter with Makima, a memory that refused to dissipate.

No matter how many times he thought about it, he could only come up with one way of labeling the situation. "Uncool."

The neon lights and lively commotion surrounding Leo served as a mere backdrop to his internal turmoil. The kaleidoscope of colors and the lively rhythm of the city's heartbeat attempted to draw him into its embrace, but Leo remained distant, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts.

The night air caressed Leo's face, its coolness offering a temporary respite from the overwhelming emotions that churned within. Leo's mind, still entangled in the memory of Makima's unyielding smile and the bewildering bite, desperately sought solace in the vibrant cityscape.

Leo continued to walk, his steps guided by an unconscious force, seeking solace in the vibrant tapestry of the city's nightlife. Perhaps, amidst the swirling chaos of Tokyo's nocturnal charm, they could find a fleeting moment of respite from the bewildering encounter that had left him drained.

The streets stretched out before them, adorned with a multitude of captivating distractions. Leo's gaze flickered from one scene to another, momentarily captivated by the street performers, the lively chatter of late-night revelers, and the seductive aromas wafting from the bustling food stalls.

Yet, despite the captivating allure of the city's nocturnal symphony, Leo couldn't fully escape the haunting memory of Makima's teeth grazing his thumb. The sensation lingered, an intangible imprint that refused to fade away, casting a shadow over the vibrant tapestry of Tokyo's nightlife.

Examining his thumb once again, Leo noticed that it was now neatly bandaged, a stark reminder of the encounter with Makima. Unconsciously, he went through the motions of disinfecting and patching up his poor thumb, his hands moving with practiced precision. Clenching his hand into a fist, he felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins.

"She can't keep getting away with this," Leo thought to himself, his voice filled with a steely resolve.

Makima's actions had left an indelible mark, an unforgettable bite of 86 that would haunt Leo's memories for years to come. It was a turning point, a catalyst for change. The time for hesitation had passed, and now he had to honor his end of the deal, to fulfill his responsibilities.

As thoughts swirled in his mind, contemplating the uncertain path that lay ahead, another sudden jolt against his unbitten thumb jolted him out of his reverie.


Leo froze in place, his gaze fixed directly ahead like a deer caught in the glare of headlights. The bright room surrounding him was a breathtaking sight, adorned with racks of exquisite dresses, each one a masterpiece in its own right. Their vibrant colors danced under the soft glow of the lights, casting a magical aura in the air. His head turned mechanically as if compelled by an unseen force, revealing a pair of mesmerizing purple eyes with stars for pupils. They held an otherworldly allure, drawing him in with their otherworldly allure.

The hamster in Leo's brain sprang back to life, spinning its wheel furiously, powering his thoughts as he processed the bewildering situation before him. Recognition sparked within him as he realized the one biting his finger was none other than Ai. Unlike Makima, there was a subtle hint of self-awareness in Ai's actions, evident by the faint blush that colored her face.

In the depths of his consciousness, an eerie whistle played, haunting and foreboding, as if warning Leo of impending danger. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, a primal instinct signaling the presence of an imminent threat. A sense of dread coursed through Leo's nerves.

"What do you think you're doing?" a voice pierced through the air from behind him, shattering the tense atmosphere.

Turning his gaze, Leo saw a woman with strawberry blond hair, her arms crossed defiantly. Her eyes were partially obscured by shadows, adding an air of mystery to her presence. The intensity of her stare sent a chill down Leo's spine, a visceral recognition of the danger that lurked beneath her seemingly innocuous appearance.

Certain death, that's what Leo felt in his core. This woman, with her deceptive facade, was a wolf in sheep's clothing, concealing a dark and sinister nature that sent a shiver down his spine.

Summoning his inner strength, Leo swallowed his nerves and fortified his resolve. He couldn't comprehend the mysterious circumstances that led him to this room or the nature of his current predicament, but one thing was certain: he wouldn't surrender without a fight.

Returning the woman's piercing gaze with an unwavering glare, Leo sensed a flicker of unease crossing her features. The haunting whistle echoed in her mind as well, unsettling her to the core.

Leo had always carried a lingering sense of dread within him, a constant companion in his perilous journey. Even in the face of this ominous woman, who exuded an aura of darkness, he refused to succumb to fear.

A tense standoff unfolded between them, and Leo held the upper hand. While the woman may have been prepared to kill Leo metaphorically, Leo was ready to do it quite literally.

A cold sweat started to bead on the woman's back as she locked eyes with Leo, peering into the abyss of his determined gaze as it peered right back.

As the tension in the room escalated, Ai ceased her biting, a strand of saliva hanging between her lips and Leo's thumb. She was about to speak up, her thoughts lingering on her tongue, when the dressing room door abruptly swung open.

"What's happening here—" Ichigo's voice trailed off as his gaze met Leo's intense eyes, the palpable tension in the room washing over him like an icy wave. A shiver ran down his spine as he stood frozen in place.

Locked in a steadfast stare with Leo, the woman's confidence wavered. Whatever malevolent intent she had harbored was instantly defused by the overwhelming aura of danger emanating from Leo. He may not have comprehended the depth of the situation he found himself in, but he was ready to meet his maker for a second time.

With an unspoken threat hanging in the air, Leo's glare left no doubt in Ichigo's mind. This was his wife, subjected to a frigid and heartless gaze. He couldn't simply stand idly by, allowing Leo to face this danger alone. Ichigo's resolve solidified, driven by the need to protect his beloved.

Before the intense standoff could escalate further, Miyako, Ichigo's wife, averted her gaze and cleared her throat, discreetly coughing into her hand. The tension in the room seemed to momentarily dissipate as she broke the silence.

"If you're willing to go that far, then I guess it's fine," she muttered, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and uncertainty.

"Eh?" Ichigo was taken aback, his glasses nearly falling off his face as he witnessed his wife wiping cold sweat off her forehead. Without further delay, she turned around and headed towards the door, pulling Ichigo along with her.

As they were leaving, Miyako shot one final glare back at Leo before closing the door behind them. The room was now filled with an eerie silence as Leo and Ai were left alone.

"What just happened?" Ai finally broke the silence, her voice tinged with confusion.

Leo shook his head, still trying to process the strange turn of events. "I have no idea," he replied, his mind racing with questions and uncertainty. Whatever had just occurred, it left them both with a lingering feeling of apprehension.

As Leo's confusion grew, he was about to rub his eyes in disbelief when he saw it – another clean bite mark on his thumb. The sight of the fresh wound brought back the memories of what had transpired before he and Miyako engaged in their intense stare-down.

Leo's gaze fixated on his thumb, everything else around it blurred into the background. Ai also seemed to notice Leo examining the mark she left behind, and she started twiddling her unbitten thumbs nervously, her usual self-confident demeanor now replaced with uncertainty.

The hamster in Leo's head was beyond exhausted from all the social thinking and emotional turmoil it had been powering throughout the day. However, like the MVP it was, it got right back on its wheel and started running once more. Leo's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and questions, trying to make sense of the strange and surreal events that had unfolded.

Looking up from his thumb, Leo met Ai's eyes once again. At that moment, he could see the vulnerability in her expression as she tried to maintain eye contact, her gaze occasionally drifting off, as if lost in her own thoughts.

As the neurons in Leo's head seemed to fire with newfound clarity, he began piecing everything together.

Taking a deep breath, Leo moved closer and gently cupped Ai's cheek. Her breath hitched, and a deeper shade of red spread across her cheeks in response.

"No matter how many times I go, you always seem to have me coming back for more," Leo whispered, their faces inches apart. "So many faces in the world, but I want yours."

Ai's heart skipped a beat, and her lips quivered softly as she shook her head, as if unsure of her own feelings.

"My love might be a lie, but even then, will you still love me?" Ai asked in a hushed, vulnerable whisper.

"Whether it's the truth or a lie, it doesn't matter," Leo replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "It won't matter if you make me believe you believe you can feel anything, I can vaguely relate to love."

Their faces drew closer, the tension and uncertainty between them palpable. Time seemed to stand still as their lips were about to meet...








Their faces got closer and closer, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. The world seemed to fade away as Leo and Ai's lips finally met in a tender and gentle kiss. It was a moment filled with warmth and an unspoken connection.

In that fleeting embrace, Leo and Ai found solace and a sense of belonging. The weight of their respective burdens and the enigmatic circumstances they faced were momentarily forgotten as they immersed themselves in the intensity of their feelings.

The kiss spoke volumes, expressing a depth of emotions that words alone could not convey.




One year later

As the sun began to rise, the city pulsed with an undercurrent of unease and anticipation. Whispers spread like wildfire through the streets, carrying the weight of unsettling news that left the population on edge.

Makima, the enigmatic figure who commanded the respect and fear of many, summoned a gathering of the most skilled and available devil hunters to her office. The air in the room grew heavy with a sense of urgency as the hunters filed in, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Silence fell upon the room as Makima, usually adorned with an unwavering smile, now wore a serious and grave expression. She intertwined her hands and rested her chin upon them, commanding the attention of everyone present.

"I have unfortunate news," Makima spoke, her voice carrying a weight that silenced the room. The absence of her usual smile only added to the gravity of the situation.

"Devil Hunter's HQ was breached," she continued, her tone steady but filled with an underlying intensity. "The security team was mercilessly slaughtered, and a powerful devil was stolen."

Gasps of shock and disbelief filled the room, mingling with murmurs of concern and speculation. The hunters exchanged glances, their eyes searching for answers and reassurance.

A senior hunter, his voice laced with worry, spoke up amidst the growing unrest. "Which devil was taken?"

Makima's gaze held steady, piercing through the room with unwavering determination. "The Glass Devil," she replied, her words echoing like a solemn declaration.

A wave of hushed murmurs rippled through the crowd, the significance of the stolen devil sinking in. The Glass Devil was known for its formidable abilities and its potential for wreaking havoc if in the wrong hands.

Makima's voice cut through the growing unrest, commanding attention once again. "We have identified the culprit and are mobilizing our forces to ensure their swift capture," she stated, her tone resolute and unwavering.

Tension hung in the air as the hunters exchanged glances, their faces etched with worry and determination. The name that hung unspoken in the room weighed heavily on their minds, filling them with a mix of apprehension and disbelief.

Finally, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, a voice broke through the unease. "Who was responsible for this audacious act?"

Makima's gaze swept across the room, her eyes lingering momentarily on Kishibe, the seasoned hunter with an indifferent expression. Her voice, firm and unwavering, revealed the truth that sent shockwaves through the gathered hunters.

"Leo Tsukumo," Makima uttered, her voice carrying the weight of the revelation.

Makima's words hung in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the room. The revelation of Leo's involvement had shattered their perception of reality, leaving them with more questions than answers.

In the face of this startling revelation, the hunters knew that their world had been forever altered. The hunt for Leo Tsukumo had begun, and the city braced itself for the unfolding of a twisted and entangled tale that would test the boundaries of loyalty, trust, and the pursuit of justice.

grandsetter grandsetter

Two chapters ended up getting scrapped before this one, and I ended up choosing to move on. So sorry if it's confusing.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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