I ended up settling down for the rest of the day, and unpacking.
Once I had everything folded or put away I plopped on my bed finally checking the time which seemed to have flown by within the time it took for me to put everything away. It was almost ten at night.
I hadn't eaten dinner but that wasn't much concern to me, I usually forget to anyway trying to cram as much knowledge into my head just to spew it out on a sheet of paper for my teacher to look over, so I was never really hungry when it came time to eat in the evening.
Fortunately tomorrow would be the start of my classes, so sleep was needed anyway. I picked myself off the bed and tiredly walked to the dresser near the window, right of the room. Taking out a pair of matching plush pajamas, I exited my room and ventured further down the hall to the unseen bathroom.
Once in there I began stripping off my day clothes, watching them drop to the ground like dead weight. Right before stepping into the fluffy nightwear, I accidentally caught a glimpse of my body in the smudged mirror. The sight made me grimace. The completion of my skin almost perfectly matched ones of snow and moving down my figure, it was clear that I didn't make it a first priority to eat. I hate how I look, I guess studying is also a method to distract me from that hatred.
Ignoring any more of those thoughts, I quickly slipped on the pair of pants and shirt. As I went to leave the tiled room, I stubbed my toe on something hard causing a pained expression to fill my face.
Looking down, I was appalled at the sight. Left of the door was a grated trash bin, filled almost halfway with tied up condoms that held the white substance that I was way too unfamiliar with. I audibly gagged at my roommates leftovers before running out and back into my bedroom.
Speaking of my roommate, he hasn't been here since he left this afternoon. Although I don't think I'll be complaining in the future when he is around.
Abruptly, I heard the front door of the dorm swing open and then slam shut. I guess I spoke too soon. I had every intention of ignoring his presence this late at night until a girlish giggle filled the air from the entrance of the hallway. That caught my attention immediately, assuming that another condom would be added to the bathroom trash can by morning.
I carefully placed my ear against the door and rudley tried to listen in on a conversation . To no avail, all that was heard was rather loudly giggles and a bunch of thumps against the floor and walls.
I was going to make my way back to my bed but the noise growing louder and eventually being right in front of both mine and my roommate's door, made my feet stick to the ground. The giggles turned into heavy pants and the name Lucas erupted in the form of a moan out of one of their mouths.
I don't know what came over me, but in the heat of the moment, I swiftly opened my bedroom door.
A woman, without her shirt on, was grinding against my roommate clearly, wanting more while his head was dug into the side of her neck, biting the skin right above her collarbone. I couldn't draw my eyes from the erotic sight, making my body start to overheat. The girl continued to moan the name Lucas into the air, most likely having zero idea that there is another person in the dorm.
I dragged my line of sight away from the weird faces the girl was forming as he sucked on her skin and caught a dark pair of eyes staring straight at my frozen body. He narrowed his lust filled eyes into mine, making my heart rate speed up tremendously.
His hand started to travel up the random girls back until it reached her black, lace bra strap and then stopped. Without breaking eye contact he gave me a smirk that just didn't settle right in my stomach. My roommate unhooked her bra with one flick of his hand before turning the handle of his door open. Before I knew it I was finally in the hallway alone after he had slammed his door shut. Snapping back into reality, I also shut myself into my bedroom.
Taking a long breath and trying to shake the recent images out of my brain, I settled under the covers of the bed.
After a good while I tried falling asleep, but that was difficult. After all, all I could hear and probably the rest of the rooms on the floor, was the ear threatening moans of the mystery girl my roommate brought back with him from wherever he ventured off to earlier today.
My alarm rang loudly, waking me up from what ended up being a short night of sleep. I rolled over and unintentionally knocked my phone off the burgundy nightstand trying to make it stop creating that awful ringing.
Eventually I got out from under the warmth of the sheets and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Nothing special, just a pair of jeans and a sweater with sleeves too long. I left the dorm room in a hurry after hearing my second alarm go off, signaling that it was time for first class. I didn't bother checking to see if my roommate had left yet or not, I wasn't even sure how I was going to talk to him from now on. These brief encounters we keep having with each other have to stop and soon, I don't think I can handle it.
Rushing across campus and then eventually slowing down when my classroom door was in sight, I had made it in time. In fact I was early, I double checked peering up at wall clock. Opening the doors, the nearly full room, was overfilled with multiple, small conversations, all about different things.
Reaching for a seat in the back closet to the door, my name was yelled into the air making my head turn and see who had called it. Only a few rows down from where I was standing was the girl that had helped me with my books, Farren. She flashed a smile at me and pointed to a chair that was placed next to her, offering me a place to sit. I gave her a half grin, but motioned towards the empty seat in front of me. The seating placement has nothing to do with her, I just find it easier to focus when sitting in the back of the room. She shrugged her shoulders and plopped down into her own chair as I did my own.
It's going to be a good year, I just know it.
"Hey, roomie," a captivating voice spoke, startling me. I swerved my head to face the person standing directly behind me.
Almost forgot about him, the dark haired stranger who I call my roommate. When I didn't respond back to him, he decided to sit in the chair to the left of me. Instead of facing forward like everyone else, he positioned his body towards me, letting his eyes run across my body. I shivered when our eyes met and immediate flashbacks of last night flew through my head. The way he looked at me then, is the same look he's giving me now and that quickly created an uncomfortable tension between us, but it seemed only one of us was affected by it.
My eyes flickered down to the table in front of me as my palms started to sweat making me rub them repeatedly on my pants.
"You alright?" he asked with a knowing smirk
"I'm fine," I responded bluntly, in attempt to get him to stop bearing his eyes in the side of my head.
"You sure?" he questioned once again, but this time putting his hand over mine stopping the movement on my leg. My eyes shot to his green ones, his eyes darkened making me shove
his hand off of mine.
"Is that girl going to be around often, if so could you tell me when so I can leave first," I said referring to the previous night. His eyes held humor in them as I tried to look intimidating.
"Not her, not again at least, I usually don't sleep with the same girl twice," he stated casually. He watched as my eyes grew wide, I have a player for a roommate. I thought I might have escaped those widely inappropriate men in high school.
"What, are you jealous?" he said reading my expression wrong.
I scoffed loudly, "What, at your unfathamble chance of getting an STD, no not really," I snapped back, quite surprised at myself that I even said that.
He slapped his hand across his heart and gasped dramatically, before leaning closer to me, disrupting the nice distance we had between each other, "Why so cold, princess?" He whispered, close enough for me to feel his breath on my face. I squeezed my thighs together due to an unfamiliar ache between my legs, "D-don't call me that," I stuttered.
He leaned back again, "If you don't want me to call you that, then tell me your name," he demanded.
"Laken" I inhaled quickly.
"What no last name," he suggested, with a smirk glued to his face.
"Laken Casey," I repeated, satisfiying his request.
"Good to know princess, I'm Lucas,"
The ache highted between my legs at the name calling, "I thought you said you would stop calling me that if I told you my name" I tried.
Lucas rested his elbow on the table and put his head in his hand, "I lied," he said effortlessly. I turned back to face the front before resting my head on the desk, still feeling the sea, green eyes stare at me.
I'm starting to question if this year is still going to be good. I highly doubt it.
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