"What is it, Xun Guan?" I asked, peeking out the window of the guest room to figure out my escape route.
"If our objective is to get to the hidden archives… Couldn't Master just make use of your new lover's authority and gain access to it?"
I stopped myself and looked at her, "Ok, first things first. She is not my lover. Secondly, you are a damn genius, Xun Guan. Come out here so I can pat you."
She did so and I patted her head thoroughly before letting her go back into my clothes. I will ignore the fact that she started squeezing me all over during and after the headpats.
Ok, I admit, I've been quite on edge ever since I got here and I'm not really thinking properly. I'm getting a really bad case of tunnel vision here.
Alright then, since I was given this room to rest, I should take this opportunity to actually calm down a bit and figure out my plans properly.
MC has been on edge this entire time, cut him some slack.