"Love is temporary and pointless, I would even say useless." Wednesday glared at Enid from her desk, she always interrupted her during her writing time. Her novel behind schedule made her a bit irritated, in a bad way of course. Enid had been ranting to Wednesday about the new gossip going around school, specifically about a certain ex and his best friend.
"Well, it sure doesn't feel like it! Maybe if you weren't heartless you'd understand, but he broke up with me and then started dating Xavier and I only heard of it today!! He got over me so quickly! I just can't believe it!" Enid had snapped back at her, tears forming in her eyes, but she held back. She couldn't break down in front of Wednesday like that.
Enid remembered that night when Ajax had left her all too well. "Enid- I'm sorry.. I just need some more space and you..well, you can never seem to do that. You're always like.. right there, and that can be a good thing, but it's started to be too much for me. Also.. I'm sorry to say this but- there's someone else."
"You're acting very emotional," She stood up walking towards Enid but stayed on her side of the room. "I don't understand why you're so perturbed over a bumbling idiot who only wanted to make out with you." Wednesday had surprised herself with the words falling out of her mouth, but kept going. "I knew your relationship with him wouldn't last long, this was bound to happen."
Enid just stopped and stared at the gothic girl, "He broke up with me because I was too much for him..because I was too clingy." Tears finally fell, rolling down her face and dropping down to the floor. "You really don't care about anyone do you?"
Wednesday stared at her with those lifeless, unintelligible eyes. "I'm glad I don't, otherwise I'd be like you."
Enid's eyebrows furrowed, "You're so-!! I can't believe you!" She stormed out, going to stay with Yoko for the night. Wednesday just stood and watched her. Thing, on the other hand, (I'm so funny) jumped on her desk and started signing to her.
Wednesday turned, "I suppose you're going to give me your enlightening insight on this." He flipped her off before going back to signing something. "I was only telling her the truth about love, it's mindless." Thing seemed pissed about this. "Don't tell me I'm wrong, you're just a hand. Enid needs to learn that so she doesn't act like an idiot, well anymore than she is." Thing looked almost like he sighed, if hands could. He signed again, 'Love isn't pointless, people- well, Enid just needs to find the right person for her.' Wednesday stared at him before sitting at her desk and going back to write her novel, but something was different this time..