13.33% Welp I'm not the Dragonborn / Chapter 1: Oh this is gonna be an adventure (Edited)

บท 1: Oh this is gonna be an adventure (Edited)

My eyes opened to an ominous purple blue glow. What sat in front of me was… not what I went asleep next too. Take your average lewd picture of a succubus and throw the mother of dragon's horns on her and you get the demon? that sat staring at me. Her tail waving behind her like a content cat almost distracted me from the gruesome, blood caked, spike covered, dark as night, and equally as frightening Warhammer that sat leaning on… shit that's a scary ass throne. I really should stop drinking.

"Have you finished contemplating your existence yet" she said with a slight grin.

Oh, good god, she's definitely going to be a perfectly sane, nice demon lady, who probably is just checking in on me. Yep, nothing suspicious about this at all.

As I think of the best way to handle this all I am able to say is a very bland "probably will never finish that but, for right now we can talk"

"Hmm, I suppose that's acceptable from a weak little mortal. Very well, I am the princess of domination, brutality, and many other titles. That being said, I as great as I am, am bored of the way I've waged war on sense, reason, life, and peace for generations. So, I've decided to try a different game, one different from some random champion to fight against the forces of "good". That's where you come in little one- "she started to continue her tirade about how great and evil she is or something I'm sure when I interrupted as impetuously as only a "weak little mortal" can.

"Is this Cold Harbour?" I said with as blank of a face as possible. My eyes and heart feeling/ looking a little dead. After all I could see behind the throne and all I saw was what could only be described as hell or, what anyone who has played ESO would tell you, was a real-life version of the plane of oblivion known as the lord of dominations home.

She flinched for all of a second before grinning like a certain pink haired cutie "Why yes, it is! Do you know the greatness of my home? I Stole it and all my titles from a weak little bitch who claimed domination but was beat back by weaklings throughout existence."

Welp… this doesn't look good. It could be way worse… maybe… I guess not. It's not Molag so I guess win?

More importantly, why am I here, I'm not from Nirn, oblivion or any other plane of existence that connects to the two. Why may you ask? CAUSE THOSE ARE VIDEO GAMES. BOOKS. FANFICTIONS. AND MOST CERTAINLY NOT REAL.

Ah I must have died, and this is a fever dream before I make it to the pearly gates or get reborn. This is awful.

This (very pretty lady) demon, well I guess Daedra killed and took over Molag Bals realm huh? Big yikes, and now she wants something from me?

"Um princess…. What do you want from me? Nothing about me is extraordinary, I have never done anything crazy outside of street brawls and watching piko... that was traumatizing. I played some sports and have more than decent body control and reflexes but there are better people than me when it comes to athletics too. My brain doesn't work like others and I am, as others put it, a self-absorbed ass."

"You're correct little one, but at the same time not. What you have or have not done is irrelevant you see; your soul is as true neutral as anyone could ever have, that's why we've brought you here. I've proposed a wager with the counterpart of my powers. Neither of us truly get anything out of this besides what would you say… bragging rights? Anyways the point of the wager is to see if Nirn as a whole, makes someone "evil or good". This means that we need a true neutral soul."

"Mara has agreed to this bet? That's wild she doesn't seem like she'd want this. She really is only known to love and love her family" oh shit I said that out loud.

The princess's eyes flashed with anger and her tail slapped her throne causing the back to tumble off and shake the throne room.

I shouldn't have said anything I take it… oof this isn't going well whatever this is.

She growls out "yes that wench… she agreed on the condition that we won't intervene too much and have certain limits placed that I won't tell you, so you can't exploit them. While we know you came from another world and what you were like there, it's best to say that we know there you had information about some of the existences, magic and locations of where we will be sending you." Starting out angry but mellowing out once mara was no longer the subject she finished by standing up.

Oh, dear lordy this woman is tall as a bus and twice as thicc if you know what I mean. no, no bad horny focus on the world ending deity in front of you and not on the melons or glorious thighs…. Breathe.

"From what I personally have gathered where and when we are going to send you is Skyrim in what I believe is your favorite of our "series". To be honest I was not sure this would be the best but looking at the memories of your soul, we- "visibly flinching at the thought of the "wench" she continued "decided that the world we know and the one you know are much different but have enough similarities that you won't immediately die. Also, it makes it so that you have a genuine chance of gaining the power to not only survive but, thrive. I don't want to waste my time so I have added several implements to make you gaining power a necessity or you will die, straight up… did I do that right? Your memories gave me new words to say"

I nodded dumbly at this adorable creature in front of me before remembering her claim that she KILLED THE LORD OF DOMINATION AND BRUTALITY. It'll be okay… my name. oh, good I don't know my name that's 10/10. Wait what's her name?

"Hey princess this sounds like an awful time to be honest but, I'd at least like to know both of my life's viewers/manipulators names… so what's yours?" I ask trying not to let my mind break by the incredibly confusing situation I have found myself in.

"Oh, this princess's name Is Ammit." She said with a head tilt and hands on her hips for some reason making me look her more than I had since I found myself in this place.

She is over 3m (10ft) in height if my eyes aren't incorrect. Wait a damn minute did she just say Ammit?

Hahahaha the god of domination was judged and found wanting by the god of final judgement that is amazing. My whole day is made, and I almost forgot about the constant issues I am going to face by somehow being caught between the pull of two literal goddesses.

At least Ammit is not part crocodile. She is more akin to a dark elf with her ash grey skin, deep royal purple hair and eyes that look like Nirn's version of the northern lights. Her horns again look almost like butterfly wings sprouting out and down from above her ear reaching down to mid back opposite her sizable chest… dang she really is built to dominate some poor fools… not me... I don't think I'm into that? Well maybe for her but we will save the simping for later you stupid horny brain.

"So, Amy, do you think that I could be sent with some kind of power? That way I will live through your initial trials or at least know where I will land to begin with so I can plan a path to power and hopefully some kind of security? I can't be weak and evil especially if I'm going to prove to everyone how great the new princess of domination is." I'd also like it if Mara gave me a power, but I bet that I can just pray to her when I land wherever they send me.

Ammit froze as soon as I said Amy, that may have been a poor move but I'm hoping to build a low grade of affection… maybe just likability with her but I can't do that if she just sees me as another "weak little mortal". Plus, she doesn't seem as apathetic and crazy as Molag did in all the games.

"Amy… Amy… Amy… Hahaha you have more backbone than I gave you credit for little one very well. We were planning on just giving you a "XP" bonus and sending you on your way but, that was funny. I'll give you access to a leveling system similar to Skyrim's with a few bonuses" her never ending grin grew a small bit as a faint blush showed up on her cheeks completing the goddess of knives looks "but, you also deserve to be punished for the attempted manipulation… I'll throw a few more obstacles in your way when you begin, so you can prove to me that you have what it takes to become my champion through these trials. I'm so hoping you'll turn evil…" her voice got quiet to the point I couldn't hear as she continued "when you fully fall, I'll show you that my new title is not just for show" the look in her eyes promised pain.

I did not like that look at all but, the boon she is granting me makes me shove that red flag to the back of my mind where all other problems go to die.

*Angels singing*

Oh, good I am willing to bet the no show took what Amy said as a challenge and is coming to talk to her potential "champion". It's not like I'm spreading their teaching, but I bet they will use me somehow as free advertising to bring in followers. Jeez girls I'm not just a piece of meat to your nigh-omnipotent existences.

*sighs* a boy can dream

While my mental health is taking more hits than Mike Tyson could dish out, a golden myriad of lights brought down a woman dressed in white robes…

No. Just no. I know that they never showed Mara, and that she is the holiest most loving woman in Nirn's history and existence but, why dear god, why does she look like Gabriel of the Oppai Dragon's world. Her Blonde hair is the purest yellow that it could be. Standing at a normal 1.8m (5.9ft) with almost the same size chest as her demon counterpart which is crazy to think about when you compare the height difference. Her robes despite who she looks like looks, is like what a nun would wear except pure white without the headdress. Her eyes are a crystalline turquoise that look like still water. Honestly, I like Amy's eyes better, but Mara is cute. Wait these two are going to fight and it's over who I like more?

Tap me out.

I don't think I can do this.

First a yandere looking demon god who killed one of the biggest bads in existence, and now the most innocently lewd angel is here. This is devolving faster than 4 fat guys in a Denny's that only has four slices of bacon left.

Mara and Amy glare at one another before hmphing like two tsundere characters from ANY anime that has a tsun.

I can't get a grip on their personalities at all. Both are deities acting like children. If I had to guess, I'd say they actually are acting like this because the other is one of the few existences as long lived and powerful as them. The legendary friendship built over rivalry and opposition. Troublesome.

Gab- I mean Mara is looking at me intently, guess it's time to open the can of worms someone just dropped in my lap.

"Hello Lady Mara" I wave awkwardly, or I think I do… oof no arms. I should have realized when I opened my eyes but I'm just a wee ball of light floating above the ground. So, I died, or they ripped my soul from home huh?

Mara's head nodded a couple of times and spoke "Hello little one! I was watching this crocodile walk you through what was going to happen when I saw she broke the rules straight away at your insistence and came to see what you would ask of me" the whole time she spoke it felt like my heart was being healed.

Healed from what? The trauma of not being alive anymore, of me noticing I have little to no recollection of the people in my life just vague memories of entertainment knowledge like books, movies, anime, and the knowledge of my personal athletic experiences. Basically, I remember the things I did, but I don't remember the emotional investment I had in them. Personal and familial interactions are gone. Huh I guess this is nice. What if they were all bad is immediately where my brain went which means that they probably were.

I trust my instincts.

Shoot should reply to the saner looking of the two goddesses talking to me.

"If it's not too much trouble I'd like to pick my race and looks. I have a lot more to ask for, but I'd rather not create more problems between my two benefactors right now" I say sounding discontent with how the situation is looking in front of me.

Mara and Ammit froze due to the way I spoke realizing that I probably thought they were being childish. (They were right)

Mara took a breath and then responded "that should be fine, and since Ammit felt the need to cause you more problems I believe it's fair if I drop you a potential boon. Right Amy" turning to look at Ammit when she said Amy with her eyes closed and the legendary "smile" Amy grinned ferally in response.

"That should be fine "gab""

Oi don't drag me into this. I know who she is, it's your fault that you broke the rules that you two set together… how did they know I thought "Gab"… huh they definitely wouldn't read my little soul mind so I guess I won't worry about it.

Trying to distract the two powerhouses before they started a brawl that potentially threatened my soul-being I asked the question that I needed to know before picking a race.

"Are mods fair game for character creation" knowing the two had picked through my soul to learn about me they should know what this means.

"Of course, nothing broken like the god ring though. Races that have boosted attributes are fine especially since this world isn't a game. Just because you are a "higher being" does not mean you can live through someone smashing your skull in." mara turned and said while tapping her chin in thought

Mara's brain is scary. I feel like she's just as nuts as Ammit.

Oh, I mentally clapped, that's why these two are friends!

Ammit took the silence as a chance to sneak into the conversation "the system if you can call it that, I gave you has a similar health, magicka, and stamina boost every "level" like the game. The health will just boost your recovery speed, magicka is the same as the game and stamina won't be quantified as a number but rather carry weight. Stamina in real life is subjective to the activity. You will not be able to run forever. You are going to be a true mortal, not some video game character. This is your life little one make sure you understand that."

Amy… that's surprisingly nice

"But if you do forget that means I get to tear apart your soul and eat it. Which your soul looks oh so delectable" Ammit's eyes flash with both lust and hunger her unnaturally wide grin shows its scary head again.

There it is, you got me there for a second. To think I was willing to commit mass genocide for you for a second there big chief. Gotta keep my brain focused, I guess. These ladies are out for entertainment and are using my life as a big game to fight over. I think my game might be more infuriating for them than monopoly but, nothing is as evil as that monstrosity.

"One more quick question, am I going to be the dragonborn?"

Mara immediately responds "No that would put you under Akatosh and despite what everyone thinks, he's true neutral. He is the balancer of the universe after all. So that would completely mess with what we are trying to accomplish here." Ammit nods in agreement while both look mildly upset with the mention of the dragon god of time.

Huh I would have figured he's good but now that I think about it, he is directly or indirectly, based on how you look at it, responsible for the death of millions. The dragon breaks are not exactly the "best" act in the universe despite what some may think. (Just wanna see the world burn babe)

"Well with that being said can I see a character creation menu, or something too kick things off? I'd rather get to spreading good and evil as soon as possible. Plus, I kind of want a body… this ball of light is uncomfy."

Mara jumps up and claps "of course let's get this little guy a new body huh Ammit?"

Ammit waves her arm creating a mirror as mara clasps her hands together shooting a bright white light at my soul before the classic menu I'd seen hundreds of times pop up on either side of the mirror.

Immediately I start looking through all of the race options seeing all the classic choices plus a couple new ones I sigh deeply. "Turning" the orb facing the two of them they both start whistling and looking all around the room. Don't look so obvious you two!!

The new options listed are


- Daedra

- Dragmer

- Light Elf


I look at the two of them. I understand where four of the five options come from, but the Dragmer is something that neither of them should have added. I know that they said the mods were available for use, but I don't see ones like snow elf, or even the sea elf. Which leads me to believe that they just used the races that were inherently "good and evil" and got rid of the rest.

With that being said, the only choice here is Dragmer. I can't let either side win straight out of the gate.

Male or female or futa

….. I respect everyone and their preferences. I feel like the only choice I can accept is male. I am a male. Yep. Gotta do it. Well… it would be fun. No bad. I am a guy through and through. Male 100%

Anyways I make my face look mostly like a certain king of Korean beasts… listen he's top tier and I don't care what you say negative thoughts if I'm going to a world where gods come down and wreck it then leave, I'm going to live my best damn life. I do make my dragmer traits a little less apparent than a normal dragmer, however. I only have two small purple horns with silver lines snaking about them that protrude above my ears. My tail is a thick muscle that is mostly black with the same silver veins covering it. The tip is sharp with two barbs that sprout about 6 inches before the tip of my tail each being 5 inches long and just as sharp.

My hair was a deep midnight black color with my eyes taking a color that looks incredibly similar to that of conjuration magic's activation animation with a black slit in the middle living up to my heritage as a part dragon.

My muscles would make most orcs feel shameful as they were like a natural body builder and perfectly grown. With skin like bronze, I was looking good, all that was left was my height. Which is something I feel must be maxed out so, I ended up around 2.2m (7ish ft).

Overall, my body was large and in charge. The last thing that I had to do was give myself a new name, however nothing was coming to mind.

The two goddesses had been arguing this whole time. Sneaking peeks at the progress that I was making every now and then. I think I noticed something odd that had happened while I was focused, however. Ammit had shrunk from 3m to 2m…. probably just imagining it, yeah definitely. To the back of the mind with you foul thought.

"Hey, you two, can you come up with a name for me? I seem to have lost it along with all my attachments to my last life." I said mentally scratching the back of my head.

"" Apollyon"" both said without hesitation

"…why" I said with a whole lot of confusion

"" Apollyon means the destroyer so the destroyer of good/Evil"" both in sync again till the last word making them return to glaring at one another.

Honestly this name suits the body I just made… well I guess my new body. Still, I don't think I will have a lot of issue killing in this new world, or saving people, or just unleashing chaos in general. Whether that's good or bad is yet to be determined. However, what I do know is that, whatever tries to stop me from living my life how I want I will destroy.

Huh wouldn't you know, "it's perfect" as I said that my soul slammed into my body disappearing from cold Harbour immediately.

~Snakey snake god of time Pov~

"They didn't see it… they really did not see me add dragmer… well little one! I gave you the best I could without them seeing. Let's see how else I can raise this one's glory. Oh! That's a good one I make him meet the little Dovahkiin welp that'll cause some waves to be sure!" he waves his giant talons to move where the soul was supposed to land into the back of a certain cart.

~Unknown person pov ~

"Hehe, I love making a unique heaven for the souls that pass. But man, this guy is odd, not wanting to be Godly OP or know everything about the world he is going to. Not only that he directly asked me to make a reincarnation situation for him so that he can let go of his past and focus on his "heaven". That's a neat perspective from someone so young. Although the goddesses are my own implement, I think he'll enjoy having them as a presence in his world at some point. If for no reason other than giving him something to do the kid is restless after all. Have fun bud."

~Apollyon Pov~

My eyes were heavy as I did my best to pry them open, luckily my ears didn't seem to struggle as much.

"hey, you, you're finally awake" an unkno- nope that's not an unknown man. My eyes immediately opened only to realize the voice came from my right…. Wait?

Glancing around the cart without drawing attention to myself I was surprised by what I found. Ralof was not in front of me, he was sitting right next to me. Staring straight ahead of me I found someone I never expected, it was the character I created and took to level 140. The dragmer Alina.

Right now, Alina looks gorgeous however she's the same height as Ammit after she shrun- I mean the size she had always been. She has dark grey hair similar to the color and sheen of Damascus steel. She was slender and toned every muscle was shaped like someone personally carved them from stone. Her skin was the same shade as mine a bronzed tan. One light scar went from her left eyebrow straight down to her lips which were full to the point I wished to shrink down and sleep on them… my personal preferences aside her 4 horns were black as night with a tail shape just like mine except hers was the same as her horns.

I'm lucky being able to see all these beautiful women lately. Now I will not raise the flag and say something silly like "as long as she's not a borderline yan-"damn… I gotta do better

"You were trying to cross the border right, walked right into that imperial ambush same as us and that horse thief over there." Ah Ralof never change. Alina tensed up when they talked about the ambush, and I expected nothing to change and started planning how to survive the "tutorial" involving the 1st born son of a literal dragon god but whatever.

Then Alina spoke "I wasn't trying to cross any damn border. I simply woke up in this cart. I have no idea how I got here all I know is I'm awake and I'm pissed. If it's your fault that imperials were in the area that means you and I have nothing to talk about" immediately shutting down all my expectations for the rest of the ride I laughed so hard the cart shook.

Everyone just seemed to realize that I was in the cart as well. Ralof immediately scooted away from me sensing some kind of danger. Ulfric Stormcloak visibly paled and sat as straight as possible. Alina's eyes lit up in curiosity seeing my tail and horns. Lokir… he was still terrified by everything happening but instead of speaking up the little whelp made himself as small as possible to avoid attention. Admirable way to avoid trouble my boi.

Finishing laughing, I take in my surroundings and realize another change… Helgen is way larger than it was in the game. Catching what I just said I remembered Ammit's warning took a deep breath and reminded myself this was no longer a game.

Staring down at the ropes wrapped around my wrist, then staring at the rag gagging the high king of genocidal maniacs, I made another connection items not meant for combat are being used as seals. Seeing the magicka pulsing in all of our bindings but, they still felt like normal ropes meaning magicka or the thu'um is somehow the sole focus of these seals. Interesting choice to bind two dragmer with normal ropes.

Alina saw the glint in my eyes and looked down at the ropes binding her, perhaps realizing for the first time that she could tear them off at any time. Raising an eyebrow at me when are eye connected, I did the only thing that made sense to me, I shrugged.

Turning to the blonde man who was wildly depressed and slightly manic, the second part in no small part due to my presence, I asked "how many people live in Helgen?"

Ralof struggling to speak because of an unknown fear squeaked out "the last I had heard w-was around 60,000. Because of how large their castle is they are able to store more for the winter months allowing more citizens to move into the area around it."

Processing that information I asked the real question "since we've been awake we've been riding through the outskirts and that over there is the keep yes?" a nod from Ralof in affirmation "then it's safe to say a lot of people will die today unless I use maximum effort huh?" saying it in a quieter voice everyone around me looked confused except Ulfric the "denier of reason" who felt an overwhelming feeling of dread come over him.

~Ulfric Pov~

He was someone who had believed heavily in prophecy and the old way both of which spoke of a story about a false king and his execution. In it a king who started a rebellion would be captured and taken by his enemies to be killed. The prophecy he had found in his home of wind helm, had been damaged by the sea water but in it he saw that the only thing awaiting this "false" king was death and destruction in his home after escaping an unprecedented disaster. The images depicted showed a ruined civilization and huge dragons high above the burning city like in the legends.

He had never believed he was the false king, and the prophecy was that of a mad man until he heard this large, strange creature speak about the death of the people of Helgen.

~Apollyon Pov~

As Ulfric's mental state rapidly diminished, I looked at Alina and said "little dova (dragon), I don't care about the people in this cart especially that racist" pointing at the now sweating Ulfric. "But I do somewhat care about the innocents in this city and unfortunately that means I have to do somewhat questionable things when we get to the execution block. All I ask is that you follow my lead in an effort to save the weak people who are trusting an empire that submitted to their enemies and rebels who are power hungry fiends. Oooo that sounded top tier and like I'm nice." Making myself chuckle at the end I watched Alina's face while she appeared to have a stroke?

~Alina Pov~

This man seems noble enough. However, he also seems unwell mentally, but you don't get that body by being a coward. Dear divines the man is built like a mammoth… it's not like I'm the most honorable being in the world plus for some reason the thought of causing chaos with this man beats every idea for the future I have.

Also "Dova" I don't know what that means but it resonated deeply in my body. It just feels right and if I know one thing my instinct never misleads me. Yes, that's it we are going to cause problems together you and I hehe .

~Apollyon Pov~

Seeing Alina's small grin forming I figured she was in, but the battle hungry grin that formed was something that for some reason, my body felt like matching.

"If what you say is going to be half as fun as I think it is then yes I'll follow your lead and depending how it goes you may have just found a shield-sister, so tell me what's your name" her eyes widen in anticipation, the grin diminishing, tail no longer waving as if her whole being was trying to listen to my name.

Oh no, this is fine.

Everything is fine.

She's like my head cannon of her. Fhuuuu. Alright, it's fine, she's battle hungry, gorgeous, and obsessive when she finds something that interests her. This is gonna backfire but I genuinely could not ask for someone better to take with me on this adventure. Well I could… but I don't really want to after all, I'd survived this wild world with her once already; this time she just gets to know me!

"Apollyon, now- "

"Quiet back there! I've been trying my best to be nice as you all are going to die, but if you don't stop talking me and my partner will be joining you on the block" the imperial soldier shouted from the front of the cart while quieting down telling us why he yelled.

Sagely nodding I responded "got it big chief you won't hear a peep" seeing as the carts in front of were stopping in the courtyard of the fort we just entered I figured it was show time anyway.

Glancing at Alina and only getting a smile that promised violence in response I felt my lips twitching. Well let's get this show on the road.

As our carriage stopped I glanced at Lokir before looking away saying somewhat to myself "I only see one archer on the gate that's crazy"

Seeing the rat looking man glancing around and confirming that there was only one on the gate. He jumped out of the cart and ran making a beeline for the gate.

Sorry not sorry bud, need to see where all the other archers are, as he crossed the threshold of the gate 12 archers popped up on the roofs of the courtyard, took aim and turned the horse thief from Rorikstead into a pincushion.

"oof that's a tough one bud" f in the chat. That seems like a fair number on the roofs considering we have 30 or 40 soldiers in this one courtyard not to mention how many I'm assuming are on the actual tower wall. What I am concerned about is the large crowd gathered around behind us.

Nothing I can do to save them, I guess. "Just coming to watch a bloody mass execution with my kiddo," well how many bodies does it to be a mass execution… maybe a mob after all there's only what Alina, myself, Ralof, Ulfric and a dozen blue boys.

Ooh shut up brain Tullius and the number one champ who just wants peace for a life lasting time, Legate Rikke!!

"Ulfric Stormcloak, we caught you. This war will be over when your head rolls. Finally Skyrim can be at peace and we can focus on helping the people. Priestess, begin the ceremony. The war ends today!" as the somewhat decent human Tullius finishes his declaration a young woman tries to begin the rites of passage for the Nords but honestly I'm to busy giggling at the crowd behind us.

"finally peace will descend on Skyrim!"

"I know maybe I can open up the bar I've always dreamed of"

"After today I'll propose to her, life is too short"

"Darling, I did it, I survived and I'm on my way back to you and our child"

I turn back in time to see a blue boy with red hair berating the people about to take his head even while the axe is swinging towards his neck. That man's tenacity was great, to bad it was attached to an idiot.


Ah there's the slithery sky snake. I look at Alina as the butch imperial captain yells, "Next, the she-lizard".

I start chuckling hard, slowly getting louder and louder like a certain evil literature death god. All the imperials look up to me (assuming that's why I made myself tall hehe puny mortal). The captain looks enraged at the disrespect but, the really angry one is Alina.

"Boy oh boy the empire needs to teach their soldiers about other races" the dragons roar gets louder and louder. I continue "you see we aren't argonians, we are Dragmer. As the name suggests, we are descendants of dragons. And you just insulted her, wench." Taking the unspoken signal, both of us tore our bindings as easy as ripping a piece of paper.

Alina's ultimate enemy chose now to crash into the only tower of the fort that was wide enough to handle its size. Massive wings at least 10m (33ft) wide each. Tail to tip of his snout easily 9m (30ft). He is the devourer of souls, enslaver of men(sus), and firstborn of the dragon god of time, he's Alduin. He is significantly shinier in real life. What does he do for scale care?

While panic ensues amongst the masses the dragon starts yelling causing meteors to come down from the sky. I say meteors but they just look like countless fireball spells. Ah well enough questioning a dragon's choice of attacks… personally I would have just forced the wind into tornadoes but oh well.

Snapping the ropes I grab an imperial by the neck, holding him in the direction of the archers on the roofs I previously saw. They just received orders to fire on the Stormcloaks who are all next to me, running in the same direction I need to go. With my other hand I grab Alina by the scruff of her neck like a lost puppy as a wave of arrows crash into the imperial shield I created and into the blue bois around us.

Chuckling at Ralof who took an arrow… to the thigh… so close. I ran into the tower dropping the pup and taking the dead imperial's sword. I motion for Alina to follow me up the stairs leaving a room full of storm cloaks with their jaws dropped.

Contemplating for a second that I just killed a man, I feel strangely indifferent. Bookmark that thought my base stats may be giving me the instincts I need to survive but now is not the time to contemplate the morality of my actions. I have a dragon to convince to leave Helgen to protect as many as I can without dying myself.


Running up the stairs I see a homie coming down the stairs I stop and turn to Alina who just looks confused as I take a deep breath.


Alduin's ugly mug makes an appearance as I turn, gripping the sword tightly and propelling myself forward with all the strength my legs can provide turning into a dragmer missile and I hit doing… well not a lot of damage. He's a demi-god dragon? Maybe full god dragon. I digress. My sword is stuck in his eye, and I am sent tumbling into a burning house while he flails angrily.

Alina with a smug smile jumps down next to me offering me a hand and laughing. "well, you got his attention" noticing the dragon flying off while keeping his eye on me. pulling me to my feet she giggles "what next you buffoon?"

"I take offense to that" while brushing off my potato sack clothing, I think that the best move will be using shock to hit the sword when he lands outside this house that should save the kid and Hadvar. I want that forge and materials in Riverwood. So, let's give that a go.

"You know magic Alina?" I say while trying to channel magicka for the first-time grinning as my knowledge from my destruction skill displays it's not just for show with sparks going back and forth looking like a wrinkly old man I say "Unlimited Power!"

She sees my sparks and easily copies it for a second even creating a crackling ball of lightning. "Show off" I grumbled, causing her to show me a face I was not expecting a pure smile as if she was giddy that she could perform magic.

Well, that wouldn't be bad to see more of.

Looking out the door I decide I have thought enough, "Aim for the eye with the sword in it with your lightning, should do more damage" all I get is a grunt in response as I throw the door open we are immediately met with a small contingent of soldiers grouped up(20 soldiers) around 10 or so civilians and Hadvar trying to convince a rugrat to run out from behind cover to him.

Looking at the sky, I see Alduin start rushing toward the "open" ground in front of me I run forward as fast as possible grabbing the small child and yell "ALINA" and toss him like the 30lb bag of potatoes he is. The kid screams but who wouldn't.

As he's flying through the air Alduin makes contact, pulling the kid to the ground luckily; while I rolled to the side like the ashen one of legend, avoiding the behemoths body. Whipping around and seeing a wild Yol shout about to come out of the black dragon soul reaper I jump on his wing shooting lightning towards his eye.

I missed. But not entirely as I hit his dome stunning him for a second as he turns his head to look at me, I smirk. Why? Well Alina now has a clear shot to zap the big boy and she does. She doesn't miss either. The lightning makes Alduin start convulsing tossing me off his wing in the process.

I'm getting tired of being tossed around by this overrated lizard. Not used to pain Alduin takes off from the ground as fast as possible yelling into the sky being a dramatic bitch if I can say so myself. Standing up I stride over to Hadvar who was stunned beyond belief, so I help him focus.


Slapping him hard enough his head whipped I look over the troops with the citizens and crying child "well you should probably follow the two of us if you want to live". Bending down I take a burning bodies sword and toss its knife to Alina.

"let's get moving people" going forward towards the main doors of the fort I see a Stormcloak contingent and Ulfric run in. seeing there's quite a distance to cover and an angry dragon about, I turn back to the group. "Do you have another way to get to the tunnel under the fort?"

One of the imperials says "yes all the sewers lead to the cave escape that leads to Riverwood, just each one drops you at different points along the road."

Nodding I scan the ground looking for a way in when I spot a manhole and grin. Squatting to the ground I grip the holes ripping it off the ground. Looking at Hadvar I say "I have business inside the fort but these people need someone to lead them out, think you can do that my guy?"

Looking solemn he nods. "I won't forget this friend. Make it to Riverwood and I will pay you back however I can"

"Buy me booze" my response makes the group stop. Many looking at me in confusion as to how alcohol can pay for their lives. The others are simpler and merely cheer promising to drink me under the table. Shooing them along till the last is in the sewer I drop the lid.

"plebs" I say with a shake of my head. Finally breathing for a second I notice I have a small circle with an exclamation make on my screen… "oh it's my system!"

Alina looks at me curiously "what system? Also do we have time for this?"

"No, no we don't. So, the question becomes will the big boy come back or not? If not, we can go into the fort, otherwise most of this city will vanish overnight especially because he'll come back with a vengeance. I don't think he'll come back till he has his eye fixed but… he's a dragon god so I don't know what that regeneration/power looks like. Could be healed in a week, could be healed already so, thoughts?" I say exasperatedly

Alina pauses for moment tilts her head with her hand supporting her head. "Hmmm I think we should just leave. We've bought the people time if they have yet to flee it's not our fault. We have genuinely done all we can. Plus, the dragon is focused on you, well maybe us, if he can't find us, he's just as likely to leave as he is to level the town don't you think? I have a feeling he'll leave."

She may have more logic than I anticipated. I totally didn't think she'd be a meat head who only knows how to fight, nope, nope, nope.

I clapped my hands "Okay we'll go with your plan little Dova. Into the fort of wimpy idiots!" just like a bad ass half devil taught me, clapping is the ultimate conversation tool.

Opening the main entrance of the fort took a considerable amount of strength I mean the door was 3 times my height and made of solid wood. So, as I took a second to sit at a nice little table, I noticed the dead Stormcloak. Pointing at her saying with a bit of giddiness "Alina she's a female Nord, most of her gear should fit you plus she has an axe!"

Chuckling at my excitement she picks up the axe and gives it some test swings deciding it was good enough what she did next, I didn't expect however. Raising her hand, she burned the body no questions asked leaving the armor and anything else on the body.


"well, you seem to hate them, their leader seemed cowardly in your presence and they didn't attempt to help anyone in their escape. Overall, doesn't that make them on the same level as bandits" she explained her thoughts rapid fire and… well I didn't see any flaws in that logic.

"Why do you trust my opinion? Cause I'm a dragmer? Or is it cause I'm attractive?" I say jokingly

"Yes, and yes it helps but it's just I trust my instinct and it says you're the best person for me to ally myself with. If that means I hate Imperials and Stormcloaks now, so be it." Conviction lacing her tone in a way that I was most definitely not prepared for.

"Ah, thank you, I think. Thank you, Alina's instinct, as well. I want to be your friend for as long as possible Lin" giving a happy smile from the bottom of my heart I closed my eyes and chuckled. Excited for what is to come. I mean how could I not be this badass woman just told me she'd fight all of Skyrim for me.

While looking down I didn't see Alina's eyes flash with excitement at seeing a new emotion from me.

Breaking me from my thoughts is the sound of a chain on a wench. Peering out behind Alina I see the event I've been waiting for show up.

"Well, well, well the she-lizard and her dog. What a pleasant surprise isn't that right men?" hey it's the butch captain and a dozen imperials? That is a surprise… we should be able to take them. The elites of the imperials had all flocked to Tullius after all when the sneaky snake came down from the sky.

Glancing back at Alina I see her stone-cold murderous expression and say, "I'll kill all the ones in the back you get the front and butch up here, okay?"

All I get in response is a growl. Tensing my legs for a jump similar to the one I did at Alduin I grip my sword in one hand and channel frost magic into my left. Waiting for Alina to start us off and boy oh boy did she start it in a fun way.

Throwing her axe end over end with strength befitting a dragmer it dug into the chest of the imperial next to the captain knocking him off his feet and pushing him into the rest of the soldiers.

Slapping her tail with mine in a "go get 'em tiger" gesture I leapt into the air spewing ice on all but the captain turning on my heel as I landed I grabbed the second from the backs face forcing shards of ice down his open mouth as I swung the sword taking the back most soldiers arm.

Dropping the frozen unalived guy, I kicked one armed wonder like he stole my sweet roll making him scream as his other arm broke. Pushing forward towards the crowd I had to dodge a shield bash coming from a scared looking bloke as his friend swung his great hammer from the top. What I realized in this one moment was they were

"Slow" the word slipped out of my mouth as I was moving to the right as the hammer crashed into the ground with a loud thud. The man who tried to bash me stumbled over the shaft of the hammer right into the tip of my sword. Pulling my sword from the man's chest I bent down catching the hammer coming from the ground slamming it back down with my left hand freezing it in place. Standing from my kneeling position I lunged forward towards hammer time piercing his throat. Three soldiers who watched their friends fall made a group decision to stand in a line shields locked swords poking through the gap.

Looking at the odd attempt at a phalanx I took a small leap backwards noticing the downed captain on the other side of the soldiers and Alina in at a similar distance from her soldiers as I am. Grinning like mad I dropped my sword and pushed fire into both hands, Alina matching my expression and actions, gosh she's cool. The imperials shared a look with eachother before I said "welp boys, that was fun, bye bye"

The hall for a couple of seconds, held the screams of burning men, then, all that could be heard was the crackling of fire.

Neutral_Cherub Neutral_Cherub

To be honest I'm just writing this to see and develop my style of writing. As someone on this app I've seen a lot of stories and think i can land somewhere in the middle of the pack when it comes to fanfictions. For now my original won't be posted but it will be this one and maybe others but i doubt it. I'll post this one whenever my big one stresses me out. You can probably expect one a week unless I'm bored and have time. If it's not on sundays it'll be half or a quarter of the size of this one. If you read all this and still want more. Thanks!

next chapter
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