A human girl named Lynaria unexpectedly crosses paths with Kaelron, the Dragon King, when he saves her life from a ferocious dragon attack. Grateful and determined to repay her debt, Lynaria embarks on a perilous journey to find Kaelron, eventually arriving at the grand Dragon Palace. However, life among the dragons is far from what she imagined.
Lynaria faces relentless trials and cruel scorn from the dragonfolk, who view humans as inferior beings fit only to serve their kind. Her resolve is tested daily as she endures their disdain and struggles to prove her worth.
But fate has a way of turning tides. In an unexpected moment, Lynaria displays extraordinary courage, risking her life to save Kaelron from danger. Her act of bravery not only earns her the respect of the Dragon King but also paves the way for an incredible transformation.
From a mere human girl rejected by the dragons, Lynaria rises to become a formidable war general, her journey just beginning.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน R251
hai author here, l am author R251, please give the best rating for my novel, as I really need your support. I hope you enjoy the story I've created. Happy reading😊😊😊