"Stop! You don't want stoop down to his level, do You?" Jang Euyim narrowed his eyes towards Du Seifang, his teammate who is about to punch his half-brother. "He is nothing but a blunder that my father made in the heat of the moment."
The trio sneered, their eyes forming a crescent shape while they looked at Jang Miyue in a condescending manner. Jang Miyue's hands formed a fist and his breath become ragged. The changes in the color of his skin on his face are visible as his milk-colored skin turned to red. Anger is evident on his face. Jang Miyue felt like the veins in his head is about to snap anytime now.
Suddenly, he felt a weight on his right shoulder. He was startled. He looked behind and saw unnamed who has his hand on his shoulder, Meili, Wo Weimei and the kid. They are all looking at him with concern apparent in their eyes. It looks awfully not familiar with him it doesn't have a tinge of pity or disgust. The one that he is used to. He closed his eyes deeply and tried to clear his mind when he heard someone spoke behind him.
"Are you monkeys done?" Mersault took a step forward to stand beside Jang Miyue and put his hand back to his pockets looking like a model who just came out from the magazine. "If yes, then please do yourself a favor and scram!"
Du Seifang raised his left eyebrow while he takes a look at Mersault's slim figure and stature that will only reach his chest at most. "What is a little pony doing here?" He snickered. "Go home and drink your milk!"
"This young master here is going to do that exactly but ugly monkeys are blocking our way!" Mersault retorted. He can't wait to go home and unite with his high-quality milk at home.
"You...!" Du Seifang can't face the insults and quickly zoomed in towards Mersault and raised his hand to hit him. Jang Miyue pulled Mersault behind him. He shot forward and tried to land a hit on Du Seifang's face. Unexpectedly, Jang Euyim blocked his punch with his left hand. They eyes were locked to each other, both glaring. Suddenly, they felt something cold above their hands. They saw Feng Xiaoxi's hand on top of theirs.
Feng Xiaoxi pushed Jang Miyue's fist and Jang Euyim's hand downwards so that they will both withdraw. Jang Miyue pulled his arm back to his side and Jang Euyim did the same.
"It's getting late. We will go ahead, first." Feng Xiaoxi said and she quickly dragged Jang Miyu with him passing the trio while the others trailed behind them.
The trio was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events and was not able to respond quickly. Before they knew it, they are already staring at their backs eating dust.
Here's a chapter for you guys. I saw your comments and reviews♡♡♡.
Thank you for all your votes despite my slow updates!
Happy reading!
PS. I'm still at my grandparents' house. They won't let me goooo! Hahaha
Stay awesome everyone!
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