A Barbarian, a Vampire Lord, and an Elven Priestess walk into an inn.
Usually, that's the beginning of a joke that no one with an ounce of humour will want to hear. Today it's the start of a tale that will have repercussions for the game, the world, and even the universe.
I_AM_SPARTA, CaptainFang11 and Kelfy Perry looked around the basic wooden inn. It looked like every other inn throughout the game world. A single open room with a dirt floor with three or four tables on the left half of the room opposite a wooden bar with a few stools. Behind the bar were a few barrels of beer and ale and a small shelf with some bottles of more expensive wine and liquor. There was a door that led into a small kitchen where the innkeeper would make simple meals like stew, sausages, eggs and beans and fresh bread. At the end of the bar opposite the entry door of the inn were a flight of rickety stairs that lead to the second floor where there were four bedrooms which were available to rent.
As the trio of adventurers looked around the inn suddenly a figure popped up from behind the bar.
"Welcome Travelers, how can I serve you?" the Innkeeper almost yelled while he held his arms out in a welcoming gesture.
CaptainFang11 jumped back in shock. "Arghhhhh, damn it. I hate it when the NPC's do that."
Both I_AM_SPARTA and Kelfy Perry smiled at each other before KelfyPerry laughed, "I love it, it always makes you jump."
"I'm a big Vampire Lord, I am the master of the night," I_AM_SPARTA's deep voice joined in spreading his arms pretending to be vampire, "no one scares me. Arghhhh, watch out for the scary Innkeeper."
CaptainFang11 looks sourly at his two laughing friends while also keeping an eye on the smiling Innkeeper behind the bar.
"Welcome Travelers, how can I serve you?" the Innkeeper repeated continuing to smile, not noticing the increase in laughter his query drew from the amused adventurers.
The Innkeeper was the standard template for service NPC's - smiling, polite and limited to a few sentences and responses. This one was wearing a job appropriate clothes and apron probably with a cloth to wipe down the bar in its pocket. He was slightly shorter than the players like most NPC's were so that the players would feel more important or more powerful looking down on those around them. He was middle-aged and had a beer belly as any self-respecting Innkeeper would have as well as a tidy black beard that matches his short-cropped black hairstyle. His dazzling toothy smile was very welcoming which was in sharp contrast to his green dead eyes.
That was how you knew you were dealing with an NPC.
Dead Eyes. No lights on behind them. No intelligence.
And that's what always scared CaptainFang11 - those dead eyes. Like a shark or a snake coming to eat him.
"Just food and lodging for the three of us," CaptainFang11 said ignoring the innkeeper and heading to the closest table to relax.
"Coming right up." the Innkeeper stated heading into the kitchen and started making food and lots of loud noises.
"Come on, Captain, don't be mean to him, he just wants to help," Kelfy Perry says referring to the Innkeeper.
"Whatever, he's just an NPC," CaptainFang11 replies dismissively. "it doesn't matter."
"Yes it does, what do you think Sparta," Kelfy Perry asked turning towards I_AM_SPARTA
"I don't care, I'm just here to kill stuff," I_AM_SPARTA grunted back.
"We come to this inn every month so we should be nice, okay guys," Kelfy Perry stated looking at both of her companions.
"Sure, whatever" her companions replied finally
After a few minutes, the Innkeeper made his way to the adventurer's table and placed down three bowls of warm mutton stew and fresh bread for the table to share.
"What drinks can I get you, my travelling friends." the Innkeeper asked "Ale? Beer?"
"Three ales, good sir." Kelfy Perry replied
As the Innkeeper went to get the drinks Kelfy Perry yelled, "Do you have a name, Innkeeper?"
The Innkeeper poured the tankards full of ale and delivered them back to the table. "I am simply the Innkeeper, here to help travellers and adventurers passing by, that need sustenance and a place to rest their weary heads."
"Well from now on," said Kelfy Perry excitedly drinking from her tankard "You will be known as Tad the Innkeeper."
The Innkeeper stated, took a step back and said "What?"
Kelfy Perry jumped to her feet and laughingly using her tankard of ale touching both shoulders of the Innkeeper and said in a queenly voice. " I dub thee Tad the Innkeeper, protector and knight of this here Inn."
Kelfy Perry then tried to start a chant of "Tad the Innkeeper, Tad the Innkeeper" but both her companions were uninterested and went back to their meals.
After gaining no support Kelfy Perry stopped the chant and returned to her seat laughing to herself.
The Innkeeper returned to his spot behind the bar and stood there silently. The silence was very out of the ordinary for the Innkeeper when people were visiting his inn. He was meant to serve and assist and chat to the visitors to make them comfortable and offer them hints about adventurers and quests nearby.
[ Processing.... ]
The three adventures finished their meal and then headed upstairs to rest and logout.
[ Name Assigned ]
The Innkeeper cleared the tables, washed the dishes, swept the floor and did the chores he did every night, but he did it silently and unconsciously.
[ Processing.... ]
[ Name Applied ]
The adventurers left early in the morning without bothering about breakfast eager to get back on the road. Kelfy Perry waved and said goodbye to Tad the Innkeeper and thought it was a little weird he was just standing behind the bar ignoring everything else but didn't worry about it.
[ Processing.... ]
[ Logic Applied ]
[ Processing.... ]
[ Sense of Self - Achieved ]
Tad the Innkeeper opened his eyes for the first time.
Any thoughts are welcomed. I want to get better. Cheers
— ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ — เขียนรีวิว