The rainy season has arrived, the address for the annual disaster has arrived, who else if not floods. Floods lurk everywhere. That morning, when looking through the window, the sky was very dark because of the clouds, VioVio or Vio-2 was lazy to leave the room, just wanted to hug the bolster. Downstairs, her mother was busy cooking fried rice. This is known from the aroma of cooking spices that penetrate the ventilation of her room. Hm, fried rice with sausage or not, she thought. If there are no sausage slices on the fried rice, she is lazy to eat. Vio-2 is indeed a sausage lover. Not long after, she heard her mother's voice telling his father to wake her. "I'm going on a whim!" VioVio got up from the bed and quickly covered the bolster, bending the bolster slightly, so that she looked like she was still sleeping. After that she hid behind the bedroom door. Father slowly opened the door.
"Wake up..." Dad hissed. No answer. "VioVio wake up," because there was no answer either, so his father approached the bed and shook the bolster that was covered. "Well, not people?"
Unable to bear to see Father who was astonished, VioVio laughed out loud. "Ha-ha funny Dad! Dad is so cute!" cried VioVio. His father was surprised and then laughed. Next, there are some commands. Standards everywhere: make your bed, fold the blankets, clean the mattress, a thousand orders to make the bed. If he is not reminded, she likes to forget or pretend to forget. Then it was father or mother who made the bed, grumbling. After the bed cleaning was over, she came down. Checking the fried rice on the dining table. There are only thin slices of egg, no sausage slices.
Just then there was the sound of a motorbike stopping in front of the house. Aunt Nunik, her aunt who is a policewoman, came. VioVio peeked at his aunt who was carrying a black bag. She prays that it is a surprise package, good food. Aunt Nunik entered the house. VioVio immediately grabbed the package. "I met a vegetable seller on the street. It's starting to flood everywhere, I'm afraid there's no mobile vegetable seller here, so I brought vegetables," said Aunt Nunik, laughing. It turned out to be just raw vegetables
VioVio immediately replied, "Raw vegetables. Am I really a rabbit?" VioVio opened the crackle bag that had been placed on the kitchen table, hoping again that something delicious had slipped among the vegetables. But still nothing, vegetables are still vegetables, no steak! Aunt Nunik laughed. Already memorized the nature of his nephew.
Aunt Nunik is her father's sister who has been a police officer for six years. She has served as a detective for the past two years. The investigator is one of the functions of the police whose task is to carry out investigations. Aunt Nunik is not married yet. Her aunt doesn't live in the same house with them, but still lives with her grandparents in Rawamangun, Jakarta. VioVio's house is on Jalan Kramat 3, Central Jakarta. Her father's name was Radite Onggowongso, a printing entrepreneur. Her mother's name is Atari Siregar. But his father and mother were both born and grew up in Jakarta. Wow, so then VioVio is a pure metropolitan kid! VioVio's second child, his older brother, PuPu, is already in college. He studied in Yogyakarta. Is VioVio tired of being a child of the capital? Sometimes yes. If she sees the road getting more congested, polluted, she wants to move to the moon. Hey, don't you know that there is no oxygen there? "Bring it from the earth, you can buy oxygen cylinders," she answered, casually.
"Auntie, let's eat fried rice!" said VioVio, offering to eat. This is the trick. If Mother knows there is still a lot of fried rice left, she will be the one to finish it. In fact, apart from not having sliced sausage, her stomach also felt bloated. Without repeating her offer, Aunt Nunik took a plate and ate. "Auntie, is there a serious case that has just been handled so that Auntie looks fatter?"
"Well, shouldn't it be thinner?" her aunt protested.
VioVio teased, "Isn't that when people are stressed they tend to run to food?
Well, who knows, Auntie is stressed so that you continues to eat because you has not been able to find a way out to resolve the case being handled.""Profesi apa pun punya kesulitan masing-masing, tak ada yang mudah di dunia ini."
"Auntie is good at entertaining himself." Aunt Nunik laughed. As a detective, working hours are uncertain because crime knows no time. Could be any time. So like it or not, her aunt has to stand bye at all times.
After school, Mother told VioVio to sleep so that at night there would be no reason to sleep if she was told to study. The cellphone was confiscated, she didn't want her daughter to keep looking at the cellphone monitor. Towards the Maghrib call to prayer, she wakes up and takes a shower. While studying she remembers that there is a math homework and must be submitted tomorrow. Her head was dizzy. If she not do it will be punished by a fierce teacher, Mrs. Sri. But when she saw the questions her brain was stuck, she had difficulty. Without thinking, at all costs, she slipped into the garden and plucked one of the reddest chili peppers. The chili is washed and eaten. Huh, hah, hah, hah, her eyes filled with tears. But as a result, as soon as cayenne pepper is in his mouth, her brain becomes bright, the questions become very easy. In a short time she was able to solve the math problem.
"Vio, what's wrong?" cried her mother, when she heard the voice of a spicy person. "Why are you so scalding, what are you doing?" VioVio answered lie, "Eating noodles if you don't use chili is not good!" Obviously the wrong answer, because at his house that day there were no noodles. "Not noodles, but fried tofu!" He corrected. "You must have had such a problem with your math homework that you had to eat chili!" cried his mother, VioVio laughed.
She then opened the refrigerator and took an ice cube, and sucked it. She forgot that chili would not be neutral with cold water, instead it would be spicier. True, if you don't believe it, just prove it. After eating chili and spiciness, drink cold water and you will know that it does not stop, even adds to the misery.
Actually, VioVio doesn't like spicy food. It's just that, one day she realized, if in a state of misery due to spiciness, her brain becomes intelligent, everything becomes easier. Maybe just a suggestion, but she is already addicted to this one addictive substance. Do not imitate, later you will get a stomach ache.
The Scoville scale, introduced by Wilbur Scoville in 1912, is a scale for measuring the level of spiciness, not only for spicy cayenne pepper but also for others. Apparently, in this scale, spicy cayenne pepper is not number one. Many beat it. The highest record is held by habanero chili, which has a scale of 300,000, while cayenne pepper is only between 50,000 – 100,000. Why do chilies taste spicy? This is because chili peppers contain a substance called capasaicin, a chemical that stimulates the sensitive nerve endings on the tip of the tongue. The number of Scoville spicy units (SHU) indicates the amount of capsaicin contained. Chilli sauce packaging uses a Scoville rating, so buyers can choose the degree of spiciness that suits them. Do you want mild, medium, or very spicy, take your pick!
Sunday at 13.30, Jakarta had just finished pouring heavy rain, VioVio got a call from Linda, her friend who is the son of a boarding house owner. "Vio, in one of the boarding rooms there are bloodstains! Can you come here soon? Let's find out what happened!" VioVio immediately came to Linda's very large house in the Gambir area. The house faces north and is an ancient building. The boarding house is an outbuilding. The house is located about fifty meters from the main road. But the road in front of her house is quite wide and quite busy. At that time, Linda was alone, only accompanied by an old female maid named Bi Surti. Linda's parents were out of town, to Kebumen, because her grandfather was very sick.
When VioVio arrived. "That's Mbak Cobi's boarding house, she is about twenty-four years old. Only that room is filled. The other rooms are intentionally vacated because it will be renovated. The renovation is waiting for her boarding house to run out," said Linda. There are seven boarding rooms and their shape extends to the back. Mbak Boci's boarding house is number two. In front of the boarding room there is a yard.
"Special boarding houses for women." VioVio was invited by Linda to a boarding house on the left side of the house. Linda unlocked the iron door that connected the yard to the boarding house. "This door can only be opened by us because we hold the key," said Linda.
"So you went into Mbak Cobi's room earlier?" VioVio asked. "Did you touch the things in the room?"
Linda replied, "Of course I was already in there.
If not, how would I know if there was blood on it! But, as soon as I saw the bloodstains, I immediately went out and called you." Linda admitted that she only heard a noise for a moment from that direction. The boarding room was not locked. They entered the room carefully so as not to change the state of the room. That's right, there are bloodstains. Spots of blood were splattered on the floor of the room, besides that there was a white shirt covered in blood and some broken glass. There are filter cigarette butts that are still quite long, not half smoked. There is a broken cellphone. The broken window was the one facing the long small garden on the left side of the boarding house. The atmosphere of the room was very messy, indicating that there had been a commotion there."When I asked Bi Surti, she admitted that she did not hear the noise. So, I'm the only one who heard," said Linda. That made sense, because it was raining heavily at the time. Meanwhile, Linda's room is on the second floor with the wall positioned next to the boarding house. In Linda's room there is a ventilation hole facing the boarding house.
"Be careful, don't touch anything because it can erase the traces of the perpetrator," VioVio ordered. Had there been a crime in the room, murder or something? If it was a murder, where did the killer take Mbak Cobi's body? VioVio suggests reporting to the police. But Linda didn't want to. If they report to the police, they wait for their parents to come home. "Did you hear the sound of people fighting?"
Just a little noise. After that I fell asleep again." "What time did it happen?"
"Eight o'clock in the morning."
"How do you know what time it is?"
VioVio asked. Linda answered because at that time she had time to glance at the clock on the wall in her room. VioVio thought about contacting Aunt Nunik but she hesitated. They then looked for bloodstains in the courtyard of the boarding room, nothing. "Didn't you hear people opening the gates of the boarding houses, indicating that someone was leaving this place?""No! I told you after hearing the commotion I fell asleep again. You know, at that time and heavy rain, it's very good for sleeping. Moreover, the stomach is full!" answered Linda. "Vio, is this a murder case?"
VioVio couldn't answer. If Mbak Cobi was killed, then how did the killer get the body out of there without anyone else suspecting it? If the people at Linda's house didn't know, at least someone else, someone who was passing by on the street in front of the house, would have seen it. Moreover, it happened during the day, even though it was raining heavily there must have been passersby because the road was quite busy. The culprit will not be careless.
"Isn't there a street vendor in front of your house, across the street? Come on, let's ask him. Could it be that he saw something suspicious!" invite VioVio. They then left the boarding house. The boarding house has its own gate so that the entry and exit of the boarding house occupants does not interfere with the owner of the house. Linda was already quite familiar with Bang Bodas, the merchant. She asked if Bang Bodas saw anything strange or suspicious from the boarding house.
The merchant replied that he saw nothing. "What's wrong? Why do you ask like that? Was there a thief?" Linda replied that there was nothing, she didn't want other people to know what had happened at her boarding house. If it was told it would cause a stir. Bang Bodas would tell people, then word of mouth spread the news everywhere. VioVio asked if there was a car, taxi, or other that stopped in front of the boarding house and lifted something heavy. "No, I didn't see anything."
"Bang Bodas didn't see Mbak Cobi?" VioVio asked. "No. I didn't see anything, I just came here after the rain stopped, about eleven o'clock earlier." eleven o'clock? No wonder Linda heard a noise at eight o'clock. Maybe, if Bang Bodas was already there, the perpetrator might delay bringing Mbak Cobi's body. That's if it's true that it's a murder case, you know! "Vio, I'm getting nervous!" said Linda when they returned to the boarding house. They stood in the boarding house yard for a long time. VioVio invited Linda to meet Bi Surti, to ask her about the noise. "I told you that Bi Surti didn't hear anything." But VioVio still wanted to ask that question. They then went to the main house and met Bi Surti who was ironing.
"Sorry, did Bi Surti hear the noise from the boarding house?" VioVio asked. Bi Surti was silent, did not answer, continued to iron the clothes even though VioVio asked several times. Linda laughed and explained that the maid had been deaf for a long time. VioVio then stood closer to the old woman. VioVio loudly asked about the items in the boarding house. Bi Surti replied that she did not hear anything. "Lin, have you told Bi Surti about what you found in Mbak Cobi's room?"
"No one else knows, only the two of us know about it. I'm afraid that Bi Surti will panic," answered Linda. Your style Lind, you panicked yourself so told VioVio to come! VioVio asked if Linda had Mbak Cobi's cell phone number, if she could try to make contact. Linda was then busy looking for data on boarding people in thick books. "Here's her phone number!" cried Linda. She then called the number but there was never an answer. VioVio smiled and scratched her head.
"We are so stupid. Didn't we find shards of cellphone in her room? If it was her cell phone, how could she possibly answer. Or, something serious had happened to her. Have you ever seen her cellphone, is that messy her cellphone?"
"I don't know her phone!
You know, our relationship with the residents of the boarding house is not close. In fact, I may be more familiar with their neighbors because the residents of the boarding house are employees, who leave in the morning and return at night. It's just knowing, not familiar so also don't know the things her owns." Bi Surti finished ironing. She made hot tea for them. In fact, not long after that there was steaming boiled instant noodles. There is a whole red cayenne pepper in each bowl of noodles."If you don't like it spicy, don't eat the chili," said Bi Surti.
"Thank you, Bi, I'm just troublesome," said VioVio, hi-hi, but really happy.
"Vio, I'm so scared! What if Mbak Cobi becomes a ghost, my house becomes scary!" said Linda, really worried. VioVio looked at Linda's frightened face. That's right, what if Linda's house becomes haunted, she thought. Oops, she ate the wrong thing, the chili that was originally intended to be avoided even entered her mouth and was already chewed. Even if it hasn't been chewed, wanting to take it out of the mouth again is very inappropriate, especially as a guest. VioVio's face turned red from holding the spicy in her mouth.
Gasping for heat she said, "We don't know what really happened yet!" Huh hah hu hah! They finished their respective noodles. After that VioVio pulled Linda's hand and invited her to come to the boarding room again. "Let's check the room again! I got really curious!" Arriving at the boarding room they entered again very carefully. VioVio examined the window with the broken glass. She took a good look at the glass. There was some broken glass that had not yet fallen to the floor, each firmly attached to the wooden window frame.
"Lin, come over here and see what is this? But don't touch!" said VioVio when she found skin-like shards stuck to the end of the broken glass that had not fallen. "Human skin, yes I think it's human skin," replied Linda after a moment of looking carefully at it.
VioVio then left the boarding room and headed for the small garden to the left of the boarding house. She looked for broken glass under the window of Mbak Boci's boarding room. Found, even more than the broken glass in the boarding room. What does it mean? "Apparently, someone hit the glass from inside the room. There are more shards of glass in the garden than in the rooms! Wouldn't it be that if you hit it from the inside, a lot of the shards would scatter out?"
Linda followed VioVio to the small garden. Join in looking for broken glass on the grass. According to the theory of blows from the inside, most of the broken glass falls out, but why are there so many pieces of glass in the room? VioVio remembered the shards of skin stuck to the glass that had not yet fallen. "I know!" she cried, moments later. Her mouth was still hissing to expel the spicy cayenne pepper.
"When the man hit the window pane the glass shattered trapping his hand, his hand was clamped. The person then tried to pull his hand so that it left the skin on the glass. Isn't the position of the skin flakes on the outside of the glass, I mean in the garden position?"
"That's right," said Linda, observing where the splinter of skin stuck to the broken glass was still on the window frame.
"The glass shattering in the room occurred when the person pulled his hand," said VioVio.
"What about the bloodstains?"
Linda asked. "Spots of blood on the floor came from the hand that was injured by the broken glass," replied VioVio.
"While the white shirt that was stained with blood was used to wipe the blood from the wound. The noise you heard was an argument. Does Mbak Cobi have close friends, boyfriends, or something else? Do you know he smokes? Because there are cigarette butts in her room. Cigarette butts show that the smoker is free in this boarding room. Surely that person is well known by Mbak Cobi!" Linda answered, "I heard from my mother that Mbak Cobi was recently married.
But her husband works outside the city, not in Jakarta."VioVio invites Linda to track down Mbak Cobi to the clinic and hospital. To determine who was injured, Mbak Cobi or someone else who left cigarette butts. First they went to a nearby 24-hour clinic. But they got nothing there. The nurse who was asked if there was anyone at the clinic for treatment with wounds on their hands answered that no one was treated with wounds like that.
"If they take the wound seriously, maybe they don't think about going to the clinic, but go straight to the hospital," said VioVio. Judging from the bloodstains, it seemed that she was seriously injured.
Linda said, "They might go to the ER, there is only a big hospital in this unit." They went to Saint Carolus Hospital and went to the ER, asking if anyone with an injured hand had come there. The officer explained that the hospital did not accept people who were injured in an accident. They were sent to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. To get to the hospital, they just had to cross the road because the two hospitals were close together. The hospital was very crowded. Patients queue up like ants.
"Sir, did anyone come for treatment with a glass cut on their hand?" Linda asked the officer on duty at the emergency department of the hospital.
"What's the name?"
"Mbak Cobi, but we don't know who was injured yet," replied VioVio. The officer checked on the computer, then the officer conversed with his friend. After that, he informed that the wound on his hand was a man named Untoro. Instead, the man had to be hospitalized. VioVio and Linda asked where the person was being treated. After being told the name and number of the room, they looked it up.
"There she is!" cried Linda when she saw a woman come out of a room and was busy making a phone call. They approach her. "Mbak Cobi!" cried Linda as she hung up the phone. Mbak Cobi approached them. "I was worried that something was threatening you so we looked around." Linda expressed her concern after seeing everything that happened in her boarding room.
Mbak Cobi apologized many times. "I didn't have time to lock the room because I was in such a hurry!" she said. "I'm ashamed to tell you!" she explained, when VioVio asked what had happened. Who is the man named Untoro? Her husband. After all, in the end, after considering it, it might not be good if you don't tell the owner of the boarding house what happened, she tells the truth. Untoro who served in Subang came to her boarding room. He became very jealous when he found a short message on his wife's cellphone from another man asking to meet. In fact, the meeting was to discuss the car which the man would buy because Mbak Cobi is marketing from a well-known car dealer.
"Without waiting for my explanation, he immediately went into a rage, slammed my cellphone, and hit the glass window. As a result, my husband's hand was injured by bleeding profusely so he had to be taken to the hospital immediately. Inevitably, even though it was raining heavily, I brought him here by motorbike. I'm the one on the ride."
VioVio asked, "Sorry, did your husband's hand get stuck on the window pane?"
"Yes, it was because of the forceful pulling of his trapped hand that his hand was injured. Until one t-shirt is used to wipe, the blood is still not clogged. Must be hospitalized and blood transfusions."
"Thank goodness," said Linda.
"Why are you grateful?" exclaimed Mbak Cobi, surprised when she heard Linda's words.
Linda then explained what she meant. "It's not gratitude that is cursing, but we are grateful that nothing happened to Mbak Cobi. We think there was a murder in the boarding room. Luckily we haven't notified the police yet." Mbak Cobi laughed. They were brought into the treatment room and introduced them to her husbands. Her husband's eyes were half closed and he looked pale. A bottle of blood hung nearby and was connected to his vein with a tube.
When did blood transfusions become known in the medical world? In the 15th century a writer named Infessura recounted that in 1492 there was an attempt to help people who were dying by inserting other people's blood into their bodies through the mouth. Yes, by mouth because at that time the concept of blood circulation and methods for intravenous access were not yet known. But the person dies, as well as the person whose blood was taken also dies. But this story is less believable. While the first more sophisticated blood transfusion experiment was carried out in the 17th century, in 1665 to be exact. At that time a doctor from England, Richard Lower, performed the first blood transfusion on two dogs, and was successful. But the consequences are fatal when tested on humans.
On June 15, 1667 Dr. Jean Baptiste Denys, personal physician of King Louis XIV of France, transfused sheep's blood into a 15 year old boy and survived. Likewise, when transfused with sheep's blood to a worker. Both survived because perhaps very few were transfused. When performed on a third patient, who underwent blood transfusions twice, in the second transfusion both people died. Blood transfusions with animal blood then caused a polemic so that it was banned in 1670.
But health experts did not give up, continued research, until finally, when in the 19th century, after the discovery of the types of blood groups in 1930 by Austrian scientists, Karl Landsteiner. He classified human blood groups into 4 groups, namely blood types: A, B, AB and O. Among the blood groups, the blood groups are not compatible if mixed with each other so that it can be fatal. People with blood type O can give their blood to everyone so they are often called universal donors, while people with type AB are called universal recipients because they can accept donors from all blood types. Since then blood transfusions can be done successfully.
"Start now Mr. Untoro must learn to control his emotions," said Linda. Untoro smiled. He had to be hospitalized for a week before finally being allowed to go home. However, perhaps because she was uncomfortable or embarrassed by Linda's family, Mbak Cobi hastened her move, looking for another boarding house. But before moving she and her husband came to see Linda's parents. Apologizing at the same time will replace the damage to her boarding room. But Linda's parents didn't mind the damage to the boarding room because it was planned to be renovated, to be remodeled. It will be stratified so that it can accept more boarding people.
VioVio told Aunt Nunik about the incident that day.
Wow, her aunt praised that she was very talented to be a detective. Then, what is the right name for this detective? "Detective Cayenne Pepper!" cried VioVio. Yes, this seems to be a very fitting name for her. "But Aunt Nunik is the one who pays her?" Wow, this request is very difficult to be granted. (*)
Creation is hard, cheer me up!