Chapter 745 – Pangu's Offer
Miaomiao carried both Xiong Zhenzhen and Liu Guang east and left the territory of Shu Han. However, as he traveled, he came across destroyed villages and towns, left behind by the warships of the Shu Han Republic.
Players were still there as none of their spawn points were destroyed. However, they seemed to be in an uproar as they gathered together to rescue the commoners.
As Miaomiao passed them, they waved their hands, trying to get his attention. He ignored them nonetheless.
By the time that they got to the southern region, where the Pirate Hunter City was, the battleships of Guan Yu were no longer in sight. The city was razed to the ground, and the Mao Clan's manor outside the city was turned into a ruin.
I'm missing five chapters this month. Damn my health.