Chapter 734 – Pangu's Agents
Nya? (Who is he again?)
"Miao Xiaomao, the one with the soul of Mao Xiaomiao. He's the guy that I sent you to kill."
Nya (I didn't see him.)
"That's impossible. I gave you the coordinate."
Nya! (I really didn't see him. Your intel must be wrong!)
"Then, what did you do so far?"
Nya-Nya! (I crashed the billboard on the target that you told me.)
Nya! (That's it!)
"That's it?"
NYA! (Of course. You told me to make it look like an accident. I created an accident. End of story!)
Pan Xian furrowed his brows. As he had been aiming for Miaomiao's life, he tracked down all souls that had karma with Miaomiao. The soul of Mao Xiaomiao, the former son of Wei Yuan and Miaomiao, was implanted in a mortal by the name of Miao Xiaomao.