Chapter 213 – Auction – Part 4
Liu Bian glared at Cao Mao, who was nonchalantly polishing his fingernails. His face flushed and his blood veins became visible under his skin.
Annoyed and frustrated by Cao Mao's trolling, Liu Bian changed his mind. He no longer wanted to befriend Cao Mao. Instead, he wanted to humiliate him and kill him after the event.
"Host, I think there is something wrong with the auction rules," Liu Bian sneered. "I don't believe the fellow Daoist on the first floor has enough funds to pay the bid. I think he's intentionally raised the bidding price."
Everybody on the first floor murmured. They agreed to what Liu Bian had stated, but they didn't openly support the prince. Instead of saying anything, most of them had a big bag of popcorn on their laps, enjoying the show.
Edited 10-2-2021
Proofread & Edited by Devils Advocate