37.63% Victorious Fighter! / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - Asura vs Tempest

บท 32: Chapter 32 - Asura vs Tempest

"You, do you want to fight?" He asked in a deep monotone voice and Haruto was a bit sore from training but stepped forward taking it seriously entering his [ Ultra Instinct ] where Ohma senses that his demeanor changes.

Haruto didn't expect to meet two characters of Kenganverse in a single day but didn't think too hard as he was excited in the fight.

'I need to give Ohma a good fight.' Winning was impossible at the moment but that doesn't mean he can't try.

[ Quest Created ]

[ Task: Give Ohma a good Fight. ]

[ Reward: Lv.1 Niko Style (Ohma Version) (C) ]

Haruto wasn't surprised by the reward seeing it would be enough and the skills would be interesting. The [ Niko Style ] had other versions since there were multiple people who had the style and made their own.

[ Hard Fist ]

He vanished and closed the distance in a short amount of time where his fist collided with the wall causing it to crack. Ohma tried to punch him only for Haruto to redirect his attack, surprising him and forcing him to twist his body and elbow strike him. Haruto also parried it with [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] as the two stepped back analyzing their opponent and trying to discern their next move.

'He's not even trying….Ohma should be around Expert or even Master level.' Haruto was like a child against Ohma but it was enough to discourage him. He stepped forward doing a feign Brazilian kick and managing to land a powerful blow but winced feeling as if he had hit something indestructible.

[ Niko Style - Adamantine Kata: Indestructible. ]

The Niko Style, Ohma's niko style more specifically, are separated into four Katas while having separate techniques within them. First is Adamantine Kata, this involves the tightening of the muscles (thus hardening one's body) for both defensive and offensive purposes.

Second is Flame Kata, it's centered around movement and positioning, giving the user incredible speed and agility.

Third is Redirectional Kata, it involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them. As a result, this kata requires incredible kinetic vision and delicate physical control.

Final Kata is Water Kata, it is a grappling-based kata that places emphasis on flexibility and fluidity of motion. Of course, Ohma can combine them to make unique techniques.

Haruto wasn't discouraged and changed his movement stepping back where he parried all of Ohma's flurry of strikes.

[ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ]

He redirected the attack and tried to elbow strike Ohma only for him to vanish, managing to evade the attack.

[ Niko Style - Flame Kata: Phantom ]

He uses a technique where he quickly sidesteps at the moment right before Haruto's attack, causing the opponent to think that their attack phased right through them.

'Does he know Niko Style?'

[ You have acquired "Lv.1 Niko(Ohma) Style(E)" ]

Haruto saw his technique and the quest would help him reach it to a higher level but this will be enough to combat him and use [ Foresight ]. Ohma dismissed the idea considering it to be a similar technique instead.

"You're not bad, kid. But I wonder how long you'll last?" Ohma was rather cocky and Haruto guessed this was before Kengan Ashura. Haruto then stepped back only for him to be hit by a power punch!

He gritted his teeth from the sheer force of his attack and clench his fist then delivered his own strike but used a different approached.

[ Hand Edge + Kousaka Style! ]

Ohma was caught off guard when he felt his skin was cut and saw his hand acting like a sword then saw him put his hand on his pocket.

[ Hand Edge + Sword God Style ]

Haruto speed blitz Ohma was about to slashed him when manage to evade them all while the walls in the alleyway were sliced with his hand. His hand acted like a sword that should be impossible. Ohma smiled seeing him struggle and immediately took the opportunity to counter.

[ Niko Style - Redirectional Kata: Weeping Willow ]

The most basic move of the Redirection Kata, Weeping Willow alters the trajectory of their opponent's attack by redirecting their flow of power. In this manner, the user can make their opponent's attacks miss as well as make an opponent lose their balance, allowing an opening for an attack.

Ohma tripped him, manipulating his flow similar to Aikido while Haruto didn't let this go and moved swiftly altering his body where he was able to attack.

[ Taekwondo - Axe Kick! ]

Haruto slammed his feet into the ground where Ohma stepped back looking at how the whole thing crumbled. He took a deep breath and appeared close to Ohma.

[ Shundo ]

Ohma felt the incoming attack would affect him and immediately use [ Adamantine Kata ] to avoid getting harm. Haruto had been training and had been trying to create his own technique.

[ Yuuki Style: Heaven Piercer ]

Using the principle of what he learned applied into one from Sword God style to shorten the distance using the force he absorbed from the momentum and control it, letting the force flow into his body then releasing it into a single point. Ohma pushed by the forces of the attack but only staggered for a moment while Haruto's hand was numb and broken.

'Damn his body is tough.' Haruto felt his bones broken and understood that Ohma was more durable than he anticipated. However, his heart was pounding in excitement! This is a fight! A fight to win!

[ Niko Style - Redirectional Kata: Weeping Willow ]

His pride as a fighter refusing to lose against someone else when he can reach greater heights! Haruto copied Ohma, surprising him as he tripped Ohma and grabbed his hand.

[ Judo ]

Haruto slammed him into the ground only for Ohma to stop him then grabbed Haruto and slammed him instead. He cough out the remaining hair as Ohma was about to finished him of with stomped but he Rolled to side avoid the attack then stood back up as he gritted his teeth and slammed his fist towards Ohma's face with everything that he had, only for his opponent to grab it and stop his track without even moving an inch from his spot!

'How in the world!?' He was shocked that Ohma was able to disperse the attack and realize that he went on a specific spot that spread the force that essentially cancel it!

"Nice nice, I thought it would take me a while to find someone worth fighting." Ohma vanished and the next moment Haruto received a powerful punch causing his nose to break and blood to flow. He gritted his teeth overpowering through the pain and moved to reduce the damage.

[ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ]

He let his body fall then swiftly kicked Ohma who blocked the attack as Haruto stepped back bleeding profusely from his nose. He's frustrated that he's losing this easily. He knew won't be able to defeat someone like Ohma but at least push him enough.

"At this rate you'll lose blood. I think this fight is over. How disappointing." Ohma said while Haruto felt offended for some reason unaware of his slowly developing pride as a fighter. Haruto sneezes the blood and fixes his blood flow feeling the hysteria coming out.

"Who decided that!?" Haruto vanished and clenched his fist where Ohma couldn't react quick enough when Haruto struck his face. This attack was a lot more heavier and the [ Spiral energy ] churn made it a bit more stronger than before.

[ Seiken! ]

Haruto wasn't done and unleashed a barrage of fist strikes that Ohma tanked as he tried to grab Haruto only for him to be parried. Ohma stepped back to create some tactic while he saw Haruto moving strangely with a devilish grin.

[ Formless ]

Ohma discerned shis next movement only for his style to change grabbed him behind then tried to do a Suplex only for Ohma to stop himself from landing the drown with his feet then Ohma tried to grab a hold of Haruto head but Haruto anticipated and slipped through then moved back. Haruto then did a Karate stance and rushed towards Ohma striking him with multiple combos.

'How many martial arts does this kid have?' Ohma was surprised when he was able to keep up and even managed to land some hits but then his chance of winning was slimmed. He took him a bit more seriously, landing over dozens of heavy strikes that Haruto could feel the same weight as Apachai but a bit weaker yet it still doesn't remove the force receives.

[ Yuuki Style: Rainfall ]

Haruto delivered a combot of fist strike punch then sweeping elbow strike and followed by his other arm before knee strike Ohma heads and continued with upward kick and another Axe kick downward. Normally it would cause the enemy to fall due to the combo that made their brain in shambles but Ohma stage strong and punched Haruto with an immense force.

[ Niko Style - Adamantine: Ironbreaker.]

His fist slammed into Haruto's face, sending him straight into the wall, easily knocking Haruto out of his [ ultra instinct ] state. Haruto was out cold and Ohma looked at him having enjoyed their fight.

On the other hand Haruto was frustrated and his heart was angered by the defeat. Ever since he started training began to have more pride as a fighter and losing was distasteful for him. The [ Spiral Power ] started to churn as Haruto regained consciousness.

"Hey kid, if you can hear this, hope we can fight again when you're stronger." Ohma was about to leave when he suddenly sensed danger coming as Haruto stood up, growing exponentially stronger. In a split second, Ohma receives a series of blows that Haruto manages to push him back and take the fight more seriously.

Ohma witnessed something unbelievable where he could see Haruto's eyes inverted color but veins coming out like tears as he showed a devilish grin. His whole muscle had become bulkier and every muscle was showed as the young man exhaled and entire body was heating up from his body.

[ Yuuki Style - Forbidden Technique: Tempest ]

Haruto was in a state of delusion and understood he wasn't going to last long but decided up his game by using his [ Ultra Instinct ], [ Surpass Limits ] and [ Tachypsychia ] which is like the [ Fallen demon ] that another Niko Style uses. However, he is able to temporarily gain some control with [ Tranquil State ] but has yet to find balance.

He could feel every ounce of his body screaming forcing him to put the last limits of his body tearing his muscles and knew if he keeps this up then he'll die. Haruto is lucky that he has a perfect body that allows him to keep up. It does affect his body but not enough to kill him.

[ Yuuki Style: Heaven Piercer! ]

Haruto moves faster than before and delivers yet another attack despite his hand having been broken as Ohma felt the attack was a lot stronger and gritted his teeth.

"You got better! Let's see how far you'll go!" Ohma held his hand then punched Haruto who also held his. The two of them were smiling and exchanged blows producing sonic explosions like a whip.

'Damn this guy's tough!' Haruto gritted his teeth seeing that his skills was amazing and getting an equal footing while Ohma was impressed that his able to keep up.

[ Aikido ]

Haruto controlled the center of gravity within Ohma forcing him to slip but he managed to control his fall and swiftly kick him to the side. Each of their blows exploded as if it was the sound of a shotgun and both were enjoying the fight!

'His using a similar Advance but different.' Ohma thought as he parried and punched Haruto who redirected them all rather easily before delivering his own series.

[ Yuuki Style: Titanium Fist! ]

Mixture of Hard Fist and Karate straight fist along with Muay Thai and Chinese Kenpo mix with the speed of Sword God style. Ohma staggered a bit from the powerful blow then received another blow from Haruto.

'It's Ironbreaker but considerably weaker….' Ohma realized that his opponent was different from the one he fought before.

"You're a good kid but…this is over." Ohma ended the fight quickly as he clenched his fist tightly controlling the muscle fiber by tensing it up and slammed his fist towards Haruto that was incredibly hard enough to cause some damage to his brain.

[ Niko Style - Adamantine: Ironbreaker! ]

In the end, Haruto was far too inexperienced and weaker than Ohma and instantly knocked him out. He placed more force at the attack and instantly knocked Haruto from the sheer force of his fist.

"Guess, you're more of an opponent than I thought. Hope to see more of you and have another match." Ohma said to spit blood after receiving a number of blows. Haruto's technique vanished as he saw Ohma muttering more but it was inaudible. He soon passed out and would wake up a few hours later.

"Damn, my neck is stiff as fuck." Haruto stood up and felt sore from the fight, having tried to at least defeat him but couldn't. Ohma was at least Expert Class and with Niko Style he would be Low Class Master to Master Class while Advance would barely reach Grandmaster class.

"Shit, what is it! Oh Fuck! Lala is waiting for me!" He wasn't even bothered by the pain and was focused on making Lala wait as he ran as fast as he could to head back home.


After some time, Haruto was currently repeating his usual routine training with Kansei Ma helping improve his [ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ] and his Chinese martial arts. He had been pushing hard hoping to get even stronger but he was starting to hit a wall and couldn't find a way to improve further.

He is able to improve some parts of his martial arts by incorporating what he manages to study in Chinese martial arts. Haruto took what helps while removing those that didn't suit him, hoping to create the perfect offense and defense.

"Elder, can I talk to you privately?" Haruto had a break from training and Hayato was surprised by the request but agreed sitting down in seiza while the other master who wasn't doing anything was curious.

"What is it, my boy?" Hayato stroked his beard thinking he was going to ask about the Kure Clan or advice in martial arts.

"You might think it is strange but recently I had a recurring dream. It was a place where it was cold and with a powerful blizzard happening." Haruto decided to help Hayato since he just recently recalled a certain burder that the elder had. Hayato's expression shifted a bit, wondering where he was going.

It was then that every Grandmaster heard about Senzui, a future antagonist and how he had used Saiga's face, Miu's father, to kill innocent people forcing him to be labeled as a traitor.

"That's all I can remember, my dreams are always unpredictable but that one felt too real." Haruto said and Hayato felt the burden in his heart lifted thinking that it was possibly true.

'My son….if it is true that person is held responsible for your crimes then…' The elder looked at Haruto and held his holder and decided to tell some things about the past. Haruto was shocked to find out it was true and accurate.

"I see…then elder I hope my dream comes true and the burden in your heart is lifted for good." Haruto truly wished for it to be true and Hayato was grateful for him to give him. He soon left and continued training while the Grandmaster acted like nothing happened but somewhat grateful that he helped Hayato regain some hope.

next chapter
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