"So…let me get this straight," said a young 12-year old boy, he was currently sitting cross legged, as he looked at his hand that was currently filled with cards that were newly created recently.
"The entire point of this game…is to have no cards at all right?" He looked at his older brother, who was sitting across from him holding his own share of cards, to their left and right, depending on the person, sat Hestia, Demeter, and Hera.
The older brother nodded sagely, "naturally, the first person to have no cards at all wins," as Hades spent the time looking through his cards, there being four colors and numbers ranging from 0-9, as well as a few "special" cards here and there.
"Ok,…and we do so by having placed down a card that either matches the color or matches the symbol, with there being a few exceptions," the younger brother looked like he was slowly starting to get it.
Hades had to remind himself that the numbers his mind was used to, back in his past life, weren't currently in use in this era, so he had to explain what each number represented.
Naturally since they were gods, memorizing all of them wasn't even a noteworthy deed.
…actually now that he thought about it, wasn't Athena the person who taught mathematics? Or was it just something she did for mortals? Hades didn't particularly know, nor did it matter at this moment.
"…the part I don't get is why before our number of cards goes down to 1 we must yell out "oono"," as he now bore a face of confusion, as he couldn't wrap his head around it.
They each had their own cards, though this was just the initial few test runs, and were only now getting the hang of how the game is played.
Hades shrugged, coming up with a bullshit excuse for a game he barely remembered in his past life, as little as he did remember, "I was bored, and one rule I came up with is that you must announce that you are at your final card…and I honestly think screaming "One" is awkward, so I came up with a word,".
Hera spent the last minute Re-arranging her cards in a specific order, not that they can see it as the back of the cards all looked the same, Demeter, was spending the last minute trying to grab a hold on the rules, and Hestia simply looked intrigued at the current game.
He have re-invented Uno, it shall be a national sport of Greece!, where it would be said to be an Ancient Art that taught the power of mathematics and color matching!
He chuckled to himself, they were decently in the game, at the current moment, just he and Hera were at the lead, each having three cards, all sorts of tactics have been utilized in this brutal match.
At the introduction in this game, there stood no equal as everyone one of his siblings had no chance to react as Hades "Jump"ed in, "Skip"ed, and even stolen their cards by utilizing the Lucky "7" card.
Suffice to say, they were trying to grasp the game just to get back at me…well maybe not Hestia, but she joined in nontherless.
After a few more rounds, it was finally just Hera and Poseidon with just Hades behind them, as he employed the self-"Jump" technique, truly Poseidon is on his way to mastering the fine art of Uno.
I could almost feel the liquid pride coming up.
As Hera was starting to celebrate, proudly revealing that after Hades' turn, which will then be hers, she will have won, having this information…
Hades smirked maliciously, as his mostly annoyed siblings other than Hera noticed his grin, and shivered, he, with no Remorse, stated, "Hera…-" said sister froze at my voice, and with no guilt stated, "I'm sorry".
As I dropped and jumped in with my two +4s , ending the game, with me as the reigning champion.
The others flinched as the brutal snatch of victory from their fabulous sister, who was completely frozen in shock, as she was trying to comprehend what had just happened.
Who then slowly turned to him with a cold look
Ah, Hades seemed to have forgotten that Uno has a rather very bad reputation on something.
It was still for a moment,…before Hera dived for her younger brother in a screech of vengeance.
Uno destroys all Friendship and Relationships
"You know…why are you trying to create so much water?" I asked my younger brother, as I sat a little bit away from him as I watched him summon up water.
Poseidon simply looked confused, "isn't that what I am supposed to be doing? Like, create as much as I can to drown my foes?".
I shrugged, "sure, but at the moment, pops isn't exactly helping with that regard, suppressing us and all that, so it's harder to do that,…though I suppose that's training in of itself,".
Poseidon stared at me, seemingly thinking over something before asking, "how would you practice with my power?" He asked me curiously.
Raising an eyebrow, I answered him while waving an around in front me, "well first of all, I would focus on how well I could manipulate the water in the first place, then I would attempt to release a decent amount from a small space in a rapid motion,".
The younger boy blinked, "and what would that accomplish," as he sounded annoyed.
I continued ignoring his annoyance aimed at me, "well if you take a good bit of water, and force it through a small area, like a finger, while having good enough control to keep it that close, it would actually be incredibly sharp, sharp enough to cut through rocks,".
He blinked in confusion with wide green eyes, "wait what?".
I got comfortable, as I laid on my side, and rested my head on one of my hands while I continued to motion with the other, "well if you can properly contain that much water, and release it from a single point, it would actually come up that much stronger with the pressure, since that much water is being force out,".
(I suck at explaining this XD; imagine Sasori from Naruto where his puppet body could make the water coming from his palms strong enough to cut through rocks and far enough to cut clouds)
It was a few minutes of explaining one by one, did Poseidon start to understand, "so…instead of trying to create as much water as I can for now,…just use the amount I can use and try to make it sharper by applying more pressure?".
I sighed in relief, "yes, that is basically what I am trying to say for the past minute," I had a good imagination and memory, but I sucked at explaining shit.
As Poisedon started employmenting the idea, he seemed to be making a good progress by taking a small volume bit of water, and tried moving it around and trying to compress it,…with visible difficulty.
But he was going somewhere, that was until he stopped and faced me, "say brother, when you attempt to make that gateway of yours,…don't you tend to have to actively split your attention between the actual portal and making sure to stop Father's influence on the said portal with a Barrier?"
Blinking, I raised an eyebrow, "yes? That is basically what I end up doing, there isn't really any way around that for me I'm afraid, focusing on either one would make the act either pointless or just that much more difficult for me," as I sighed in weariness.
It was silent for a moment, before my youngest sibling spoke up once more, "but wouldn't it be easier if only one of us focuses on the barrier, while you actually focus on the portal?".
"Yes that would make it easier but…-"
As I began to explain, his words caught up to me, I froze, then I suddenly sat up, with a serious expression.
…did I seriously not try asking for my siblings' help?
A few Months Later
Hades P.O.V.
You know,…I just realized something,…why did I spend so long doing this by myself? After so many years,…you would think I would've asked for help with my sibling.
After the idea of creating a separate area where my portal will spawn in,…that is not exactly something that would be easy, as that was essentially me focusing on two different things.
Currently we had a set up going, and it showed enormous progress.
Poseidon was currently focusing on creating the barrier that would counteract with the weird ass time fuckery that Kronos Domain was doing, and with it,…progress was being rapidly made.
I could now create a sort of tunnel that left from the starting point that was the size of a Basketball, but I could now extend it across the stomach.
Of course, I couldn't exactly do the last step that would create a quantum portal at that point, as the end point would've been in the area was time was messed up.
The pathway was fine, as the pathway was essentially from what I can understand not actually in the physical world, not unless I fully complete the thing, it was more like something Similar to the Ethereal Plane from D&D where it's a mirror Plane where the pathway was being built.
That however was completely fine, I did not need to create a portal in here, I needed it to have use escape, preferably out of this dimension, hell, if it goes well, he was planning to go straight to the underworld, which should at the current moment, be a wasteland that the dead arrive at,…as well as something guarding the hundred handed ones in dear old edgy Grand Uncle Tartarus.
But honestly, since Kronos would have no idea that we escaped, the idea would be that no one would look for us.
And the thing is?
This was, at most, a year project!
The hard part was already covered, I could expand beyond the stomach, all he now had to work through is build it towards the underworld, which should literally be somewhere below Gaia, the world that is.
I had no clue if creating a portal somewhere in the world would in some way alert the Titans, sure, the presence of the portal in here is being drowned out by all the Time here, but on the other end?
I didn't want to spend the rest of the time constantly moving and running.
I would very much prefer to spend a decent amount of time just enjoying his time somewhere in one place and not constantly escaping.
Due to the very obvious, teeth revealing smirk that was on my face as I ended the partial portal, instead of my usual frustration and annoyance…it spoke volumes of my mood.
"Did…did you actually get it to work," said a wide eyed Demeter, as Hera and Hestia froze, and Poseidon was ecstatic and grinning from side to side, as sweat poured down his brow.
"Heh…Heh it's not finished…hehe, but…there has been more progress than you could've imagined,…a year…at most a year and I would've found the Underworld and be able to create a stable portal to it," I said, my hands trembling, to anyone outside of this group, the gaping grin and the glowing eyes of hades would've absolutely freaked them out.
We all discussed that out of all the options…The Underworld I believe will be our best option,…with Gaia there was a chance we would be discovered, we couldn't exactly try going to Ouranus…since he was literally the sky.
And it wasn't like I knew where the island mother would've left zeus is at,
So it left the Underworld, and that was fine, from pieces of what you might call my memory, I believe I recall that gods like Thanatos and a few others actually spent their time living there, so it wasn't like it the entirely of it is just Tartarus, Gruncle was part of it, but not the entire thing.
I had a lot of work to do in the following year.
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