When Kelvin heard the names mentioned, he was not overly surprised as the scramble for the Owens properties was not a hidden subject within the extended family. He studied the girl for some time and then said,
"You do realise that you nearly killed an older gentleman, right?" To Kelvin, that was a ridiculous question to ask but he just wanted to see what her reaction to him would be, and Melissa kept her head down in shame.
He wanted to turn her into the Beo Security Agency for her to be dealt with but Mandy, wanted to hear none of it. They just wanted her confession so they could deal with her, and most especially the root of the problem not the 'stick used to nudge the open wound, but the hand that had held the stick!'
After cross-checking the video from the confession, Kelvin addressed her directly with a threatening tone,
Thank you for reading so far ... Do let me know if you spot any mistakes ..