Dany "So How"
Rob "Choose the world you want to go to"
Dany "I want to go to Twilight"
Rob " Choose your 4 requests now Hurry up"
Dany "I want to be born into the same vampire as in Twilight, but without the weakness of sunlight, and die when beheaded or burned. I want to be truly Immortal I die if I want to, And the Second And All Holy Black Magic or whatever, Third I want people who were turned into vampires by me, I want them to be loyal to me, For the last I want Matchmaking Bonds With Isabella Swan,And Change So Edward Cullen's Matching Bond With Jessica Stanley"
Rob " Hmm Okay then please make your appearance"
Transparent Hologram Appears In Front of Deny, Deny Makes His Body Like MUZAKA with claw marks on his chest too.
Rob "Now make your background"
Deny "I want to be born to a retired American military general father, And Mother As The Owner Of The Largest Hospital In Japan, And both of my parents are dead because they are old, And after their deaths the Volturi troops who were at war with the Covens of Japan, Me and My Two Personal Servants Met A Man named Aro, I was under as a food slave, but Aro changed his mind to make me a vampire who was bitten by him, and made me a slave, not long after 3 years I escaped because I got stronger,And I have Influence In the Volturi, And close to him,After that I went to the small town of Forks with my two maids James and Mary."
Rob" Well I will send you Boy And enjoy your life bye"
A 20 year old youth sitting on a chair opened his eyes.
Dany closed her eyes again to process her memories, Soon two people entered the room.
James "Your lord is calling us both"
'So my new name is Vlad tepes Known As Dracula while still at War with the Volturi,Hmm interesting isn't my name a bit the same as in the myth of my previous world'
Vlad "James and Mary I'll tell my story when I'm taken"
Vlad Tells His Story From the beginning and now,From being a nobody to being the Volturi's right-hand man and confidant,Until I withdraw from the line.
Vlad " So James, Mary I want you both to be Vampires like me and be a part of my Coven."
Mary " My lord I am willing to follow you forever"
James"I am also my Lord Willing"
Vlad " Give me your hand, Mary."
After Vlad Turned Mary and James into His Part,
Vlad "From now on both of you will bear the names James Agra And Mary Agra,And Your bloodline will be my trusted man and my descendant."
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