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After a week of lurking and hunting in the shadows, Mikael finally uncovered traces of his children in the area. The discovery of bloodless bodies near the Lord's castle confirmed his suspicions; he was almost certain this was the work of his offspring. Determined to confront them, he made his way to the castle, intent on ending their existence once and for all.
In the dark of the night he approached the castle .
A top of the castle's highest tower, A young man with black hair scanned the Horizon through Binoculars, his heart raced as he spotted Mikael approaching which is good that he came at night because there is no way he was going to give every single new vampire a sun light protection.
{Dave pov}
He quickly turned and shouted towards the castle compound, "Everyone! He is here." He shouted with urgency in his voice , as it's his first time in a serious combat situation.
Elijah than ran to the newly turned vampires he had compelled and ordered them to face Mikael head on and either kill Mikael or die at his hands.
While Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus went and hid they will attack from left , Aro and Finn would attack from Right, while Kol and I while Tristan and Celene were denied participation as they would be instantly killed by Mikael So their job was to throw Vervain grenades at Mikael which will distract him enough for other's to plunge the Silver Kitchen knife into him.
Actually we did not require this much preparation to deal with Mikael as we have a higher numbers and he is alone and Aurora and Evelyn as Upgraded Original and a Enhanced Original are both Stronger than Mikael physically and Somewhat lacking in combat which was filled by Skill share, But we went with this Plan because it gave Mikaelsons a Psychological reassurance that they have enough preparation to deal with Mikael as they are super scared to face him due to PTSD by Mikael.
And I actually am secretly Planning on using the Massacre of the vampires and store a large amount of magic from their deaths which will be used when creating the dimension, and Aurora and Evelyn are tasked to guard the Crystal as I am sure to deal with Mikael without these two.
When Mikael approached the castle he was greeted with a Horde of newly turned vampires seeing this he was shocked as he didn't know that new vampires could be created, he began to desperately slaughter the incoming vampires by ripping their hearts out or Staking them with the white oak stake he was practically speed running them as he thought that his children are buying time for themselves to run away again.
Just as he approached the castle Slaughtering throw the Vampires a strange ball came towards him fast he doged it but it hit the castle walls and exploded and splashed on him he felt a intense burning sensation then he saw something approaching him fast he forcefully backed away and saw it was His children who have surrounded him.
Mikael Dodged the blow from Klaus and mocked at Klaus "Is that the best you can do. Boy? Still so weak!"
Klaus angered shouted as he Recklessly approached Mikael , "I am not weak."
While the fight was going on Dave was waiting for an Opportunity to Dagger Mikael with his Knife as he saw finn , Elijah , Klaus Struggling against their numbers at first but quickly adapted to it because of his Rich combat experience.
Seeing Mikael still somehow managing to hold his own against them and somehow managed to snap Finn's neck the Psychological pressure began to form and just as Mikael was about to plunge his stake into Klaus's chest a Vervain grenade thrown by Tristan came close to Mikael and Exploded wounding him and Sparing Klaus and Elijah pulled Klaus away while Kol approached Finn who was knocked out as Rebekah appeared Plunged a stake through Mikael's shoulders greatly weakening him as the fight continued as Dave joined the battle and now Mikael injured was slower.
Mikael was Surprised at Dave's arrival as he saw Two others who were not affected by Stake his body Solid as Rock whom he knocked out against the tree(referring to Aro) and now this man who can fight him just as he was about to say something he felt something sharp Plunge into his Back as he quickly turned grey and Colapsed.
Turns out Dave was just distracting him while Controlling the Knife through Telekinesis to Attack from a Blind spot in which he was Successful.
Seeing Mikael collapsed everyone took a breather but Klaus in a fit of anger Disregarded their plan to keep Mikael alive and took hold of white Oak stake and was about to end Mikael but suddenly Someone broke his neck and he collapsed.
It was Elijah who snapped Klaus's neck and no one was even remotely surprised not even Celene.
An hour back,
"Everyone! He is here" Dave shouted "he is approaching fast from east".
Elijah went to vampire army ready to start a war against his father while Celene and Tristan went to their Hiding place with vervain grenades while Finn and Kol together with aro were getting weapons ready.
Just then a Voice was heard in their mind a voice they all recognised it was Dave "Everyone calm down it's me Dave I am just Informing you all that Klaus somehow agreed to keep Mikael alive but I think if he gets the chance he will not hesitate to Kill him , so I want you all to keep an eye on him and stop him in time."
Dave used his Psychic abilities to inform everyone about Klaus while he was busy arranging a channelling circle with a Crystal at the core and Other ingredients as he burned some sage.
This circle would draw the power from the slaughter of the vampires which would later power His creation of the Dimension.
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