In this poignant and profound coming-of-age novel, we follow Charlotte—a young man who feels out of place in the typical college scene—as he embarks on a journey to explore self-identity and the roles of gender. Charlotte must navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and social pressures, all while grappling with a deeper struggle: the conflict between his inner gender identity and societal expectations.
When Charlotte unexpectedly joins the college tennis club, his life takes a turn. It's here that he forms a complex friendship with Chris, the campus "golden boy," and gets swept up in secrets and conspiracies lurking beneath the surface of the school's shiny facade.
By chance, Charlotte encounters a mysterious organization that promises to help him reshape his identity and become his true self. This revelation sparks an intense internal struggle for Charlotte, prompting him to question his true identity and consider a decision that could change his life forever.
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