"I feel like you have the wrong impression of me. I'm not the kind of woman that enjoys ambiguity," Lin Qian cut in.
Li Jin calmed down. As he drove, he peered out the car window. After Lin Qian regained her composure, Li Jin finally said, "I haven't had much time to pursue women."
Hearing this, Lin Qian was a little surprised as a look of helplessness appeared between her furrowed brows, "You are a hero in most people's eyes. But, all women are petty. It's not easy to be forgiving."
"I will try my best to find time to understand you."
Li Jin's words were obviously cold, but for some reason, Lin Qian actually felt a sense of warmth.
"I'm the type of person that accepts reason, not force. Don't do things that I hate," Lin Qian warned.
"So, are you saying that you don't hate me at the moment?"