"So, who are you?" I asked. Orochimaru raised his eyebrow and Suigetsu smirked.
Fake confusion marred my face and neither of the powerful Shinobi that were in front of me noticed, despite the tricks and lies that they had been exposed to. I guessed that due to their arrogance and due to the fact I had been "spawned?" by them from a mix of DNA, and that the only knowledge they had given me was, the knowledge of my skills, of how to speak, read, write and rationalise. The two of them stared at me, one in mad curiosity, whilst the other was in amusement.
The one to introduce them was Suigetsu, "I'm Suigetsu and this creepy looking snake scientist is Orochimaru!", at that Orochimaru scowled, whilst glaring daggers at the younger man.
Over the next few months they proceeded to train me, in all ways they could, my Chakra control, was improved to Low Kage levels, my reservoirs were improved to Mid Kage, my Taijutsu was refined, my body improved to High Chunin along with my speed improving to Low Chunin. I also learnt the Fuinjutsu arts from the Usumaki Scrolls along with the Phantom dragon jutsu. Both of which couldn't be learnt without the innate understanding of Fuinjutsu or that couldn't be practiced without having Chakra levels that rivalled the 1 tail. Along with all of this I also refined my kenjutsu, utilising simple katana and tanto as weapons, along with my Shurikenjutsu and all other forms of skill refining.
Throughout this process I was also introduced to the snake contract, and since Mitsuki was Orochimaru's clone, he used the same slot in the contract, allowing me to also sign my name.
Seeing as the contract didn't accept a single name I had to create a full name and since I wanted to retain the name for all anime worlds, I called myself Gold D. Yami, but would be known within this world as Usumaki Uchiha Yami, despite me using Gold D. in the contract.
The snakes seemed surprised, at having a new summoner, but after sensing my power, were rather content. I was challenged by Manda but was able to defeat him, at a great expense, the difficult battle allowed me to awaken my own pair of Sharingan. Whilst in Ryūchi Cave I asked the snakes for guidance, as Senjutsu and Senjutsu Chakra would be very useful in the future, be it to power jutsu, have a more powerful form, or even to create new jutsu that may incorporate the Senjutus and it's relevant Chakra.
Over time I trained with the Sharingan until reaching the third tomoe, at which point they progressed immediately to the Eternal Mangekyō state, awaknening the power of all of the implanted eyes along with awakening my time-space jutsu and my instant absolute regeneration, which would allow me to regenerate things such as the brain without the drawbacks that someone like Deadpool or Wolverine might have, acquireing the Mangekyō powers of the other implanted Sharingan and that of the DNA of the Uchiha that had spawned my body.
Although I was very thankful towards Orocimaru for the power that I had been able to acquire, I felt like staying with him would limit me in the long run, as through my understanding of the timeline I was during the Boruto period, and I wanted to be in the Naruto period as that was when I would be able to have a greater impact on the Shinobi world, and I understood that as power hungry both he and I are, we wouldn't be able to coexist for much longer, as the expression goes, one mountain can't hold two tigers, or this town ain't big enough for the both of us.
Whilst making my plan to return to the Naruto time period I had to make preparations beforehand, storing weapons, tools resources and the like within my own timeless dimension, so that I could be able to access it in other timelines and, eventually, in other universes, to accquire these resources would be rather simple and that was to defeat Orochimaru and his goons, to claim their resources, weapons and tools for myself.
As such the first step in my plan to become a being so powerful, so no one could control me, began.
Unfortunately due to personal time constraints only 1 chapter will be released today, but I'll try to release 4 new ones by next Saturday!
If you have some ideas about my story, comment it and let me know! Don't forget to give powerstones, for more people to find out about the story!