100% Trapped (An Isekai Fantasy LitRPG Full of Traps) / Chapter 7: Eye of the Storm

บท 7: Eye of the Storm

Roxanne's grasp on him tightened, seeking reassurance, either in his touch or in a promise.

'I'm too tired for this shit.'

However, it was undeniable that he needed their aid as much as they needed his.

The gash on his chest was throbbing with bullets of agony. Still, Alexa had it worse.

He couldn't get it out of his head, how she was flung into a tree like a ragdoll. Those could have been her last moments. 

Jason's eyes softened, "I won't leave you, for the time being," it was too early to commit himself to a cause he didn't truly believe in. Now, however, with Alexa being targeted for no other reason than her appearance, it became the catalyst for his newfound conviction,"I came because Raven believed in something, and I intend to see it through. But we need to ensure the safety of your village. Tell me everything you know about the threat you're facing, and we'll face it together. Lend me your help. Save her. And my sword will be yours to command."

A smile broke out on that helpless visage, and Jason hated to admit how good he looked. Give this androgynous twerp modern clothes, and he'd be a famous streamer overnight.

"I… I–" Roxanne's reddening eyes was a prelude for the waterworks, which he promptly stopped by rubbing the heel of his hand across them. Dignity and strength were qualities he had. Jason respected that, "On behalf of the village, I express my utmost gratitude. F-For as long as you stay here, we'll provide you with any necessity you might—"

Jason interrupted her, "I don't need any of that," he gestured at the motionless body in his arms, "Just heal her. That's all I need."

"It will be done," Roxanne nodded resolutely. He looked at Caspiano, who was doing his best impersonation of a shadow in some corner, "Caspiano, if you don't mind, go fetch a basket of fully-grown Aetherblooms."

Caspiano nodded and scuttled off as fast as his weakened legs could.

Meanwhile, Jason deposited Alexa on Roxanne's desk with utmost care. He might have as well been handling fragile porcelain with how gentle his touch was.

Her breathing was shallow but steady, courtesy of Caspiano's quick aid earlier.

Roxanne studied Jason's face, "Is she your friend?"

"I barely know her, honestly."

"Huh? Really?" Roxanne's eyes dropped to the wound on his chest.

Jason shrugged, "Yeah, but she's my friend now. My companion."

Roxanne didn't miss the fond glint in his eyes, "Heeeh…" he hummed, "I'm jealous."

"Why would you be? Everyone seems to look up at you here."

"We all look out for each other," Roxanne sighed, "I've never had time to make bonds with anyone; sure, I love all my people, but that's a sentiment borne from responsibility and pity. I can't genuinely say I've ever had a friend. At least… not someone that would carry their precious one while bearing a wound like that."

Jason closed his eyes.

Roxanne, unaware, continued in a wistful tone, "That's why I'm jealous… I've never had someone to rely on."

Jason opened his eyes, "I'm here now, aren't I?"

Roxanne chortled, "As a friend?"

"Whatever you need."


Whether Roxanne wished to pursue the conversation — Jason didn't know.

Caspiano barged through the door, nearly tearing it off its poorly-crafted hinges. A basket full of what Jason could only assume was Aetherbloom was in his hands.

"I-I've brought the herbs!"

Roxanne nodded appreciatively at Caspiano before releasing him from the burden of his duty, "These herbs can only be grown here," Jason wasn't really in the mood for an history lesson, but out of respect, didn't say anything, "Where we lack in combat power, we make up with our gardening and potionering."


Jason watched as Roxanne grabbed a handful of the herbs and began to tear them apart. The process was confusing, but he decided to defer to his expertise.

Roxanne sprinkled the powdery herb all over Alexa's prone form. A faint glow radiated from the drifting herbs, like some sort of fairy dust. 

Then, as if by magic — which may very well have been the case — the raining Aetherbloom was absorbed into Alexa's skin.

Jason breathed a sigh of relief when Alexa's complexion fully returned to a healthy shade. If he didn't know any better, she looked like she was only sleeping.

"It won't be long until she wakes up," Roxanne said, "Other than that, she's perfectly fine."

Tension slowly drained out of Jason's shoulders.

"Is that so?"

Buttscratch, who had been a quiet observer till now, began to hoot loudly, "Yer little missus is all patched up and fine. Ye can rest now."

Roxanne chuckled, "Indeed, you look quite weary."

"It has been a long journey," Jason muttered, ostensibly preferring to ignore Buttscratch's words, "Are there any spare rooms we can use?"

Roxanne's smile faltered, "Yes… way too many, in fact," he looked at Caspiano, "Would you mind showing them their accommodations?"

"R-Right away…" Caspiano glanced at Jason and Buttscratch, "T-This way…"

"Once you've had your rest, please come find me," Roxanne added, "We have a lot to discuss."

Jason scooped up Alexa in his arms, "We do," with a nod, he and Buttscratch followed Caspiano out.

Roxanne huffed a sigh, sprawling on the chair he'd been sitting on before Jason's arrival, "Will things finally change for us?"

[Raven is smiling faintly at you.]


Jason was painfully reminded once again of the slaughter that took place in the village. The pungent stench of burnt wood, blood, and decay was like a cloud that shrouded his face.

It made his stomach churn.

"Caspiano, how many of you are left?" perhaps it was insensible to ask, but he had to know, if only to realize how bad the situation was, and how much could be salvaged.

Caspiano's face squeezed into a frown, "I-I don't know… it will take a f-few days to unearth all the dead bodies…"


Buttscratch, in a surprising moment of solidarity, offered, "We can help ya. That's what we're here for…"

A smile, as painful as it was, flashed on Caspiano's face. He bowed his head slightly, "T-Thank you… I–no, we, really appreciate it!"

Jason eyed the piles of upturned earth and stones, an avalanche of corpses no doubt within the mounds. If he didn't know any better, he'd have thought a powerful earthquake wrecked the village.

He turned to Caspiano, "Do you hold a funeral for the… departed?"

The young androgynous boy shook his head, "No… we… we burn them," his fists clenched, eyes lowering, "We have no choice… it would be a massive effort to individually bury so many bodies, and the constant raids has left us severely weakened…"

Buttscratch hooted sadly, "Why didn't ya try to hide or run away? Why stay here?"

"Where are we supposed to go?" Caspiano sighed, "W-We can't hunt. No one would ever welcome us in their own villages; we'd only paint an even bigger target on their back. And we're not strong enough to move anywhere. Ironically, staying here is actually safer."

"S-Surely, there is somethin' we could do…" Buttscratch hung his head low, "Are those bastards really going to exterminate us like that?"

"Caspiano," Jason intervened, "How long do we have before the next raid?"

"Umh…" Caspiano glanced at him, a pensive look on his face, "... n-not more than two weeks, probably."

Two weeks. 'Too little time to put up any sort of defense against them.' Building a wall around the village was his first thought, but the manpower was lacking, severely lacking. Let alone two weeks, two months wouldn't have been nearly enough to build a solid foundation.

"You said something about being Gardeners and Potioneers, am I correct?"

"Y-Yes." Caspiano nodded.

"I can sort of understand the work of a Gardener, but could you go more in depth about both professions?"

"Well… as I said, we're not fighters. Our Goddess didn't bestow us talents to take life, but to nurture it instead," Caspiano hummed, his voice carrying a gentle tone, which stood in grim contrast against the devastated land they were treading on, "With a mere touch, we can coax the rarest of plants to unfurl."

"How rare?" Jason pressed.

"Ah, I don't know…" Caspiano shrunk a little, "B-But I've been told that most of the herbs we cultivate can hardly be found anywhere in the continent."

Buttscratch's eyes went comically wide, "Wait… seriously?" his reaction elicited a raised eyebrow from Jason — then again, he didn't know the actual value of those herbs.

But if the Aetherbloom was anything to go by, they must have special and magical properties.

Caspiano gave a faint nod, "Yes… as you've already seen with the Aetherblooms, the herbs we grow can mend wounds with a touch, alleviate pain, increase one's vitality, and even heighten the senses, among other things."

Jason's mind raced, "Are there any herbs that could potentially be used as an offensive or defensive strategy?"

'There has to be something!'

"In a way, yes," Caspiano confirmed, much to his relief, "Some of our herbs are extremely poisonous, others, when mixed with specific ingredients, can confound the mind, deceive the eyes, or even create protective barriers against the spiritual."

"Then, why didn't ya use them?" Buttscratch asked, confused.

"T-Those specific ingredients are out of our reach."

Jason frowned, "Don't they know of your abilities?"

"No… and they can't know," Caspiano shuddered, "If they find out, we'd most likely suffer a worse fate. There'll be no end to our torment."

The quick death of a swift blade was probably a preferable outcome than whatever Caspiano's mind conjured at that question.

"You're telling me that they raided the village and not once did they pick up on the fact that you're growing divine herbs in your backyard?"

Caspiano's shoulders lifted in a subtle shrug, "They're extremely rare herbs, and it's not like those low-ranking grunts could ever recognize something they've never seen."

He had a point.

"Here we are," Caspiano pointed, "It's not much, but…"

Jason looked up. A hut with a thatched roof stood in front of them. Unlike the other huts dotting the village, this one was in considerably better conditions. Honestly, he was quite surprised that none of the roofs he'd seen had caved in already.

That was another thing to fix.

"... but it's home, eh?" Buttscratch chuckled, "It'll do."

Jason silently concurred.

Caspiano seemed relieved they didn't make a fuss about it, "I'll come back later with some food, for now get some rest… and, Jason?" he looked at the older man, still holding Alexa in his arms, "... thank you."

Leaving those words behind, the cute fellow ran off, this time without any more accidental flashing of his private parts.



When Alexa came to, she expected a world of pain, not a cozy warmth and a familiar scent. Normally, she would have burrowed into the bed like a groundhog, but the urgency of the situation slapped all the grogginess away.

Green eyes snapped open.

She was in a bed — that much she could tell. Contrary to the open sky, her eyes saw a thatched ceiling.

"Ugh…" one of her hands found its way on her forehead, where she aided the recollection of the past events with a much-needed massage.

A fight against armored humans. The fear of squaring off against a powerful foe.

Jason. The wound on his chest. She hadn't thought twice and took off to heal him.

And then—


What happened next? She didn't remember — she couldn't remember.

In her panicked haste, she nearly tripped down the bed. A furry hand stopped her descent just in time, "Ay, calm down, Alexa. You're fine. Everything's fine."

It took Alexa a moment to swallow back the rising anxiety and recognize the concerned mug of the Mempa, "B-Buttscratch? What… Where is Jason? Is he okay?"

She felt her magic gather at her fingertips, ready to drain herself out to heal her companion.

However, Buttscratch dispersed her worries with a hoot, "He's fine. We're in the Trapling Village… it's not a pretty sight out there. You should rest a bit more…"

Alexa bit her bottom lip, "Where is he?"

"He's…" an odd look crossed the creature's face, "... outside. He wanted to stay by yer side, but… eh, the situation's quite bad."

She traced her hand over the cloak draped over her. She grabbed a fistful of the rough, thick material and brought it to her nose. 'It's his scent…'

Buttscratch felt quite uncomfortable seeing Alexa literally sniff Jason's cloak like some addict.

"He's outside, you said?"

"Well, yes, but—"

Alexa bolted out of bed, draping the cloak around her. She gave the interior of the hut a quick scan. With how practical and poor the furnishing was, she immediately found her personal items.

She grabbed her tome and ran out.

The sky was darkening. Night approached, but at least she was not out in the open.

There was a measure of safety to be inside a community that couldn't be found compared to being alone in the forest.

Despite the decreasing source of light coming from the horizon, Alexa still managed to see the wanton destruction around her, like a devastated battlefield. Wreckages of huts and other constructions piled up atop bodies that had yet to be dug out.

The soil she stood on was either charred or marred with scars.

There was a bit of hesitancy in her stride, mostly because the whole place seemed deserted.

"I told ya it was not a pretty sight," Buttscratch hooted, knuckle-walking up to her and tugging at her cloak, "Those poor fellas must've been under those attacks for a long time."

"It's awful…" Alexa muttered.

"It is…"

"How… How can anyone do something like this…"

Death was something well within her expectations, for such was the world she was tossed into, but the slow whittling of an entire intelligent species was something her modernized mind couldn't understand.

"I-I don't think all humans are like that, y'know," Buttscratch said.

"How do you know that?"

"Jason is nice. Bit of an asshole, but he does care."

Alexa burst out in a bitter laugh, though only she knew the reason why.

"I'll make sure to convey your feelings to him."

"Ayy, no, don't do that," Buttscratch panicked, "He's gonna cook my ass."

"Still," she sighed, "How can we help them? This madness has to stop."

Buttscratch replied with a very human-like shrug, "Can't stop it. You can stop the bleedin', but the wound is still going to be there."

From the distance, Alexa saw a few residents of the village walking around with vacant eyes.

"Who is in charge of this place?"

Every community had a representative. The voice of the village.

"Someone called Roxanne. Very striking fella. He's already talked with Jason earlier."

"I see," Alexa tightened the edges of her cloak together in a snug fit, "Where is Jason?"

Buttscratch turned around, "This way."

Alexa followed him, way past the modest hut she woke up in, into a covert spot at the village's fringe.

'That fool…'

As soon as she saw him, all of her concerns simply evaporated like morning mist.

There he was, engaged in his routine, the same routine that occupied his time between bouts of sleep, scarce meals, and the frequent brush with death.

It was comforting to know that he took their circumstances so seriously — though it worried her how far he'd go for more power.

Unlike his previous sword swings that would take up most of the day, Jason had resorted to the most basic of calisthenics exercises. Push-ups.

Alexa's cloak fluttered as she took off running.

Honestly, just having him within her sight was enough to give her more confidence for the future.

Jason had to pause mid-push when a set of footsteps approached at alarming rate.

He looked up, sweat pouring down his face. He saw boots, and familiar garments that were too modern for Traplings. Alexa's lithe frame was swallowed by the cloak he had given her for more warmth.

And she was crouched in front of him, eyes narrowed, and a smirk on her lips.



She beamed at the relief in his voice.

Jason hastily shifted into a sitting position.

Naturally, because he was shirtless, it allowed Alexa to see the wiry physique of her partner, and the still bleeding gash on his chest.


She was oh so tempted to whack his head with her tome.

His ears rang, "What…?"

"Why didn't you heal that?"

She pointed an accusing finger at his chest.

Jason smiled faintly, "I've received treatment; mostly to stymie the bleeding. But I figured that training with a fresh wound would net me better results."

"You fool!" Alexa was simply astonished, "Fool! Fool! Fool!"

"Don't make a big deal out of it. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And it's not a simple aphorism anymore. With this system? I could train myself to an inch from death and come back way stronger than before."

Alexa gulped, a concerned look twisting her face.

"It's dangerous!"

"This world is dangerous!"

"I-I understand that, but you're overdoing it. Proper rest is also important, which you've had none of."

His silver eyes zeroed in on hers, "Alexa, you almost died…"


"All it took was a random guy we met. A schmuck that was likely a foot soldier, and he overpowered us! If not for the power Raven bestowed me, you would have died. Buttscratch would have died."

Alexa's anger subsided into a mix of frustration and concern. She sighed, rubbing her temples, "You're right. It's just… hard seeing you like this. We need a strategy, not recklessness."

Jason stood up, the seriousness returning to his expression. "I know. That's why I talked to Roxanne. We need to understand the threat, and I offered our help in exchange for theirs."

She frowned, "What did he say?"

"He's willing to work together. Their village is unique, filled with skilled gardeners and potion-makers. They have rare herbs with incredible properties. We can use that to our advantage."

Alexa perked up at the mention of herbs, her curiosity piqued, "Really? What kind of herbs?"

Jason explained Caspiano's earlier conversation about the Aetherblooms and the potential uses of their unique plants. Alexa's eyes gleamed with interest, "These herbs could be a game-changer for us, Alexa. We have to learn everything about them and find a way to use them strategically."

"Wow, that's intriguing. So they patched me up with one of those super rare plants," she pondered, tapping her chin, "If your explanation holds water, this could genuinely shake things up. Especially if it's under their radar. Imagine the surprise factor — it could be monumental!"

She seemed almost giddy at the prospect of violence, which Jason found quite endearing.

But then, hadn't she teetered on the brink of death not too long ago? Perhaps, it was just the echoes of trauma molding her perspective.

Jason nodded, "Exactly. We can turn this around, but we need to be smart about it. Caspiano said we have around two weeks before the next raid. We'll use that time to gather information, train, and strengthen ourselves."

"What if they attack way earlier? There is no actual evidence they're going to stage their next raid in exactly two weeks' time, is there?" Alexa pointed out.

She was right. Two weeks was based on a calculation and theory, and Jason was well-acquainted enough with the fragility of those things.

They had to operate on the assumption of a high-risk attack.

"That is also true, but they don't seem to have a sense of urgency with their raids. There is nothing to gain here but mere entertainment. We've been made aware that while they're culling the Traplings, they're not actively seeking to completely wipe them out."

Her voice sounded small and weak, "Why?"

He could see the disbelief in her eyes. 

"Your guess is as good as mine. I wonder if they're just that bored or if someone else is puppeteering the chessboard behind the scenes. There are way too many question marks, and the Traplings seem to be as ignorant as we are."

The sky transitioned from a beautiful, sunset red, towards a beautiful blend of purples and blues.

Silence ensued for a few seconds, with neither of them knowing what else to add, until they could make something substantial out of this situation.

Buttscratch, who had been watching them from afar, made his way over to them, "Guys, since we're all up and about, shouldn't we go find Roxanne?"

"And here I was thinking he didn't really have a brain," Alexa mused.

"Yeah," Jason chuckled, "Well, we were literally going there, but Alexa decided she needed to mother me like a goddamn child."

Alexa groaned, rolling her eyes, "Hmph, whatever."

However, despite her feigned indignance, it didn't hide the relieved smile plastered on her face.

"Shall we go?"


In the glory days of the Trapling village, it could have boasted grandeur and superior amenities, but the ceaseless onslaughts had rendered it akin to a spectral enclave

As if the entire village was already buried — except, instead of a burial shroud, it was buried underneath ashes and death.

An island of souls trying to find its footing amidst a rising ocean of turmoil.

Only the Traplings knew what was going through their minds in their attempt at reviving this barren, soulless ghost town.

There was a lot of reconstruction and modernization to do.

After Jason dropped by their place for a quick change of clothes, he led Alexa and Buttscratch to Roxanne's hut. He didn't realize how eerie the night in the village was ─ he was too accustomed to the comforting glow of street lamps and the radiant tapestry of city lights.

The unfamiliar darkness enveloping the village seemed almost otherworldly to him.

Upon reaching their destination, however, a gentle golden light cut through the darkness, a flickering halo emanating from the front door.

'At least they have some form of light source,' Jason thought, as they trudged toward the entrance. 'Wood or oil? Who knows.'

When Jason rapped on the door, Roxanne immediately greeted them and allowed them entrance.

Roxanne glanced from one visitor to the next. When his eyes fell upon Alexa, there was a mix of relief and gratitude. They had no prior conversation since Alexa was unconscious, but she was someone who traveled with Jason, their Goddess' Champion.

Not to mention her uncanny resemblance to the Traplings.

Naturally, Roxanne would hold no ill-will towards her.

"She has finally awakened, I see."

Jason, Alexa, and Buttscratch stepped over the doorstep, quickly coming into full view in the candlelight.

Alexa smiled in appreciation, "Thank you for healing my wounds," she muttered, "... it was really considerate of you."

"It is my duty to heal the sick and infirm," Roxanne sighed, a shadow crossing his face, "Unfortunately, I seem to be failing miserably at such duties..."

"Now, now, don't think that, dear boy," Buttscratch hooted softly and gave him a reassuring tap on his foot, "None o' this is yer fault..."

Jason saw how the young boy's face contorted at his words, clearly showing how he felt a significant amount of the guilt of the fate of his village.

With a tone filled with pure sympathy and compassion, Alexa smiled and placed a consoling hand over Roxanne's, "He's right. None of this is your fault, Roxanne. You were powerless against an attack of such an extreme magnitude."

Roxanne closed his eyes, feeling the warmth radiating off of her, "I know. Even without their overwhelming might, those bastards outnumber us and take advantage of our peaceful nature... We Traplings would much rather keep our hands free of blood, instead tending to our precious flowers... but now..."

His fists were clenched. It was evident that the sweet boy was in pain, and Alexa felt her own heart shattering in pieces with a shared sentiment, as someone that had lost everything important to her in the blink of an eye.

Then again, Jason and Alexa's circumstances were vastly different. In fact, Raven was to blame for their loss. However, Jason inwardly wondered if they were destined for a spiraling path of self-destruction regardless of the Goddess' intervention.

"... now we have to fight back, Roxanne," he said, resolutely, and he meant it. The stakes had become personal, ever since Alexa nearly became one of the many casualties that befell the village, "This ends now."

Jason's voice sliced the air like a blade.

He wasn't one to give speeches, but as he shifted his eyes, drinking in everyone's despair, he knew he had to say something. Roxanne. Alexa. Buttscratch. Caspiano.

All eyes were on him.

"They thought they could break us, but they just ignited a fire that'll consume them. We're not crawling out of this; we're rising like a storm. Alexa's brush with death has set a fuse, and I promise you, the explosion will be cataclysmic," the grip on his sword tightened — Sanguine Lighting sung with joy, "They played with forces they don't comprehend. We're not merely fighting back, we're orchestrating their downfall. This isn't retribution. It's annihilation. They'll beg for mercy, but we won't hear it. Get ready to unleash hell, we're not asking for revenge, we're taking it."

Nneeil Nneeil

Honestly, I might start splitting chapters from here on because it's not exactly productive to post long chapters. At least on Webnovel.

next chapter
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