57.97% Transmigrated into An Apocalypse novel / Chapter 40: Amitabha

บท 40: Amitabha

Amelia looked at the invitation in amusement. This Qin family is really not a good thing. She had clearly insulted them last time and now they are probably digging a pit for her to jump in. Amelia turned to the panicked old man Mo with a raised eyebrow. 

"Don't be scared. They probably want to know how powerful I am. Having a wild card like me while their foundation is still unsteady is making them anxious. Call me the best 20 shadow guards we have in the base." Amelia sat down and drank tea offered by

one of the secretaries. 

"Old Mo, you have been getting too many visitors that your office even offers tea for no reason now. Why does it taste so good? Old man Mo, did you steal it again?" Amelia enjoyed the tea while old Mo called in several people. 

"I asked them to plant it in the high end glass houses. The rest is sold in the base shop, you are the one who receives all the money." Old Mo defended himself. 

"Leader." Several people entered and sat down in an orderly manner. 

Amelia stood up and smiled at the several people. "What level have you reached?" She asked.

"We have all reached the immortal body stage 8." One said. 

Amelia took out a space ring and put it on the table. "Do you all know what this is?" 

"It is a legendary item, it can store items with a single thought." An excited person answered. 

"Do you guys want it?" She gave them a toothy grin.

"Yes leader!" 

"Even if you use your shadow it wont fall off so don't worry about loosing it once you change forms. I want you to pull off a heist. Someone is bullying me and as punishment I want to take away their toys. I want you to steal all their supplies while I send them a warning."

The shadow guards realized her plan is to use them as distraction while she go to the real target. They smiled in anticipation. They really want the space rings. The important thing is that these are made from black iron and the space stone is covered so no one would be able to recognize it as a magical item because Amelia had made these for stealthy people. 

The team worked together to find out where the supplies of the Qin family are stored when they have made a solid plan, they moved out at once. There are 9 supply points and one large underground ware house. They are to move on the 9 warehouses at the same time. Amelia gave them each a stealth talisman. She checked and saw that even the most advance cameras from Zhu Li can not detect the life signals after putting on the talisman. 

The largest underground warehouse is to be bombed and while they try to salvage the situation, other warehouses are quickly emptied. The shadow guards used a small pill that is crushed and released into the air, it will make whoever smells it fall unconscious. 

Each warehouse is guarded by six to eight armed guards, after they smelled the slight fragrance, they fell on the ground directly. They came with a disrupting device that renders all cameras in the vicinity useless. The warehouse is cut open using a light saber. Zhu Li is a star wars fan so she made several of these. 


Tens of thousands of goods were stolen into the space rings in less than 5 minutes the explosion sounded underground ware the weapons are stored. Fearing that someone is stealing something, all units went to intercept the enemy. There is smoke, everywhere it is very hard to know that is happening inside. All they can hear is the sound of someone moving things inside. The smoke is so strong that no one can see what is going on. 

Lu Feng is so anxious he almost went into the warehouse blindly to catch the thief. The peculiar thing is that this smoke doesn't allow mental power to scan inside wherever it is.

At the same time, Amelia used the same device to enter the factory and took out buckets of wild fire powder she had personally created. The color is not different from the normal yellow flames but putting it out is impossible.

She used a wind spell to ensure the powder reached every corner of the factory, taking out the same saber to open the underground warehouse, she poured more powder into the hole and then used the wind to make it drill into each armor and every thing in the factory. 

This is only one of the tens of factories under the Qin family so she will end up destroying about 1200 uncompleted armor but the rest of the factories are marked with a large X on each entrance of the warehouses with the complete set of armor.

She is sending a clear warning that she knows where their power lies and she can take it away from them if they don't repent.

Amelia was not going to burn the factory initially but she was made to listen to the conversation that old man Qin had with the members of his family. He said they need for find ways to make thing difficult for the people of the Jiankang base during the event. 

The old man said it will be better if they kill a few people to see how the Jiankang mysterious leader will react. When she heard this, she felt her blood boil and the heart sank. This man has been driven crazy by the power of the armor. He must have been completely offended when he couldn't read old Mo mind. 

Amy got out and teleported all the sleeping people a distance away and then set the place on fire. The magnificent flames burned to the sky. As it the wrath of a golden dragon, it obliterated everything touched by the powder. These flames burn three times hotter than normal flame, water doesn't put out the fire set by an alchemist. 

She teleported away just as the sleeping soldiers woke up. The kiss of heat wave from a distance made them stand up in shock. Only one thought rang in their minds, "We are so dead." 

The group of thieves met up at an agreed location and then went home together after which the items looted were scanned for anything that may report their current location back to the Qin family. The goods were then stored in the right locations while the people kept the rings as payment. 

Amelia looked at old man Mo who had been worried that something will go wrong during the operation. "We are all safe and nothing went wrong so you can calm yourself."

"I am allowed to worry. What you all did was very risky." Old Mo said drinking the cold tea. He had been seated in his office with Zhu Li worrying about operation.

"What's your excuse?" Amelia looked at Zhu Li. "Shouldn't you be sleeping at this time? How are you supposed to have a sober mind and do your work in the morning?"

"I am fine. Why didn't you take away their source of confidence?" Zhu Li asked her.

"I can do that any time. I want to see if a warning is effective first. It is impolite not to warn your enemies of your ability." Amelia said pretentiously.

"Also, I don't want the responsibility of being royal. They want it they can have it but they should lea e me alone."

"It makes sense. What are your plans with the outer city? It is complete now even the glass, floor heating and the cooling system is installed. The water and electricity is also installed. The large size of your city is probably what is making the Qin family uneasy.

The outer city surrounds the main hospital base on nine parts with nine equally large districts and a single larger path from the main gate toward the outside clear of any buildings.

This was so leaving and entering the inner city doesn't require going through any city. The main gate now has a large concrete pathway that an army of thousands can march freely. This path is flanked by high walls on each side covering the two districts of the outer city.

The design was drawn with many things to consider. Cramping the inner base would have been an over sight. There is a difference between being protected and being caged. Inner city in an independent city and can protect its own entrance.

"Installing the power system was done swiftly thanks to Zhu Li's new power system. The same electricity station from before has been implemented but there are no wires and complex structures. It is a room with supply point and a few staff members have been briefed on how to work there. This new system needs a lot of crystal nucleus." Old Mo said with obvious delight at the system's effectiveness.

"There is a card to insert into the home system that is like a key. When the bill is paid, the card will have credit when the bill is not paid, no power will be supplied to that household."

Amelia understood. She turned to Zhu Li with a thankful expression. "Thank you for your hard work." She handed her a two middle level spirit stones.

"Can you check what happened when you use these instead of crystal nucleus?"

Amelia had forgotten she has this resource in her hand. Zhu Li stood up and left directly. This is because she can feel the power in the stones so she got excited.

In the Qin family. 

The old man Qin looked at the large sign on each and everyone of the lactations housing the most important item for the Qin family.

Lu Feng looked at the exact same sign and tilted it slightly. He sighed thinking of the fuss made by the mysterious enemy. Who has their family offended lately? This sign though...he looked at it again and finally realized what it was. When turned to the side, it makes a cross sign, cross signs are usually used in health care facilities.

"It's the Jiangkang base." Lu Feng said showing the old man the sign. Old man Qin felt like he just lost his strength from the entirety of his body.

"They know we have armor." The old man said.

"They also know where we keep it." Lu Feng said. This is a sign that his grandfather had targeted the wrong person.

"What do we do?"

"Nothing. Today was a warning. Are you feeling warned?" Lu Feng asked the old man who nodded. He almost lost the source of his confidence tonight. He wouldn't want to be exposed like this, feeling like he can not hide anything from the other party.

He had thought his family invincible with the armor but tonight showed him that it can all be taken from him and the foundation he is building his family's dynasty on will be lost.

"Perhaps a cease fire." Lu Feng suggested.

"I will not apologize to her. The plan will still go on. This little trick won't stop me from pursuing that which I seek." The old man said stubbornly.

"And what is that?" Lu Feng asked. He is almost fed up with this old man. He is grabbing his handle fo firmly on the family head position that Lu Feng even doubts of he will ever leave the position.

Now he is letting his pride destroy what is his. He has sacrificed so much for this seat but the old man is refusing to let go. Putting all these obstacles on his path is just excuse to hold on to power.

He even dictates where he sleeps at night. He was forced to move into the room with Xiaoping because this man is so overbearing. He really contemplated leaving this behind and go looking for Amelia.

"Total control of this nation and all its resources. Right now we own the major bases but that wild card shouldn't be tolerated. She is a threat!"

Lu Feng rubbed his eyebrows and took off his coat. She then hang it on his arm and left to his own room and locked the door.


Liang Mei has relaxed days now that she doesn't have an army to manage and she doesn't have to deal with the insistent pestering from the other leaders.

Liang Mei quietly harvested her mystical fruit and stored it in the space. She used these days to study her father and mother carefully. She has taken longer to make it back because she went to their old home and indeed there are pin size cameras all over the house. She saw the videos and heard her mother's demon like voice.

No matter what that didn't seem like her mother but a nasty woman who with so much hate in her heart. Amelia looked so frail and wronged every time. She who had been through bloody scenes in the apocalypse couldn't bare to watch a child being despised so much. So she destroyed the evidence preventing others from seeing this side to her mother.

She knows now that Amelia will never see her father as a father ever again which will make it difficult for Amelia to fall into her hands. But so what? All Liang Mei has to do is to get stronger. Her cultivation has regressed since being poisoned.

The clenched her fists in rage. "Amelia. This is your fault."

She can not vent her anger on Amelia but she can redirect it towards another one of her enemies. Zhou An. In the past week she has spent more time learning the medical recipes in the space manual. She has finally perfected a low level pill that will make someone unable to move. 

It makes people lose control over their limbs to the point they can not move, Liang Mei saw the invitation from the Qin family. It seems there is a powerful family in the west and she can not allow Zhu Li to be recognized there as one of the strong people, what if she gains even more power? 

She wants them to sit still on the day of departure and not participate in this monumental event. Liang Mei doesn't remember such a family in the last life, not to mention that bases were never involved in a war. She understands that some people may have also changed their path just like Amelia who didn't come home with the army last time. 

She went into seclusion and cultivated while occasionally making medicine. It is not too easy for her to find substitutes for some of the ingredients like Amelia because she has never read the records of rare ingredients from a prestigious immortality school like Amelia so she can make pills whose ingredients are still similar. 

The royal ceremony is still months away so she has enough time to play with Zhu Li slowly. 

Zhu Li kept calling Amelia to come over and replenish the pills she had given her to sell. During this time, many people have lost their limbs in the North region and have come to look for her to buy the miracle medicine. So much so that she has lost all her free supply she had received from Amelia. 

"One voicemail is just as effective as 32." 

"Amy, thank god you answered, people were going to drown me now, can you give me that silver medicine?" 

"Call me something else from now on. We don't want you know who to get a hold of our relationship." 

"Alright. I had a massive crush on this guy named Yan. I'll call you senior Yan from now on. Now, can you give me that pill or not?" 

"Not. Now stop calling me." Amelia dropped the call. 

"Hey, no. Many people have lost their limbs and want to buy it."

Amelia rubbed her eyebrows in annoyance. "I am not stupid like you to put such valuable medicine for sale. Did you feel good being showered in complements and flattery that you lost your mind?" 

Zhou An became ashamed because Amelia had told her that medicine was for her people if they sustain serious injuries from practicing in the dangerous snow lands up North. But she had taken it to show off. 

"What do I tell them then?" Zhou An asked in panic.

"I am mad at you, why should I care? Go and tell them you are a silly girl who overreached." Amelia harshly reprimanded her. 

"I... I...I" 

"You were being silly. Even if you are bright, You shouldn't be dazzling. People love a hero but they love watching them fall even more. You will attract more enemies like this. I gave you that medicine so you can practice without worrying."

"But...that bitch came back and I lost my mind for a while." Zhu Li said.

"Have you returned to your senses now?" 

"Yes, but what do I do now?" 

"Take your people to hunt for the next few weeks. Don't come back until at least half has reached level 7."

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" 

"They live in a luxurious flat, eat and drink like its not the end of the world. They along with you are going to turn into waste. Do as I say or our cooperation will end here today."

"Fine. Where to go?"

"I will arrange a training place for you. Just get ready to live at any moment." 

Amelia has a good Idea of where they may train. There are many provinces and Amelia knows a place where many resources will be found in the future it is called a Anhui province. There is the most important energy stone the aliens are always crazy about in that province. 

The place was covered in zombies all year long and clearing it was a big deal. Even though it is near the Qin family territory it shouldn't be a problem to steal it from them for a while. 

Amelia teleported there and saw a place covered in sunlight. The winter has almost swallowed the North and North east region but this place is almost like a paradise like this? No wonder the Qin chose this part of the country to occupy. 

Moving up she found a city and then saw it is covered in cars and metal bars. It seems There is a base here. Amelia wonders if this base had been swallowed up by zombies or they had migrated because there was no base in the entire province in the novel..

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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