/ Anime & Comics / To a new Eternity
In the world of Tensura, follow our protagonist as she gets used to her new life as the mighty Raiden Shogun Ei, as she claws her way to the top once more.
Im not good at a synopsis so ill just tell you this, our mc is in tensura as the 'Raiden shogun'. The beginning is probably going to be a bit on the slower side as she tries to adapt to her new found powers and the responsibilities those entails, while she tries to find a place in the chaotic world of tensura.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน lycorisRadiata
Nice Start but doesnt Upload anymore so that sucks since the start looked really good idk If this is wishfull thinking since this is a good (wich is rare,i dont Like Harem) Genshin fanfic so mabye IT was Uploaded somewere else If so please inform me