50% Timmy visit fertile valley / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Timmy visit fertile valley Timmy visit fertile valley original

Timmy visit fertile valley

นักเขียน: BlackDragonGod7643

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

When Julie Jones crested the slow rise on the highway and saw the rectangular sign reading "Fertile Valley - The Friendliest Town In The State… Or Anywhere Else! - Pop. 2300" she felt her heart surge with relief. She and her son Timmy had moved all across America in the past three years, ever since Timmy's daddy left. She reached out and squeezed her son's hand affectionately. Timmy, sitting on the front seat with his wide blue eyes taking in the countryside beneath the spiked front of his blonde crew cut, turned his head to face her. "Is this where we're gonna live, mom? I hope I can make lotsa new friends!"

Her heart broke for his enthusiasm. Timmy was quite adept at 'making friends', though not in the way that many fellow parents appreciated. The fact was, dozens of teachers and students at Timmy's last school had turned up pregnant, and there was no doubt that Timmy was the cause. Even though he was only six years old and cute as a button with his precocious ways and downy-cheeked enthusiasm, his little short shorts were absolutely stuffed full with a fat, coiling length of throbbing penis that was sixteen inches long and dropped nearly to the floor when Timmy stood up!

Timmy wasn't shy about using his prodigious pecker, either. All over their last town, girls in the grades ahead of him were walking to school with their heads down, shamefully covering their enormous preggo bellies! Thirteen years old, twelve, all the way down to girls as young as eight - it turned out that little Timmy Jones was hosing their hairless pussies full of his chunky nut sauce! Timmy's teachers often scolded Julie about his behavior, calling her to after-school parent/teacher sessions to explain what was going on.

"Your son is a terror!" was the report from one bespectacled and large-breasted kindergarten teacher. "I don't know where he learned it, Miss Jones, but Timmy is always showing off his huge penis! I can't get through half an hour of lessons or a single nap-time without Timmy letting his big meat hose flop out of his shorts and drip all over the floor. By 11:00 AM the entire classroom smells like his semen from all the nasty nut sludge that slops out of his big pisshole! I can even hear it when it comes out, it's so thick and nasty. It makes a noise like ' pbbththththt!' when he squirts one of his chunky, yellowish loads!" The teacher cradled her large, pregnant belly with red-faced shame.

Once a dozen pregnancies popped up in a given locale, it was usually time to haul stakes and move along before things got awkward. This time, though, Julie hoped it would be different. This time, she and Timmy were moving to Fertile Valley.

She pulled up to the curb outside her new apartment building and looked around with satisfaction. Fertile Valley was a very rural area, even from the simple three-story apartment complex she could see rail fences two blocks over, bordering a farmhouse, and beyond that, endless fields that were in the process of being cultivated. She opened the driver's side door for Timmy and watched as the boy swung his short legs out and boosted himself down to the curb. His blue shorts were absolutely stuffed with with coiled-up, cum-leaking boy sausage, and the bulge was so obvious that in spite of her promise not to make her son feel self-conscious, she looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Julie had carefully picked Fertile Valley. Online searches had hinted that Fertile Valley would be a place where Timmy could find some kindred spirits, boys his own age that he could make friends with, rather than intimidating with his enormous pre-teen fuckmeat! Indeed, Julie saw several mothers and fathers walking on the sidewalk, hand in hand with their children. Freckled, braid-haired girls who looked as young as seven or eight years old were waddling around unsteadily with massive, pregnant bellies that must have outweighed the rest of their tiny bodies… yet rather than treating the condition as a lewd disgrace, they actually seemed to show them off, wearing tiny tee shirts pulled up to just below their developing, pregnancy-swollen breasts! The fathers and mothers, wearing blue-collar outfits, seemed to be happy as well. And when there was a boy present in the family unit, his shorts were drooping at the waistband from the weight of a big, thick cock that would rival a horse for size!

Julie looked down to Timmy and took his hand. "We're going to be very happy here, Timmy," she said, and the boy looked up at her with an angelic smile. The door to the apartment complex opened up and another mother walked out, a woman about Julie's age. Her red hair was a trifle frizzy, as if she'd just finished a flurry of activity, and freckles ran across her nose. She wore a flannel shirt tied just below her large breasts, baring her midriff, and a denim skirt, leaning down well-toned legs to simple socks and cross-trainers. Gaudy hoop earrings swung in her ears, cheap ones, giving her a backwoods country aesthetic. She tugged a young boy along behind her, a boy perhaps Timmy's age, and sporting hair just as red as his mothers.

"Gosh!" she exclaimed, as she came to within one pavement square of Julie and Timmy, observing their car and the luggage loaded into the backseat. "Looks like we got a new arrival!" Her son, who was licking a swirly lollipop, looked at Timmy with a cautious greeting, and Timmy returned it. It was uncanny how the boys were mirror images of each other. Timmy had a blonde crew cut, and the other boy had a mop of red hair and a crop of freckles, but they were the same height and looked to be the same age. And their two pairs of shorts were absolutely hanging down with the weight of two enormous boy cocks!"

"Name's Marie, pleased to meetcha!" said the redheaded mom enthusiastically, and she gave Julie's hand a stern shake. "Been a while since he had a newcomer around these parts. But I guess I know why you're here. Your son's got a heck of a basket! Llewellyn! Don't be rude and say hello!" Marie prompted, and her son stopped licking his lollipop and nodded to Timmy.

"Hiya," he said. Timmy returned the greeting. "How old are you?"


"Me too!" Llewellyn said. "Are you gonna come and play on the big bed?"

Timmy looked confused. "What's that?" he asked.

"The big bed is where all the swingers n' breeders in town get together to do a little fuckin' every weekend," Marie explained. "And you better believe the boys are the stars of the show! Since before my daddy and my daddy's daddy, we've been breedin' the biggest bull-stud boys with the best baby-makers in town, and producin' the most hung little studs you ever did see!" She beamed with pride. "I did pretty well for myself as you can see. I don't quite know who Llewellyn's daddy is, but I'm sure it was one of the boys with biggest hogs in town, because when Llewellyn came out, he already had a big ol' donkey dick that was 8 inches long! That was damn near a town record!"

Julie gasped. "Oh my! Eight inches when he was born ?"

"You're darn tootin'!" Marie exclaimed. "The nurses was all linin' up to get a taste of that big ol' dick!"

"Well, Timmy didn't have anything like that when he was born," Julie replied. "He was just normal sized. But two years or so back, he just started growing and growing, and it leveled off where it's at now." She sighed and threw up her hands as if to demonstrate. "I've been at my wit's end!" And when she saw a look of understanding on Marie's face, Julie's heart was filled with joy. Finally, another parent who knew the trials and troubles of having a young son with an absolutely enormous penis! She was sure that she and Marie would be the best of friends.

"Well shucks! Mind if I see it?" Marie asked, and Julie at first felt nervousness, before reminding herself that it was okay. In fact, Timmy loved showing his penis off and did it all the time, even at the most inappropriate moments possible. On the drive to Fertile Valley, she had been petrified at the thought of being pulled over by a police officer for speeding, only to have Timmy unleash his big, smooth, cum-burping schlong at an agent of the law!

"Go ahead and show her, Timmy," she prompted, and Timmy didn't need any further encouragement, hooking his thumbs into his shorts and pulling them down with a child's immodesty, revealing inch after inch of his thick, girthy sex hammer to Marie MacBride and her son, crossing his arms with pride afterward and standing with feet shoulder width apart and his tee-shirt failing to hide any detail of his impish legs and buttocks.

"Tarnation!" Marie gasped, and took two steps forward to kneel in front of Timmy's dick. "That's a heck of a piece!" She was seeing it for the first time, and Julie knew well what it looked like. A long, hairless shaft, thicker than a woman's arm, fading from skin-toned to pink from base to tip. A pisshole nearly as large as a mouth, constantly leaking fat pearls of virile, impregnating cum wad. A fat cock crown, girthier than an apple. A pair of absolutely massive, grapefruit-sized nuts that hung low in a smooth, blushing-red sack, nearly reaching the boy's knees. "How big is it? It's gotta be a foot and a half once it gets all the way hard!"

"Not quite," Julie said. "Timmy is a foot soft and sixteen inches hard." But she looked down to confirm her measurement and it did seem like Timmy was larger than normal. At half-hard, he already seemed to be sixteen inches! But how could that be? Unless he was somehow-

"Well they say there's somethin' in the water here in Fertile Valley," Marie went on, reaching out to wrap her hand around Timmy's shaft. It was so thick, she could only get her finger halfway around the circumference. "If ya'll stopped for a drink within ten miles of town limits, you got a mouthful of that stuff for sure!"

Julie gulped. She had stopped for a drink at the gas station just outside of town, and Timmy had consumed water from the fountain for what seemed like minutes on end. She couldn't imagine her son getting even bigger . He was already absolutely huge!

"Gosh!" Marie went on, and her blue eyes were wide beneath frizzy red bangs. "This cum is thick as tar! This boy is one heck of a bull! He's gonna be quite a hit after church this weekend!" She leaned forward and pursed her lips, sealing them over Timmy's dick tip and suckling at his pisshole. Her face immediately became one of lust, and she made noises as she consumed like someone enjoying a sumptuous meal.

"She's suckin' all the cum outta my pee-hole!" Timmy exclaimed, his face screwed up into an expression of harsh contentment. "I can feel it!"

Marie's face made a suctioning sound as she slurped a big, solid strand of jizz out of Timmy's long urethra, a rope seeming as solid as a pasta noodle and as thick around as her finger, puffing out her cheeks with its piled up volume before she chewed and then tossed back her head to swallow with an exaggerated motion, blushing as she did so. "Dang!" she exclaimed. "I had to chew it like crazy just to get it down, and the smell was so strong! You gotta come to the Big Bed this week, after you get settled, hon. Everyone's gonna wanna meet this little guy!"

Timmy beamed with delight, for he enjoyed being the center of attention. Julie's stomach fluttered with apprehension. Would Timmy truly fit in? Or would they be forced to pack up and leave yet again?

As it turned out, Julie needn't have worried, for young Timmy ended up being the hit of the party. The "Big Bed" was upstairs at the Fertile Valley community center, attached to the Church of the Holy Redeemer in the middle of town. A sign outside read "Go Forth And Multiply". The main room featured a heart-shaped mattress twice as large as a king-size or more, with an ornate canopy like something out of a love hotel. It was decorated with plush pillows, and all around it on the periphery of the large room were loveseats and chairs for use by those who weren't in the mood to be part of the 'main event'. According to Marie, the families in town gathered on the Big Bed every weekend, usually on Sundays after mass, so that the seeds of Fertile Valley could be planted and new generations of gifted youngsters could be sown to carry the town's fortunes into the future.

Julie was immediately confronted with the sight of parents and children stripped absolutely naked and engaged in all manner of sexual congress. Girls who seemed barely old enough to leave primary school walked around in lace negligees that showed off their enormous pregnant bellies. Many of the mothers had expansive hips and enormous breasts; this trait seemed to be passed on to their daughters, who despite being elementary-school-aged themselves were sporting huge milk tanks big enough to overflow the eager, groping palms of their fathers. And though these men were well-endowed, it was the boys of Fertile Valley who had the real equipment. They ran to and fro, naked or in bare-chested in shorts or underwear, with long, smooth, enormously thick cocks bouncing and bulging like third legs between their thighs. Those who weren't engaged in horseplay were reclining on the Big Bed, or on loveseats, being serviced by their eager mothers, who fingered their wet pussies while struggling to handle the feet of thick, brutal boymeat stretching their lips and jaws.

The mothers were immediately smitten with the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Timmy, surrounding him like gossiping hens and kneeling in front of him to caress his hanging fuck-flange, which the boy displayed with pride. His lack of modesty had long given Julie fits in normal circumstances, but now seemed like an asset rather than a curse - in a place where cock size was the be-all and end-all for a young boy, Timmy was set to be the most exciting newcomer the town had seen in years.

"Goddamn, look at the size of that thing!" remarked a smoky-voiced blonde woman. She languished on one hip in front of Timmy and licked her lips. "You weren't kidding Marie!"

"I told you, didn't I?" Marie said, and knelt next to Timmy, taking his shaft in one hand. "It's eighteen inches and he ain't even hard yet! Hell, we ain't seen a bull like this in a generation or more! Not since Joey!" The assembled mothers murmured the name like it was an incantation. Joey, Joey. A child of legendary proportions, no doubt, and Timmy seen as his close equal! Suddenly, the smiling boy had four sets of hands on his prong, four different naked, lustful adult women kneading his shaft and letting his fat, low-hanging balls pour over their palms in drifts of scrotal flesh. Timmy, excited by their touch, exhaled as his big pisshole splurrted out a heavy rope of chunky, yellowish-white semen all over two of their faces.

There were gasps, and soon even the orgiastic fucking on the Big Bed was slowing down everyone wanted to lay an eye on the biggest 6-year-old donkey meat the town had ever seen. Now only was Timmy hung like a beast, but his pre-seed was thicker than the full ejaculation of an adult man and more copious by far. His pisshole looped out more chunky rivulets of nasty jizz as dozens of onlookers surrounded him in a ring. Pre-teen girls with breasts like melons climbed off of their moaning fathers to see the commotion and every big-titted MILF engaged with her son, or the son of a neighbor, paused her ministrations to see Timmy's fat hog blow its load.

"Gosh-darnit!" Marie exclaimed, admiring the view of Timmy's backside and looking as his massive fucklog drooped down, nearly equalling one of his legs in size. "It's gettin' half-hard! It's gotta be twenty inches… and his darn balls are bigger than his cute little butt cheeks!" It was true. The pert moons of Timmy's rear were actually smaller than the monstrous ostrich-egg sized orbs swinging in his sack. He women leaned in greedily to suckle at his cum-tanks and Timmy smiled with enjoyment at the sensation. They were large enough to support multiple women each, and soon he had a whole harm of the mothers, on all fours, slopping at his nuts like hogs at a trough. They sniffed his smooth sack, took huge mouthfuls of scrotal skin in their mouths and ran their plump lips over his nuts, forming a vacuum seal.

Occasionally one would pull away and Timmy would grab her hair, guide her over to his cocktip and fill her mouth to the brim and overflowing with a huge, chowdery load of backed-up, yellow jizz! The women rolled their eyes back and gurgled like stuck pigs as the mess slopped down their cheeks and splattered their breasts. The consensus was that Timmy's cum was the thickest and nastiest any of them could remember; they could actually feel the impregnating, oversized wrigglers burrowing in that off-white goo and trying to find fertile eggs to rape! "Nnnngh!" Marie moaned, her voice thick with a brain-melting, oatmeal-chunky mouthful of Timmy's dick juice. "His big ol' cum tanks produce so much jizz, it starts fermenting in his big ball sack before it comes out!"

Even as they complained about the smell and taste, though, the cooing mothers helped themselves to their fill, passing Timmy's ultra-virile, underage boy-hose between their mouths and milking throat-clogging wads of chunky nut-sludge out of his piss-pipe with squeezing strokes. Before all was said and done, at least a dozen residents of the town had consumed their fill, multiple mouthfuls, and Timmy showed no signs of running low or flagging in consistency. His cum on shot fifty was as nasty and pungent as it had been on shot one. When one of the mothers produced a huge graduated pitcher and placed it in front of Timmy, the lad seemed to relish the challenge. Even Julie got into the spirit; she alone knew the absolute mess that Timmy made in his sheets on a nightly basis, leaking so much in his sleep that she had to put an extra-large condom around his cock to catch the excess… until the condoms started bursting.

"Let's see how much he can shoot!" came one cry, and they began to jerk Timmy's dick into the pitcher, which seemed the size of a gas can. Fat, chunky ropes of wad began to slop into it with heavy liquid sounds, drawing gasps from the assembled audience; the mothers had seldom seen such a display of virility. Sometimes the blasts of wad were so long and copious it was like the boy was pissing out a fat stream of lotion; they swirled and criss-crossed and clumped on each other in a whitish-yellow lattice. The stench of semen filled the room, causing several of the women to swoon.

In less than a minute, Timmy had filled the pitcher to the brim. The hands holding it were growing unsteady because of the weight. The women agreed that what they were seeing was unprecedented; a six-year-old boy producing gallons of steaming hot but sauce that was absolutely jam-packed with wriggling, impregnating swimmers! It was agreed that the ultra-hung boy needed a further test; and the interested crowd surged toward one of the side rooms, where an old-fashioned claw-foot bathtub was placed in a spa-like surroundings, one of the many leisure areas of the mansion-like house that held the Big Bed. It was Marie and her pigtailed, red-haired daughter Sadie who volunteered to get into the tub while Timmy filled it up - and Julie who was tasked with encouraging the boy, for she was, after all, his mother. Marie and Sadie, both totally nude and showing freckles on their fair skin, one an adult woman and one a barely-teen girl, slid into the tub one on top of the other, settling in with Marie clutching Sadie to her chest expectantly. Julie began jacking Timmy's fat penis as the other ladies started the process by pouring the contents of the pitcher over the two redheads, slathering them with a coating of hot, thick semen and drawing ecstatic moans. Julie marvelled at how huge her son's penis had grown since he'd arrived in Fertile Valley. It had been only a week, and his sixteen inches had become two feet, with a thickness greater than her arm. Timmy's fat horse cock jutted out in front of him longer than his young arms could reach.

"Just do your best, Timmy," she encouraged him, jerking his shaft with one hand and kneading his heavy balls with the other. Her fingers could not even come close to encircling half of his throbbing shaft. "Show your new friends how much you can shoot!" She leaned in and started suckling at the side of one churning, cum-producing orb, listening to the sound of those ultra-virile testes making a sputtering clogged-drain noise and squeezing out new ball-batter every second. Julie knew something that the Fertile Valley women didn't - that Timmy's cum-spewing display so far wasn't even an orgasm! It was all just his super-thick, ultra-virile precum! Having had plenty of experience, she knew just how to jerk her son's big dick to get him cumming for real.When the ejaculation came, the streams switch from fat ropes of off-white goo to monster hose blasts that burst against the targets like balloons full of extra-chunky oatmeal. The crowd oohed and aahed at the copious shots being fired; the cum was thicker, nastier, and contained more sperm than any ejaculation they had ever seen. The fathers and their boys knew they were seeing a new alpha stud who could put their own outputs to shame, and the mother and their girls knew just who they wanted to line up and breed with, producing children who had eight, nine, ten inch dicks at birth, straight out of the womb! Marie and Sadie masturbated shamelessly, fingering each other as they writhed in the tub and got hosed down by fat, nasty cum blasts.

"Yes, take my son's smelly cum!" Julie cried, finally able to take pride in Timmy's virility for once instead of being constantly ostracized. "You love those big loads, don't you? You and your daughter? Do you like how thick it is? It's nice and yellow because his balls store so much backed-up, nasty jizz that it starts rotting in his nuts before it even comes out. And it's tainted with plenty of piss, too! Timmy can piss just as much as he cums, and after he fills this bathrub with sperm he's going to take a long piss all over you and your daughter as well!"

In moments, there wasn't a dick unjerked and a pussy unshlicked across the entire crowd of dozens and dozens of Fertile Valley residents, with every perverse adult and child appreciating the ultra-virile display. Timmy's sperm blasts grew in intensity to the point they were near constant, a volcanic eruption of wad, and he stepped closer, standing on his tippy-toes to direct streams of yellowish-goo straight into the mouths and down the throats of Marie and Sadie, who took turns wrapping their lips around his pisshole until their cheeks puffed out and rivulets of sperm blasted out of their nostrils. Their bellies quickly filled and bloated out, making them look like they were in the late stages of pregnancy, and both mother and daughter rubbed their lewd cum-stretched guts together and they fingered each other, snowballing Timmy's cum back and forth and wallowing in a lake of the boy's semen, rubbing it all over the taut skin and bulging midsections. Gosh! This kid is a regular fire hose!" someone remarked, and though Timmy didn't quite match that amount of pressure and volume, he came as close as any human being ever had. The sounds of big pisshole dilating and blowing out a constant stream of chunky nut sauce into the bathtub was totally audible, stopping only when the cum stream was briefly broken by the contraction of the boy's orgasm, and renewing again. Pbbbbbbththt! Spllrrrrrrrt! The enormous cum ropes were as thick as two fingers put together, and soon, both Marie and her young daughter Sadie were literally bathing in Timmy's enormous load.

"This is amazin' momma!" said Sadie. "I feel like my whole body is gonna get preggers!"

Half a dozen busty, horny mothers had gathered around the tub now, lowering their heads over the edge to drink like hogs at a trough, moaning at how thick and nasty that kiddie cum was, how it tasted so strong and it stank like weeks-old sperm but they couldn't get enough of sucking those yellowish cum curds into their mouths and swallowing them down into their stomachs. Julie beamed as Timmy finished filling the tub all the way to the edge, realizing that her son was in his element at last - the behavior that had been so troublesome before would be encouraged here. In Fertile Valley, her gifted boy could jerk off on, piss on, impregnate, and fuck absolutely anyone he wanted, and nobody would ever complain. Her heart filled with joy.

"Piss all over them now, honey," she encouraged him, rubbing his cute rear and massaging his bulging sock shaft. "Take a big long piss on everyone of them!"

Timmy looked momentarily guilty, but if his mother was encouraging him, he realized it must be okay, at last, to indulge his natural instinct to indulge his territory. He had pissed nonchalantly in plenty of places over the years; letting his monster dick hang out and flooding the classroom floor, telling his teachers he needed help going to the bathroom only to produce his member and piss for minutes on end directly into their glasses-wearing MILF faces. Thus, it was nothing new for the boy to use two hands to direct his fat, softening shaft at the tub and start pissing an enormous golden stream over every pair of tits, every pair of buttocks, and every moaning, cum If anything, his pissing was even more virile and prodigious than his sperm-blasting; Timmy's stream had the strength of a faucet and instantly covered the body or filled the mouth of his target. Women spread their pussies and asses so his urine could batter against their erogenous zones, they spread their daughters' slits as well so his smelly, acrid waste could batter against their pea-sized clits and vibrate them to orgasm. Those who hadn't yet overfilled themselves with cum eagerly drank down his issue until their bellies were sloshing.

"Damn, that boy is a real alpha bull, markin' his territory!" Marie moaned, looking worn out from being blasted by so much piss and cum, sloshing in the tub with her daughter pressed against her chest. "I want him to breed both me and Sadie first!"

This caused something of a rush, and a dozen mothers and daughters took doggystyle positions in front of Timmy, exposing their pussies and assholes lewdly and making it clear from their dispositions that they would happily take his monster two-foot boy cock in every hole! Marie and Sadie scrambled out of the tub to join them, and suddenly, Timmy found himself with his pick of busty MILF women and their nubile daughters - a feast of bulging butt cheeks, hanging sow tits, and puffy pussy mounds at his complete disposal.

Perhaps out of respect, since they were the first people he'd met in town, Timmy went to stand behind Marie first, pressing his still pissing cocktip against her slit and ass and splitting her cheeks apart, causing the woman's eyes to bug out with realization. "Shucks! That big ol' dick is gonna totally fuck up my pussy!" But her apprehension quickly turned to joy. "But I don't even care! I want you to wreck me so no one else even touches the sides, Timmy! Stretch me out nice and wide so I can pop out plenty of your big-dick babies!"

"Okay!" Timmy said, happily, and then pressed forward and mounted Marie. She gurgled and spit up a huge stream of cum that was forced out of her stomach, and a dick-bulge appeared in her gut that seemed the size of a fence-post. A cheer went up from the crowd as they formed into a circle to watch Timmy's first Fertile Valley breeding session.

Julie looked on with pride. This would be the first of many fuck-sessions for her gifted son. Very, very many.-chugging face there.

next chapter
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