79.66% THOR : THE GOD OF THUNDER / Chapter 47: Chapter 47

ตอน 47: Chapter 47

Four Days Later

It's been four days since thor arrive in america, He came back to his apartment in korea using a portal and pack all of his stuff returning them home.

Thor in his human form with diana and her daughters walking through the street to their destination, Asgard Guild. He wants to see the progress of the guild and it's hunters.

[Ashley must be busy at the asgard guild and I want to see her because i've never seen her in months.]

It's also been months since he didn't see ashley, thor knew she must be at asgard guild because of her being the guildmaster and managing the guild.

Diana heard thor's mind, she sometimes see ashley on her office, at the training room or she is raiding another dungeon and capture those dungeon to mine the resources in them.

They arrive at the building which is 10 floor building with the symbol of thunder on the billboard on top of the building, they enter the building and see many staffs and hunters are in the building.

They go to the receptionist desk. "Excuse me, miss?" Thor ask.

"Yes, sir!" The receptionist women replied with a smile and look at thor, she suddenly recognized him.

"V-Vice Guildmaster." The women is surprise of the man in front of her.

"Hello." Thor said. "I want to ask If Guildmaster is here?"

"A-Ah yes, let me check first." She pick a phone on her desk and make a call. A few minutes later she out down the phone and look at thor. "The Guildmaster is in her office, you can go there."

"Thank you!" Thor said.

"Your welcome, sir!" She said and resume her work.

They walk to the elevator and theo suddenly spoke. "Mom, dad, me and kate will go to the training room to train." Theo said.

"Alright, take care you two!" Thor said and diana nod her head as both kate and theo goes to the training room.

Thor and Diana make their way to the top floor of building which where the office of the guildmaster is located, they arrive at the location and walk to the front of the office of the Guildmaster.

There is a sign on the door written 'Guildmaster', thor began to knock the door. "Who is it?" A women voice spoken on the other side of the door.

"It's me Donald blake!" Thor replied.

"Come in!" The women quickly said.

Thor and diana open the door revealing a huge space of room with TV, sofas, long and large table, with windows to see the city.

There is also a desk and chair with a women sitting on it, she wears a blue color bussiness women suit. There is a women who is standing beside her aging in late twenties wearing the same chlotes with different colors as the women who sits, brown hair and green eyes, she also look beautiful and sexy.

"Hello, Thor it's been a long time since I see you." The women who sit smirk.

"It's also been along time too ashley." Thor look at the women who sit. "And you too amanda." Thor look at the women who is standing beside ashley.

The women beside ashley name is amanda, she is a trust worthy friend of ashley ever since they become hunters, she is stunned when she was invited to the guild asgard.

When ashley introduce her to thor, amanda just froze on the spot with her mouth open, ashley woke her up from her stutter and amanda began to talk with thor.

Although at first amanda is nervous and stuttered because thor is a god but from time to time she begin to talk with thor like a normal person. She also keeping a secret about thor's human identity, also diana's real identity and the truth that she is thor's wife.

"Come take a seat." Ashley said.

Thor and diana begin to seat ath the sofa with ashley sit across and amanda standing behind ashley. "So, what are you doing here thor, i thought you were still in korea?" Ashley ask.

"I came here to check on the guild progress and I also come to check on you." Thor said.

"Come to check on me?" Ashley ask, pointed herself and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I heard from diana you've been busy running the guild these days and raiding dungeons." Thor said.

"Well..." Ashley paused and sigh. "She's not wrong though." Ashley said.

Ashley is really busy these days running the guild, from raiding gates and managing the guild, good thing she has amanda as her secretary to help her so she can finish her job quickly.

"Oh yeah, by the way if you are here then did you tell GunHee, that you are going to america?" Ashley ask.

"No!" Thor causally said.

"What!" Ashley shout shocked and amanda is stunned.

They can't believe thor just leave the association without telling GunHee, he must be panic because the vice-guildmaster of asgard just dissapeared out of knowhere.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry going home to meet my family, so i forgot." Thor laugh with nervous.

The three of them facepalm looking at thor, ashley sigh and look at amanda. "Amanda, can you please call mr. GunHee and tell him to not worry about our vice-guildmaster because he already come home to america!" Ashley said.

"Yes, Guildmaster." Amanda nod and proceed to call GunHee.

"Hey, did you guys know about korea and japanese are joining forces to raid jeju island?" Thor ask.

"Well... i have read it in the news article before, they said the japanese agreed working together with korea to raid jeju island from the ant colonies." Diana said.

"And Japan have send all the S-Rank hunters from their nation to korea." Ashley said.

"Yes, that's right and they said it will be live broadcasted today." Thor said.

"Wait... it's today!" Ashley ask, stunned.

Both of them confused looking at ashley. "Yes, the raid starts today and it's all over the internet." Diana said.

Ashley is stunned because she is busy running the guild until she forgets that today is the day korea and japanese raid jeju island. "Ashley, I already called GunHee about thor and said that he has come home to america." Amanda said.

"Good... oh by the way amanda did you know today korea and japan will raid jeju island today?" Ashley ask.

"Of courss I know, i have seen it on the internet this morning." Amanda said.

Ashley begin to faceplam and sigh. "Giess manage the guild makes me forget about important things." Ashley said.

"Hey, don't sweat it ashley, sometimes people forgot when you focus on working!" Diana said, reassure her.

"Thanks diana!" Ashley giving her a thankful smile.

"How about we watch it on the TV right now, it's probably already started." Thor said.

Ashley nod and telling amanda to turn on the TV, so they can watch the live broadcast of the jeju island raid.

Outer Space

Out of earth's atmosphere there are five massive, black color, T-Shaped spaceships with red lights. They use cloacking devices to conceal themselves from the humans and avoid the detection from human technology which consider inferior and backwards.

The dark elves spaceships are extremly durable and there are force fields shields to protect them, they equip with energy weapons and more heavy weapons like energy missles and black hole missles that can track the target until they are hit and dead.

There is a man who is standing at the bridge, which is wide and big containing dark elves who are controling and mantaining the spaceships.

"We are now Live broadcast for the raid of jeju island, we can see the korea and Japanese S-Rank hunters are now prepare and headed to jeju island."

These news are all over the internet and people all over the earth are focus on watching the raid.

He look at the huge floating holoscreen watching the Live Briadcast raid of jeju island in the middle of the bridge. "Commander, the preperations for the invasion is complete, we are waiting your orders." A dark elf soldier with high tech armor said to the commander.

The commander look back with his purple eyes. "Good, tell them once these humans start raiding this jeju island!" The commander said.

"Yes, sir!" The man bow then quickly leave.

The commander is dark elf, 6'7ft tall, broad shoulders, muscular, pointed ears, long white hair, purple skin, purple eyes, handsome and beautiful features. He is wearing and advance tech armor with black color.

Dark elves possess gifted intellects, as well as superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes. Dark Elves can use magic and fairy magic, shapeshift, teleport, project energy blasts, and so on.

He was order by the king of elves to steal all the resources from the gates and the hunters collected also the equipments they owned.

He will not dissapointed his king even if he is going to die at least their objective are achieved. 'I will not let you down my king!' The commander thought, his head began to be wrapped by an advance helmet covering his whole face with red virsor, the helmet matrialize on it's own using technology and magic.

Solo Leveling, Earth

At Asgard guild, the four of them are watching the live broadcast of jeju island. "It seems the raid of the jeju island has begun." Amanda said.

The Live Broadcast showing the whole world multiple ships and carrier are on their way to jeju island to retake the island back from.the ant colonies.

"Do you think they will succedd?" Ashley ask.

"I'm not sure, the korean hunters once raid the jeju island but they failed because the ant colonies are too strong." Diana said.

"What do you guys think about the korea hunters association purpose raid this island until they need the help of Japan S-Rank hunters?" Ashley ask.

"Maybe it was for the korean S-Rank hunters to gain their honor back and show the world that the korean hunter not weak anymore!" Amanda said.

"Why is that?" Ashley ask.

"Years ago, the korean hunters and S-Rankn

hunters raid jeju island to reclaim the island back from the ant colony but in the end they failed." Amanda said.

"Isn't that already common to the whole world? There are articles about them failed the jeju island in the internet." Ashley said, what she said is true, there are articles all over the internet years ago about the failure of korean hunters and S-Rank hunters raid on jeju island.

"You are right, but... what about the the other nations think about a nation who have S-Rank hunters in their own nation but they failed to raid?" Amanda said.

Ashley began to think for a while until she realize what amanda meant. "Wait, you mean...?!"

"Yes, all other nations will look down on that nation and that nation will lose respect from other nations." Amanda explained.

Ashley now understand what amanda said, basicly korea want to raid this jeju island with the japanese S-Rank hunters so the world can see the korean hunters are not weak anymore, gaining benefits and fame from this raid.

Thor and diana listen to their conversation but suddenly diana and thor widen their eyes and sharply turn around.

"Diana, do you feel that?" Thor ask, he became serious.

Diana look at thor and nod. "Yes, i can feel it too."

Ashley and amanda look at thor and diana confused, suddenly both of them became serious. "What's the matter you two? Is there something wrong?" Ashley ask.

Thor and diana didn't spoke, thor just get up from his seat and walk towards the window looking to the sky. "Thor, what's wrong?" Ashley ask, curious.

"No... i felt somekind of evil energy earlier from the sky." Thor frown and squint his eyes looking at the vast blue sky.

Ashley and amanda look at each other confused and curious. "Evil energy? From the sky?" Ashley ask.

She gets up from her seat and walk towards thor direction, she stand beside him and look to the sky and found nothing.

she think thor is crazy because there is nothing on the sky and she disn't feel something ominous. "Okay, thor are you okay because thare nothing on the sky!" Ashley ask if thor is okay and not delusional.

"My husband is not wrong, i also felt something ominous, evil, and dark!" Diana begin to stand.

Before Ashley said something, thor begin to grab her. "Everyone Get Down!" Thor shout as he pull ashley to crouch against the wall to take cover.

Explosion suddenly happen and window glasses begin to brake,Diana hold her ground and amanda was thrown to the ground.

"Everyone okay?" Thor ask.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Diana said.

"Amanda!" Ashley get out of thor's clutches and she ran towards amanda who was on the ground.

"Amanda, wake up are you okay?" Ashley said, as she begin to shake her to wake up.

Amanda began to groan and wake up with helding her temple. "What the fuck just happen?" Amanda ask.

"Thank god, you're okay!" Ashley sigh in relief. "What the hell was that?" Ashley ask.

Thor begin to look outside broken glass window and look up to the sky to see massive black spaceships firing towards the civilians and the city.

Diana walk towards thor to stand beside him and also look up surprised. "Wait, are those...?!" Diana ask surprised and widen her eyes.

"The Dark elves!" Thor said, glare and clench his fist towards the massive black spaceships on the sky firing their weapons towards the city and killing the humans.

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