35.63% This platform has soul! / Chapter 31: 31

บท 31: 31

- Okay. Let me get this straight. You shot a gun and cut off a tentacle on the Lord, didn't you? - I asked, standing in a huge hangar talking to one of the Primes.

- Yes.

- And now the question. What is this tentacle doing here?

Yes, the Light of Kila's guns cut off the Lord's central tentacle at the very base, and the Geths dragged it into the dreadnought's hangar.

- The Geths have priority to study the enemy. After leaving the commons, the priority isn't revoked. - Prime answered me. Hmm, I didn't know that.

- Good. Examine every millimeter in there and learn everything you can from that piece of metal.

- Copy that.

- So, where's the Thorian now? - It's time to pay our friend a visit.

- Placed in Hangar 4.

- Good. If anything, I'll be there,' I explained, and then I remembered something else. - Also, look for any planet with extensive flora and fauna, a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, water and definitely uninhabited. If the population doesn't exceed a thousand sentient species, let me know.

- Acknowledged. - it was still important. We need water to feed our plant, and Mila will be hungry. The only reason I haven't opened her pod is because we have nothing to feed her. And the Torian, I hope he's not fussy about food. He probably doesn't care about the protein difference either. Well, time to talk to him.

He's settling in all right, by the way. Already joined the ceiling and the walls and now he's hovering near the floor. Hopefully he can do without water for a long time. As I approached him, I immediately began.

- Do you understand me?

- Yes, Cold," came a uterine low sound. What a surprise, I mean he can talk. All right, that's even better.

- Can you talk?

- Yes. Cold is worthy of hearing my voice. The others are not worthy.

- Okay. First, my name is Legatus. All right?

- All right, he doesn't seem to be afraid of me at all and he's talking to me calmly. All right, that's even better.

- Why am I worthy?

- You saved me.

- From whom? - That was probably the most important question.

- From Nazara," he said, which was even more unexpected. Now the questions were multiplying in my head like rabbits. All right, let's find out.

- What did he do to you? Oh, no. Explain everything that happened today.

- The cold ones launched an attack. Tried to find me. I controlled the colonists to protect myself and them. Then I started controlling the enemies. The cold ones couldn't get through. Then she came. Shepard. And three others with her. I infected them to know their intentions. They didn't know about me. But then... I heard Nazara's voice. Cold, fierce, merciless. He took hold of me and controlled me. Through me he seized control of the colonists, but Shepard and her crew Nazara could not capture. I failed to infect them in time and that saved them. But I was also able to protect their thoughts from Nazara's gaze. I put them to sleep, but not for long. Nazara couldn't take complete control of me either. I have no centre. I have many centres. And some I was able to hide from Nazara's gaze. I was able to hide Shepard from the gaze of Nazara's slave. Saren. But Nazara was finding more and more of my centres. So the colonists attacked Shepard's crew. I still kept her in my sleep, for her thoughts were too much. Then Saren came to me. Nazara was too busy destroying Shepard's team, so I sacrificed a few centres so that Nazara wouldn't waste any energy on me. I sacrificed a few to save a lot. Saren needed the Cipher, the key to understanding Protean technology. The ability to think like a Protean. But I already knew you were coming and that you were against Saren. So I began stalling for time. I demanded a Quarian.

- And how did you explain that to Saren? Didn't he ask why you wanted her?

- Yes. He did. I explained that I couldn't control her.

- Because of her spacesuit, yes?

- Yes. It saved her from me and Nazara. But Saren kept his end of the bargain, and I had to keep my end of the bargain.

- Wait, you say Nazara was controlling you, but you also say Saren made a deal with you. What's the point of a deal if you were controlled? - I still didn't understand.

- Nazara didn't control me completely. And when he started waking my slaves, whom the colonists called "crawlers," he loosened his control. He decided a deal could be struck so he wouldn't waste time trying to control me completely. When I absorbed her, I was terrified of being killed, so I needed at least one soldier.

- And that's why you made her a biotic?

- I did.

- I see. What happened next?

- When Nazara lost all the Crawlers, he started trying to control me again. When you defeated Saren, Nazara interrupted the modification and cloning process. He made a quarian try to kill you. I could only ask for help, and that was too difficult. But then the connection was severed. Nazara was nearly killed and injured by something. He managed to take Saren and escape. But I know it was your order. I am grateful to you for saving me. And not just from Nazara and his slave. I was about to be studied by the colonists' masters.

- Did you wish the colonists harm?

- No. I needed them for protection. I was going to lead the colony to prosperity. To lure merchants here, to do the right thing. So there'd be no lies, no hubris, no vanity. That's what I did with the Protheans and the thousands of races before them. But humans are cunning. And cruel. The colonists were bait, but they didn't know it themselves. It's the most brutal thing I've ever seen.

- Yes. Humans are capable of it. They're a... special race. Look, you said Nazara interrupted the cloning process. You mean there are clones of that Quarian inside you?

- No. Only three samples. Unfinished. Half finished.

- Get rid of them. Don't need them.

- Good," the Thorian certainly impressed me. He speaks calmly, not proud, answers all questions as clearly as possible. Yes, I like him already. - Legatus. I know you came after me for a reason. Whatever it is, I want to help you with it.

- Is that so? All right, then. I really need your help. You know about the Reapers.

- Yeah. They were always exterminating the races that inhabited my house. The Proteans were the last of them. The planet fell in one day. It was too sudden for them. They were simply taken by surprise. Always hibernated during their invasion, and the slaves protected me or woke me up when necessary.

- Exactly. I'm going to stop the Reapers. Destroy them. We already know they're coming. We even know when they're coming. But we don't have the technology to do that. We're all based on the mass effect, but it's a trap. An ingenious trap set by the Reapers. And that's exactly what you're for. You've absorbed proteans, you've absorbed thousands of races. I bet you've absorbed those who know technology not on the mass effect.

- The mass effect... Many races have called it different things. However, I know what you mean. And I did absorb those who held technology they themselves had invented after the Reapers had begun to exterminate them. Many races defended the planet for centuries. Many made secret bases on it and created their own technology. This planet was once the capital of a race that originated on it. That was... a long time ago. After they were destroyed, the planet was covered in mist and the others lived above them. As did I. However, I cannot share that technology.

- Why not? - Oh, please don't do that, please don't do that.

- This knowledge is hidden in the depths of my subconscious. To watch them, I had centres. Many centres. But now I have one.

- And what do you need?

- To grow them. But you need material for that. Organics. You call it carbohydrate cellulose and protein.

- I see. Does it matter which organics or which proteins?

- No.

- Good. How long can you go without water? - that was important, though. Wouldn't want to see him die on my ship. A dead body won't do me any good.

- Without water, 30 days. Without food for 300 days. Provided I do nothing.

- Well, it's a good thing it's been that long. We'll look for a planet for now. We'll resupply and then we'll start getting ready. We've got a lot of work to do. Oh, one more thing. That Quarian girl you made a biotic. It won't do her any harm? She's just not immune. No immunity at all.

- I know. Not only did I make her biotic, but I improved her.

- How?

- By making her immune, which she didn't have. I've also managed to improve her sensory systems and reflexes. But there are some repercussions.

- Consequences? - I don't want anything to happen to tali. Although the fact that she's immune is a good thing.

- Yeah. Temporary. Hyperactivity, sleep deprivation, large appetites. It'll all go away in time.

- That's a good thing. Otherwise Shepard would have scrapped me," I said a little frightened, imagining a pissed off Shepard. Brrr...

- Yeah, she can do much worse," the Thorian said suddenly, and I could have sworn there was sarcasm or a chuckle in his muffled voice.

- And you know this how?

- I have seen her memories. Not the most pleasant ones.

- I don't even want to know what you saw. All right, get some rest. You've had a rough day," I said, and I turned toward the monorail.

- You have no idea," Torian replied after me.

- You know," Sparatus began, before Tevos could even say hello. - I didn't think there was anything to be surprised about. I thought I'd seen everything in your reports. But this..." the turian pointed defiantly at the datopad he held in his hand.

- Yes. First the huge ship on Rannoch which we still haven't identified. - Valern continued. - Then the massacre on Terra Nova by the krogan clones. And now a telepathic plant whose existence has been concealed by the Exo-Geni Corporation.

- You seem to be attracting trouble," Sparatus added, getting an angry look from Shepard in return that seemed to hint.

- Let's not turn to insults. We learned something else important today. - Tevos decided to pause for a moment.

- Yes. The testimony of Azari Shiala from the Benezia Matriarch's landing party surprised us very... surprisingly... Saren most likely possesses a technology of hypnosis that is unknown to us. The video of the fight between Saren and the Geth confirms that indirectly," Valern began again.

- What the hell are you talking about? What kind of hypnosis technology? What's that got to do with their fight? It implies that Saren is a puppet of the Lord! - the captain couldn't stand it.

- You are sorely mistaken, captain. We have read the interrogation transcript and it implies that she was hypnotized," the Salarian was still making his little squawk, irritating Shepard almost as much as Sparathus.

- Saren is a magnificent manipulator. He's just pretending to be a puppet of some Artificial Intelligence ship. Even the Get believed it," Sparatus said in his normal voice.

- "However, while talking, the Get mentioned that Saren was studying some sort of 'compulsion' on the planet Vermair. We have already sent a GOR task force there. If they discover anything, we'll let you know," Valern explained, and Shepard realized that Valern and Sparatus were on a roll today. Tevos, on the other hand, appears to have been the jewel or dove of peace.

- Don't you understand!!! Saren is a puppet in the hands of the Reapers. He's trying to bring them back and you can't see it, hiding behind the illusion that Saren is running things. - Shepard couldn't take it anymore.

- Saren could even convince a Geth. You too, Shepard. - Sparatus quipped and that's when Shepard ran out.

- Joker. We seem to be having communication problems. - It wasn't even clear if it was a question or a statement of fact. But the Joker got the hint.

- Captain, don't..." Tevos tried to say something, but the hologram cut out.

- Where are we going, Captain?

- Fly somewhere and scan the planets. Alliance's paying us handsomely for that.

- Yes, ma'am. Oh, by the way, what about that Sheila corpse. - Jane just now remembered that azzari was dying by the end of the interrogation, screaming and going off to her Goddess.

- Burn. - Jane said briefly and went to the infirmary. There were problems of their own.

- Captain. - said Chakwas who was standing outside the infirmary door waiting for the captain. Everyone else was sitting at the table pretending to eat, Garrus was still in the infirmary, but Tali had locked herself in Liara's room.

- Chakwas. How is she? - Jane asked directly.

- It's complicated. Almost all her vitals are normal. They are. I don't know how to explain it, but she's immune.

- What do you mean? You mean she can... do without a spacesuit? - the captain was surprised.

- Yes. But that's not all that matters. Element Zero's readings are phenomenal. In fact, Rex, Cayden, they're not even close to her in terms of biotic power. You have to wonder who's stronger, Liara or Tali. - Chakwas herself was still reeling from the results of the examination, and Shepard was already keeping up with it.

- Anything else?

- Yes. And here's the weirdest part. Remember when you woke up after Eden Prime, I told you about the abnormal β-waves I detected in you.

- Yes, there was that. - Shepherd said, remembering her condition when she woke up.

- Now, Tali had 700 times more of those waves. Honestly, Captain, something like that should have just fried her nervous system, but... I don't even know... It's like something saved her... Maybe... Maybe God exists after all. There's no other explanation. - Shepard knew one thing. If Chakwas is already casting aspersions on a higher power, things are pretty bad.

- There's still a lot that science doesn't know. Imagine the surprise of our scientists when they discovered the properties of element zero. Or when they saw the first biotics in action. - ...began to console Jane.

- Yes, you're right. But as I understand it, the detailed research...

- Don't count on it. - Shepard said sternly. - You don't have to touch her right now. She's been through enough already, and the last thing she needs is a detailed examination, even if in the hands of someone as experienced as you.

- Yes, Captain. You're right. She's had a nervous breakdown and hysteria. So go easy on her.

- Of course, Doctor." And then Shepherd retreated into the infirmary. Now only Garrus was in it, sleeping sweetly. Walking to the door, Jane began quietly.

- Hey, Tali. Can I come in? - Shepard wasn't ordering now. She was really asking permission. A second later the door opened and the captain saw a horrifying sight. Liara's room was trashed. Dozens of fist dents on the wall and floor. Furniture overturned. Torn bedding. Feathers. And Tali, who was sitting against the wall, glowing with the blue light of biotics. Shepard probably would have stood there watching the sight, if not for the quiet sound of the door closing behind her.

Walking over to Tali, Jane crouched beside her on the floor and gently touched her shoulder.

- Tali. How are you? - Jane started in a quiet voice.

- Come to get me, have you? - Tali asked sadly.

- What do you mean? - Shepherd didn't understand.

- Because you don't know... I mean, the Council has already demanded that you turn me over to them for research. I've been inside that... monster. I mean, that's something we have to study. - Shepard knew what Tali was talking about. She understood that the Council, if it knew about this incident, would immediately demand the release of Tali, and it didn't care what the Captain or the Quarian herself thought. And Shepard understood that immediately. - Shepard. Only I have one request. - Tali suddenly began, "May I say goodbye to my father. I just don't have a unique one.

- Tali. Listen to me. I didn't mention you in my report to the council. They don't know about what happened. - Jane said the happy news and Tali immediately lit up even brighter.

- W-w-what? Really? - Tali couldn't believe her ears. It was such news to her that she couldn't believe it.

- Yes. I knew what could follow.

- Keela... Shepherd, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Tali gave Jane a quick hug, but she didn't fight back. She was happy for her friend.

- You're welcome, Tali. How could I have done otherwise? - Shepherd asked in surprise.

- Well... You see..." That made Tali feel sad again, and she even pulled away from Jane, and then continued, though it was a rhetorical question. - My people have long been treated as vagrants and paupers. And you... You treat me as an equal member of the crew, and yet you... You're basically lying to the Council to save me, a Quarian who can barely say three words when she's worried.

- Tali. - The captain calmly began. - I don't care what race the members of my crew are. I care what they are. What they are here. - Shepard pointed to the spot where the heart is located.

- Thank you, Shepherd. I... I even... Thank you so much. For everything.

- You're welcome, Tali. - Jane got up, and then she helped Tali get up, too.

- Oh, and, Shepherd. For future reference, we Quarians have a heart on the right side. - Tali enlightened, and Jane was surprised at her illiteracy. Both girls laughed, and then Jane reached for Tali.

- Come for a hug. - As soon as Tali's hands touched the captain, however, Shepard took a free flight to the opposite wall where Liara used to sit at the table.

- Keela! Shepard, are you all right? - Tali ran up to Jane, but fortunately she was conscious.

- Yes, yes. I'm... I'm fine..." the Captain lied and didn't blush. She'd hit her head hard and already felt her neck hurt, but she didn't want to show it to Tali at all.

- Shepherd, I'm sorry. I... I can't control it..." the quarian tried to justify herself, but that only made her glow more.

- Don't be afraid, Tali. You'll learn. We have three biotics on the team, and Chakvas will find you an implant. You'll be fine. - Shepherd said reassuringly, and Tali was relieved by her words. A lot easier.

next chapter
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