73.68% This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: "You can't promise if you don't think you're gonna keep it!"

บท 28: Chapter 28: "You can't promise if you don't think you're gonna keep it!"

Sam zooms in on the scene. Maggie is on the floor and Lena is huddled up in front of her but in a standing position, Kara is motioning for the baby CEO to sit with her. She's looking down at her friend, unshed tears in both eyes. Maggie looks irritated and frustrated, but Sam doesn't pay that any mind.

"Hey bunny, you alright?" She says softly, the only thing that seems to be wrong is a little gash on her right knee. There is no blood dripping, the cut barely made it past the epidermis layer, the wound won't even scar. A nice bandaid will do the trick.

The question falls on deaf ears. The little detective just stares at the cut, face blank, non-responsive, her eyes just watch the blood flow to the surface. Her arms wrap around the one leg, slowly rocking in place, self-soothing.

Sam tries again, "Bunny?" Alex and Sara come in, evaluating the scene.

Kara has Lena in her lap and they are pushed back towards a far wall, but they are in-ear and eyeshot. Now, baby Lena lies calmly in her Mama's arms, sucking away at her fingers, surrounded by the strawberry-scented warmth they both know so well.

Alex goes to speak, seeing that maybe Maggie was too far in her head to hear Sam. "Hey bug, I hav-"

The tiny detective cuts her off with a hushed but strained whisper, "Don't call me that...."

All eyes zero in on her inquisitively, Alex tries again, "Baby-"

"Don't call me that!" She roars with most of her tiny might. Seeing the blood escaping her body put her back to that night. The night she felt so hopeless, so uncared for, so lost. She remembers the arrow going through Alex. All the blood, so much blood. All the hours, waiting for the call, all the tears, the screams, the sobs. The tired eyes, the last thought before she collapses limp into her best friend's arms. Mama's gone.

Sam and Alex take a breath. Kara goes to get up and take Lena so the three can have their privacy, but a small chubby hand stops her. Lena shakes her head no, without a word Kara agrees to stay.

Sam moves a bit closer to Maggie, making small inconsequential movements, as to not startle her baby. "Why don't we all just take a minute."

"NO! You-both of you don't deserve to call me that!"

All parties except Maggie and Lena flinch at these hurtful words. Sam and Alex's faces both morph to hurt but then confusion.

"I think Alex and I would really appreciate it if we were to stop getting interrupted so we can talk. We can talk it out Maggie." Sam says coolly. She knows a meltdown when she sees one, she's sure all aliens across the galaxy can see this one coming, and it's a big one.

Even though Maggie told them not to call her any of her baby names, when Sam says her full name, it turns up the notch on her anger.

"No, no, no,! It's no fair! Yo-you act like nothing happened. Like ma-mama didn't get hurt, like she couldn't have died! It's- that's not even why I'm upset, no, I'm angry!" They can tell she is teetering in-between head spaces, and this is dangerous, especially when she is this emotional and livid. "We had called, we called and called. You didn't pick up, you didn't answer, you said you would always answer! But I get it, emergency and all that shit, bu-but, it still hurt. I wanted to be there, but you said stay home! I listened, I didn't want to but I did, I didn't want to leave Lena so we stayed together." Maggie wipes away fallen tears.

"You said you'd called, but you left us with nothing. You left me Mommy...." Sobs wracked her body, the tears soak the shirt below her, she doesn't care about appearances anymore, she's letting it all out. After weeks of keeping it all in, she is done playing happy family.

"I didn't know what happened, w-we didn't know. I thought Mama was DEAD! Th-thought somethin happened to Kar. You said you would call, I cried, I cried until I couldn't breathe Mommy. How could you do that, and then you act like nothing happened. Like you didn't just crush me for a couple of hours, deprive me of peace. We didn't talk about it, you didn't say anything. You put me to bed. I had dreams, horrible dreams and you slept next to me like any other day. You can't promise if you don' think you're gonna keep it!" Maggie scoots back until she hits a wall. "YOU LEFT ME AND HER ALONE, YOU ABANDONED US, YOU 'BANDONED ME!"

The last bit is a choked scream, all parties are left with tears, they all flow freely. Her words really had an impact that nobody thought could happen. They knew that both girls must have been hurt, but not like this, not so much.

Little Lena is impacted by the words the most, because she felt, feels, them like they came from her own lips. Her thoughts have always run rampant before the incident, but her little boxes kept them at bay. Since the incident, the boxes grew smaller but the problems grew larger, the cardboard split at the seams. She grew more anxious, less talkative, totally mute because too many thoughts and worries flew freely through her little brain and she couldn't possibly be able to pick through it all.

There weren't many distractions so most of the time, she was left with the screaming thoughts. She became clingy, always had to be with one of the four, never alone, at least never for more than a minute. She needed to know she wasn't alone, she needed to know that at least one of them was safe, she couldn't handle much more of this unattended to trauma, she is breaking, and yet, no one can notice that, but Maggie knows, she knows because she has the same feelings. She's saying what needs to be said for the both of them, that's why she wanted Kara to stay, so she can hear the words being spoken, because they are for her too.

Sam starts, "Bun-" she slips at the name. All parties are seated on the floor, Alex and Sam try to go closer to their baby, wanting to give her the physical comfort they know she'd want, but won't go for, won't ask for, because maybe it's too much or too little. Every thought is all jumbled and her wants and needs crisscross and it's all just so confusing to pick through. Her mind is racing and it's all too much, entirely too much.

Maggie doesn't let them come any closer, "No! Stop calling me that, don' touch me! You left, you left me. You left us alone. I-I couldn't breathe, all you had to do was fly back for a minute, just sixty seconds. You didn't! Don' touch me, never, ever, ever. I wanted my Mama, I thought you was dead! I wanted my Mommy, my Kara!" At that the baby detective curls up into a ball, fits curled overhead harshly massaging at her scalp. She cries and cries until she runs out of tears. She screams until her voice is raspy. She kicks the floor beneath her until her heels are raw and in too much pain to continue.

Sam and Alex see the red scratches starting to form on their little ones' cheeks but they hesitate to correct her. They don't want to make it worse, they are glad they aren't the only ones to notice Maggie's hurt, Lena rushes to her rescue.

Maggie is no longer against the wall, Lena is behind her, the youngest Luthor helps her friend lean her back against her front. Lena's big brain has taken the reins.

She holds the smaller girl tight despite the initial resistance. She crisscrosses the detective's arms over her chest, locking them in place preventing the facial assault.

After the detective starts to calm down a bit, when the fight has left her, Lena begins to rock them side to side slowly, singing their mutual shared love of the Kryptonian lullaby. I aus, I aus(my baby, my baby). After a few verses, the little girl calms, streaks of red grow more flushed on her face but she seems to pay them no mind. It is clear big Maggie is no more, little Maggie, the littlest Maggie is all that is left.

"Mama, Gia need Fluffy." Although the Luthor is in her bigger mindset, saying Mama made her feel complete. In this moment, emotions taken over with sadness and rage, she needs that tiny tether.

Kara looks over to her sister and Sam for permission to fetch the needed item, both parties nod yes shakily, very hurt and upset that they weren't asked to get it, but they both understand that right now, they can only do more bad than good.

The redhead whispers "Purple bag."

Kara zooms and gets back quickly, she walks up slowly to the two figures, she hands the stuffed friend to her baby and she backs away, careful not to disturb the peace Lena has gotten.

Maggie is now in her own little world. Her thumb is securely in her mouth, suckles here and there, a bit of drool rolls down because the latch is slowly coming loose due to her fatigued state. Lena's right arm is snuggly wrapped around her friend's waist. Tiny hands clasp onto the Luthors sleeves.

Lena brushes Fluffy against her friend's cheeks which wake her up a bit. Her eyes flutter open and she blinks away the fog of the rough drop. She sees her beloved stuffy, she starts to cry and gasp, she snatches the item before it can disappear from view. She shoves her face into its recently cleaned fir, safe.

She lets go, she lets all the feels out, no anger or sadness behind these sobs, just contentment. All of her worries and rage seep out of her along with her on pouring of tears. Maggie knows that her words were said for herself mainly but also for Lena. When they spent time alone, Lena would talk to her, granted not much but she did. Maggie had asked her why she was mute, it took a bit of coaxing but soon she told her. Lena felt helpless, and she hasn't felt so out of sorts, so little in so long. With the onslaught of all these feelings and stress, her brain just cut it all off. They both haven't dealt with that night with each other or their family, and it has been hell on their mental health, but they didn't want to rock the boat. They knew eventually one of them was going to blow up, but they did not know it would have been to this extent, under these circumstances.

Along with her friend's cries, Lena starts to sing again, in between repeats, she whispers words of endearment and encouragement to help calm Maggie again.

They can all tell that the baby detective is worn but no one wants to make a move. They watch the tiniest figure start to fidget in the CEO's hold, she tries to pry her eyes open but is unsuccessful in her efforts. She just speaks instead.

"'M sowwy, 'm sowy, di'n' mean yell, 'm sowwy." She wants to reach out, she wants to touch, to let them know exactly how sorry she is for saying those hurtful words. But she is so exhausted, emotionally and physically raw, so tired of it all. She just wants to sleep forever and ever, but only if that means sleeping in both her Mama's arms.

All parties sniffle at the admission. Alex is still gathering herself so Sam speaks to her baby first, cautious to keep her voice low and calm, making sure to not be hostile, because that's the last thing she wants.

"You don't have to be sorry love, we are the ones who are sorry." Sam is trying not to cry through the words, all the onslaught of emotions are getting to her too. Alex takes over.

"We are so sorry Maggie. We didn't know, which is not your fault, it's totally on us. You're ours baby, we should have tried harder." Alex looks over to Lena then, "We should have tried harder for both of you, because we love you so much Lena and we do care for you, like you're our own, we are sorry Lee. We know now that we should have talked to you, both of you, we're sorry baby." Alex is crying now, not having the power to hold herself together. She feels like such a fool for not checking in, seeing the signs of distress, from both girls.

"Hugs Mommy, Hugs Mama, p'ease." She tries reaching out with grabby hands but her fingers only flex, deep space.

Her mamas don't have to think twice, they are by her side in a flash. Alex is the one to scoop her little one into her arms, cradling her from any and everything. Sam rounds her front and they both envelop her with their bodies, conveying and distributing every ounce of love they can, and Maggie can feel it, she can feel it all. The trio hug, they hug and a few more tears are spilt by the adults, and then their hearts start to settle and beat in unison.

They feel their little one go limp and then they break their excessive hold on her. "Lob you." Her last words before she's out like a light, her thumb is still stuck between her lips, mouth not ready to let go of the soother.

Alex looks over to Sara, who has not moved from her spot for some reason. "Do you have a room that I can put her down in?"

"Yea it's to the back of the ship, let me just," Sara kindly stuck an Elsa bandage on Maggie's knee and gave it two love pats. "There we go, good as new."

Sam snorts at the image of the ice queen. "She will have a fit, swears up and down Anna is way better."

Sara leads the lot to a room that is at the very back of the ship, and a hallway that doesn't seem to be getting much use. It's different from the regular rooms, this has a key code for it to open while the others just a doorknob or an automated system operated by Gideon.

Sara types in the code and the door swooshes open, casting a bit of the hallway light into the otherwise darkened room, save for the tiny rainbow night light that lights the ceiling of the room.

Zari is sat up on the king-sized bed next to a sleeping Charlie. Zari is looking wearily at the group with a stuffed purple dragon in her clutches.

The sheets are scattered with images of dinosaurs and dragons, friendly-looking and foes, this room is decked out. One side has colourful pink and purple unicorns, with throws of glitter. There are monster trucks and race cars here and there. The other side is more teenage-like. Band posters, it has a darker grunge theme to it, paleontological pieces here and there, posters of dinos and informational excerpts about them. One half of the room is a harder wood and the other half has purple sparkly rugs covering most of the floor, along with the huge abundance of stuffed animals that cover spots that don't have rugs over it. The bed is in the middle of the split room, the only place the room seems to agree on, dragons and dinosaurs.

"Mama, everything ok?" Zari says tentatively, her hands wringing nervously in the wings of the dragon, teeth nibbling on the peeling skin of her lip. She decides that she doesn't like them looking at her so she curls into the body next to her. The body subconsciously places an arm around her waist and shushers her for sleep. It's cute, Charlie trying to take care of her even in her most tired state.

"It's ok love," Sara came into the room and placed kisses on both her babies' heads. "Maggie needs a place to rest, do you think you two can keep her company?"

Zari's lips upturn into a smile at the sound of that, excitement taking over her brain. "Yup, gots lots ah room."

Alex, at that, then walks into the room to put her little bug down to rest, Lena in tow behind them. She has done her job and deserves a little rest for cleaning up a huge mess, she herself lets her brain regress. She settles in next to Maggie. Both little heads facing each other. Sam is there, giving Lena Oliver and Maggie her blanky and pops in her favourite bumble bee paci. Sam has brung an extra one, bejewelled in The House of El emblem, she gives it to Kara to take for Lena, she shows it to her little star and hopes the girl will take it.

Lena looks at it inquisitively, not quite sure what to make of it. She pops it in unexpectedly though and she closes her eyes in contentment. A few seconds later, the room is filled with light snores and the occasional suckle.

The adults can't help but smile.

"Sorry to disturb you Misses, Mr. Schott is looking for the team, he has gone through some of Zari's preliminary results and findings, it seems he has information that wasn't discussed earlier, you may meet him in the hull." As an afterthought, Gideon continues, "I will alert you when the littles awake." 

Alex_Grey_5388 Alex_Grey_5388

This is probably one of my favourite chaps to far. It is emotional and I love how it truly captures Maggie's emotions. And it does foreshadow Lena's :)) 

Hope you enjoyed!! 

Much Love, 

~ Alex 

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