44.44% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 22: The Curious Little Spy and School

บท 22: The Curious Little Spy and School

*Sura's POV*

We walk out with pudding basket in hand... hehehe... can't wait to eat them! Doing little skips, I hold onto mom's hand while we head back.

"Careful now Sura-chan, don't spill the basket."


On the path back, suddenly out the corner of my eyes I spot peerless black uniforms with white seams. Their lotus red skirts and uniform caught my attention as my eyes follow to two cat girls talking to each other in front of a food cart.

"Hey hurry up and buy lunch... I want to hurry back, lunch break isn't forever."

"Yeah yeah just give me some time. You got money? I'm out for this month..."

I pull on mom's hand and she looks at me.

"Mom? Who are they and what are they wearing? It looks so pretty and cool!"

"Ah! They are wearing school uniforms. There's a high school not too far from us."

School? I've never been to one before! What do they look like? Do all of the students dress like that? I clasp both hands onto her hand...

"Mom... can we go look?"

Mom pauses and thinks for a second before shrugging her shoulders.

"Hehe... sure why not. It would be nice to show you too. Maybe someday you'll go to the same school with your friends."

Exploring school! I wonder what it is like... what do you learn? Do you get free food as a student? Kyuu-san not here to boss me around too! A win-win situation. Muhahaha!

I let mom lead me off from the path we usually take and I notice more students start to appear, their buttoned up uniforms becoming more common and I see all kinds of backpacks they have... a bunny backpack... Some rode on bicycles and some students moved in groups, laughing with their friends.

It wasn't too long before we stopped at the gate entrance to the high school, an overarching wooden temple gate with a lotus symbol engraved as the center. Within the lotus, it spells the name: Rōtasu no yoake.

"Here we are munchkin. Rōtasu no yoake High School. You know Kyui use to go to this place."

Kyuu-san use to go here? There was a large cheery blossoms tree in front of the whole school. There's was a couple of students sitting near it when I hear one pipe up.

"You've finished the history assignment yet?"

The sandwich in his hand stops midway to his mouth.

"Wait... it's due today?"

His friend nearly trips over himself as he stands fuming.

"You idiot it's literally due next period!"

The student's tail stiffens and puffs up in dismay. He starts sprinting back into the entrance with his friend.

"Can I copy your assignment!"


They rush past the students walking past in their frenzy and into the tall clock tower in the front of the school, serving as the main entrance. The school buildings seems to be built from a mixture of metal framing and polished wood along with rows of glass that formed the walls of many of the classrooms. It was a school life I have never seen before. Mom nudges me lightly.

"Want to go in?"

"Would I!"

I begin strolling into towards the school with mom by my side. As I pass the cherry blossom, its petals gently rained down on us. I feel something being plucked from my head and turn to see mom chuckling... holding pink petal in her hand.

"Hehe... you got a petal on your hair."

We walk past the main building through one of its open walkways and into... the massive courtyard and school campus... it's huge!

I tilt my head all the way around the massive, glass, clear crystal dome that sat in the middle of the school. In it, there were titan tall trees, gardens, streams and ponds as well as forests. It was like an exotic park! I point to it.

"What is that place! Can we enter it!?"

"It's a library park. It's open to students and the public. I remember how Kyui met Mokuren here too... a popular place for students to meet and study."

The courtyard and campus was filled with greenery, places to sit and tons of students everywhere! Some students were hanging out under the shades of tree, some sat in the grass talking to one another, and I saw a few dragon people and Chidiya folk flying above us and landing the roofs of buildings and porches of classrooms.

"Join the Manga Club! Anyone is welcome and for anyone who love anime and drawing!"

A group of students was announcing their club with a held up sign. I immediately recognize the character with her glitter pink battle dress on the sign as the magical girl show I've seen before! They were also handing out posters to nearby students.

The school buildings seemed to be built around this inner court yard. A lot of buildings had suspended hallways that connected to other classrooms with students bustling back and forth.

The door to the giant glass dome was just a sliding door... as I step foot inside the entire world changed. The bright sunlight shown down in brilliant rays through the tree's foliage and sunlight filled the park. The peaceful, rhythmic chirping of birds, the trickling of calm water, and sounds of student's quiet talking was all that was heard. It was quiet and serene in here.

There were tables set out and seats, studying places all spread through out in the park and path walks where students sat in their uniforms, reading books and discussing with one another.


I start running around in circles and rolling on the grass. Giggling, I wanted to hurry and climb the tall trees... they even have revolving staircases around the trees to climb up! Mom sighs and takes a seat nearby the entrance.

"I'll sit here and wait... I can't keep up with your enthusiasm. Come back ok? And don't bother the students too much. This is their lunch break right now and they have to head back to class soon ok?"

I give her a double thumbs up before running off. I noticed there were just standing book shelves along the paths like little stations through out the park. I see a dragon lady simply just pick out a book with her tail from the... romance section. As I came to an intersection, a sign was posted on a pole that points to different paths.

Path of romance... I just came from there! Let's see... path of history, fiction, science fiction! I look down each path and along the way, there were book shelves just sitting there on the side and sometimes on grass, open for anyone to take a book and enjoy within the beauty and peace of the park... each path a journey of stories and adventures... but first... about those tall trees.

There was a section of cool shades casted by the foliage where the super tall trees reside. Running on the grass barefoot, the air was a smell of a mixture of both pleasant books and fresh flora. It was there that I see students taking the stair cases up on the trees and holding the railings.

The tall trees towered high above me as I reached the base... intimidating in its size and height... oh? Think I can't climb you? Feeling an innate sense of challenge rise within me.

"There's no fun just taking the stairs now is there? Hehe..."

With a leap, I hop onto the tree and begin climbing up, feeling the rough bark of the tree under my hands as I climb higher and higher.

"Hey wait little girl it's not safe!"

"What the?"

I ignore the passing remarks as I surpass the students taking their measly steps up the tree... slow pokes. With a final:

"Up we go!"

I break through the tree's foliage and near the top of the glass dome. Challenge won! Take that tree!

Up here I can see the entire village, the sceneries, and looking down where I think mom is at... there she is! Wow she looks so small and far away... well she is. The leaves makes a decent and soft bed warmed by the rays of sunlight... I could even sleep up here... basking in my triumphant victory!

No! Must resist! I ponder for a bit before I dig through the branches and leaves that batter my face until my head pops out upside down through the foliage below. I take a look around and see a large, connective platforms connecting to other tall trees through hanging bridges. The bridges wobble as students walk across while there was one student hanging desperately on to the railings...

"I don't wanna go on the bridge! It's scary!"

Her friend kept trying to pull her off the railings but she wouldn't budge at all.

"Oh come on! It's safe! This is the perfect way to get rid of your phobia of heights!"

"No! No! No! Why did I even listen to you?! You meanie! Baka! Baka!"

I turn my head the wooden platforms and spot a girl at one of the many tables with black stubby horns and alluring pink eyes akin to cherry blossoms... focused on the book she was reading... World History (The Forgotten). She had a fluffy pink hair tied up in a cute bun too. With earbuds in her small, pointy ears and music playing, she didn't take her eyes off the book for a second. Her body was posed still, her smooth tail waved curiously behind with heart-shaped end... not even noticing her shoulder being poked by a dryad.

"Hey Emi... Emi....Emi!"

The dryad pounces on the girl's shoulders. This startles the girl as she jumps, her earbuds falling out. Her little bat wings stiffen and her large breasts jiggled, threatening to spill out from her uniform.

"Eep! Oh... it's just you Luna."

"Yeah that tends to happen when you get too engrossed in your book and ignore your best friend."

Emi has this guilty smile on her face.


The dryad sits across from her, looking out from the porch onto the gardens and park below. The small lake of shimmering water reflected in her emerald eyes. She smiles and turns to Emi.

"World History huh? And the Forgotten era edition? Honestly Emi I don't know why you study the era... there are literally no traces of prehistory from that time."

Emi wags her finger at Luna.

"Luna! How can you not get excited!? There are records of ancient beings and these beings so called Primordials who wielded unfathomable power! Even weird things such as physics theories of this so called 'entropy' and other theories about other universes!"

It felt like Luna was zoned out of her excitement the whole time as she stared blankly at her best companion. The forgotten era and Primordials? I think Mokuren and Goddess Myriam mentioned them before. What did the dryad mean by no traces of the past history?

"Yeah yeah Emi. I get it, the forgotten era is cool. But how are you going to get a career in history about the Forgotten era? You know research into past era isn't really popular nor is it possible. Unless you plan to become a professor."

This saddens Emi a bit before her cheery attitude returns.

"But I'll try nonetheless, it's what I love to do. I've got to return this book to Mokuren-sama... she's kind for lending me it."

Just then a bell is heard, the sound of bell ringing that isn't annoying but rather pleasant. Each echoing ring followed after the other like ripples of water. Luna stands up.

"Time to head back to class... come on. Heard about some crazy teacher this new semester that entered campus... supposedly a war veteran... How bout a ride for me?"


Emi agrees and flutters down from the porch as Luna held on to her waist. Afterwards I descend down the trees as I hop from staircase to staircase, surprising students on the way until I'm back on mother nature's ground again. I see more students begin to leave and some stay, continuing to study. I run towards mom and tackle her into her seat.

"Oof! Careful Sura-chan! Geez when you were climbing up those trees it made my heart pound."

She bops me in the nose as I sit in her lap.

"I thought I told you not to bother the students. The student's are leaving... we should start heading back to I need to make lunch for us munchkin. We can always come back if you haven't explored enough."

Of course I'm coming back! But...

"Awww... can't I follow them to their classes?"

Looking at mom with hopeful eyes, I wanted to follow to their classes and see how students learn! Maybe that world history stuff and forgotten era stuff I heard from the pink girl.

"I don't think so munchkin... you can't just join their class they need to learn. I don't think they'll allow you."

"Pleeasseee? Pretty please? I'll just watch... ummm... I'll just spy on them then?!"

Mom instead of getting mad laughs, her eyes crinkling. She ruffles my hair.

"Oh you! And you got caught last time right? I don't want you causing trouble and you'll worry me."

I hug tight onto mom, wrapping my arms and legs around her as I give her my signature large eyes.

"Pleeaasseeee mom?"

Mom's eyes start to waver... just a little more... she then relents and hugs me back.

"Fiinnneee... but no messing around! I'll take away our pudding if you do. I'll be waiting by the entrance to the school... I'm a bit hungry for lunch."

"Yes mom!"

I let go and run off again to follow where a lot of the students where entering into a large building constructed of walls of glass for the classrooms, metal frame and wooden interiors. As I near the entrance I feel eyes on me.

"Hey what's a little girl doing here?"

"Awww look at her! So small and cute."

Hmph! People calling me all short and stuff! I walk up to one of high school students and pull on his uniform. His floppy ears perk up and turn towards me.

"Mister? Can I follow you to class?"

He gives a confused look along with his friends before replying.

"Ummm... sorry little girl... you can't?"

Tch... I knew it. I run away and wait for most of the students to go inside before I look towards the roof. Alright... I'm in the clear... I think. With a powerful jump, I land on the roof and walk quietly across. On the other side, I look down, seeing many classrooms with glass walls... perfect for me to spy through. How do I get down? All the classrooms have a porch so maybe I can get down with them and hide there.

Taking off my jacket and wrapping it around my waist, I use my petals like a descending rope down the roof… careful not to make any sound. My bare feet touch on one of the classes' porch silently as I peer through the glass wall of windows… my head slightly poked out. There was just enough of a ledge to hide my small body.

Taking a look into the classroom, it was super clean and cool! There were evenly spaced out tables and a huge, crystal board at the front. The door soon slides open automatically as students filed in with their backpacks. Their chatter filled the room the moment they stepped in. I then see a familiar set of pink hair and eyes... it's the girl I've seen before!

Talking fills the room as the students take their seats and settle down. I watch as the pink haired girl takes out her backpack and sets up her pencils and notebook... no one was talking to her as chatter revolved circulated around the room.

She seemed a bit lonely... I moved my head up a little more to see what's going on when the door then is forced open as a streamlined, metallic hand shoves the door aside… the door whirring in resistance. A woman walks through with light brown hair and a long, spiky ponytail. The tips of her ponytail almost seemed singed.

What caught my attention was a long drape of ripped cloak hanging over her left shoulder. Her footsteps clacked on the ground with a distinct heavy, weighted thud as her armored legs hit the pavement.

I see a red dot on her face only to find out she didn't have a right eye! Instead her cyber right eye revolved and seemed to scan the room as its red reticle moved… all the students remained in shocked silence. The woman stood in front of the class… took out a canteen of something… took a swig of it and slammed it down her table, startling everyone. With a wide, spirited smile she spoke.

"Woooh! That's the good shit! Sup ya students! I'm your homeroom teacher for the 5th period!"

Striding towards her desk, she turns around in striking motion, her left arm cape waving around as if to show off her greatness! With a finger gun pointed at the students, she fires once and says with a husky, friendly finisher.

"You may call me One-shot sensei!"

Blowing the steam off her finger gun, she holsters her gun but not her glorified ego. She smiles again at the students.

"I'll be teaching world history to you turds this semester! You're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you."

One-shot sensei sits back in her chair, kicking her feet up on the desk. Silence falls upon the room as I watch the students look on in utter disbelief… I hear one whisper...

"This is our 5th period teacher? She looks crazy!"

"Yeah no kidding."

Someone finally had the courage to speak up.

"Ummmm Miss Sens-."

"That's One-shot Sensei to you."

One-shot Sensei corrects the student.

"Uhh… One-shot Sensei? Is it true that you're a war veteran?"


Standing up again One-shot sensei pulls off the cape draped over left arm… to reveal… nothing. There was no left arm except for a torn sinew of mesh and complicated looking wire.

"Got my left arm ripped off during a battle. And no I'm not getting no damn cybernetic replacement or getting it healed by some wacky Gods or healing quanta… it serves me just fine… a reminder."

Awkward silence befalls the room again. One-shot sensi clicks her tongue as she rolls her stormy gray left eye.

"Talk about a dead atmosphere, where is your youthful energy? Alright come on! Let's do some history."

Quickly smacking the crystal board with the back of her robotic hand, the screen lights up with lesson materials, schematics and systems of the galaxies showing up in holographic formation. A title labeled: "The Old Worlds (The Forgotten Era)"

"Now the Old Worlds, some call it the Dark era, some called it the Forgotten era yadi yadi yada the boring stuff. Why even really learn about it? The history of the world before has literally been wiped and started anew as you all know. You now live in the Rebirth era but it would help to learn a bit about the past for context of the new Rebirth history..."

A slender, pretty hand shakily raises in the air in question. Her pink eye's irises darted hesitantly around, refusing to meet One-shot sensei's eyes. One-shot sensei sees this and points to her confidently.

"Question! Go ahead! A succubus... rare to see especially here. Escaping your slutty God's reigns huh? You've got a good head on your shoulders... uhhh..."

One-shot sensei squints her eyes inquisitively at the young girl. A succubus... is that what the pink haired girl is? She freezes as all eyes fall upon her. Her body rigid with nervousness.

"My name is Emilia..."

One-shot sensei clicks her tongue as if she knew the whole time.

"Emilia! So what's your question?"

"Ummm... is it true there were many... countless other multiverses with various powerful gods and we once had contact with them?"

One-shot's sensei's cyber eyes zooms in and out almost surprised.

"I see you've been quite informed about the past. Indeed, we did. However as I'm sure you all know, once the Rebirth era started... you don't hear about them anymore. Anybody know why?"

Silence fills the room again as no one wanted to draw attention to themselves. Despite her timidness, her passion and hunger for history didn't stop Emilia from answering.

"Wasn't it because of Asura... and then something about inter-universal travel wasn't possible anymore and many of the gods are now gone."

One-shot sensei points to Emilia with both hands.

"Bingo! I'm surprised you knew about that. World history classes now address the Old World but not too much in detail. You're right! We aren't allowed... or it is not possible anymore to visit other universes."

One-shot sensei puts up her mechanical arm.

"Buuttt... here's something history classes about the past that they don't address much... it's that when the Rebirth era started the fundamental of physics, quanta, all the universes, and theories changed. Did you know a lot universes had concepts such as entropy, universal expansion, dark matter, and operated on completely different physics than us?"

One-shot sensei lets the information settle in before taking another swig of her bottle. Different... physics... theories... universes? The foreign words and concepts jumble together in my head as I try to make any sense to no success. One-shot Sensei continues.

"Now we don't address it much because those concepts don't exist anymore... not for our universe at least. Our world stayed relatively the same but others drastically changed. And about the powerful gods unlike ours, you only really needed to know there were all kinds of conceptual beings, eldritch horrors, all powerful cosmic beings... buuutttt, they're all dead... donzo... finished..."

One-shot sensei spreads her hands as if to emphasize the "poof... gone..." but she doesn't end yet and instead suddenly her red ocular eye immediately flashes to me...

"...at least for as far as we know..."

Her stare sends almost scared me to death as I ducked my head immediately... not again! I peak my head out slowly this time... and One-shot sensei was talking as normal, the crystal board displaying various holographic scenes of planets and solar systems... phew... I don't think she actually saw me.

For the rest of the class I hid, occasionally peeking out. Emilia was taking down notes diligently with pure focus in her eyes while some other students were hiding their sleeping faces behind books. One-shot sensei didn't look my way again... was that a coincidence.

Time went by faster then I though when the bell rings, signifying the end the class period as I let out a sigh of relief... I should get back to mom! I kept her waiting for too long!

I was ready to hop off the porch when I hear the sliding door to the porch open. And a husky, drunken voice next to my ear.


I let out a yelp as I jumped and hit the porch above me with a solid thud... owww...

"Woah there beastie! Didn't mean to scare you that bad."

Still rubbing my head, I gaze up to see One-shot sensei bending over me. I immediately get up and panic fills my stomach... crap.

"Uh! uh... sorry ma'am I didn't mean to trespass please let me go!"

One-shot sensei pauses, her left arm still draped in the cloak, hiding her missing arm. She doubles back and laughs, I can hear the substance in her bottle swish around.

"Hahaha! I'm not capturing you or anything... run along now."

"Thank you One-sh- I mean ma'am!"

I take the chance to quickly jump off the porch... mom's going to be so mad! As I'm falling down I hear behind me.

"See ya around beastie... see ya around."

Wild_Silver Wild_Silver

Alright! Another two part (kind of) chapter that came out. Pleae tell me if my story and chapters are beginning to slack or become not as good! Work is continuing to pile up and I don't want to hold off the story writing!

As always, leave a comment, insutl, thoughts, suggestions, and just talk! I've made some great friends through the Web Novel platform!

next chapter
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