94.44% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 49: Saffron Sapphire (Part 1)

บท 49: Saffron Sapphire (Part 1)

And just like that! The last 3 chapters of the first volume! Now I will be working to repost the first volume on another site eventually. After a long time of revisions and stuff. I'm still in university and it's not getting any easier with the workload! Honestly nobody is probably gonna see this but eh... it's a love project, takes whatever decades for me to write haha! Thank you!

*Sura's POV*

The bed sheet twists around messily, wrapping around me like a mummy as I restlessly shift around... I can't sleep! My head feels all fuzzy and I can't stay still, like there are thousands of feathers tickling my insides!

My feet gently squeaks against the floorboard, tip toeing carefully not to wake the fiery fox, I peek out the window sill. Morning has yet to come and the sun's light spills over the unseen horizon, just enough for the sky to be a gradient of light violet to dark blue. how pretty. It's 5:30am in the morning...

I creep towards door, both hands on the door handle, slowly turning it and stepping outside. Mom said a warm glass of milk helps you sleep. I lean in reaching through the mist of the fridge towards the back for the carton of milk. I flick my finger, a small wisp of flames coming to life, as I use it to warm up my milk... however, any traces of my sleepiness scurries away as I drink.

"It didn't work! It only woke me up more!"

I settle for the couch, maybe I could try to watch the crythoscreen without sound... will mom get upset at me for staying up... mmmm... but... I wanna watch something. Just as my hand guiltily reaches out for to turn on the crythoscreen.

*Knock knock*

...huh? The same two sounds came again, sharp... without hesitation. It felt robotic almost... it rung through the house like an cold icy touch. I slowly approach the door as the silence adds to my anticipation.

*Knock knock*

...I want to ask who it is, but who knocks this early in the morning? Expecting some mysterious figure to meet my eyes, I peer through the peephole to see... nothing.


I slowly swing open the door... no one... no one but the peaceful fields of grass, the early chirps of morning birds... it can't be my imagination, I heard it more than a few times. I look around some more as I step out... my bare feet making no sound as I peek around the front perimeters.

"Eh... mmm..."

I turn around ready to head back, I should head back to sleep befor- a pang shoots up my nerves... it was only then did I realize how deafeningly quiet it was... where was the sway of the grass? Chirp of the birds? And that's not all... I feel it... this familiar sensation, it just feels like...

"Primordial energy..."

I saw the shadow in my periphery first, before a hand clamps onto my head, blinding my vision and next thing I know I'm thrown away, burying in the ground with a tremendous force.


My hands grasps dirt as I spit out grass... what is- she's in front of me, her fist wrapped in flames aimed for my head…


A stream of pure energy flashes before my eyes and ricochets off and deflects fist just enough for me to roll sideways the current of force so violent I still felt my teeth chatter.


Is that One-Shot's voice?

"Get out of here now!!!"

With that momentary breather I finally see the assailant… lean and built, yet her aura of power never diminished… I... she looks like... Kyuu's figurine.


*3rd person*

Bow at the ready, pulled back so far the string begs for release... Ohari aims at the person who dared to hurt her munchkin. Still in her night gown, Ohari takes a closer look at her opponent.


Alycia Sapphire, her blazing trail of hair burns harsher than the sun, eyes of hellish blue cuts into Sura without even acknowledging Ohari. A large, black blade is holstered on her back, any larger would have cut straight into the ground. The momentary confusion burns away for anger as Ohari seethes.

"Don't you DARE hurt her!!"

But for Kyuu, the same could not be said as horrifying confusion stuns her. How is her idol here? Why now? How?

"Alycia Sapphire? Ma'am... what... what is happening, wha-"

A cold, harsh voice silences her.

"Harboring a dangerous being... has it already infected your minds and swayed your sense of reason? Ohari... you know this better than anyone and yet you allow it?"

The fingers on the bow begin to lose grip as her past flashes but for a moment... before regaining back her strength two folds over.

"It's not, and won't be the same, Alycia!! It has taught me that much!"

Something lands on the roof with a thud, then the electrical field dissipates, the camo wearing off revealing One-Shot... her arm forming a sniper aimed at the ready.

"And what will you do, Alycia? Going to 'exterminate' her?!"

There's no reply... only her unmoving stare at Sura.

"Bullshit Alycia, she's just a damn kid! Are you out of your mind?! She has yet to do anything and Durga gave this approval!"

"I am aware..."

Disappointment trails her hardened voice.

"and ashamed of her judgement..."

The air thickens with venom as Alycia tightens her fist.

"This being shares a primordial essence, like the old gods and primordial of the past. Its existence will endanger us all later... or sooner."

Without warning, the violent force thunders against Sura as she blocks Alycia's fist… splintering pain heaving through her arms. Vision finally stop shaking, Sura finds herself propelled near the front gate of Heiwa...

And she remembers, just as Alycia struck her, two vengeful sapphire eyes dead center on her... piercing her soul. Sura's breath labors and she finds herself unable to stop the slight shaking she feels in her body... fear, the fear of death.

"She… she's trying to… kill me."


Ohari screams as she fires a volley of arrows, each failing to meet its target and harmlessly bouncing off Alycia. A sapphire surge of flames arrives behind Sura and her fist roars towards her before another shot deflects the punch… One-Shot slips off the roof and disappears into the air...

The first shot is fired, a beam of silent energy aimed true. With a quick turn, Alycia blocks the shot with her blade. The slightest mirage in the air, the slightest shift sound… One-Shot locks onto Alycia again and like a glitch, Alycia appears in front of her. Shit! One-Shot's last second shield barrier turns on but the elbow passes clean through like paper.


A crushing blow hammers into One-Shot's stomach as she reels spinning backward from an elbow. The shimmer disappears as the camo wears off... crackling electricity flows from One-shot's wound as artificial biofuel leaks out.

"Damn… couldn't have gone a little easier on me?"

Without humor, Alycia faces her.

"Stay out of my way, One-Shot. Final warning."

"Ain't my first rodeo kiddo-"

A sudden sharp charging beep heard as Alcyia steps right onto the trap. Ohari shoots a lassoing arrow around One-Shot, pulling her back and bracing herself.


A massive fiery storm of plasma decimates the ground where she stood and shakes the good citizens of Heiwa as the front gate shackles under the pressure, toppling down. Fuck me, drawing in a sharp breath, One-Shot uses her sniper as a make-shift crutch, I could've really used that maintenance repair. Ohari looks at her.

"What now?"

"We gotta slow her down, buy time. If that Kyuu of yours is done looking like a sitting duck, how about helpin-Kuhh!!"

A hand shoots forward from the smoke like lightning and One-Shot's lifted in the air by the throat and a quick jab puts Ohari out of commission.


Sura jumps in with a blind shoulder charge, pushing Alycia away but it as like hitting a solid mountain of pure steel... and it hurt. But it did the job as she drops One-Shot and Sura puts her arms over One-Shot protectively.

"What are you doing, you fool! Tch… can't run away now.... you scared?"

One look at Sura's trembling arms was enough to confirm it.

"Not when mom and you are hrut!! But doesn't Kyuu like her a lot and she's from the Prometheus! Isn't she a good person?!"

"Bit more complicated than that… ready yourself beastie!"

Hands clenched with zero expression, Alycia in a flash rushes in front of the two with a kick arcing in from the side. Blocking it with her sniper, the barrel bends and Sura slides under followed with a barrage of jabs.

Arrows rained like a shower from above with Ohari springing back with a bloody nose... only to be broken by a gale of force. Energy surrounded Alycia, so dense, it became an invisible force. Sura finds all of her strikes intercepted by one hand and yet her efforts could not even sway a batting eye from Alycia. Come on!! Within a blink, Sura is kneed in the stomach and knocked spinning out of control in the air.


Crashing on the dirt and sliding across the many helpless flowers and plants from her hapless assault... Sura tries to force herself back up with her depleted strength. One-shot and Ohari fight their two on one in their dance of duels. Rapid slices of razor sharp bow was useless against Alycia, I'm out of touch! Ohari ducks before flipping to safety... and out of breath!

Just as Alycia is about to meet Ohari with an attack, Kyuu catches her fist, pushing back with both hands and even that was hardly enough.


Her counter uppercut is caught and Alcyai praises her.

"A good punch."

Feet swept under, Kyuu couldn't believe how fast her idol as she's ragdolled into Ohari. None of her martial arts mattered now, not when your opponent is this strong... and it hurt her.

Even with one hand, One-Shot fires off streams of bullets even at close combat with a narrow bullet grazes Alycia's hair. Tch! Piss off by a millimeter! One-shot bends backwards as knuckles misses her jaw by the same margin.

Taking opportunity as the momentary glance away, small canisters fly up.

"Close your eyes!!!"

A giant flash blinds the whole area, jarred and head spinning. Sura finally gets up and Kyuu raises her hand to command her weapon within the dojo.


Arrows stream through the air, each seeming to carry trailing wires of energy. The seasoned mother dashes around Alycia, firing off tracing arrows, so fast her hand is a blur... each encircling like a dome around her target.

"Seal!! We have to get this fight away the town and get Sura-chan away!!"

"Piss! That's exactly what Alycia wants! Get Sura away from here so she can use her full power! We keep her near the town, I ain't no gambler but I damn sure know she's no brazen idiot to cause collateral."

Casting her bow aside, Ohari claps her hand together... all the arrows snap together, like web wrapping Alycia like a cocoon, leaving her head poking out.

"Alycia... Sura's not what you think! She isn't a primordial nor an invasive old god! They're gone now!"

Alycia's eyes widen in rage... sapphire flames seeps through and corrode her binding as her eyes grow molten.

"And yet here this atrocity stands."

With a roar of flames, Alycia bursts forth at Sura... in a flash of gold, the guandao slams into Alycia with full but reluctant force, the effort earning her only an annoyed glance.

"Alycia, ma'am! Please, something has to be wrong here! You don't hurt people, you protect them!"

"You are deluded."

A hurtful gasp escapes Kyui as Alycia attempts to blast her with the free hand... a kick knocks her blasts into the sky as Sura erupts in saffron in front of her.

"Don't hurt my Big SISTER!!!!!"

The punch digs into Alycia's stomach with surprising force, an expression of pain finally crosses her stoic face as she skids backwards. But that fleeting pain soon turns to anguished excitement as she grins...

"Show your true nature."

Before anyone can react... space itself seems to fold as Alycia blitzes... the only thing Sura remembers was the thunderous force shattering her ribs… immense, cold sharp pain ruptures her inside following by an explosive shockwave, her body limply catching wind as she sails through the sky higher and higher away...

Through tear soaked vision, she looks behind and almost crashes into the Magami Aura, quickly she extends and her arms tear into the bark trying to slow herself… before a net of soft branches erupts from the Magami Aura and cradles Sura.

"Sura-chan!!! Heal…"

High up on the tree, Goddess Myriam appears and guides her hand over Sura's chest, mending her wounds.

"How did Alycia find you?!"

Emerald armor morphs and covers Goddess Myriam… Sura winces in pain as she tries to get up.

"Sura, I need you to hide!"

"N-No… One-Shot is… she's hurt, please help her- Goddess Myriam watch out!!!"

Consecutive booms are head as a fiery figure jets towards the trees. 2000 meters closing in fast! 1000 meters! 5 meters!

Like a comet of vengeance… Alycia arrives… this time, her massive sword unsheathed, its blackened blade with no remorse.


Forcing her broken body, Sura rolls to her side... Kyuu's sprinting through Heiwa breaking sound barriers and the sonic booms rousing the town to a rude awakening. She watches as the nest of branches up at the Magami Aura splices into an explosion of wood... and she sees a small... dot, falling.


She jumps onto the tree and sprints like never before... Ohari follows behind, slower, but catching up. She sees Sura falling closer and closer... come on, reaching out her hand, she prepare push off and catch the brat, until she sees Alycia coming straight at her.


They clash but Alycia pushes past her barely slowing... it was then twin large green emerald lions emerge, Xata and Blair, from the Magami Aura's side, blocking Alycia... anything for their little maiden that gives them good head pats. At their helm was Goddess Myriam. Jumping on them, Ohari takes aim... together they can only stall for so long.

Kyuu looks back for but a moment, catching a figure flying past them at breakneck speeds towards Heiwa. She recognized who.

"Klara! Catch her!!"

Faster than words could travel, Klara could not hear Kyuu's plea but understood anyways... Sura's falling, and her vision is blurry... it feels cold, cold and numb. Heiwa below her grows larger and larger as she approaches the ground. Klara swoops in and catching Sura before she falls... speeding away. Sura moans...


"Hey there, little lily, your dazzling prince here to save you! I'm gonna take you to hide! Goddess Myriam had informed me!"

...everyone, always trying to protect me... putting themselves in danger... mom, Kyuu, Goddess Myriam, One-Shot, Klara... a helpless, frustration seizes the maiden. It was then, she saw the debris... the avalanche wooden debris falling towards the town from Alycia's attack... No! Everyone there is gonna be in danger!

Before the debris could reach the twon, blasts shoot up from below destroying some of the it... and more! More figures show up upon the roofs... it's everyone at the dojo helping! Mokuren's there too, leading them... did Goddess Myriam gather them?

Yet still, roofs shuddered and topple down like sheets of ice, raining cuts, bruises, and injuries for the many people trying to get out of their house and panicking.

"No.. no..."

The young maiden could only hope... hope for the best... all... all because of her. It's always me! She bites her tongue, always!! I'm always the one attracting trouble!! People are always hurt!!! Will mom come back with hurt again? Will Kyuu be ok?! She looks down, noticing the familiar sight, the dojo.

The portal! I... I can't let this go on, I have to do something!

"Miss Klara! Take me to the dojo!!"

"What? I can't do that-hey!!"

Prying herself off, Klara, Sura lands on the training ground... Klara tries to pick her up again.

"What are you doing!!"

But before she could... Alycia descends from the sky, onto dojo with sapphire flames emanating off her. A pillar of defensive light blocks her way, the only thing standing between her and Sura.

"Goddess Myriam, One-Shot, mom, Kyuu..."

They emerge from the light. Myriam's staff stamps down in defiance.

"Alycia Sapphire, we can't let you have her."

But... how... how?! Sura looks on, her heart trembling... she goes... pulling mom and Kyuu back. Hot tears beginning to come out, as she begs.

"Stop... you're hurt! You're all hurt!"

It's too painful to look, how are they still trying. Kyuu was holding her shoulder, the arm hung at her side, limply swaying as she moved... Mom tries to uncurl her munchkin's fingers from her dress... Sura's winces as a warm, sticky drop of blood lands on her...from a small wound upon Ohari's rosy cheeks.

"Hey hey... you're gonna be ok, sweetie. Kyui, you need to stay back too..."

Kyuu looks at her little sister...

"N-No. I'll help, plus, I have to protect you too, mom."

Sura holds on... but against her attempts, the two pull away as she falls backwards... holding her stomach in pain, the wound haven't recovered. She lays, pulled back by Klara, ready to fly away once more...

As the group turns to face Alycia once more... a dead quietness falls, Emerald warriors harden from their green light as Goddess Myriam summons aid. How do we hold her off? We'll have to try...


Heavy metal clinks against the hard floor behind them, one voice becomes two, and two becomes more, in a guttural growl...

next chapter
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