61.11% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 31: A Touch of Forgotten Melody

บท 31: A Touch of Forgotten Melody

*Sura's POV*

A somewhat metallic clank is heard when Saraswati snaps her fingers.

"Done deal! Finally! Someone who's at least interested in guitars! Why don't you take a look around first, feel free to ask any questions. I'll be in the back rooms… try not to break anything hehe... and thank you... for not running away from me."

Saraswati smiles sincerely at me and pats me on the head. With that, she flips onto the ceiling and crawls away into one of the open rooms in the back of the store. A short silence ensues before the sounds of flicking and sharp chipping sounds begin… I wonder what she's doing back there.

*Clack, clack, clack*

My geta clacks against the wooden furnished floor as I walk through the store. Hanging on the walls and ceiling, the guitars each carried a different style. One was glazed with tidal blue finish, blended with forest wood accents. Others had misty black lit by brushes of amaranthine. Coming in all shapes and sizes.

Bearing horns, one guitar seems to have a vicious tale to tell while some had sharp contours with metal grooves that looked futuristic. I gently knocked on some of them, hearing a hollow echo bounce back at me. The store had a lot of other stuff like strings, chips, and various parts for guitars. Coming to a halt, this section was labeled "Quanta Guitars." I wonder what makes them special? A glistening shimmer catches my eyes. An quanta guitar formed from chiseled sculpted crystal stood before me. Crystalline nods that refracted light of all colors... it was cool, but I think it's a little too dazzling.


The string vibrates from the gentle touch of my finger, plucking it again… it bounces back and forth with life, making a satisfying note… my hands reach forward, wanting to play more… this itch in my hand, I want to touch and play!!

"Woah woah woah! That's an expensive one! Sorry love, I'm worried if it will accidentally get scratched, sorry."

Sarawasti exclaimed just as I was about to grab it...darn. I couldn't help but slightly pout, holding my hands as if the world's fluffiest plushy was taken from me.

"Hmmm… here, follow me."

Following the big round abdomen in front of me, we head into the back rooms… of which shelves and shelves of guitar parts seem to be stacked. Wooden carved bodies, pegs, and parts lined the room. This is a workshop!

In the center was a large desk and table with various wood shavings. A cloud of wooden dust plumes up as Sarawasti blows it.

*Cough cough*

"Smell that? That's the smell of fine workmanship."

Behind the desk a fair distance was a large… spinning wheel? It has threads of silk wrapped. It had some kind of contraption that spins the wheels. Sarawasti takes out a spool of fibrous, glistening thread and places it on the table.

With the careful touch of her sharp finger… she pulls up as a long thread follows, barely visible if not for the overhead light that reflects off of it. With a masterful gesture of hands and weaving… a tangible, strong string was formed right before me.

"Pretty cool eh? Organic Guitar strings… made from yours truly."


"Yep… it's uhh… from my butt."

"… oh, how does that work?"

Sitting down at her desk, Saraswati takes out a crystal and I see small amounts of quanta flow from her into it. Hers is blood red… yet peaceful and calm. She inserts it into a small slot of the spinning wheel and it starts. What's going to happen?

With her back arachnid legs, Saraswati gently taps the end of her abdomen and a thin spider thread comes out… wow… weaving the thread between her hind legs, she attaches it to the spinning wheel where it spins her thread into spools.

"Some may think this is a bit weird… but my spider threads are unmatched in tensile strength and have the capability to vibrate to produce sound like metal strings! Paired with quanta, the musical quality is unmatched!"

She points to herself confidently and proudly, before remembering something she forgot.

"Oh right, here. Take this."

She reaches into a shelf full of uncolored guitars and takes out one.

"These are like the ones outside but have yet to be painted yet. Try one and out and have some fun!"

I reach my arm to accept her gracious offer… my fingers embrace the body of the guitar and a wave of euphoria spreads from my fingertips through my body. The primordial energy within me hummed with excitement. I can almost see my energy reaching towards it… hey wait… I quickly retract my energy that seems to lick at the guitar… gross. Did Sarawasti see that?

All eyes focused, she was dedicated to carving the wood with her claws, each stroke shaving off a perfect tailing of wood as she set forth her craftsmanship. I guess she didn't see…

I hug the guitar and jog out, not waiting for my heart to settle down… I try to pluck a few strings. As my fingers stroke the strings, the sound plucks at my heart in response. Together they resonate, it feels… so familiar. Closing my eyes, I let my fingers do as they please… as I shallow my breath.

Lost in a trance, thoughts remain motionless and empty in my mind as I fall into the world of sensation and sound. My hands flow freely… it felt like instinct, a part of me waiting to be rediscovered. By the time I opened my eyes, six wide opened eyes stared in shock at me.

"How are you doing that?! Didn't you say you wanted to learn?!"

She grabs my shoulders and wobbles me a little. I'm confused.

"Wait what? What's happening?!"

"You didn't hear yourself? You played awesomely! Well with only a few rough notes here and there but how? Incredible...hmmm..."

A sly smile comes across her face as she taps her arm. She quickly leads me to the front. Still confused, I try to ask something.

"Wait wha-"

I was hurriedly pushed out to the front of the store. Saraswati looks at me all excited.

"Do what you were doing, but here! Hehe, here is your first experience as a mascot! I would help if I wasn't scaring kids left and right… but I'll be watching."

Shoved once again into the walks of people and peaceful Heiwa… I sit down on a bench outside the store and lay back, guitar lovingly cradled in my arms. Just do what I do right? Leaning my head back, I let my eyes shut and play, this time listening.


A melodious tune comes out, my fingers slide down the string in one motion as my fingers flow on the strings. The cold strings become heated with the passion of my hand and my heart. I wasn't even too sure what notes I was playing until I focused… it was mom's song. But it sounded different, with different riffs and melodies… riffs? How do I know that?

I look at my fingers and I hesitate, and my fingers lose track… it was weird, it was harder to play when I think about my hands and when I focus… so I just let my thoughts take the backseat as my consciousness leads and guides my hand. The rhythm takes me by tides, like quiet, calming beats as I feel the primordial essence within seem to dance along. My powers becomes soothed as I feel sudden peace in my heart.

Wait... this is it!! Mokuren mentioned I should try to find something to try to calm myself for training! Maybe music will work!

I slowly lift my eyelid, meeting tons of shoes…? I open them to see a group of people around me at the bench, many greeting me with a smile and some gently clapping. Were they listening to me? When did such a crowd gather?

Seeing their smiles and eyes on me, I felt my fingers halt in surprise as a wave of sudden anxiety came over me. My fingers refused to move, was something wrong? The sound of a soft clap alerts me in sudden surprise, before more ensued.

"Little flower, I didn't know you had a talent for music too. Weren't you supposed to be heading home though?"

Clapping among them, the crowd parted slightly for Mokuren. Whispers of Mokuren-sama and greetings are passed. I stand and blush a little as she chuckles.

"I won't tell Kyui don't worry."

She smirks at me and I chuckle back, looking at the store beside me… I was surprised to see more people peering through the glass, looking at the guitars. Mokuren sees Sarawasti and waves, walking over as I follow back into the store, guitar in hand... getting little praises from the crowd as some cheered me on.

"Saraswati, shop's still no luck huh?"

Wow, Mokuren sure knows everyone. A young kid runs away at the sight of Saraswati opening her mouth to speak. Saraswati's legs bend and slump to the ground as she sits down pouting.

"Oh come on! You have literal giant snake people here! What's so scary about a spider lady like me?!"

Her four arms cross together in anger and turn to Mokuren.

"Hey Mokuren-sama, yeah. Why can't they be like this little cutie here? She even praised me."

She fans her eyes a little… or at least tries to fan all of them.

"Could make a grown woman cry. Didn't you tell them I was a nice lady and no need to be afraid of me?"

Mokuren sighs, sitting down on a chair in the store.

"People don't change so easily, they're good people, but you're the first Arachnid bloodline here so they're just surprised. Plus children will be children."

Saraswati rubs her arms, looking down at the ground, losing her energetic self.

"They have a right to be wary… given my people's, no, species' past history, and even many still pass down to this day."

A wave sadness passes over Saraswati, a sense of betrayal and longing.

"I can't call them my people anymore."

Mokuren encourages Saraswati.

"Your kind's past doesn't dictate who you are. You are your own Saraswati, have patience. People just need to see how kind and fun you are."

I pop out from behind Mokuren's flora green dress and hold out the guitar reluctantly. I pat her on the arms and Saraswati shines her mandibles at me with a sad smile. Nudging the guitar back, I gasp and whisper.


"Hehe, keep it… it's a prototype anyways, and you've garnered some good attention. Come in next time kay? You're always welcome... and thank you Mokuren-sama."

Mokuren nods appreciatvely. Holding the guitar tight, it felt slightly warm. It may be a prototype, but it's mine at least. The slightly rough surface of the guitar lacked finishing, but to me it carried a sense of beauty.

"Here, take this case too. I'll teach you how to tune the guitar when you come again… but I've got a feeling you know already."

Opening the case, I carefully place the guitar into it and take it with me. With heartfelt glee I give Saraswati a quick hug to her smooth, round carapace before leaving with Mokuren. Walking me home, she seems amused at me carrying the guitar.

"Hehe, you sure know how to get on people's good sides. Thanks to you, she made another new friend. But I'm impressed, you've never learned music before yet you adapted so quickly… perhaps another one of your natural abilities?"


I feel the primordial essence within reminds me of something as it beats impatiently. I grasp my guitar and look confidently up at Mokuren.

"Mokuren!! I have an idea on how to calm myself more during training!"

I clasp my hands at the announcement of the revelation. Her quiet, elegant steps stop and she raises a curved eyebrow.

"Oh, how so?"


"Music? Hehe, interesting. Music has always been known for its soothing effect… heh, why don't you ask Kyui when she gets back to get the music player? Gave it to her some time ago and she never used it, shame."

*Knock knock*

With a little song of taps, Mokuren knocks on my home. The door creaks open and before mom can even open it fully… I attack.

"Welcome home swee-oof!!"

I tackle my mom's stomach for a hug.



We embrace as she lifts me up and pets me on the head. Putting me down, mom gives a friendly little hug to Mokuren as well.

"Hello Mrs. Ohari was just here to keep Sura company."

"No no! Come in if you want. You're always welcome, Mokuren."

Mokuren puts up her hands respectfully.

"Sorry Mrs. Ohari, but I've got to head home. Kyui should be back soon though."

With those words, Mokuren gives me a little thumbs up as we part ways. Mom looks at the case I'm carrying and recognizes it.

"Is that a guitar case?"

"Yep! Mom! I'm gonna try to learn how to play a guitar!"

Mom seems shocked before she picks me up in her arms and kisses my cheek.

"Really now?! I've ought to teach you a few skills I've acquired of my own hehe."

She playfully flaunts her own pride and puts me down. Her tail can barely stuff wagging behind her as she huffs.

"My little daughter playing the guitar like me... oh this is strangely exciting."

Hehe, to tease mom, I take out the guitar and sit on the couch... I play again, humming along, feeling my body move slightly to the rhythm of the song. My fingers move between different pitches and note seamlessly, eager to impress mom. Looking at mom with a proud smile... I see a tear slide down her face... a painful, out of tune twang hits as I stop.


I rush to Mom and stopped playing... I see her hold her hand to her mouth as emotion fills her, slightly whispering.

"That was the exact way they played it... the way Asu-"

She stops herself and wipes her tears away. I feel a horrible feeling within me sink, before Mom lifts my chin again.

"No, no, no... not your fault, that was beautiful sweetie... it just reminded me of something."

Mom looks at me in the eyes, a profound kindle in her eyes as she cusps my face. She leans in, and kisses me on the forehead.

"Thank you."

It felt deeper than a simple thank you, but I didn't know what... but I was glad and snuggled with mom for comfort. Storking my head, I ask her.

"Mom, do you know where did Kyuu-san puts her music player away? Mokuren told me I could try to find it since she doesn't use it anymore."

"Oh the music player? Here, let me see."

Holding my hand, mom goes back into room with me. Opening a drawer, she takes out a small tablet of sorts along with a pair small earplugs.

"I always kept it when Kyui lost interest, I thought it was an amazing gift so I kept it for myself hehe. Here, let me show you how to use it."

Together we spent out time with me on her lap, as she showed me how to use the little tablet. Swiping left and right to switch different songs and using the search bar thingy to find new songs. And how to save them.

"Azure Waves, by Evo-blue."

It reads on the song cover... so many songs I've never heard or seen before. Rock, techno, Electro Swing, orchestral were just a few. Pulsing upbeat rhythm plays as a chorus of string instruments play gorgeous tun together with accompanying piano in the background that adds a touch of life with each note. Taking out the ear buds, I listen to the music from the music player itself... I didn't like the way it felt... and I stare back up the night, starry sky again. Letting the waves of the song take me beyond the stars as I hum into the night.

Suddenly my eyes open, and I found myself grasping something soft. My pillow! I'm in bed, as I realize where I am. I must've fallen asleep on the roof... again. I roll to my side to see Kyuu-san sleeping... did she bring me in? Hehe, thank you big sister.

"Are you ready, brat?"

Taking in the dry, dusty air of this barren wasteland… I hear the groan of the massive metal wrecks in the distance, echoing relics of the past. Deep breath out… try to stay calm. Another day of training, I'm not allowed to train with the other students until I gain some control for safety just in case.

The primordial power flows free as Saffron flames start to curl off my skin and steam hisses. I feel the heat within pace faster and my thoughts start to lose focus gradually as a pit of fire wells inside…

"Twinkle twinkle little star…"

Closing my eyes, I hum quietly… humming the tune and rhyme. I've remembered many other songs I've listened to by now too, thanks to my great memory hehe. Little by little the turbulent waves of rising anger soothe, to calmer waves. Humming the song in my head, it brings a slight smile to my face, remembering the night Mom played the song to me.

I tense my muscles and close my hands into fists… and open my eyes. Fighting while trying to calm my anger will be another hurdle… but… I look at Kyuu-san.

"I'm ready."

Wild_Silver Wild_Silver

Hey ya'll!! I got a new laptop! Guess what! It also had issues... yay what joy. But darn, I might be thinking of getting a small job ontop of my summer courses so far so the schedule's a bit tight. But thank you for your patience as always!!

And as always, leave a comment, insult me! Suggest things! Say random things! And I hope you all enjoy your days to the fullest!

next chapter
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