50% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 25: A Dream

บท 25: A Dream


Hey, ya'll! How do you like the new cover? I've been planning and working for about 2 weeks on that since I don't have too much time. It's my first time doing digital art! What do you think? Any background suggestions or changes?

*Sura's POV*

"Where... where am I?"

My vision clears... I'm on... a barren landscape? No, there are large mountains in the far distance. I try to look around, but it's like I can't even control my own body. Errrrr!! Come on, move! Hnngghh!!!! I give up. The sky is pitch black... but it doesn't look like it's night, it feels like a void within a void... is this... the Akasha dimension?

When I look across the far side of the barren land, a massive cylindrical metal missile pierces faster than light at me, directly slamming into me with a massive explosion.

"AAAHHHhhhh... huh?"

I don't feel a thing... as my vision clears, I stand unflinching at all with a big crater around me as debris and smoke fall and lift around me. The body I'm in looks up as see the sky covered in bright dots... no those aren't stars. The body stood unmoving as the void sky becomes penetrated by the light of explosive blasts as they laid waste to the world I'm on.

Move! Move! But I don't, instead, I still stand there. As the blasts envelop me, all I can see is the blinding fire red of explosions and their ear-shattering impact.

A large hand reaches out, its massive arm rippling with muscles, with curling symbols of burning energy that almost seemed alive, crawling around the arm. Is this... my arm? With a single swipe, the force of my movement strikes the void as the cloud and rains of explosions are blown away. Looking around now, the barrage of attacks carved valleys and flattened mountains, and craters the size of mountains darted this barren planet.

Then... I began to move, flying towards something as I began to hear a distant chorus of chanting. Before I can even react... before I can even register what happened... I find my hand gripped around someone's neck.

I can feel the knight's life being strangled as my hand grips tighter, its pale, glowing eyes dimming and it drops its energy-tipped spear before I feel something crack... the feeling of bone creaking and breaking in my hand... it was horrifying. I couldn't look away... I was staring into its eyes as it died with an unwavering focus... why can't I look away? I don't want to see it!

When my eyes... is it even mine? Finally leaves the long-dead corpse, I find myself amidst a horde, an entire legion of those knights. Their spears and weapons all aimed at me. I see massive flying spaceships eclipsing planets above me, machines of untold scale shake the world with their every step, emitting groaning echoes... I can sense someone, something in the void above.

Its form moving, changing, an amalgamation of metal, gears, bending warping light, and flesh. It spoke with its presence, not its body. Somehow, I could understand its harrowed words.

"Asura! Wrath Incarnate, I wage war upon you as by decree commandeth by me, Sarcone, Elder God of all that is grinding metal, working fission, fusion, and mechanical works."

I feel sounds tremble, shake my heart and soul as echoes leave my mouth.

"I gave you all a chance to leave unscathed... should you relent."

With its many arms, Sarcone commanded its army and ships.

"Strike the demon down!"

What happened next... was something I could not grasp completely. But I can feel everything, see glimpses in all its carnage. I watched as I tore the limbs of the knights around me in masses... I... I can feel their sockets loosens, the body coming apart. Their cries, shrieks, their banshee cries of agony. Sometimes... all I can see is liquid red... I didn't know if my eyes were covered in blood... or was I staring at the open cavity of a torn open knight.

I felt the heat, burning rage within me swelter, bellowing me to kill as I tore into a giant, titan mechs with my bare hands... STOP!!!! STOP!!! I feel my hands grab onto someone's head and feel a wet sensation cake my arms... NOOO!!

As I feel my hand, take on a haunting fiery form... grabbing hold onto the planetary ships who fired hails of energy in desperation at me as I crushed them... and sent them into the surrounding planets. Sometimes I thought... I could feel more than two arms on me.

The planets around me exploded... inward of itself as its core collapsed and some instantly shattered... falling continents upon me as I continued unstopping, unwavering. I tried so hard to close my eyes but I couldn't... it... this body won't let me.

Before I knew it... I find myself looking over Sarcone's ripped body, its light fading away as its form decayed. The faint life it held on as it pleaded... it's mechanized parts glowing weakly. Where was I? The body I'm in looks around... here we stand on top mounds of bodies, oceans of blood... the planet on I'm on crack as I can see its core underneath me. Still, the ships fall around me, monumental wreckages a sign of the destruction I've caused.

"Mercy... mercy..."

Sarcone groaned... my hands reach down, indistinguishable as blood covered it, only the burning symbols still ever more seeing as I grasped Sarcone. I feel my hand scorch, as Sarcone screams in distortion, despair, as it was consumed by sentient, flames... melting the elder God.

Stop! I don't want to hear it! No! Its screams continued as I watched it. No! NO!


I shot up, eyes wide open as the war cry ringed in my ears… at least it seemed to. My vision is still blurry and trying to adjust. Something a bit cold, and wet leaked down the corner of my mouth. With my arm, I wipe off the drool... I feel tears begin to well... I don't remember... but for some reason, I feel relieved.

Stuffing my face into the pillow I've been holding, I take comfort in its slightly drool wet softness. Kyuu-san is not in the bed… what time is it? The little wooden hands of the clock on the wall read 6:01 AM. Mom then suddenly bursts through the door with Kyuu-san too.

"Are you ok sweetie?!"

Mom hurries quickly to the bed and grabs my face in her hands. Brushing away the tears I have.

"Are you ok? You don't look hurt? What happened?"

She wraps her arms around me into a soft, almost crushing embrace. I hug back.

"Mom! I'm fine... I think I just had a nightmare... it was scary."

Mom rubs my back, gently rubbing my petals too. Kyuu-san looks on concerned, before deciding to leave us alone.

"It's ok! Nightmares suck don't they? Do you remember what it is?"

It buried itself in the back of my mind, but it felt so absent and vague. All I feel is the lingering feeling of overwhelming horror and dread... and hugging mom is slowly making it go away. It feels more distant now... like it is slipping away for reasons I can't understand. What was it?

"I... I don't remember... but I'm feeling better..."

"That's good. Need help changing?"

I stay in her hug for a few more minutes as she gladly tightens her hug as well. After a while... I finally reply.

"Nope. I think I got this!"

I roll myself off the bed. My tired legs carry me to the closet in the corner of Kyuu's room. The sunlight shines through the cotton threads of the dress as it fluttered onto my face when I pulled it out of the closet. Mom watches with a small teasing smile as I try to put on the dress...what was it? One arm… then the other... done.


Mom laughs out loud.

"Go to the mirror and look at your back sweetie."

What's wrong? I walk over to the closet mirror and turn around... to see my back open and the cotton dress not connected...oh. Mom walks over and helps tie the dress on my back.

"You'll get it one day. Come on, breakfast is ready and we have something important to talk about. Sorry, you woke up so early. If you want, you can sleep with me tonight if you're scared."

That's a dream come true!

"I want to!"

I tackle mom... she laughs and pats my head.

"Alright, alright sweetie."

Brushing my teeth and combing my messy hair with mom, I come out to Kyuu-san sitting at the table, fiddling with her cut off hair bundle hehe. A couple of days ago when she came back with the pudding, the next morning I noticed something was off with her hair.

"Morning Kyuu-san."


... no brat? I see a black case placed on the table. Mom takes a seat next to me as Kyuu clears her throat. I bite into the spicor and berries that Mom bought the other day when I was with her. It had it tangy, sweet-sour taste... not bad! I drank some milk, making sure to wipe the milk mustache off me so Kyuu-san doesn't make fun of me again.

After helping clean the plates, Kyuu-san asks me to sit down at the table while mom sits next to me. I sit patiently, feeling the atmosphere grow a little more quiet. She opens the black case and reveals two golden fire rings inside. It hisses open with a blue mist... ooh... cold. Placing them out on the table with a metallic clink, Kyuu-san looks at me.

"These are two arm rings created to help you control your powers. I got them from Mokuren."

To help control my powers... so I might be able to get back to training. Ohari nudges Kyuu-san. She takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye, demanding my attention.

"I've been talking early in the morning and the past couple of days about this with mom. After breakfast, mom wants to-"

Mom cuts in.

"Pay Goddess Myriam a visit. I'm taking the rings with me and asking what she's doing! That dumb Goddess has had enough sulking already! First, she harms my munchkin and now she wants her to put this on?"

A fire lights in Mom's eyes!

"Calm down mom."

Kyuu-san raises her hands to comfort mom.

"I'm sure you're curious too brat... we'd like to visit Goddess Myriam for some more questions. But mostly for you. No point in keeping you in the dark anymore. How about it?"

Keeping me in the dark... alright then. I shake my head in agreement.

"Alright! Let's go!"

And so with mom's burning conviction, she takes us to the entrance to the Magami Aura, her steps not wavering in speed at all along the way. Quickly saying morning to the townsfolk who greeted her, she's on a mission.

*Bam Bam Bam!!*

Her fists pounded on the grand wooden doors, shuddering the doors as the jewels of the carved Myriam shook so much I thought I'd had to watch out for raining gems. Mom's… kind of scary.

"Myriam! Open up!"

No reply… only the chirping of birds, people, and the gentle rustle of flowers around us can be heard.

"I know you're in there!! Open the door!"

The carving of Myriam then moved and morphed… the carving's mouth moved as the wooden surface of the doors almost seemed to liquify.

"No one's home… go away."

The somber, deflated voice of Myriam came through. This only made mom angrier as she shook the door with more force!

"I swear Myriam! Open the door! We need to talk!"

"Don't wanna… hey wait! Mokuren what are you doing? Wait!"

The carving flails in panic mode as the grand doors swung slowly open to reveal Mokuren who was pushing open the doors herself.


Kyuu-san exclaimed as Mokuren smiled sheepishly with her green lashes.

"Morning Kyui. Good morning Ohari-san… and hello little flower."

Mokuren does a little wave at me while two familiar, green floofy birds chirp on her antlers.

"Good morning Mokuren! Hello, little birdies!"

The little birds dance around, jumping from antler to antler before one of them lands on my head, nesting there. Mom takes me by the hands with firm warmth and nods politely to Mokuren.

"Morning Mokuren, I'm here to see your mother."

Mokuren shakes her head in disappointment.

"Go ahead, I've got nothing to hide now hehe. I don't know about motivating my mother though."

"We'll see about that."

Mom crosses her arms as we entered. Everything... looked a little wilted an entire half side of the inner sanctum. The forest was no longer a healthy, brilliant green but a sullen shade of decaying brown. What happened to all the beautiful flowers and grass! I can't feel their life anymore, they're dying! Kyuu held in her smirk.

"You weren't kidding Mokuren, she really let herself go."

Mokuren rolls her eyes.

"You have no idea. I see you're carrying the case with the rings."

The dried, dying grass crumbled beneath our feet… poor plants, who isn't taking care of them? Goddess Myriam? My mother holds onto my hand a bit tighter as she stomps through grass, her fur flared up and her pupils fierce.

"Where's your mother, Mokuren!"

Mokuren shrugs helplessly, as she revives some of the grass and flowers around us, gently tapping a passing tree and imbuing it with life again.

"She's hiding, I've been telling her to stop being such an embarrassment to herself… buuutt… as you can see, she didn't stop."

Mom sighs, her tail swinging impatiently behind her.

"Myriam! Come out! We need to talk!"

A voice passes with the lonesome breeze.

"I'm too ashamed to, so no."

We stopped on the edge of a small lake, the water clear as day and brimming with life. Mom stomps her feet down.

"Well either come out or we'll keep waiting for you to do so. You're not getting out of this you irresponsible Goddess. Why don't you act a little like your daughter? She's a role model!"

Kyuu-san made an "o" with her mouth as she smirked at Mokuren, who was even holding in her stifled laugh as she covered her mouth.

An ephemeral green life circles around each, intertwining into a mass before the light fades away, revealing Goddess Myriam with her back faced away from us, sitting on the wilting grass.

"Myriam… turn around."

With a pouty huff, the dying grass grows taller around her, forming a shield of sorts.


I try to comfort her too.

"Goddess Myriam? I'm fine you see? We're just here to talk that's all! Plus all the pretty flowers, grass, and animals are suffering if you are not happy!"

The little green bird on my head chirped too in agreement. The walls of grass slowly retract a little, revealing her slouched figure. Goddess Myriam turns around. Her antlers were back, but the shining starlight beads on her antlers were dull and she slumped forward.

"I'm sorry flower maiden for putting you through that… I won't ask for you to fo-"

With a smile I say.

"I forgive you."

Mom stares at me dumbfounded, even Kyuu-san and Mokuren were a bit surprised. I step towards Goddess Myriam and hold out my hand. Her face was full of dumbfoundedness as I saw the universe in her eyes explode in dazzling light.

"What? But I almost killed you flower maiden! I'm not fit to be God!"

I bring my finger up to her with firm defiance. Being subjected to that experience was horrifying yes… but…

"I forgive you Goddess Myriam. If you haven't done that, I wouldn't have found out about my… powers' dangers."

"But you're so innocent and naive! Of course, you'll forgive me!"

Ouch… I look towards Kyuu-san for help and she lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Goddess Myriam, Mokuren is seriously a better role model than you. You are right, we might've lost our trust in you, but that does not mean you cannot prove yourself again."

Goddess Myriam only wilted further as the flowers on her hair started to wane and fall. Mom finally snapped and moved forward with a mighty pull on the Goddess' ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! So mean to your Goddess!"

Mom yells into her ear. Goddess Myriam's eyes spinning around as she bears the roar of a fierce mother.

"I thought you said you weren't fit to be one!"

"Ok! Ok! I relent!"

Goddess Myriam finally looks us in the eyes. I hold out my hand to her, and she hesitantly takes it. I give her a pat on the hand.

"Please get better, the plants and grass around you are dying too!"

She smiles a little then finally stands up. Reposing herself again in a more elegant manner. The grass around her starts to gain life again as I feel their life energy replenish along with their color.

"I'm assuming you want to converse about the restriction rings then Ohari?

"Yes. Tell us what's happening Myriam."

Goddess Myriam with a wave of her hand creates giant, sprouting leaves for just to sit on and a large leaf table by the lakeside. Kyuu-san sets down the case on the leaf.

"Where should I start?"

"Just spill the bean Myriam, Sura deserves to know."

Goddess Myriam moans.

"To think I'll need to tell you so soon! I'm horrible with keeping secrets and being discrete."

Goddess Myriam looks at me with apologetic eyes.

"So Sura... you know that we have been well, watching over you for a lack of better terms. Well, the Prometheus clan have also been watching over you too."

The Prometheus clan? The clan that Kyuu-san mentioned before and Goddess Myriam too.

"What do you mean watching over me?"

"They created the arm rings for you to help control your powers. But we have yet to test it. To be honest, I'm here to watch over you too and..."

Looking at mom, Goddess Myriam continues.

"I don't know everything about what they planned either, Ohari. Please trust me on that. In fact, I think they knew sooner or later this would happen. I can promise you I'll tell you everything from now on if I receive anything."

Mom closes her eyes, thinking carefully while Kyuu-san sits there, hands on her chin. Mokuren sat by Kyuu-san. I ask Goddess Myriam.

"How does the rings work?"

Goddess Myriam takes out the rings and hands it to me. I touch the rings... it felt warm.

"Put it to your arm, Sura."

Mom was going to cut in when Goddess Myriam reassures her.

"She'll be able to take it off, it won't lock her down. This has been used before in the Prometheus clan for many of the members."

Bringing the ring to my arm, it clicks open as it opens a segment with a space just enough for my arms. Once on, it connects itself again... and the etched lines on it began to glow slightly red. A weird sensation crouses through my body... almost as if the ring is connected to my body itself as a sensation of warmth spreads. Mom looks at me...

"Are you fine sweetie?"

"I'm fine... it feels a little odd."

I take it off as it comes off with a little force. I hand it to Kyuu-san and she puts it back into the case. There isn't anything wrong with the Prometheus clan help looking after me right? I mean... even during that incident... I reassure mom.

"I think I'm fine mom."

Mom ruffles my hair a little bit and looks at Mokuren.

"Mokuren, mind taking Sura to your place for a little bit? I'll talk some more if not just some idle chatter with your mother. Kyuu-san are you staying? I'll call you later, we need to discuss perhaps maybe testing... and other potential dangers."

Mom glares at Goddess Myriam as she shrinks away. Kyuu-san gets up and leaves the black case there.

"I'll come along with the brat, I don't want you to mess around with Mokuren's stuff after all."

Mokuren smiles then whistles, out of the ground, two beasts emerge. The Dobos are here! Xata and Blair await eagerly on the plains, rolling in the fresh grass that has been revived. I hope onto Blair and lay on its back…

"Hehehe! Hello Blair!"

"Little one, it warms us to see you again."

Mokuren smiles at the sight of us as she leads us away from Mom and Goddess Myriam. Kyuu walks beside us...

next chapter
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