58.33% The Witcher: Aethan of Cidaris / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Dawn of A New Era

บท 7: Chapter 7: Dawn of A New Era

(Royal Bedchamber, King's Tower, Castle Cidaris, Duchy of Cidaris, Kingdom of Cidaris, Northern Kingdoms, The Continent, Witcher-Verse)


(King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris POV)


Aethan leaned up against the nearby window from the Royal Bedchamber in the King's Tower, watching the rising sun enter the Window he was naked, and he hadn't even bothered dressing, as his night with his wife had been a long one, they did the deed at least six or seven times.

After Adda woke, the two of them would bathe and get dressed, at which point the two of them would be presented before the whole Court and their guests, and Aethan himself would Crown her, he'd had it forged custom and it was a work of art, made of Meteorite Silver, inlaid with Gold and gems in the form of Sapphires, Amethysts, Emeralds, and Rubies.

After greeting the Court, Aethan and Adda would greet the people as the King and Queen, one might say the Dawn of a New Era was upon Cidaris, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong. Aethan knew that Cidaris hadn't had a queen for about twelve years, since his mother had died. His father never remarried as there was no point, he had four strong and healthy children, why would he remarry?

Plus he suspected his father was at least somewhat grief-stricken so he let the opportunities pass him by. It occurred to him now, that he never did know where his mother came from, he knew she was a noble from somewhere, but he didn't have a name for her. His Grandfather, King Mathen had married into Cintra, so it begged the question from whence did his mother come from before she married into Cidaris? Plus it would help him to know these things, it was odd because what little he knew of his mother didn't include what family she belonged to. Atthis might know more since she spent more time with their mother, their father had tended to focus on his education in statecraft before the Cat of Poviss began training him at arms and before Aethan went to Oxenfurt to finish his education.

Speaking of Oxenfurt, he needed to speak to Vysogota of Corvo at some point, he wished to offer the old man a position at court as the Ciadrian Court Philosopher and the Court Physician. What differed between the Court Physician and Royal Physician was that Vysogota's role was to tend to the wounds and ailments of members of his court as well as his duties as Court Philosopher. Moreover, Aethan hoped that the old man would help him create two other planned great works of Aethan's idea.

A Great Library and a Great University, two Great Works that would put the real-world Library of Alexandria and the House of Wisdom of Baghdad to shame. Vysogota would also be entrusted with the education of his children by Adda.

He also had to have that meeting with Thaler, judging by the half-filled glass of Vicovarian White Wine. That indicated to him that Cantarella had completed the tasks she'd been assigned just before the ceremony. It meant that Vysogota was still there and that Thaler had been detained as he'd instructed. As for how this explained that? Cantarella had spent some of her early childhood in Vicovaro, and according to her enjoyed the White Wine produced there. Aethan didn't really find it a pleasant taste, since Aethan only drank on special occasions or used it with his meat, but he did have a preference for the Red wines of Toussaint.

Failing that he'd take a good Rivian Kriek or Viziman Champion. Toussaint might've mastered Winemaking, but the rest of The Continent had largely mastered brewing beer, particularly Temeria, Rivia, and Kaedwen, though Redania was a close fourth since their whiskey was made from some of the finest grains, but they had yet to fully refine and perfect both their process and their recipes.

''Is it morning already?'' Turning, Aethan wasn't disappointed to see his wife waking up, her long hair was covering her chest, a small disappointment, but small nevertheless.''

''Not exactly, it's dawn.'' Says Aethan.

''W-hat's the diff-rence?'' Adda asks.

''Well, Morning implies that the sun has risen, whereas Dawn is when the sun is rising. Right now it's rising, and we have a lot to do today, My Queen.'' Aethan tells Adda.

''S-such as?'' Asks Adda.

''Firstly, we have to bathe and dress, we've got a crowning Ceremony to get to, after which I'll reveal you to the populace of the City, and word will spread to all corners of Cidaris. After all that's down you'll join me for Council.'' Aethan tells her.

''Anything e-else?'' Adda asks.

''A few minor things, but also there is the matter of your ship.'' Says Aethan as he pulls a large paper from his nearby desk.

''M-my what?'' Adda says dressing herself in a loose gown, before approaching him at his desk as he lays down the paper.

''Every King of Cidaris builds a great ship at the start of his reign, when he finally dies, he's placed on it, and the ship sails out to sea and is ritualistically burned. I aim to change that, by building a Great mausoleum, the Mausoleum will be enchanted to allow us and our descendants' spirits to awaken and provide counsel to the next King and Queen. When we die, our ships will burn but a part of our ashes will be magically taken before the ships sink, and interred in the Mausoleum. As for your ship, we have to settle on the design, and I've had a few drawn up, take your pick.'' Says Aethan as he turns to show Adda the various designs.

''What's t-this mark?'' Adda says, pointing to the most extravagant ship which has a stamp on it.

''It's called the Man'o'War, I've designed it myself largely, and it will be my flagship.'' Says Aethan.

''T-then that's the o-one I want.'' Adda decides.

''Very well, on that note I believe it's time to bathe, we'll have to bathe separately Adda, you're my beautiful bride, and I doubt I'll be able to keep my hands off of you in the same tub. Plus there's a lot to do today.'' Aethan tells her massaging her ass as he does, earning an intense blush from his Queen. ''I'll see you shortly Adda.'' Says Aethan, kissing her cheek.


By level of importance, Aethan placed the construction of the Great Fortress at the highest level, but the trouble was that it would take at least fifteen years to build even with advancements in technology, and that was too damn long for the next two wars. So Aethan had gone through his list while bathing and decided that he would first construct a Grand Garden at Marstal and while that was being Constructed would work on Building a Great Harbor at Four Maples, and a Great Lighthouse in Bremervoord.

When the Garden was done, and the Harbor had at least stage one completed, the latter would start paying for itself, and ease the costs of constructing the Lighthouse, and when the Light was lit, trade would increase even more, making the Construction of his other projects easier. The Garden would prove invaluable by the Third Northern War, providing medicinal herbs and plants as well as a separate source of vegetables and foods if Cidaris was besieged.

''My King, are you ready? It begins now.'' Lucia says.

''Always, Lucia. But first things first, inform Thaler I'll meet with him after greeting the people, he can enjoy a fine meal and good ale of his choosing while he waits for me. Give him a good book too.'' Aethan tells his Spymaster.

''As you say, but regarding General Vigo's Family? The mission was a success, but more public than we would've liked. Suffice to say, Cantarella's defection has been discovered, but it remains unknown who she serves for now.'' Lucia reports.

''It was risky sending her late to the party.'' Aethan admits, Zaoirya's late arrival had forced Aethan to delay Cantarella's departure by at least half an hour since all his other top agents were either on assignments or were unsuited to the task of taking over Cantarella's role. ''But at least we got the man's family out.'' Aethan waits for Lucia to respond.

''In any case, we've given the General and his family new identities, documents for proof, and have provided the General a military commission and have attached him to the Service as instructed. He awaits you at your leisure.'' Lucia informs.

''Very good, I'll meet with him before I meet Thaler. Is that all?'' Asks Aethan.

''For the moment.'' Lucia responds.

''Then you are dismissed.'' Aethan tells her, before nodding to the Captain of the Guards.

''Open the Doors!'' The Captain bellows, allowing the guests to trickle in.


Aethan watched as Adda entered in a beautiful dress, she climbed the steps and stood before him.

''Last night, you all bore witness to our Marriage, a pact that bonded Temeria to Cidaris, and Cidaris to Temeria. A marriage that unified Cidarian Naval Power with Temerian Ground Forces. But now, each of you will bear witness to the crowning of my wife. Queen Adda, please kneel before me now.'' Aethan says.

Adda takes a knee and Aethan takes the crown from his servants.

''I officially crown you my Queen of Cidaris, and bestow upon you the title of Archduchess of Gors Velen, and I also name you, Adda The Red.'' Aethan says placing the crown in his hands on top of Adda's head, he'd been worried that the crown would hurt her, but thanks to Keldar, he was able to determine which materials to use and was able to have a suitable mage provide the necessary spells to ensure Adda was guarded against curses and other bad magic. The Spells and materials according to Keldar would bolster the strength of the amulet Geralt provided to prevent her Curse from reoccurring, and would also provide her with a few decent health buffs. Maybe buffs weren't the right word, but they were the closest Aethan could get to his meaning.

''Adda, you can rise now.'' Aethan whispers softly, offering her a hand which she takes and rises. ''Come, time to greet the people.'' Aethan says before leading her down the steps from the large thrones they were standing before and towards the Doors.

As they passed by the court and guests, Aethan gave a few people some smiles, but for the most part, Aethan's attention was on Adda.

When at last they descended to the Royal Plaza, the crowds that had gathered began cheering for the King and Queen, and Aethan raised his hands to wave at them as did Adda, albeit more hesitantly.

''So, t-these are my p-people now?'' Adda asks.

''Ours.'' Aethan tells her, before taking his hand to her cheek and kissing her before the crowds. ''But you are mine.'' Aethan says after breaking the kiss. ''Mine alone.'' He adds before kissing her again.

''My King, the City Watch found a body, it's Horst Borsodi.'' Says Lucia.

''Find Ewald, begin kicking in doors, cracking heads, and get every contact within the city to report in. Find him.'' Aethan orders, before turning to Adda. ''I have a few things to do, but please join me for Council, we'll convene in a few hours, find your father and inform him I would like him to join us, as would I like for Queen Meve, King Demavend, and King Vizimir.'' Aethan tells Adda, turning to Lucia. ''Lucia, assign ten men to escort Adda, ten trustworthy men.'' Aethan instructs, before reluctantly parting with Adda.


(POV Shift: General Aider Aep Vigo)


He'd done it.

The boy king had actually done it.

He'd penetrated the so-called impenetrable Intelligence Shroud over the Capital and rescued his family.

Aider was so pleased to have a chance for freedom with his wife and his little girl that he didn't mind taking the conditional pardon for rescuing his family. Technically there was no deal in place that mandated Aider to take it, but Aider much like the handful of Generals who never stopped supporting the var Emreis family, valued honour, family, and integrity above all others. His honour demanded he repay King Aethan and since he couldn't return to Nilfgaard nor could his family, Aider would take the deal.

''Are you sure about this Aider? We could leave easily enough, build a new life somewhere? Novigrad or Kovir?'' His Elisabetta suggested, offering him alternatives.

''I was content to languish in a Cidarian jail cell, until I could either escape or die before giving up secrets. Instead of accepting the offer like I wanted but feared to do so, I refused. The boy sent agents for you and Annabelle anyway. I owe him a debt of gratitude and honour I could never repay.'' Says Aider.

''But this pardon? It would mean all but selling our daughter.'' Elisabetta tells him.

''Don't be so sure my lady, I'm not that heartless.'' Says a voice, and Aider recognizes it immediately.

''King Aethan, thank you.'' Aider tells the young King.

''You had no reason to trust me then, but the pardon still stands. Just to be clear though, you won't be selling your daughter. I'll name you Count of Ebeltoft, and give you a list of options for your daughter to marry, it will be a matrilineal marriage so your daughter will be in control and will retain the name you choose and with your family. You have a few options, personally I'd reccomend that you select amongst my dukes for security, let me know your choice amongst the options Lucia provides you and I'll make the arrangements.'' Says Aethan.

''Well, there is some comfort in that I suppose.'' Elisabetta says.

''I'm calling a council meeting soon, find Cantarella, and tell her I've sent you to her, she'll get you up to speed and provide you what you need for your duties.'' King Aethan tells them.

''Yes, my King.'' Aider responds.

''I'll take my leave then, enjoy yourself General Aider, you have your family.'' King Aethan tells him.


(POV Shift: Bernad ''Thaler'' Ducat)


What some shit fucking luck.

Thaler wasn't caught often or easily, but there he was about to enjoy a cup of good wine a ''fellow servant'' had sneaked for the rest of the servants, and he blacks out, only to wake up in a Cell.

Few hours later and some bird comes in and tells him he's been detained for being a foreign operative. So he gives her his fucking spiel about just being a servant and she fucking tells him point blank that King Aethan recognized him instantly as head of the Temerian Intelligence Service just by glancing at him.

How the fuck does the King even know what he looks like let alone his identity and was able to recognize him by sight alone? Only thing that makes sense is there's a leak in his fucking service, and if he don't plug that fucker his ship will sink faster than barrel of fisstech in a sea of addicts.

''Bernad ''Thaler'' Ducat, commonly just called Thaler. Head of Temeria's Intelligence Service, noted as a master of disguise, infiltration, and expertise as a covet courier. Congratulations Thaler, you've just caused a diplomatic incident the day your King marries his only heir to a Foreign King.'' Says the Cidarian King.

''Wasn't the cocksucking intent believe you me, but things like this are often best handled in person.'' Thaler says.

''I believe you, nevertheless you still illegally obtained entry into my palace, during my wedding, to your King's daughter. Ironic considering I actually invited you as a guest.'' Says King Aethan.

''Part of my success is no one outside of the Temeria's Royal Council and the Service actually knows what the fuck I look like. I show up in person as the fucking head of the Service and then that success is put in jeperody. Better to come in as a servant, little chance of me being identified as who I am. Or so was my fucking hope.'' Says Thaler.

''Well, you don't have to worry about there being a rat in your organization. No one revealed what you looked like to me. But a word of warning? A lot of the Nobility of Redania and the intelligence Service is corrupt and willing to turn for Nilfgaard. My adivce is you get in touch with one Sigismund Dijkstra and start a shadow campaign against the corruption within Temeria and Redania, the two of you can support each other, and because your both from foreign Kingdoms you can claim deniabilty easily enough.'' Says Aethan unlocking the cell doors and then releasing him from his chains.

''What now?'' Thaler asks, deciding not to respond to the King's words in favour of taking advantage of his talkativeness.

''I could kill you. Your a foreign operative here illegally, and I can charge you with espionage. But that risks my alliance with Temeria, so that means your free to go, just bear in mind you do owe me, and consider this when the Salamanda get's out of control but is killed by the wolf…join me.'' Says Aethan, as he nods to the Guards.

''You're just letting me go? Why the fuck am I sceptical?'' Thaler tells the King.

''You can explain yourself before Foltest. Consider this a lesson, Thaler. No one is ever truly infailable, even the greatest among us, can be felled by the weakest or simplest of us.'' Says King Aethan, as he leads him and his guards out of the dungeons.

''Fan-fucking-tastic.'' Thaler says.

''You reap what you sow old man, my guards were alert Foltest that one of his men have caused an incident and lead him to you.'' King Aethans says.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had arrived at Council with Foltest noticeably absent.

''I apoligise for the delays, I was busy taking of some unexpected business. Someone killed a guest, the City Guard is kicking in doors as we speak.'' Says Aethan.

''You don't suspect another guest killed him?'' Asks Meve with a critical eye.

''Well it's Horst Borsodi, and just about everybody has an axe with his name on it, including me, but I'm not killing anybody at my own wedding.'' Says Aethan.

''Horst Borsodi? Your sure?'' Vizimir asks.

''That's what I'm told, guarantee I know the killer too. In any case, Lucia?'' Aethan asks his spymaster, who nods to the trio of agents within the chamber and they begin handing out the reports.

''These are reports that the Cidarian National Intelligence Service have gathered, detailing the corruption within Redania. Vizimir, you should know your nobles are ready to turn Nilfgardian at the drop of a pouch of coin.'' Says Aethan as he takes his seat next to Adda at the head of the large Oak table.

''This is outrageous!'' Vizimir blusters, before turning solemn. ''But regardless of whether or not it's true, it means I have been neglectful in my duties.'' Says Vizimir.

''For what it's worth, I'm not entirely sure half of these reports are accurate. Don't mistake me, I trust my people, but I verify it twice before I accept it. Learned that trick from Henselt believe it or not. His philosphy of his foot soldiers fighting in three's is actually a good idea. So good in fact, I adapted it into my Intelligence service. Three man teams and three agents tasked with indpendent verification of what is reported.'' Says Aethan turning to give Lucia an appreciative nod, before turning back to the Kings and Queen. ''This is a concern if we do intend to gather in Hagge….speaking of which, I've invited Prince var Attre to join us at Hagge, my old friend Henry var Attre will get in touch with his cousin, and Prince Windham will join my journey to Hagge. As the last Cintran Noble with any serious political power, and as Citnra will undoubtedly be a topic at Hagge, he has the right to be there.'' Aethan tells them.

''That is acceptable.'' Demavend tells him.

''He's no Calanthe, but in lieu of Princess Cirilla, Prince var Attre is the only suitable alternative.'' Meve acknowledges

''I've no problem with it.'' Vizimir informs.

''Then on that note, King Vizimir? You both may leave whenever you wish I still have some business to discuss with Demavend and Meve however.'' Says Aethan.

''I have some business to attend to anyway.'' Vizimir replies, taking the hint and some of the more damning reports.

After Vizimir has left Aethan chuckles, but the humor in his laugh is hollow. ''His secretary Noailles will likely pay the price for those reports, good thing we made copies. Regarding my sisters though, where do both of you stand?'' He says, quickly changing the subject.

''Stennis was quite taken with Princess Margaery, though I'll reserve judgement until he was of age, I see no reason for him not to be taken as your ward.'' Says Demavend.

''Villem will marry Princess Atthis, one way or another.'' Says Meve.

''Does he want to marry her though?'' Aethan presses Meve.

''He understands the value and the necessity of it, whether or he wants it or not is immaterial.'' Meve responds dryly. ''Besides, if he proves unsuitable, Anseis will step up, and if by some unfortunate event they both are unfit to wear my Crown…let us hope either my daughter or this new child of mine will prove worthy.'' Meve says, addressing her pregnancy for the first time.

An uneasy knot formed in Aethan's stomach at that, it was very possible he was the biological father. He doubted Meve would blab about it regardless of whether or not he was the father. She might be blunt and straightforward, but she wasn't the type to destory families unless said families destroyed or tried to destroy hers first.

As the House of Caldwell may learn in the near-future.

''I'm surprised Meve, after Reginald died, didn't expect you to have relations again.'' Demavend says.

''I became pregnant before the funeral, I didn't know I was pregnant until I saw a physician after it. I tried to get back to court quickly so my lover and I could address the matter…but when I tried to abort the baby…all our sources of such herbs for those purposes were out of stock. So now I can no longer safely abort it without Magic, and I'm not going to do such a dangerous thing when my son's are more like their father than they are like me.'' Meve says with a sigh.

''W-hat is it like? Being p-pregnant?'' Adda says, speaking up for the first time.

''It's different for everyone child, but all the discomfort and pain…is worth it in the end.'' Meve says kindly. ''When you hold your child in your arms for the first time, it's a feeling unlike any other. You find yourself reluctant to fufill your duties, but sometimes they find ways to be apart of those duties.'' Says Meve.

''Speaking as a father, I can tell you it's special for both parents. The joy for the father though lay in helping raise the children. Melitele willing, I will be able to watch Stennis raise his own children someday.'' Says Demavend.

''Thank you, both of you.'' Adda says.

''How old is Prince Anséis?'' Aethan asks, turning to Queen Meve.

''Eight.'' Meve answers.

''Would you consider a fostering for the boy as a part of the contract?'' Aethan asks.

''I'm not opposed to it.'' Says Meve, but Aethan knows that that is far from a yes.

''Prince Stennis will be fostered here, might do both him and Anséis some good to be fostered together. They're of a similar enough age, and could thrive together as a duo during fostering her, and it would give your Kingdoms a bond of friendship, in addition to a bond of marriage to me.'' Aethan says.

''Stennis is headstrong, Princess Margaery could prove a stabilzing influence it's true, but having a male companion his own age or near enough could help him. And it would make relations between our Kingdoms potentially smoother in the next generation if either of your boys succeed you Meve.'' Demavend agrees.

''Very well.'' Meve says. ''You can raise Anséis, but I would like monthly updates on him.'' Meve says.

''I was going to do that anyway, for Stennis as well.'' Aethan admits. ''Atthis will go with you to Lyria and Rivia, she will spend a year at your court, serving you as a handmaiden and learning at your side during court and council however.'' Aethan ammends, deciding that if Atthis was expected to marry the heir-apparent of Lyria and Rivia then she could spend that year before marriage at the side of Queen Meve. ''I want her to be your shadow, learning what she needs at your side to best support her future husband and future Kingdoms.'' Aethan adds before turning to Demavend. ''I will send Margaery to you for the same thing a year before Stennis is of age to marry.'' Aethan informs Demavend.

''Agreed, it would be good to give her some experience in handling the inept.'' Meve adds.

''I'm not opposed to the prospect, that year of familiarising herself with Aedirn would do her good.'' Demavend decides.

''Then it would seem, our business it concluded.'' Aethan decides, dismsissing his councilors, while Demavend rises.

''See me before I leave, I'll offically make the arrangements between Stennis and yourself personally.'' Demavend says.

''We still have business to discuss King Aethan.'' Meve says.

''Adda, go find your father, see if he is alright.'' Says Aethan.

''Are y-you sure?'' Adda asks.

''I'm hardly defenseless my Red Queen, but I will come and see you…in private.'' Aethan says whispering the last part, before tracing a finger up and down Adda's leg.

''O-of course.'' Adda says breathlessly, rising and rushing out.

''Watch her carefully.'' Aethan instructs the Guards that follow Adda. ''And Seal the room.'' Aethan adds, standing up and bolting the door after the guards close it. ''How likely is it that it's mine?'' Aethan asks Meve.

''If your asking me if I think your the father, I don't. But if your asking me if I know whether your the father, then yes.'' Meve says, and Aethan tries not to frown at the amusement Meve is clearly having at his expense.

''This is not a game Meve, bad enough I have shit already over my head, now you?! What do you want for your silence?'' Aethan asks her.

''For now, nothing. You might be the father Aethan, but your in no position to stay it. And besides, I'm not going to become your concubine just to spare the baby.'' Says Meve.

''Don't insult me Meve, I'd never ask a fellow monarch of equal standing to submit themselves to such a role. It would be tantamount to signing away both your independence and that of Lyria and Rivia unless you abdicated beforehand.'' Says Aethan.

''Then don't treat me like I can be bribed easily. You have nothing I want, nothing I need, and in any event your twin sister will be marrying my eldest son in a years time. Such a revelation so soon would hurt both of us, both our families and both our Kingdoms more than help us. If I say the father of my baby was Noble born, then that's how it shall be no, nothing else need be said on the matter.'' Meve said, standing to leave, but Aethan catches her arm.

''Promise me one thing, before you leave this world and if you haven't already by that point, tell them the truth, let them decide what to do with it.'' Says Aethan.

''I don't owe you anything…but I'll consider it.'' Meve responds gruffly, and Aethan unbolts the door for her, letting her leave before walking back to the table and picking up the unopened bottle of Pomino, and throwing it against the nearby wall.

''I really need to stop doing that.'' Aethan mutters quietly, gliding past the panicked guards rushing into the room swords half drawn. ''Have the servants clean that fucking mess up, I'll be gone for a little bit.'' Aethan says.


Aethan was very sorely tempted to pay a visit to Amryn, he'd been bedding her frequently last few months to destress in the build up to his marriage. But honestly…he was literally married the night before. Never mind the fact it was in poor taste going to visit a madam for sex the day after his marriage, but it was a grave insult for both Adda and Foltest, not to mention Temeria itself. Besides, Aethan had a perfect substitute for Amryn, because he'd just finished inside of Adda again for the fourth time in the last hour.

His wife cuddled up close to him, breathless and as satisfied as he.

''Do you t-think I'll g-get pregnant quckly?'' Adda asks.

''Why are you so curious?'' Aethan asks, somewhat concerned given that she had also brought it up at Council as well.

''I d-do not wish t-to prove a di-dissapointment to you, my k-king.'' Adda says.

Aethan doesn't say anything for a long while, but he grabs her by the hips and puts her on top of him.

''Adda, I chose you. Officially because of the power I could gain. But truthfully? Being completely honest? I chose you because you're different, you provide me a challenge that will make our marriage eventful and exciting. And besides, I do so enjoy fucking you.'' Aethan says as he begins guiding her towards riding him a little.

''B-but what i-f I - Ahhhh.'' Adda begins to moan as soon as Aethan slips back inside her before he brings their bodies together and stares into her eyes.

''Adda, at the end of the Day whatever benefits I gain from you, political or otherwise, pale in comparison to my real prize. You.'' Aethan says, leaning forward to kiss her deeply.

Adda melts into his kiss, and Aethan begins to get further into the intimacy he's having…only for a soft but noticeable knock on his chamber door to sound, causing Aethan to growl in frustration, before standing up stiffly.

''Give me a moment.'' Aethan barks when the knock happens again.

Sufficiently dressed, Aethan all but rips one of the large oak doors off it's hinges when he gets to it, finding Lucia before him.

''This had better be good Lucia.'' Aethan tells her grumpily.

''Ewald Borsodi has be located and detained, he awaits you in the dungeons.'' Lucia says calmly in the face of Aethan's anger at being interrupted.

''Adda, get dressed, time to greet an old friend.'' Aethan calls behind him, before staring at Lucia. ''Do not do that again unless it cannot wait.'' He growls, his mood thoroughly undercut by the interruption however beneficial it was.

''I'll do whatever my job requires of me.'' Lucia says defiantly, and Aethan is reminded once again, why he chose her for the position of chief Spymaster, not that it does his mood any good. But Aethan knows better than to argue with his childhood friend, and let's the matter slide when Adda arrives dressed and ready. ''Lead the way.'' Aethan instructs.


(POV Shift: Ewald Borsodi)


There was a time in his life that Ewald never would have considered killing his own brother.

But that time was other, and Ewald was guilty of that crime.

Horst reduced him to nothing, hiding their father's will and kicking him out with nought but the clothes on his back and what little coin remained in his pouch.

Hindsight being what it was, Ewald could see the pragmatism in his brother's decision, but Ewald knew that it was purely coincidental. In the year and a half that Ewald had been on the street, Ewald had learned the values of being a good man, being pwerful but wise, strong but strong-willed instead of strong and impulsive.

When Ewald heard Aethan was looking for him, he had a ray of hope hit him, but that quickly was overshadowed by the knowledge Horst had been invited by Aethan in person to Aethan's wedding.

Ewald had thus decided to abandon Redania, Novigrad, and Oxenfurt entirely in order to prepare to kill Horst when he arrived thinly protected at Aethan's wedding.

Ewald succeeded but whatever allies he had turned on him quickly when the City Watch begin kicking in doors and breaking bones trying to find him. Ewald had always liked how sharp and perceptive Aethan was, it was a reason for their friendship.

No doubt Aethan would have him hanged to save face, a sad end, but at least he outlived Horst. There was some comfort in that.

''Ewald, I'm disappointed.'' Says the voice of Aethan.

''Aethan, whatever speach you've prepared for me you can shove it up your ass. Just hang me and get it over with.'' Ewald bites back, his words offending the guards he move forward to strike him only for Aethan to hold them back.

''Forgive him gentlemen, he's inclined to some hostility. I'll be honest and tell you right now that I have no plans on executing you. No I want you to join me.'' Says Aethan, and Ewald is extremely suspicious.

''Why the hell should I trust you? You who so easily cast our friendship aside for Horst.'' Ewald demands.

''I never cast anything of the sort aside, I knew inviting Horst here would be too tempting for you to resist. Didn't expect you to kill him night of my wedding though, pretty smart all things considered. I invited Horst only because I couldn't find you, and my Novigradian ally was of little help. I went to Novigrad for a number of reasons, to invite you to my wedding and to offer you an exclusive opportunity to expand your busines.'' Aethan says.

''You expect me to take all that on faith?'' He asks Aethan, who truns to his two guards.

''I expect you to trust me, boys unchain him and give him chambers within the castle, but place five guards at the door. Inform Dagored we'll be moving forward with the Borsodi plans with Ewald, and where to find Ewald. Dagored will explain to you my plans Ewald, I hope you can try and trust me again.'' Aethan says, and Ewald notices that Aethan's bride stays close to him, only just noticing her now.

''Don't bet on it.'' Ewald replies defiantly.

''You of people should know I like to balance out my risks by influencing them into my favour.'' Aethan replies before walking away, bride in tow.


(POV Shift: Vysogota of Corvo)


Vysogota's life had been eventful, but the absolute last thing he'd expected was an invite from the King of Cidaris to his Wedding. While it was true they were both Oxenfurt men, Vysogota had been born within the Nilfgaardian Empire.

So he was hesitant to accept the invitation, but could ill-afford to offend yet another monarch.

Now King Aethan had found the time to talk to him, and was pouring not a glass or goblet of wine, but a cup of steaming tea,

''I wish I could have spoken to you sooner, but I've soo many things to do and people to talk to, it was impossible until now.'' Says King Aethan.

''No, apology necessary. I understand how the game works, it's intricasies and nuances all too well.'' Vysogota replies carefully.

''I'll be straightforward and tell you why I wished for you to attend my Wedding. I wish to appoint you to my Court as the Court Physician and Philospher, and to collaborate with you on the construction of either a Great Library or a Grand University.'' Vysogota chokes on his tea at that.

''I'm loathe to be drawn into politics again, courtly or otherwise.'' Vysogota says.

''Then, please help me with the construction and work of a Great Library or University. Unlike the Imperial Academy or Oxenfurt, I would have this wonder be availible to the commonfolk, not merely those of high-birth, good wealth, or with a patron of both or either of the two.'' Vysogota is still sceptical, but nonetheless intrigued.

''Why should I trust you?'' Asks Vysogota.

''In a short period of time, a young girl with ashen hair will find herself in that swamp you were hiding out in. When that happens, you will treat her wounds and she will go on her way. At that point, crush this amulet in your hands and it will teleport you to the safety of my Castle. You will know I speak the truth, and will know that I truly wish to help better my people. What comes after is entirely up to you.'' Aethan responds.

''I don't understand you.'' Vysogota decides to say, as it is among the things that could least be intepretated as insulting to potentially fickle monarchs.

''Few men do.'' Aethan responds. ''But those that do are always interesting to deal with.'' He adds with some cheerfulness.


(POV Shift: Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan stood before Demavend and Prince Stennis.

''Stennis, you will treat King Aethan with the utmost respect, as you would treat me. You will obey his rules, and follow his lessons. If I hear you have regularly been causign trouble for the King…'' Demavend warns his son, letting whatever threat he was making hang in the air over Stennis head.

''I understand father, rest assured I will do you and Aedirn proud.'' Stennis says stiffly.

''Do yourself proud boy, but do not act as if you are anyones better. It is up to you to prove to yourself that you are your fathers equal, and to prove to him that you have surpassed him.'' Aethan says chidingly.

''Wise words, King Aethan. I'll remember them.'' Says Stennis, though it is clear to Aethan that they've actually irritated the young Prince.

''As will I.'' Demavend responds. ''Take heart son, you will flourish under a learned King and grow more under someone younger than I.'' Demavend responds, gripping Stennis should gently but firmly. ''Remember who you are, you belong to the house Baeledwyn, the Royal Aedirnian House, it is your duty to avoid dishonoring us as the next King of Aedirn.'' Demavend says before giving Stennis shoulder one last squeeze, before turning and mounting his horse to depart.

Aethan watches as Stennis watches his father ride away.

''Captain, show Prince Stennis to his chambers and have him settled in. It's time to see what he's made of.'' Aethan orders his Captain of the Guard.

''Yes, King Aethan.'' His Captain of the Househould guard responds.

''This has been quite the interesting few days.'' Aethan mutters as he walks away. The future War with Nilfgaard just on the horizon, had just gotten a hell of a lot more interesting without a doubt…


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Thanks to Lewis Wilson, Kunta, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez Availon90, Ken Harris, Axlii, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, Nathan Just, Dragonslayer29, and Mathew T Linderman for their support on P-atreon.

And also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, and Beastmode2003 for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site. There are also a number of time-limited polls on my P-atreon paid sucribers NEED to get into contact with me regarding their votes to apply their bonuses at final tally.


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