100% The True Child Of Chaos / Chapter 2: The Beginning

บท 2: The Beginning


Chaos knew this was the only way to protect her new son. "Okay. But Eros, if you hurt him I'll throw you in the void. Fly careful I don't want you to get hurt either." As she said this she gave on last look to Perseus and kissed I'm on the head.

Nyx grabbed her arm and teleported away. Order looked at Eros and gave a simple nod and put the spell on the baby and teleported away, as Eros left with the bundle in his hands and a long journey ahead.




There sat two people. One had his head hung low in sadness for his lover. There she sat crying at the news she just received. The news that would forever change her life. After a while of her sobbing in silence that man finally decided to speak.

"Listen... I'll try anything to get you better. I'll ask Hecate for a potion I will fix this. Okay." He said with great worry.

"No what's done is done. Nothing will change that it's just the way my body is. I will not take any potion of Hecate's potion, so if you try to slip me some. I swear on Styx I will send you to Tartarus." The sound of thunder rang in the distance as she finished.

You may be wondering who these two are they are Sally Jackson and Poseidon. Sally just got the news, after 3 long years of trying to have a baby; she was tested to be infertile. She couldn't have a baby even through artificial insemination. They are currently trying to decide what to do, since they cannot have a child.

"What about adoption?" This idea was new to Poseidon.

"I don't know." He said with worry he wanted to have a true son not an adopted one.

"I know it sounds weird to you. But you can use your godly powers to make him your true son. That way he would still be your son." She said enthusiastically.

He didn't see it like that. Plus it would make Sally feel better since she got the news. Also he was a sucker to her will she was a queen to him. He wanted to make her happy no matter what.

"Okay. I will do as you want. I don't want to bring someone innocent into our world. So we will look for a demigod baby and I will adopt him. Okay?" He said hopping she would agree.

"Yes! I believe that that would be okay. I don't want to bring any more normal people in his world. Let's go looking in a week; it will give me time to regroup myself. If that is okay with you." After she said this he saw the happiness in her eyes of the idea.

"Yes let's do that when you are better."



A man with wings a white as could be landed in New York central park. He had a bundle in his arms that looked like a baby. The baby was sound asleep, not a worry in the world. On the other hand the man looked like he just ran a marathon, not drinking any water, on one leg, blindfolded.

He sat down on a park bench to catch his breath. After a little while in the cool night air the baby started to move. This made the man jump because the baby hadn't moved at all on the 36 year journey on the way to earth. After he got the baby to calm down he sat back down on the bench deciding what to do.

'Well what to do? I can't stay here or he will find me and the child, but he child must stay here to stay safe. Okay I'll leave the child on earth to an orphanage, hopefully a good family will find him. Chaos is going to have my ass but it must be done.'

After an hour is searching he finally found a good looking one. Its name was SAINT PATRICS ORPHANAGE, he set Perseus down right before the door. He just starred at the sleeping child for a while until he thought of something.

"I Eros, give Perseus my full blessing. May it activate the day he turns sixteen. He shall be given the power of charmspeak and perfect features that day. His genitals will also given the endurance of a primordial god. Women will fight over him to." After he finished this he glowed a bright purple then it died down.

Just as he was about to leave he conjured a tag and a credit card. He bent down one last time and preformed a spell that sealed the child's power. So that if he had a tantrum the house wouldn't explode. But his powers would slowly open up as he got older. He set the tag that had his name on it on Perseus chest. He put a note with the credit card that said.

The credit card if for the child's adoptive parents. Thank you there is cash under him for him while he lives here. Thank you I must leave the child here to keep him safe. His name is Perseus his birth certificate is in his blanket.

Thank you keep him safe. Mrs. C.

After he finished he knocked on the door. After he heard someone walking to the door he ran off, then jumped into the air to we're chaos was.



Sally and Poseidon were walking around town searching for an orphanage that Poseidon heard Hermes talk about. As they walked up to it they read, SAINT PATRICS ORPHANAGE, Sally took one look at Poseidon. She nodded and they both walked into the building.

As they walked in they heard children screaming in joy and running around. One grabbed onto Sally's pant leg to hide from one of the older children. She just chuckled and picked up the little girl to help her out.

"Hey. What are you doing sweetly?" She said to the girl.

"Thewe being mean to me!" She said as she held onto Sally. Poseidon just laughed at this.

"Are they?" She eyed the boy who was standing still in shock that he got caught.

"Yeah!" She yelled. Sally walked over to the little boy and bent down.

"Now you be nice okay." Sally said.

"Okay." He whispered with a blush on his face.

"Okay now go play. But be nice to her, okay?"

"Okay." They both said in unison. She set the girl down and they ran off to play. When Poseidon saw this he knew he made right choice.

"Hello. What might I do for you today?" Said a lady at the front desk.

"Yes were looking to adopt a child today." Said Poseidon.

"Ah! So what are you looking for? Male or female?"

"Male." They both said.

"Okay what age?" As she typed into her computer.

"Do you have any newborns?" Sally asked.

"Yes! We do we have one. He was actually dropped off here. Not but a week ago. He wasn't even a day old." She said with sadness in her voice.

"Really? That's sad well take a look at him." Sally said.

"May I ask? What is his name?"

"When we found him his birth certificate said Perseus. No last name though. So if you guys adopt him his last name will change to yours." As she finished she led them to we're the baby's room was.

When they got there it was a white room. Nothing special just white walls, a couple of cribs, children drawings on the walls. But only one crib had something in it. When they got closer, there he was sleeping very well. The lady picked him up and gave him to sally to hold. When Sally secured him his arms he woke up with a large yawn.

When he opened his eyes. They actually startled her at first. They looked black with white swirls in it like creamer in coffee; they had a light sea green around the iris and dark purple line around the retina. He just smiled as he saw her, and he laughed as he saw her face.

She just smiled at this and started to cooed him. When Poseidon saw this he instantly knew that he was a demigod, the way his eyes were. But he knew Sally would do anything for the child, when he saw her face.

After a while of her cooing him, and constant giggling. Sally finally looked up and just nodded. Poseidon got the message and turned to the lady.

"We would like to adopt him. Is there anything he was left with?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes! He had this with him." She said as she handed him the note and credit card. After he read it he smiled. He understood the situation; he himself had felt that way sometimes to.

"Thank you. Have you checked how much was on the card?" He asked

"No it was locked for some reason. He said it wouldn't unlock when the time was right. Whatever that means. So, since you've decided on him let's fill out all of the paper work." She said.



After they filled out all of the papers Sally and Poseidon left the orphanage. After they hailed a cab they went back to Sally's apartment. When they were in the cab Percy (sally's nickname for him) decided to shit his diaper.

All I can say is that the driver had seen this before, so he pulled over and just waited. After a quick change and powder (courtesy of Poseidon), and in a second they were back on the road.

When they got there Sally had a sudden thought. "What about the baby room all I have is crib. What do I do I don't have the money!" She said worried.

"Don't worry I'll get you the things just give me a moment and the room. So don't fret okay." He walked to the room and closed the room door. After a bright flash from under the door. He walked from the room and motioned to the room for Sally to go to.

What she saw she gasped. The room walls were a light sea blue, there were toys every child would ever want, the crib was simple sea blue with a crib mobile had sea shells and sea creatures.

It had a changing board with a limitless supply of diapers (courtesy of Poseidon). Everything had a bluish tint to it, there was a rocking chair in the corner. A bookshelf that had children books on it, and a dresser over by the window, with a baby radio on top.

After analyzing the room Sally looked at Poseidon on the verge of crying from happiness. When he saw this he just wrapped her and the baby is his embrace. A perfect family is what they would be but he knew this wouldn't last.

As he let go he just looked into her blue eyes. She instantly knew were this was going. She and Percy down in his new crib to sleep, she wrapped him in a blanket set off with Poseidon.



Sally led Poseidon into the other room. Before she could even close the door all the way she felt Poseidon wrap his arms around the waist. He started to gingerly kiss her neck and run his hand to her right breast and one down pant leg. She couldn't help but let out a small moan in ecstasy, she tried to face Poseidon but was met with a kiss.

As they lightly started to kiss each other, it started to get rougher and rougher until he licked her lips for entrance. She allowed entrance with ease; they started to battle for dominance Poseidon let Sally win. She explored his mouth yet again like she did in the past, eventually they had to part for air.

When they departed there was a string of saliva connecting their mouths. Sally taking advantage of this, very seductively sucked it up with the uses of her finger. After that she leaned into him against the wall she pressed her D cups against his chest and started to rub his penis through his shorts.

"Let's continue this in bed." She said in a very seductive tone. She grabbed the hem of his shorts and pulled his over to the bed, swaying her hips side to side, hers were firm yet to jiggle if it was slapped.

She knew Poseidon was watching her do this. When they got to the bed Sally flopped onto the bead, she rolled over and just laid there letting Poseidon soak up the image.

He leaned over and kneaded her breasts; they were firm yet soft feel to them. She moaned in ecstasy, he stopped just long enough to grab her shirt and pull it over her breasts to reveal a black lace bra. He started to rub her right breast through the thin fabric again and the other hand ran down her smooth stomach to her waiting lower lips.

As he gently rubber both her moans grew louder and louder. He eventually slipped a finger into waiting and drenched lips. As it slipped in she gasped and clenched it like it was a life line. He slowly started to move his finger in and out; he slipped in the second one in with ease.

At this time he could tell she was close, "Poseidon please stop teasing me finish it, please *gasp*."

After hearing this he went all in. After about a minute she finally came, as she did she became so tight he had trouble keeping his fingers in. She squirted all over his hand, but during this she didn't make a sound other than a large gasp. After she was finished with her orgasm and caught her breath, she leaned up grabbed the sides of his shorts.

Just as she was about to pull down his shorts, a cry ran from the baby room. Thunder ran across the sky also at the same time. They both looked at each other and sighed she grabbed her shirt and pulled it back down. She got up to tend to Percy; Poseidon had a sad look on his face.

"Sally I must go. I'll try to visit you as often as possible. Okay."

"Okay. I realize if you can't make it. But don't forget to visit him, or at least protect him if you can." He just nodded. He was about to flash out when he remembered something. He walked with Sally to Percy's room, when he got there he put his hand over Percy.

"I Poseidon Lord of the seas and earth shaker put my full blessing on Percy Jackson." After that he looked at Sally with a smile and just nodded.

"I'm needed on Olympus I'll see you as soon I can." She just smiled at him and nodded, and then she proceeded to change Percy's diaper.



'Father called another one of his stupid meetings today. Probably to discuss something on the child he's trying to hide from us. Well he isn't doing a very good job either. I had to leave my hunters during a hunt of stray hellhounds. But no! He had to call it right now.'


"Alright everyone gather round. I have to leave you to finish this hunt okay. I have to go to an emergency meeting on Olympus."

"But milady! Must you go?" Yelled my lieutenant Zoë.

"Yes. I must go, even if I don't want to. I must."

Everybody else moaned in protest. Even if it was Olympus they disliked any male contact that we had even if they was my father.

"Alright girls I have to go. Be safe Zoë you're in charge while I'm gone."

I snapped my fingers and put up a monster barrier around the hunters camp to keep them safe, even if they don't need it. 30 man hating girls armed with bows and daggers, which have wilderness training. Also fighting skills I think there good, but I must take my precautions.

"Now! Nobody leave camp that is a direct order." As I eyed Phoebe who had a glint of guilt in her eyes.

As I teleported out I heard snickers from some of the girls and Phoebe telling them to shut up.

Flashback end

As I snapped out of my flash back, the other gods finally started to show up. Poseidon was the last to show up, but from his expression I could tell he wasn't very happy to be hear either. As my father started to speak, he was intrigued by Hades forming himself in the corner of the council room.

Zeus just nodded his head for a sign to know he was there. We all had the same face on which was 'wow', because normally father would go ballistic if someone interrupted his speeches. So he continued.

"Know I called this emergency meeting know because something happened. I felt a presence that felt very similar to the one thirty six years ago, except before I could even pinpoint its exact location in the US. It sealed itself, but what from I can tell it is still on earth. It's just hiding somewhere in the US."

The reaction was as I suspected, everyone looked worried beyond belief to. Since the last time whenever we found traces of the energy thirty six years ago something would happen. But the thing is it was never meant to hurt anyone.

Like when Aphrodite found one a trap sprung and made her have no genitals for a month. It was great; the day she got them back she fucked everything in sight, poor Ares never saw it coming.

Well back to topic we all had this happen to us so in all we stopped searching. Mine was I couldn't use my bow for a week.

It all weekend our pride even my father called it off after the fifth time happened to him. So all in all we didn't want to go searching for him again.

"Wait father! What are we going to do? I certainly not going to go through all of those pranks again! I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say this." Everyone nodded.

"Well you are right. But this time I have a different tactic. We send the demigods how does that sound? Based on our past experiences the traps won't hurt the well give both camps 3 weeks. If the find anything there going to report to us. How does that sound?" He said the last part with pride of thinking up something so clever.

When he finished everyone was thinking it over. The first one to sleek was Athena.

"Well I don't see anything wrong with the plan. Just as long as we keep both camps away from each other. I see no problems that can occur, at least major ones." As she said this everyone nodded.

"Wait! Father what about my hunters? We're do they fit in all of this?" As I asked, Ares muttered something like 'daddy's girl much'.

"Well as your hunters don't exactly work very well with the campers. You will have the middle of the country. If you see any group of campers cross the middle you will send the back were they came from." I agree with him on this, it is a smart tactic, worthy of Athena.

"Okay. I will do as you say. I will keep the campers from meeting each other. While I do this I'll search also, but if my hunters do meet a group. I will flash there and see to it that they get back." When everything was set and done I called over uncle Poseidon.

"Uncle I wish to have a word with you, in private." His face looked worried like I knew something, in turn I actually did. As soon as everyone but us to we're left I walked over to him to have a word.

"Uncle I know about you and Sally Jackson l, but I do know that she cannot have children. I am sorry but you make sure you treat her right. Also the boy you placed your blessing on I cannot say it was the safest for them. It will attract monsters, very powerful monsters." The look on his face was that of fright then understanding.

"Yes Artemis I understand, what he will go through. But I cannot visit them ever again, Zeus is growing suspicious of me. I have to message her that I cannot see her again or he will kill them both. I cannot bear the burden of their deaths on my hands. But I will send people to look over her. For the baby's sent there isn't much I can do." He had pure intentions when he blessed the child I knew.

"Okay I will keep this between us for the time until you claim him. Okay?" He just nodded with guilt on his face. After he left I teleported back down to my hunter.


When I got there everyone was asleep other than Zoë who was on watch. "Milady Your back! So what was the meeting about?" She asked

"Nothing much. But in the morning were leaving for Montana. We have been given orders to patrol the middle of the US for any monster." She didn't question this, she got up and walked back to her tent to get some rest. As I called down my chariot and proceeded to drag the moon across the sky.

In the morning when I came back the camp everyone had pretty bad bed head. As I can tell they all had their best sleep in a while. Zoë on the other hand actually perfectly fine just eating a bowl of cheerios silently, as everyone else was packing for the trip.

"Hello milday." They all said in unison.

"Hello girls. Get finished packing up while I go search for a campsite." There were some yes's and some murmurs as they all started to pack. Zoë just smirked at them, for she already packed.


After Poseidon left I changed Percy's diaper, let me tell you that one must have been in there for a while. When I opened it just got horrid, he must have let it sit for a while then cried. Well after that was all said and done I knew he was going to be hungry, so I started to mix some formula.

When I finally found it I felt a sudden tingle in both of my breasts, it wasn't painful or pleasuring, it was just numbing. After it settled down I felt my shirt was a little wet, when I looked down I noticed wet spots around my areola.

At this I was confused at what it was, so like any curious person I licked it. As soon as I tasted it I knew it was breast milk, I was astonished by this, for a while I didn't do anything. After I got over my astonishment, I looked down to find a note.

Please accept this gift from me. It will allow you to bond with Perseus better. I know about your current condition so please take care of him like he was your own. Thank you for choosing him, you have no idea what it means for me.

Mrs. C.

As I read this I knew immediately who she was. She was Percy's real mother. I set down the note and picked up Percy and walked over to the rocking chair in the corner. When I sat down I pulled down one side of my shirt and bra, I placed Percy over my nipple waiting for him to latch on.

On instinct he latched on and started to such like his life depended on it, it was slightly painful at first but eventually I got used to it. After about fifteenth minutes I noticed he stopped, I looked down to see a satisfied sleeping face.

After I cleaned his face and my breasts, I proceeded to burp him. After about a minute of little burps in my ear I wrapped him in a blanket and set him in his crib to sleep. After that was all done I walked back into the kitchen to make myself dinner. Just as I was about to start an Iris message popped up.

"Hello Sally. You there?" It was Poseidon

"Oh! Yes I'll be right there." I turned off the stove and walked over to the message.

"Hello Sally. I think Zeus is catching onto us. I need to stay away for your safety. I only have a couple of minutes. I'll try to see you when I can, but Zeus has loaded my work schedule with useless things. I hope you understand." He said with concern in his voice.

All I could think was how will I live without Poseidon's support. But I understood that Zeus would kill me if he found out. "Okay I understand. But you better help out when you can! What will I tell Percy though, what happened to his father?"

"Tell him I was lost at sea, it's not a lie but it's isn't the complete truth. That way you won't have to tell a lie. I must go Zeus is calling me, I will see when I can my love." When he finished he swooped his hand through the message. I was left in silence and with too much to think about, so I made a quick dinner and went to bed after checking on Percy one last time.


After my IM with Sally was over I went to the throne room, were Zeus was calling me. As I got there we didn't say a word to each other, he just handed me a list of tasks for him with a smirk on his face when he did.

I immediately flashed to Atlantis in my throne to look over the list. From what I could tell there was so much stuff it would keep me busy for the next sixteen years. With barley any time for myself. I just sighed and started to work.


A man in a black cloak that drew in all light like a black hole, all you could see was his mouth. It was in a sadistic smile, he watched a screen of Chaos and Order on their vacation planet.

The room he sat in was slowly losing all color in it but it stopped thirty feet out. But everything inside this bubble was different shades of grey. He just smiled as Chaos tried to regain her strength as Order helped.

As the screen shut off he got up and walked to the door, as he walked outside you could see the wake of destruction that he did on the planet Aguilar. But only the continent where Chaos lived on was affected. He loved destroying things but only if they involved Chaos, so he left the other continents alone.

He jumped off the tower he was in and flew into the sky, pushed by an imaginary force that no one would see. As soon as he left he could hear the people on Aguilar starting to repair everything.

"Here I come Chaos!" He shouted in a demonic voice as he flew out of the atmosphere.


After 36 years of waiting I finally felt Eros touch down on earth. As I watched the scenes unfold over the past week, I was very surprised how kind Sally was to him. I knew that she was going to be a great mother, even though her complications of trying to have children before. But what totally caught me off guard was that she was the lover of Poseidon.

I smiled at what he did for her though, that baby room was genius. After his gift I thought I would also give her a gift, so to help her bond with Percy deepen so I gave her breasts the ability to lactate. I think she will find this very useful in the future. After she finished with the screen she felt that HE was coming to the planet.

"I'll see you soon ABYSS."

next chapter
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