"Is he all right?"
Gabriella stood beside Tarquin and whispered. Tarquin's eyes were glued to Mike or rather to the crystal in Mike's hand. Gabriella elbowed him to get his attention and repeated.
"I don't know," Tarquin whimpered. He risked losing the crystal and the refiner with enough potential to bring his father to the Temple.
"He is holding on." It was the middle-aged lady sitting beside the Duke who said without sparing Tarquin a glance.
They weren't the only ones paying close attention to the process on the platform. Every person, be it a spectator or refiner, attended the Temple to witness the rise of a Master.
"Teacher, will he be able to do it?" Delia asked anxiously. The man beside her, clad in wide robes and a grand hood, pursed his lips without replying. It increased her anxiety more. She didn't wish to see the refiner Mike gain more fame than Lucas. But she could only watch, biting her nails.
Working on edits. Please don't waste your money.