8% The Sovereign (DxD) / Chapter 2: Against Dragons and Gods

บท 2: Against Dragons and Gods

Taking into the sky, all of Las Noches saw the figure of Lobos, their Cero Espada, engage in battle with the gigantic red dragon that appeared from seemingly nowhere. For many of the Hollows, their presence alone had begun to crush them into the white sands. Even Aizen himself was incredibly confused and a little anxious. The Dragon had barely noticed the beings beneath it as it flew across the sky without a care, only to see a flash of light in the corner of its eye as a man moved through the air at high speed, coming right at it.

Lobos had fired a bright green cero at the enormous dragon. The sky now lit up by an explosion of a truly massive size unseen since the "Tsar Bomba" in the human world. Wind had battered the walls of Las Noches and even though they were miles away, the shockwave threw all of the weaker Hollows back. They could only watch as the Cero Espada stood in the air, watching the Dragon, who had come out of the explosion relatively unscathed. But the attention of the giant beast was now solely on Lobos. Thus began an aerial battle between man and apocalyptic Dragon.

Despite the new form he had achieved. All the spiritual pressure he could muster. He was actually losing. Something he hadn't experienced in Hueco Mundo yet. The Dragon's breath of flames that superheated the air and burned everything near it to ash was bad enough. Add on its colossal claws striking at him and Lobos would admit, he was in trouble. The Dragon wasn't slow, for his size but he remembered a lesson he learned back in life. That being that size doesn't make you slow, it was often tge very opposite.

Dodging the swipes of the massive red claws and gouts of super hot flames with sonido, he began to probe the Dragon for weaknesses by firing hundreds of balas all across its body while he continued to move. But, it would do no good as the Dragon's scales were far too resistant. It then soon hit him out of the sky with a swing of its tail.

Smacked across the burning white dunes, Lobos managed to properly correct himself and get back on his feet. His body battered and despite being a spiritual entity, he felt his bones ache in protest when he remained standing. Blood was running down from his head, all the way to his chin. Taking three deep breaths, he got ready to take to the skies again and fight. He was stopped, though, upon seeing ceros and hado spells flying at the Dragon, who shrugged them off like it was nothing. The Espada had gotten their bearings and were launching attacks from atop the dome of Las Noches. This sent him into a panic, as the Espada had virtually no chance against this monster. He felt it on a deep instinctual level, that none of their powers and abilities can even scratch this beast. Taking to the sky again, he summoned his weapons.

His zanpakuto, which he had gone without naming, was brought out. Two curved dual blades of white with black grips. There was a light green vein of lightning coursing through them both. He used Sonido to get right in its face and made the Dragon flinch with a full powered swing of his blades, hitting it right in the temple and drawing its attention back to him.

"Come on, you fat gecko.. I'm not dead yet!" Lobos shouted as he picked up speed and began to swing away at the Dragon's impossibly tough scales, moving all across its body in his pursuit to find a weakness.

It was just as futile as before though as the Dragon bellowed and promptly sent Lobos crashing into the dunes once again. The roar had effectively knocked out any Adjuchas level Hollows in a ten kilometer radius as well. The Espada were all pressured to their knees and could barely form ceros any more. Gin and Tousen were shocked as they too were pressured in place and could only watch as the Dragon faced Las Noches, a light building within its maw. Aizen watched with a calculative look on his face, not seeming too bothered any more for reasons unknown to any but himself.

Kneeling on the molten sand below, Lobos was struggling to get up as he witnessed the Dragon ready to destroy Las Noches with its overwhelming power. A feeling of helplessness and despair hit him. It felt familiar. The impending destruction of everything he held dear, once again. It was an old, familiar feeling that came crashing down on him once again.

~'Hey, don't go blaming yourself for this. I chose this life.. I knew what I was getting into. I've seen so much darkness in our fucked up world. Trust me..'~ He heard an old memory of his, of a woman that he felt meant the world to him, back when he was alive.

Clenching his fists, he picked himself back up and faced the Dragon again.

'Not any more.. No more.." Lobos' voice echoed across Hueco Mundo.




Harribel struggled to move as she was pressured into the top of the dome of Las Noches. She had convinced the other Espada to come with her outside to assist Lobos against the foreign beast that intruded in their world. Though it was a fruitless endeavor as it had quickly shrugged off all of their strongest ceros and pressured them down with just its overwhelming presence. As she watched it build up some overpowering energy in its mouth, aimed at them, her thoughts went to Lobos and her Fraccion. The man who helped train her and her Fraccione, her family. They had quickly become something more than just a group of hollows gathered together for the purpose of survival. For the longest time, she would find herself watching him. As if she saw something in him that resonated with her. She hoped he would at the least, live after all of their deaths. She didn't bother closing her eyes and watched as her death approach. Her last thoughts of him and the family they built over the years.

That was soon interrupted by words that dripped with conviction and the sky darkening with heavy clouds hanging over them all. A storm had begun to take form now, the wind was screaming as it flew into them all at ever increasing speeds. The Espada felt another presence now, one that made itself known all over Hueco Mundo. The dark sky blotted out the moon and they saw flashes of lightning across the clouds, making their hair stand on end. The Dragon didn't register this until a lightning spear collided into its head and briefly blinded them all. The Dragon now fallen into the white desert with the deafening sound of a thunder clap.

On the scorching sands where the dragon crash landed, several lightning strikes had hammered into the Red Dragon repeatedly. Releasing a real roar of pain, it looked up into the sky and saw him within the depths of the storm. His appearance had now totally changed. He wore a dark blue open coat that went down to his lower legs and was made of scales while possessing a white fur collar around it. His gauntlets were now clawed and connected to the coat. It too, was made of blue scales and white fur. His chest, now bare and covered in pale green eel-like tattoos that glowed with spiritual energy and sparked. His pants were the same black cloth and his feet were bare. The only thing different about his face now was the absence of the hollow mask while his sclera were black and his eyes were glowing the same pale green as his tattoos. Coming out of his head were black scaled wolf ears and wyvern horns.

"Segunda Etapa.." Ulquiorra whispered as the Espada all looked to the Cero Espada with mixed reactions.

Aizen was glaring at the display with intensity. He knew the amount of reiatsu being thrown around here was sure to attract the Shinigami. Something he wasn't exactly ready for yet. Though he figured their involvement would be limited and still better than destruction by this foreign entity that intruded upon them for whatever reason. Lobos now summoned several blades made of compressed spiritual energy and lightning while aiming down at the Dragon.

"Espada Luminosa" He spoke and commanded the hail of lightning blades fly into the dragon, detonating like consecutive ceros across its body.

It soon flew right back up to him with a few notable injuries and hit Lobos with a point-blank, super compressed fire breath that took on the form of a laser that shook a great deal of Hueco Mundo and threw the Hollow through numerous sand dunes. It began to attack Lobos closely now, both clashing with claw and blade. Lightning against fire, they tore the very skies asunder and its affects were not only felt in Hueco Mundo.

-[R&D Department, Soul Society]-

Two Shinigami in lab coats rushed down the halls of the twelfth division before they both burst open the door leading to the eccentric Captain Kurosutchi's lab. Both were panting and had looks of great alarm as they gulped upon seeing the annoyed face of their Captain turn to them, mid experiment.

"I told you fools.. Not to interrupt during my experiments! What is it!?" Kurosutchi barked out as Nemu waited behind him with her hands folded in front of her.

"S-Sir.. I-It's just that.. The energy and activity in Hueco Mundo…" One of them nervously tried to relay the information but the sheer nervousness stopped all of it from leaving his lips.

"Hmm..? Hueco Mundo? Something interesting is happening there? Bah.. probably just some Vasto Lordes having a dispute" The Captain snorted before waving it off.

"No, sir! S-Space is collapsing there… an absurd amount of reiatsu is swelling in a significant area of Hueco Mundo. It'll soon break into the Human world and Soul Society if it continues!" The reporting Shinigami finished with trembling hands.

"What..?" The Captain's interest peaked. Though not due to any concern about the Human world or even Soul Society.

His expression was one full of scientific curiosity, bordering on madness.

"Let me see the readings" The Captain quickly moved to the observation section of Squad Twelve and looked at the instruments that observed all three worlds.

Upon looking at Hueco Mundo's readings, his smile deepened. His interest growing as he saw one energy reading that wasn't spiritual in nature. The readings were coming from two entities he could presume were fighting some cataclysmic battle in Hueco Mundo. He grew even more interested and checked more of the instruments, starting to fiddle with them until an image popped up on a screen. Looking into said screen, he saw two figures battling. One being a gargantuan dragon and the other was human looking. He frowned, noting the human looking one was a Hollow, due to the hole in his chest. He rubbed his chin and quickly flash stepped back into his lab, going through hundreds of filing cabinets that lined the room.

"Where was it…? Soul types.. Ah, here we are" He pulled out an old file folder with the name 'K. Urahara' written in the front of it. Scoffing, he opened it and began to skim the hundreds of pages within.

"The soul is too powerful for Vasto Lorde.. The kind of soul…" The Captain mutters as he stops at a page full of intricate drawings and strange writings labeled 'Epics'.

"Heroic souls..? What does morality have to do with… wait.." He read further, about the heroes that lived long ago. The ones who didn't go to Hueco Mundo or Soul Society.

Though it was said they hadn't come from their reality. That they slipped through a great void only because their soul was strong enough to survive a short period within it. It seemed this one gor lucky and properly made it to a place rich in spiritual energy so he could survive. Reading more, it was theorized that they wielded great weapons of legend and accomplished great feats. Said to have even wielded magic and tore apart the earth and sundered the skies with their power. Dragon slayers, Emperors, Witches, Mages, Beastmen. All legends of humanity he had disregarded as stories humans tended to make up. He still didn't believe such legends. His mind lingered on the lore of the 'heroes' mentioned by Urahara Kisuke but quickly snapped back to the individual battling the dragon in Hueco Mundo.

He needed to see this for himself, but he still had his obligations as a Squad Captain of the Gotei Thirteen. He quickly made his way over to Genryusai Yamamoto in a hurry. He needed to get the briefing over with and see this spectacle for himself before either destroyed the other or space collapsed.

Unknown to anyone though, space in Hueco Mundo was already collapsing from the amount of power being thrown around. The barriers that divided the worlds of Hueco Mundo, the Living World and Soul Society and all those in parallel reality to the three worlds was thinning considerably. Cracks in space were sent out past these barriers as the wild, raging energies of lightning magic fused with spirit energy and draconic flames were blasted out into other universes. A window was created in certain areas of said universes. The windows showed an intense battle between two Sovereigns.

-[Underworld, disclosed location]-

"Is that Great Red..? Grayfia, call the other Satans. I think we may have an emergency situation on our hands" A Crimson haired Devil ordered, gripping the arms of the chair he sat in.

His wife and Queen nodded seriously, quickly disappearing in a flash as he watched, biting the nail of his thumb down.

"Great.. this is exactly what I needed. I'm about to have a sister today and of course this has to spring up.." He sighed.

He was going to miss the birth of his already beloved baby sister. He felt it was his duty- No, his right to be there for her birth. He totally wasn't going to be a siscon when she grew up and called him 'Big brother'. At his thought, he almost squealed like an overly excited teenaged girl before clearing his throat and bringing his full attention back to the window of the monstrous looking beings. He debated calling Azazel and Michael or not, since he knew he may need all the help he could get if this window was some premonition of having to deal with Great Red and that strange man fighting the dragon. Begrudgingly, he decided to make a call.

-[Laboratory room, disclosed location]-

A full group of people with varying heights, sizes, unique appearances and clothing were watching a window depicting a man fighting a colossal Dragon in size and power. With one particular orange-haired girl in a white uniform in front. She observed the battle with confusion as the people behind her and the little white creature on her shoulder watched silently.

"Who.. is that? Do any of you guys know him? The Dragon..? How are we even seeing this?" The girl asked the crowd behind her as one mature blonde woman with emerald-colored eyes, blue regal attire adorned with silver gauntlets and greaves stepped up. She looked at the Dragon in slight familiarity but then dismissed the idea with a shake of her head. Looking at the man, she made a slight humming noise as she turned to the girl who asked.

"Master. That Dragon almost looks familiar. But it is different. It's a rather powerful Dragon though, to do all this. The man is.. a spirit..? From the looks of it, he seems to be a Heroic Spirit, like us. Or something similar, at least. Though I don't believe any of us recognize him." The Blonde turned to the group behind her.

Nobody spoke up about him, though some wild speculation was tossed around.

"Perhaps he is a Dragon given human form? Umu! I see scales and horns upon him" Another blonde spoke up from the crowd.

"That would be really really awesome! But.. ahhhh… hm… what should we do about this..? This isn't exactly a normal occurrence huh..?" The girl scratched her head, sheepishly as the mature blonde stared intently at the man battling the dragon.

"Let us watch his battle for now, Master.. I want to see what happens" The mature blonde suggested.

"Well.. we haven't gotten any kind of warning.. Okay! Lets see how this goes" She agreed as they watched the man cover himself in lightning and slash the dragon hundreds of times with his enhanced dual blades.

Thunder sounding out every time like a constant explosion. The man and Dragon slid across from the other with battle crazed smiles and prepared their next attacks.

"I wanna summon.. I wanna summon.. I wanna summon.." The ginger girl muttered to herself with a slightly crazed expression as a tanned, white haired man sighed and wiped the drool off her mouth with a hankerchief.

"Good grief, Master" He sighed as he looked at the man's weapons, tracing them in his mind as a new addition to his world was added. Blades sparked with lightning as he widened his eyes upon seeing the history of the blades and their wielder.

"He is.."

-[Hueco Mundo]-

"A goddamned monster.." Lobos panted as he growled the words out and floated in the air.

He was about five hundred feet from the gargantuan red Dragon now. Their fight had gone on for about an hour now and while he did get quite a few good hits in, the same could be said for the Dragon. He succeeded in his goal of bringing the Dragon away from his friends and the other denizens of Las Noches. Now, he needed to drive it away or kill it.

Both now seeming more unlikely by the minute due to the intense look on the Dragon's scaley face. As if it couldn't get enough of the fight. Though he too had been secretly enjoying the battle. He felt a rush of nostalgia and the desire to release his full power on a worthy opponent. Though he put priority on killing or driving the beast away as he took a deep breath and gathered his energy for a familiar but different feeling Hollow technique.

Pointing his arm forward and opening his palm to face the beast, a super dense energy began to condense in his palm, going from his usual light green, to a deep purple as it compressed to an extreme degree. It changed as soon as it manifested. From afar, it looked as if he was going to fire a Cero. Harribel and the other Espada, particularly Aizen had their eyes widen as they watched the area in front of them change drastically. Though they now felt nothing from him. As if Lobos had summoned his own reality right there, kilometers of land began to become filled with tornadoes and twisters from small, to massive F5 scale and beyond. Lightning colored in deep purple was flashing non-stop in the billowing black, angry clouds. His Cero had changed form and a deep purple colored light shone in his hand while his blades were sucked into it. They had now taken form of an Odachi made of the purple lightning and a strange scale like material that looked incredible sharp. Looking at the display, the Dragon started to laugh in a deep, raspy voice.

"I never knew this boring world of empty souls would be home to a worthy opponent.. Come, Human soul! Give me a challenge not even that Infinite brat could!!" The Dragon bellowed and unleashed the most powerful flames Lobos had ever seen.

Time seemed to stand still for Harribel as a wave of superheated death came her friend's way. Before she could even voice her concern though, he struck. A deafening crack of thunder had overwhelmed and even knocked many of the Espada back, barring those below number 4. He had moved too fast to see. But what they did see one second later, was a giant bloody gash across the Dragon's abdomen and a badly charred Lobos, who had decided to cut a path through the flames that would surely have reached Las Noches. Both had knocked down to the sand with serious wounds. An ugly jagged scar on the massive Dragon and deep burns that covered a majority of Lobos' body.

"Interesting guy… kuhuhuhu… This world was never intended for you… So I'll do both you and I a favor.." The Dragon's body glowed with red energy as he shattered the space around him.

The cracks of the shattered space coming closer to Lobos as he tried in vain to move back. It was for naught though, as it spread faster than he could move in his injured state. He took one last look at Las Noches, specifically Harribel and sighed in relief to see them still standing. Then, he and the Dragon disappeared into the space outside theirs. The Dimensional Gap.

-{Atop Las Noches]-

"LOBOS!" Harribel actually yelled out, eyes widened in horror as her friend and companion disappeared with the Dragon.

Like a Hero out of old tales he told her and her Fraccione about in the long travel they had endured together. The emotional outburst caught some of the Espada's attention, but none chose to say anything. Too awed about the display of extreme power shown to them all. Aizen calmly stood up, but in his mind, he was anything but calm. New ideas circulated in his head as remembered the feeling he got from the two. He left immediately, lest the Espada see him lose his composure and lose respect for him. Though, he had nothing to worry about. All of them were staring at the dissipating area of extreme storm that was slowly returning to the calm of Hueco Mundo. Ulquiorra had stepped forward and bowed his head in its direction before speaking.

"He is our Sovereign. I cannot say why he chose to put his life on the line for us…. But I feel.. what I believe is called gratitude and respect for him" He said as he walked away, shocking many of the present Espada.

Some stayed atop Las Noches, watching the power of the storm dwindle. Whether it was out of respect, awe or grief. Nobody said a word until the end, when Harribel stood up.

"Please come back to us.." She said in a soft whisper before she too, returned to Las Noches, never noticing the melancholic tone evident in her voice.

A legend would be born that day in Hueco Mundo. One of a Hollow so powerful, he changed the everlasting skies of Hueco Mundo. His battle permanently changing a massive area into a field of electrified glass. They would call him "The Thunder Sovereign"

-[Dimensional Gap]-

Dragon and Soul were hurled into the multi-colored infinite expanse of the Dimensional Gap at extreme speeds normally impossible. Impossible for things of mass. But due to its mastery of the Dimensional Gap, the Dragon, Great Red, was making the Dimensional Gap's space to fold and twist in on itself. Thus making them launch out at incomprehensible speeds before, suddenly they stopped.

"Hehehe… This is your stop, Human Soul. Think of this as thanks for making me have such a good time. And of course, this scar you gave me" Great Red grinned at the last part.

"What is this.. What's your plan? You didn't bring me here for no reason.." Lobos made himself stand upright and looked the Dragon in the eye, despite the pain from his regenerating injuries.

"Don't be so wary. I'm giving you a second chance here. A better life than as a simple lost soul. But I suspect you'll choose a most interesting path, 'Hero'" The Dragon mused to himself.

"Hero..? What are you-" He was cut off by an enormous claw pushing him out of a new opening in the Dimensional Gap.

"I'll come to you again for another fight.. Be ready, Human." The Dragon's lips parted and made a sinister, toothy grin.

-[Japan, Earth]-

Lobos was sent flying into the blue skies of a Japanese City. Smacked right out of the Dimensional Gap and forced away from the friends he made in Hueco Mundo. He stabilized himself and screamed out in frustration and anger.

"AAAAAAGGHH!!! God fucking DAMMIT!! What is happening!?" He yelled out in confusion and anger. His booming voice and anger making the skies darken as a storm had started to form.

"We're going to need you to calm down and come with us" A new voice appeared behind him.

Lobos turned and saw three men hovering in the air before him. All had wings of differing appearances. All looked ready and willing to fight him, though the trepidation on their faces spoke otherwise.

"Why should I-Oh, shit…" He looked down and saw his power effecting the very populated city below him.

He restrained his Spiritual Pressure before sighing and regaining his composure. He now noticed all three men had been radiating different energy signatures. One looked crimson and reminded him of pure destructive energies. Another looked grey and had some light energy, though it wasn't as bright as the last man. The last, looked white and radiated a gentle (at the moment) light energy that seemed the opposite of the Crimson. Lobos looked confused at this, having never encountered these kinds of beings before. He knew they weren't human just by the energies within them, let alone the fact they were floating in the sky on wings.

"I witnessed your fight with Great Red.. I must say I'm very impressed.." The Crimson haired one stepped up and said, trying to de-escalate the situation with a strained smile.

"How..? Where..? I can feel it.. I'm so far from Hueco Mundo now…" Lobos sighed in annoyance as he looked off into the sky.

"Ah.. Space was torn from your battle as a point of origin. In fact, I'd bet more worlds than ours have seen it. The tears and spatial quakes went quite far. But that's besides the point. I need to know who you are and what you intend to do in our world. See, we're about to broker peace and you, a wildcard has just shown up. I'd hate to think you'd interfere"

The red-haired man asked with a quickened pulse at the thought of the meeting going South.

He had seen the man fight Great Red on equal grounds and that bolstered the idea not to fuck with the man. Though, he figured by the mixed look on Azazel's face, that the Fallen Governor wanted to know what the man was, given his unique appearance.

"Hah..?" The man blinked owlishly at the implication that he'd want to stop peace talks.

"No! Of course not.. I get the feeling I know war very well.. Probably why I died, actually. I'm a Hollow. A human soul that had its soul chain eaten away. I guess I had a lot of grievances when I passed." He scratched his head with a sigh.

"Wait.. a soul..? Souls here get put into the cycle of reincarnation, sent to Hell, Heaven or multiple other places.. The world won't let you just exist here as-" The Angel spoke up in concern before he saw Lobos' body fade into motes of light, starting to disappear and carry off into a specific direction.

"What….. is.. Oh.. It's so… gentle…. Lymsie.. Am I going to.." Lobos started to close his eyes as he was converted into a massive amount of spiritual energy and pressure that took off into the sky.

"He was a Heroic Soul.. I hope he finds all the happiness he deserves.." Michael cupped his hands and lowered his head.

"Wait, what!? How can you tell, Brother?" Azazel got close and asked, his eyes lighting up in excitement.

"The massive quantity and quality of his energy. The purity of it as well. As the one who looks after Heaven's system, I've seen my fair share of Heroes accepted into Heaven. I can tell. He was a Hero of some renown in his life" Michael cupped his chin now, thinking.

"But where is he going now..?" Sirzechs asked as he looked to the sky.

"He belongs to no Pantheon so.. perhaps he was reincarnated inside a newborn?" Michael furrowed his brow.

"Dibs" Azazel suddenly said with a huge grin. Much to the dismay of the other two.

"Not fair, Ash Crow… I think he'd make an excellent piece for Ria-tan!" At the mention of his newborn sister's name, his face filled with joy while Michael and Azazel cringed at the Devil.

"If.. he does choose to. Let him make his own decisions. Wait until he grows at least… Azazel.. No kidnapping him from his parents.." Michael warned with a threatening smile.

"You're no fun, Brother.." Azazel sulked as the Angel and Devil sighed in resignation.

"Let him live his life as a healthy baby bo-"

-[Grigori Earth HQ, 10 minutes later]-

"It's a girl! The Fallen doctor said as he pulled out a healthy baby from Shuri Himejima's womb. Baraqiel was crying tears of happiness as his wife was gently given the baby in a soft swaddling cloth.

"She's beautiful, Shuri. What will we name her..?" Baraqiel gently rubbed the crying baby's cheeks lovingly.

"I'm quite partial to Akeno.. No edgy Fallen names, got it?" She 'smiled' at him and said, prompting a furious head nod.

"I like it.. Welcome to your new, strange family.. Akeno" Baraqiel smiled and put his arm over his wife.

[AN: Got any questions? Ask em here in this paragraph! I'll answer one I think you might have.

Akeno's original soul. He didn't eat her soul or anything. His soul was drawn to the baby Akeno because she's half human and has a strong enough body to contain him. He'd straight up kill baby Issei or Kiba unless Ddraig manifested at birth. He slipped in and any forming soul within Shuri's womb became a part of him. You'll see later but 98% of his memories are sealed. Though he'll get them back fast as she grows, so don't worry. Personality will be different too but some OG Akeno aspects will still be there too, as picked up from Shuri.]

next chapter
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