Beginner Author and writer. Please use as much criticism as necessary, but not too overwhelming, please and thank you.
Now the premise of this story is about a human soul being transferred into a Golurk after death and being the task to guard a royal family in Unova and protect the family bloodline no matter how the time or place.
This story will take place a couple thousand years before the main story and right now I have no clue if I should use the anime or game for the premise of the story, but I am leaning towards the anime only because I watched more of the anime than playing the game. So after my rambling I give you the first story I have ever written on any occasion, much less an online site, but I digress and K just want to say have fun and just enjoy the book to your hearts content.
Thank you,
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน Akai_Yuki
Beginner author here to say to all those who check out my book that I hope you enjoy and have a good read. Now for the premIse of the book is just a rough outline and I am going into this as blind as you are, and for all of those wondering, probably none, our MC will have a Mega Evelution, so look forward to that. - Thank you, Akai_Yuki