In the year 2050, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, waging a desperate war against the ancient race known as The Vicestra—a demonic species driven by sin, preying on humans for their own insidious gain.
The world government is in shambles, religions fade into obscurity, and the survival of humankind rests in the hands of Vicestra hunters and the six powerful founding clans.
Tessa Marlowe, a newly blooded Vicestra hunter with a past cloaked in mystery. Haunted by the gruesome details of her birth and struggling to hold onto her dwindling humanity, she embarks on a relentless quest for revenge against the Vicestra who brutally murdered her father figure and mentor.
As Tessa battles these ancient foes and mythical creatures, she must confront her own dark origins. Will she rediscover her humanity and unravel the secrets of her enigmatic past? Or will her journey uncover something even more horrific?
Prepare for a thrilling saga of vengeance, discovery, and survival in a world where the line between human and monster is dangerously blurred.
I haven't written for a very very long time so if there's any advice or critiques, ill welcome it.
I'm mainly trying to practice with this novel so the plot isn't fully fleshed out even though it should be, and I'm trying to be more descriptive with this piece of work.
Anyways, Thank you :)
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน zEiir0
Upload more chapters daily please. Other than that, the power system is cool and the stories promising.