57.14% The Seraphic System / Chapter 20: A New Beginning

บท 20: A New Beginning

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 20

To anyone worrying, don't worry. This arc will include a lot of canon integrating within the Greek pantheon and Pjo. The Gabriel encounter is coming very soon. 

Pa/ t reon details at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested I'll keep posting regardless.

(A New Beginning)

A tree exploded as Avael used the spell holy ray to shoot a ray of bright holy light towards it, creating a small explosion and leaving scorch marks surrounding the point of impact.

Avael looked back at me as if waiting for something.

Sighing in exasperation, I nodded.

"Good job."

Avael preened.

We were currently at the edge of my sub-dimension testing out the limits and all the abilities my angel cherubs possessed. I had been curious during the battle of what spells they possessed since that holy bind spell would have been much more useful earlier had I known of it.

With that in mind, I had devised a list of the spells my angels possessed and what effects they possessed.

Holy Aura, creates an aura of holy light that boosts their attacks and defence by 10% to normal creatures and 25% to any creatures of dark or demonic origin.

Holy Smite, creates a giant magic circle that releases a massive column of holy light exploded up.

Holy Bind, uses holy power to restrict movement.

Holy Barrier, creates a barrier of condensed holy light.

Holy Ray, shoots a ray of holy light towards a target.

This is all the skills my cherubs possessed according to their knowledge, while they didn't possess the ability to manipulate light in general, their spells were pretty versatile.

They could enhance spells by overcharging mana into them, but there was a minimum threshold required to activate each spell. Such as casting a holy smite which required a specific amount of mana. There was no way to scale it down by using less mana.

Another restriction was they couldn't multitask, yet anyway. I planned on pushing them to their limits and testing if they could grow but as of right now, they could only cast one spell at a time.

"That's enough for now, go join your… siblings in training," I ordered.

Avael beamed.

"Yes, fa-little brother." Avael stuttered a bit, running away to join her siblings in the training I had asked them to perform.

It had been two days since I narrowly escaped from the trio of two Deva and one Devi who tried to kill me. I managed to tap into that strange light form for a short time, partly due to the intense concentration it required and the sheer amount of energy it demanded.

I'm pretty sure I had passed a few aeroplanes and boats on the way who must have probably thought I was a shooting star. I had stopped a bit after that and proceeded to think about where to go next and had decided to travel to America.

Once I had made it on land I had decided to bunker down in my sub-dimension, which is where I had been for the last two days. Training my wind manipulation and my angels for the time being.

The dead angel I had now named Aurel was being kept in an empty room within the house, it didn't feel right to just bury him in the ground. On a side note, it turns out angel bodies don't rot. Since angels were ageless that stayed true even in death. I had his body laid down on a table.

My fists clenched, I was beyond livid at "Sumota" for killing him in such a brutal manner. My anger has not subsided even a bit. A part of me wanted so badly to just regress and tear her apart.

I took a deep breath to calm my anger. It just wasn't logical anymore. I had grown past hating everything for the actions of one. I would have to become much stronger if I wanted to kill her.

I sighed.

On the topic of downloads, I had also chosen my next download. My sensory abilities are essentially sending out pulses of mana and receiving information from them, which is inefficient. So, my choice was quite simple to make.

My decision had been to download Karin Uzumaki for the Uzumaki bloodline. Hopefully, it should be under perks as a passive skill since it was a bloodline. My hope was to receive a boost to my chakra pool and the Uzumaki bloodline abilities.

I had attempted beforehand to re-download Momonga for that gate skill or the resurrection spell since I still wanted to be able to teleport around and maybe to take a proper look at what other skills there were to offer. Perhaps more angel-summoning skills since Pantheon had a massive cool-down.

Unfortunately, it turns out I can't download a character back to back. Since the system wouldn't allow me, Which was a tad bit annoying. Hopefully, after I downloaded Karin I will be able to download Momonga again. For now, I think the Uzumaki bloodline will be helpful.

Running my hand through my golden hair, I decided to take a quick look at my status and my skills.

{Name: Kai}

{Power level: 7,916}

{STR: 131

{DEX: 125

{VIT: 107

{MAG: 134

{CHA: 50


[Light Embodiment] (LVL: 48/50) {Apprentice}

[Through the evolution of Light manipulation you have gained the skill Light embodiment, a much more powerful version of light manipulation. Allowing the user to not only manipulate but incorporate and embody the element of light.]

[Passive Effect: Reduces light usage cost by 60% increases light attacks by 120% Negates all regular physical damage by 100%]

[Wind Manipulation] (LVL: 22/25) {Novice}

[Wind manipulation, this skill allows the user a control over the very wind itself. The skill is linked to freedom and free will. The more you embrace it the more connected you are with the element]

[Passive effect: Reduces wind manipulation cost by 10%]

[Presence Concealment] (LVL: 17/20) {Novice}

[Presence Concealment, a skill that allows the user to mask their presence with a small amount of mana usage. This skill is commonly used by assassins and shinobi allowing the user to go undetected]

[Passive effect: Reduces presence detection by 10%]

[Toxic Immunity] (LVL: 175/200) {Master}

[Toxic Immunity is a skill that elevates the user's poison resistance to unparalleled levels, granting them mastery over their own bodily defences. With this skill, the user transcends the limitations of conventional poison resistance, achieving a state of complete immunity to all forms of toxins and venoms]

[Passive effect: Resistance to all toxins increased by 80% Resistance to all Divine Toxins increased by 50%]

[Sun Breathing] (LVL: 23/100) {Adept}

[Sun Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics the sun and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities. All techniques and forms are extremely varied and have no set pattern, making it the most versatile and effective against demons. Users' of Sun Breathing visualise themselves seemingly manipulating solar flames when unleashing its techniques.]

[Passive effect: Increases users STR by 7 and DEX by 8 when using sun breathing]

[Winged flight] (LVL: 97/100) {Adept}

[Winged flight is the ability to use your wings to fly. Those who learn how to use their wings during flight can block and avoid attacks with the more mastery the deadlier you become during flight.]

[Passive effect: flying speed increased by 30%]

[Holy Power Manipulation] (LVL: 94/100) {Adept}

[Holy Power Manipulation is a sacred and divine ability that allows its wielder to channel and control the forces of pure righteousness and divine energy. Those blessed with this power possess a deep connection to the divine, enabling them to shape and direct holy energies for various purposes.

With Holy Power Manipulation, the user can generate and radiate a powerful aura of pure light and divine energy. This radiant aura can inspire courage and hope in allies, while striking fear and weakness into the hearts of darkness and evil. The intensity of this holy aura can be adjusted, ranging from a gentle glow to a blinding brilliance that sears the eyes of malevolent entities.]

[Passive effect: Reduces holy power cost by 30%]

[Mana Manipulation] (LVL: 89/100) {Adept}

[Mana Manipulation is the ability to harness and control the fundamental essence of magic known as mana. With Mana Manipulation wielding the essence of mana as their own. They can reshape the fabric of reality through their command of mystical energies, channelling the raw power of the universe to create, destroy, heal, protect and kill.]

[Passive effect: Reduces mana cost by 30%]

[Chakra Manipulation] (LVL: 92/100) {Adept}

[Chakra manipulation is a skill that allows the user to harness and control their inner energy, known as chakra. Chakra manipulation can be used to perform devastating techniques both physical and elemental.]

[Passive effect: Reduces Chakra manipulation cost by 30%]

[Mokuton] (LVL: 53/100) {Adept}

[Wood Release (Mokuton) is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a combination of Earth and Water Release. It was famously used by Hashirama Senju, At its simplest, Wood Release allows the user to create wood, essentially converting their chakra into a source of life. At its greatest, mighty trees of various sizes and shapes can be created.

The Wood Release was also equally famous for its power to manipulate, suppress, and/or absorb a target's Energy]

[Passive effects: Enhanced chakra, Natural Affinity towards Earth and Water]

Wind manipulation was coming along nicely, it was close to ranking up which should grant me a massive boost in control. I could create just basic attacks much like most elemental skills at the novice stage.

As of now, I can levitate and propel myself with gusts of wind, but I can't use the continuous flow necessary for proper flight using just wind manipulation. I can also create basic blasts of powerful wind and wind blades.

I would have to start working on my sun breathing techniques again now that I possessed a weapon, I wasn't sure if the techniques would work well with the tempest Chakrams but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Mokuton was coming along nicely. It was a shame I had no techniques for it. I would have to look into obtaining a few wood-style jutsu instead of just using it in its base form of manipulating wood.

I would need to start coming up with some better techniques for light embodiment too. The fight with Namara had given me a lot to think about. These tempest Chakrams should give me access to very limited lightning manipulation.

An explosion caught my attention, and I sighed. It seemed like my angels were going overboard in their attempts to prove they were the most useful angels again. Turns out these angels could be extremely competitive when it came down to being useful for me.

Since I had wanted them to become stronger they had naturally taken it as whoever was the strongest was the most useful to me.

I better go sort this out before they get too out of hand.

Even if they were barely the ultimate class at the moment they were still ultimate class beings. That held a lot of weight even at the lowest level.

-Scene Break-

Stepping out of my sub-dimension, I found myself on a beach, surrounded by startled onlookers. Some screamed and scattered as they noticed my sudden appearance.


I quickly made my escape with the usage of presence concealment. I wandered through the unfamiliar streets of the city, feeling a bit disoriented by the bustling crowds and towering skyscrapers.

Shimla hadn't had skyscrapers as big as this.

It seemed pretty lively. The constant beeping of cars and the occasional argument that devolved into a full-on brawl was apparently a common scene judging by the lack of care by bystanders.

I strolled aimlessly down the streets of New York with my hands stuffed in my pockets. I had no real goal in mind as of now other than training, which I had my angels still doing even now.

After a few hours of aimlessly walking around and checking random places out, I found myself pausing, sensing a familiar powerful energy. It was extremely faint. A sliver of the energy I knew as divine energy.

My gaze was directed towards a small coffee shop. It was nestled on a corner of the busy city street I was walking down. The cosy-looking coffee shop had big windows and a chalkboard sign out front. Inside, there were small tables and plants.

It was a simple-looking coffee shop, unassuming even but the faint almost unnoticeable sliver of divinity had me curious and I had nothing to do anyway. Opening the coffee shop door that seemed to have a few people sitting inside.

The walls are adorned with artwork and shelves holding various items. A typical counter with a display case showcases pastries and treats, while a heavy aroma of freshly brewed coffee drifted through the air.

There were a few tables and chairs scattered around mostly seated with people on their laptops. That wasn't what held my attention though.

Pretty greenish-blue eyes flickered towards me. Warm radiating from them, a woman with shoulder-length hair that was tied back smiled warmly at me. The pretty lady looked to be in her late thirties and had a decent figure.

This woman held that faint sense of divinity.


{Name: Sally Jackson}

{Title: Sea God's Favoured}

{Race: Human}

{Power level: 600}

Sally Jackson? Where have I heard that name? I pondered on it and the title 'Sea Gods Favoured'

"Excuse me." A light voice politely called out.

I looked back up at the woman. She was smiling at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't you a little young to be alone?" She asked.

That's right. Even if I looked like a sixteen year old I was still young-looking. My angelic instincts flared up for the first time in a while. Something about her seemed genuine.

I smiled back.

"My parents are just around the corner, they know I'm here." I effortlessly lied, holding up small ten-dollar bills.

She nodded in response, looking slightly mischievous.

"Very well young man, what will you be ordering?" She asked.

Interestingly, she seems to be resisting my allure very well even if I was suppressing my appearance heavily with an illusion.

"What would you suggest?" I questioned.

A closer look showed bags under her eyes obviously covered with make-up. She looked extremely exhausted even if she tried to cover it up, to the point I wouldn't be surprised if she collapsed.

Regardless of that, I admired the fact she put on this act just to make me feel welcome.

"How about some hot chocolate?" Sally offered sweetly.

I nodded my head, paying and flashing her a smile as I took the seat nearest to her. Watching her as she prepared my hot chocolate. There were two other staff members who seemed to be slacking off.

One was cleaning the tables unnecessarily slowly and the other was mopping the floor slowly with a phone in his hand. Sally seemed to be the only one making a real effort.

Annoying. That made my angelic instincts flare up even more. Glancing back at Sally I couldn't help but wonder where I remembered her from.

Her name was ringing some bells.

"So, how long have you been working here?" I asked casually, trying to start a casual conversation.

My eyes briefly dipped to her considerable cleavage, before snapping up so fast she didn't even notice. Sally was a beautiful woman with a good figure.

Fucking puberty.

I had been too busy to act up but I was noticing lately that my eyes had the tendency to start travelling when finding a particularly cute girl. It was uncontrollable, more of just a certain awareness of the female body.

It didn't help that puberty had boosted me tremendously. I hadn't thought much of it till I had a woman entranced with me. Before they used to stare and probably chastise themselves, now though?

Without my illusion dulling its effect massively they were outright gawking. I was starting to think that perhaps getting allure was more of a curse than a blessing. It made staying under the radar hard.

I tried to stare anywhere else but her.

Sally paused for a moment, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Oh, a few years. It's close to where I live so it makes it easy to take care of my son when he arrives home from school," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of exhaustion.

"But I do enjoy making hot chocolate for young gentlemen like yourself."

I grinned in response. Sally handed me the steaming mug. I took a sip, savouring the rich taste. I hadn't had hot chocolate in a while. Too busy dealing with over-dramatic Indian mythos figures trying to erase me.

Suddenly, a small tongue flicked out from under my shirt, revealing the small head of Galadriel.

{Name: Galadriel}

{Title: Familiar of Kai}

{Race: Astral Serpentral}

{Power level: 2400}

Her power level had been growing nicely. I believe that meant she had around one hundred and sixty stat points in total. I wasn't sure which stats she had them allocated to since appraisal didn't work like that.

I should probably start training her and getting a list of all the skills she possessed now her power level was at a somewhat decent level.

A gasp brought me out of my musings. Glancing up, I was met with the sight of a very worried-looking Sally Jackson.


Galadriel shot a disdainful glance in Sally's direction before coiling around my neck.

"Uh, just don't move, I'll call the police," Sally said, her voice tinged with panic.

I raised my hands in a placating gesture, understanding Sally's concern. Having a snake wrapped around my neck wouldn't look good to any normal human, especially since Galadriel had grown significantly larger.

"It's just my… pet." I quickly said, somewhat bashfully as Galadriel sent a flat look at me.

"Your pet?" Sally asked, looking a bit confused.

I nodded and Galadriel sent a mocking hiss at her.

Since when had she gained this attitude?

"O-okay, just be careful now," Sally muttered, going back to work. Shooting me strange glances.

After finishing my hot chocolate, I racked my brain trying to recall where I knew Sally from. Despite my efforts, I came up empty, so I decided I would give it another try tomorrow.

I went to leave only to feel a massive tug from my angelic instincts. I sighed in annoyance and nodded. I'm not quite sure why she was making such an effort but I appreciated it.

I took out a thousand dollars. Going to give it to her before I paused, she probably wouldn't accept it. With that in mind, I wrapped it up with a small band and used presence concealment. I slipped the small bundle of money into her pocket.

Giving her a wave, I left the cafe.

Now time to go explore.

-Scene Break-

After looking around the city that was New York for a good while, I had to admit, there were loads of monsters wandering around New York. Easily out in plain sight to be seen by anyone.

Yet, everyone remained oblivious to the monsters lurking around the city. It was after I started to notice a weird energy that seemingly kept them hidden from regular people's eyes.

They weren't actively doing anything. The monsters I had spotted seemed uninterested in everything going on around them. Which was interesting. I didn't know what to make of it. India hadn't been like this.

It was more freaky in India since everything was hidden pretty well. One moment I'm speaking to some dude and appraisal shows me he's some spirit demon with a power level not so far from mine.

Now, it wasn't like there were droves of monsters or anything. It's just I had seen quite a few in my time walking around. Something was protecting any normal beings from reacting to them but still. Seemed like a safety hazard.

I flatly stared at a massive dog with glowing red eyes walking into an alleyway. I had also noticed they didn't really get in the way. Mostly staying in dark places or travelling between alleyways.

That was the third monster I had seen today. Whoever was managing New York was seriously not up to date with the healthy and safety regulations. Random monsters walking around doesn't sound healthy, for anyone.

I didn't bother getting involved. I really didn't need nor feel like dealing with that can of worms at the moment, I could practically smell the drama behind it.

The sky was starting to darken and I had been in New York for the entire day. I had one last place to visit which was mostly out of curiosity.

I looked up at the large church.

-{Non-Canon Omake: What If}-

[What if Kai didn't kill the goblins?]

My holy power briefly spiked and swirled around me. I felt almost relaxed and weightless. My emotions were now calm too. I felt serene as I looked at the goblins below and I noticed… a little goblin girl running towards me?

"Please stop mister!" She cried.

I paused.

She bowed and the goblins behind her quickly followed after a moment.

"We apologise for the misdeeds of our foolish leader" they all chorused in unison.


That's a surprise. Weren't they just attacking me a moment ago? I didn't really know how to respond to that. I sent a puzzled look at Grizella who was staring at me. I dropped the holy power building up mostly out of curiosity.

I couldn't help but smirk at the sight of their sudden change in demeanour. These creatures, who had moments ago been ferociously attacking me and coveting my flesh, were now grovelling at my feet, begging for mercy.

"Well, well, well," I mused aloud, my voice laced with amusement. "Seems like you've had a change of heart, hmm?" I spoke dramatically

The goblin girl who had approached me trembled, her eyes wide with fear. "We'll do anything, mister, anything to spare our lives," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

I scratched my neck. This had been less complicated when they were just mindlessly trying to kill me. I considered their offer for a moment,

"Anything, you say?" I asked.

To be honest I didn't really have a use for them, I had only taken Grizella because I wanted a maid who could take care of my residence while I was gone.

The goblins nodded frantically "Yes, anything! Just spare us, please!"


I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a try.

"Very well," I said with a nod

"You will serve me, and you will obey my every command. Fail to do so, and your lives will be forfeit." I commanded in my best impression of a king. Which wasn't great. Luckily the goblins didn't care.

The goblins nodded, their expressions a mix of fear and relief.

"Yes, Lord! We swear it! We will serve you faithfully." They all vowed.

I nodded.

"Now, let's see what you are truly capable of," I muttered

Over the next course of a few days, I learnt about the goblin culture and took up residence in the somewhat impressive mansion of stone. Which was originally meant for the king.

The goblins held true to their words, not attempting to sabotage or kill me as I had initially suspected. I had even planned to make a demonstration of it but apparently, it wasn't needed.

I realised that goblins were basically just animalistic humans with green skin. The goblins typically relied on several large hunting parties to gather food for the entire village. However, with their forces joining the army which I had decimated, their usual food-gathering operations had been put on hold.

There was still quite a bit stockpiled up so there was no need for my immediate intervention. I also realised why the goblins were being so loyal, they were extremely weakened at the moment.

With no army to fend larger prey off they needed my considerable strength to protect them.

"Grizella. Status report?" I called out to Grizella who was kneeling in front of the throne I had liberated.

I had promoted Grizella to the rank of Commander of the rebuilding goblin army. Now that she wasn't going to be my maid since she was probably the strongest goblin in the entirety of the city.

I was lounging on the throne with a practised slouch to give off a certain vibe.

Grizella turned to face me, her posture rigid with respect. She obviously had experience addressing the previous king. "Your Majesty, the goblins are progressing well with their training. We have established several new hunting parties to gather food for the city. Our numbers are growing steadily, and morale among the troops is high."

I nodded, feigning interest as I lounged on the throne. "Good. Keep up the efforts. We need to be prepared for any threats that may arise."

Grizella bowed her head. "Yes, Your Majesty. We will continue to train and strengthen our forces."

I waved my hand dismissively. "Very well. Carry on, Commander. And be sure to keep me updated on any developments."

As Grizella left to attend to her duties, I leaned back on the throne, a mischievous glint in my eye. Being king wasn't so bad, especially when you had a loyal army at your command.

It was actually kind of fun putting on the kingly act.

I was totally unaware of a horny Dragon obsessively masturbating from afar as she watched me lazily grin on the throne.


if you wish to read up to nine chapters in advance among other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

next chapter
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