70.8% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 245: 5. Spending My Time.

บท 245: 5. Spending My Time.

"Incoming, Damon, watch out! She's coming at you again!" Mariella's voice yelled in the brisk, cold air of the wintery yard in the backyard of the New Hampshire mansion.

She was warning her dear husband about Mimi, the alpha female of their pack, who was now in her snow leopard form and pouncing towards Damon. Strings of curses were heard as mighty Damon Salvatore tumbled backwards into a snowbank. He struggled to get up, but Mimi, being mischievous as ever, transformed into a huge white tiger and kept Damon pinned down while Mimosa, another member of their pack, came to Mimi's aid.

Mimosa was a large, tri-colored, long-haired and incredibly fluffy wolf. She used her efficiency to bury Damon mostly into the snow, and then Mimi simply teleported away, leaving one very annoyed Salvatore to dig himself out of the bank. It was a little revenge for him, as he had previously hit Mimi with an avalanche created by his magic. Mimi had just shown him that burying a pack leader into the snow didn't require magic, only cunning. Her tiger form seemed to smirk as she transformed back into her human form and walked into the forest.

This incident was part of their plan to learn to use their feline sides more efficiently, particularly for tracking purposes. Mimi was going to be the one they had to track, and they had to take into account that she could change her form. Her scent changed with each transformation, and they had no way of knowing what each shape smelled like. Plus, Mimi was quite inventive with her forms, even turning into birds. She wasn't going to make it easy for anyone.

Wulfe gazed out at the vast snowy backyard. It was filled with huge piles of snow, an extensive snow labyrinth, a snow-built obstacle course, and several snow castles. The chill nipped at his cheeks, but it only made him feel more alive. Playing in the snow was always fun, and one didn't need to be a child to enjoy it. It was all about having the right attitude.

As Alaric ran and tried to escape from Elena and Katherine, who were bombarding him with snowballs, Wulfe couldn't help but laugh. Even in their feline forms, Lepard and Demon, the black jaguar and leopard, were enjoying the snow, leaping, and play fighting without a care for the chilly air. They were creatures of energy, unaffected by the freezing temperatures.

Adam smiled and turned to Charles, saying, "This is wickedly fun, but I don't want to be on the receiving end from Mimi. I really hope Damon doesn't break her heart again. It's just so nasty to witness."

Charles, who was half Native American and engaged to Mimi, the love of his life, replied, "I agree. As nasty as it felt, I hope they stick together too. Mimi has already suffered enough, especially with that damn shitwit Damien from that one freaking year. It's no wonder she experiences bouts of MNDS. I'm not even sure if she's over it yet. I need to keep a close eye on her."

Adam grunted in response. MNDS, also known as Mimi's Nightmare Distress Syndrome, was a state in which Mimi Springcove, the pack's alpha female and the love of their lives, often found herself. She rarely slept and just wanted to keep going, driven by cortisol and other stress-inducing chemicals in her body. It was not good for her.

She did not sleep because of the nightmares, which weren't really nightmares but her old memories. She had sharper than photographic memory, meaning she felt everything. Time did not help to dilute anything for her. It usually manifested in rigorous exercise or throwing herself into work. With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, they all hoped Mimi wouldn't have a bout of MNDS. They dealt with it very carefully, as it stemmed from Mimi's need to be strong and cope without relying on anyone.

Charles had hoped that Wulfe's presence in the pack would help alleviate Mimi's insecurities, but their lives were unpredictable, and he couldn't be there for her all the time. 

They would have time if she had one episode. All it took was for them to be firm yet gentle at the same time, to put her to sleep next to them, holding onto her all night long. Sometimes they needed drugs, but not always, and not all the time.

Adam said to Charles. "Should we tell Wulfe about MNDS? He might be able to do something."

Charles grunted in response, "Nah, let's observe and see what she's like. If needed, we'll take care of it. Despite how deeply Damon feels for her, he'll be with Mariella at night, so we have time. Wolves have companions, so we are free, too."

Adam nodded.

The days were short, and it was well past noon with the sun getting lower, but no one seemed to care that much. As I, Mimi Springcove, left the pack to have some fun and ventured into the snowy forest, I had a little spelled stone in my pocket that erased my footsteps but left my scent, allowing the pack to track me and have the time of their lives.

However, I couldn't help but wonder if I was setting myself up for an even worse heartbreak by letting Damon back into my heart. He had shown me his true feelings, and we had quite a passionate night together. It had been a bit difficult to stop in the morning, but he was merciless. He didn't even let me take the damn sheet off my naked, sweaty body as he got in the shower. Then he teleported my seven bags of old clothes to our new house in Chicago, leaving me with a set of clothes.

He was also a bit annoyed about his old jeans that I had stolen from him a long time ago and cut to fit me. He threatened to take them back and use his magic to make them suitable for him again. I had taken quite a few pairs in the past because they were nice to wear. It felt like old times, and I was so damn happy. But would the universe let me be happy?

Not that this turned me into a mushy-headed, love-stricken nice little girl. Nope, I still had a lot of spunk, and I had let my hair be free, only putting it into a ponytail when we were out to avoid it getting messed up. It was my choice, my body. Mariella always had Damon put her hair up as usual and noticed my attitude. 

I found myself deep within the forest when I first heard it - a growl, or perhaps a yowl. It stopped me in my tracks as I listened intently. It was evident that someone or something was in distress. Without hesitation, I continued on, following the direction of the sound. Surprisingly, this area was still within my domain, yet it puzzled me that I hadn't come across any signs of deer - no trace of muntjacs or wallow deers, not even a single track of a moose. Even the rabbit tracks were scarce, few and far between.

As I finally reached the small clearing, the scent of blood, pain, and agony hit my nose, freezing me in place. In the dimming afternoon light near the edge of the clearing, I could see movement and hear a low yowl. As I approached, I noticed that traps had been set, nasty ones, and a young lynx had been caught by her back leg. It was clear that she was too young to be left alone.

She was thin and scared, with a blackened and foul-smelling leg, showing that she had been trapped for some time. I stopped and tried to use my pheromones, but she was in so much pain, distress, and fear that they had little effect. I pondered my options, realizing that she was in terrible shape. It was wickedly cold here and only getting colder. I couldn't smell any other lynxes nearby, and since she wasn't fully grown, it was concerning. 

"Oh, my, what am I going to do with you, poor thing?" I thought, considering my options.

The trap had been placed by hunters or poachers who did not have permission to hunt on my land. My first course of action would be to inform Damon. Now I understood why there were no deer or moose in the area; someone was poaching in our forest. 

As for the young lynx, she was not even a year old, thin as a rail, scared, and feral. It was a damn shame because I recognized the markings on her head. She belonged to a rare subspecies that was becoming even rarer due to poaching. Sometimes, the females were captured and forced to breed so that wealthy individuals could have lynx cubs. It wouldn't take much to end her suffering. All I had to do was transform into my white tiger form, deliver one bite, and it would be over. But first, I needed to inform the pack leader about the poaching situation. 

"Damon, I have a little situation. What is your stance on unpermitted hunting in our pack's territory?" I asked.

Damon's voice was sharp as he responded, "What do you mean? There should be no hunting, and if there is poaching, you can be sure I will take measures. Speak up." 

"Well, I noticed earlier that there are no deer or moose tracks, and very few rabbits. Then I stumbled upon a trapped young lynx. She belongs to a rare subspecies, but she's not yet an adult. I suspect her mother has been hunted. She's trapped by her back leg, which is dead, and she's in pain. She's extremely thin, as she hadn't been ready to hunt, and..."

Damon's voice spoke to me firmly, steadily, and quickly. "Do not engage. If she is rare, we can help her. Stay put. I will inform the situation to Mariella, Alaric, and your five. They will go to the magic house to inform them. We will put a fence around our land, and I will inform the council as well. We will install cameras. Number four and I will come to you, and two others will come with us. We'll just grab a few drugs."

I said to Damon, "She is in a pretty poor state. Maybe mercy would be not wrong here though..."

Number four replied in my mind, "Yes, but she won't die today. We'll stabilize her and inform the magic house to move her there. They can fix her and give her a new life in other realms."

I stood there in the dimming light, the snow casting an eerie glow on the clearing. The lynx stopped struggling as I stood still. She didn't have much strength left. I tried to use my pheromones, but the wind blew them away from her, so they never reached her. It felt like forever when I finally heard the sound of a motor approaching. It was one of the pack's snowmobiles, or so I thought. But it was coming from a different direction, so I took cover behind a tree. Soon, three unfamiliar snowmobiles drove near the clearing. I could see cages in one of them, with at least four other injured lynxes.

I said to Damon in my mind, "I've got company. Three snowmobiles, seven men. They've come to take their loot. There are other lynxes in cages on one of the snowmobiles."

Damon replied, "Do not engage. Fine. We will be there, along with the game warden and police, soon enough. Stay safe."

I just hoped they would arrive in time. I heard the men getting off their snowmobiles, and one of them said, "Oh, look at the jackpot. A female. Yeah, this one will make us rich. We have males for her. She's a little skinny, but she can still produce cubs soon enough."

One of them took out his rucksack, opened it, and started rummaging through it. Lynx started to struggle, hissing, trying to attack. She was scared, and I was afraid she would burn herself out.

He muttered, "Wait as I prepare the dart. Damn, it's cold out here, but she's feisty."

Suddenly, Damon stood beside me and gazed at the men. I could sense his rage as he trembled. His eyes fixed on the trapped lynxes and the bloodstains on the snow. The scent of pheromones filled the air, and he observed a young female lynx slumped in the snow, unaffected by the falling flakes. It seemed as though she had surrendered. Damon released his pheromones, directing them toward the female with his energies, telling her he, the strong male, was here to protect her.

He declared, "I have cast a spell on them, so they won't be going anywhere, anytime soon. Just wait and see."

In the distance, the sound of approaching vehicles caught our attention, causing the men to panic. Several police snowmobiles and game wardens arrived swiftly, apprehending the men. Damon stepped forward, demanding justice.

He proclaimed, "These thugs have been poaching on our land, killing and maiming. I want them charged with every offense, starting with trespassing and intending to harm me and my pack. Let me demonstrate, Mimi, my dear, show them your alternative forms."

Rolling my eyes, I obliged and transformed from a lynx to a cougar, then a bobcat, a sandcat, a wolf, a lion, a white tiger, and a snow leopard before returning to my human form.

Addressing the police, Damon asserted, "As you can see, we are a pack of shifters. How can I believe that this wasn't an attack on our pack? I trust your justice system to ensure that these criminals lose their weapons and permits, never to regain them, no matter how much training they undergo. If anyone in my pack or my friends discovers that you're still poaching, you will become our prey."

Damon bared his fangs, his eyes turning ruby red, while black veins became visible around them. The pungent smell of fear wafted through the air as someone involuntarily wet themselves. The police assured Damon that they took poaching seriously, especially on private land.

Damon responded, "I will erect fences around my extensive lands. It will be your responsibility to explain to the locals why over half of this forest is now enclosed."

The police, filled with apologies, transported the men to prison.

A game warden approached Damon and asked, "Do you need assistance in putting her down? She appears to be suffering."

Damon assured the game warden, "Don't worry. No putting down, we can heal her. We'll take care of her. She and the other lynxes are now under my pack's protection and we'll find a safe place for them."

I watched as several Salvatores unloaded the cages from the poachers' vehicle, presumably teleporting them to the magic house. I spotted number four and number two with a female lynx, whom they had freed and treated. They wrapped her up and teleported away.

It was just Damon, me, and the snowmobiles left by the poachers. Damon focused his magic, forming a ball and throwing it at the vehicles, causing them to explode in a fiery blaze.

He turned to me and remarked, "You truly bring chaos wherever you go. But don't worry, we have plenty of deer, predators, and rabbits on our vast land, which we will fence off for safety."

I nodded, feeling the chill of the night setting in.

I suggested to Damon, "Alright, let's race back to the mansion. You can choose any form you want, but no teleportation."

Without waiting for his response, I transformed into a white owl and took off into the night sky. It was exhilarating to fly, and I could hear Damon's frustrated murmurs below. As I approached the mansion, I flapped my wings faster, eager to land. Mariella was waiting outside and extended her arm for me to land on. Just as I touched down, Damon emerged from the forest, attempting to leap into the air as a black lion with his wings spread, but failing to take flight. Mariella stroked my feathers and complimented me. I hopped off her arm and changed back into my human form.

Mariella exclaimed, "Wow, I wish I could learn to be a bird, too. It looks fantastic!"

Damon, still a bit sour from losing, transformed back into his human form and muttered, "Yeah."

We walked inside, and Damon announced, "Tomorrow, we'll move into Halifax. The magic house will thoroughly search for any remaining traps and put up fences. Our plans have been expedited, but a few days indoors will do us all good."

I couldn't help but smile smugly as we finally removed our coats and boots and headed to the lobby. It was time for some hot cocoa. 

next chapter
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