67.34% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 233: 33. U Make Me Wanna.

บท 233: 33. U Make Me Wanna.

Number One let out a sigh and glanced at Samuel, Leopard, and Demon. He tried to keep his voice neutral, but couldn't hide his irritation. "So you're telling me that Mimi, the alpha female of the pack, is somewhere else, sleeping it off?"

Leopard nodded and explained, "She said the risk of infection was too high..."

Frustrated, Number One slammed the file onto the table. "I've read this damn file. Where is she? We need to bring her here as soon as possible and figure out our next move!"

Samuel chimed in, "She's in Fuengirola, sleeping in an incubator. She needs rest."

Number One rolled his eyes, annoyed that Mimi was once again taking a nap in a plexiglass box. His sensitive protector radar was screaming at him, fueling his fury. But it was also a reminder that she had left again. He spoke to Number Two, who had been hovering nearby. Mariella had been released two days ago, Samuel had been here for two weeks, and Number One had been awake for four days.

He had recently discovered how well Mimi had taken care of them, which made this situation even more infuriating. He couldn't help but feel that Mimi was using the excuse of infection risk to hide her weakness from others. As doctors, they had their own infections to worry about. Number One, along with his feline side, knew that this was just a convenient excuse for Missy to go into hiding.

He also knew that Mariella had managed to win over Numbers Two, Three, Five, Eight, Nine, and Ten, but he wasn't falling for that trap. There were still sick pack members like Magnum, Wulfe, and Number Four, Charles, Colin, and now Mimi. Damn it. It was time to bring Miss Sleeping Beauty back and examine her, possibly even perform surgery. At the same time, they needed to figure out why the hell she was in Fuengirola and what she had with her.

Number One turned to Number Two and said, "Alright, you and I will go to Fuengirola to fetch Sleeping Beauty and get her the treatment she needs."

Number Two added, "Mariella asked for you. She's feeling lonely."

Number One snapped, "Let her be. She's recovering with half the damn pack fawning over her. No need to try and trap me."

Number Two responded, "She's not trying to trap you, she's just your wife..."

Number One retorted, "Am I not also the pack's leading medical expert? I have a responsibility. I'm not just her little boy toy."

Number Two tried to reason. "You see, your radar makes you cranky. Mariella cast a spell to mute my radar."

Number One scoffed but chose not to respond. 

Number two reluctantly agreed to accompany him to retrieve Mimi. At first, Mimi's situation was unclear to him due to his fragmented memory and lack of memories of her caring for them. As they ascended the stairs to the portal room, they encountered Tim, Taylor, and Alaric sitting on the sofa, engaged in a conversation about a sports match. Although they appeared slightly pale, there seemed to be nothing amiss. Samuel's scans had shown that Taylor's hip had healed, and time would be the only thing they needed to fully recover from their ordeal.

Upon reaching the portal room, Damon expected nothing out of the ordinary - just the usual incubator and such. His fingers selected Fuengirola, triggering memories of how Mimi had ended up there once during a fight club ship. It felt like ages ago. As it was a long freaking time ago. The portal activated, and powerful magic opened the doorway to Fuengirola. They stepped through and emerged on the other side.

Inside, pastel-colored mats lined the floor, while off-white walls were adorned with paintings and pictures of Mimosa and the pack. Mimi had clearly put in a considerable effort to decorate the place at some point. Damon couldn't help but smirk as he noticed pictures from each of their weddings, including one from their vampire wedding.

Number two commented, "I had no idea there were pictures taken, let alone displayed anywhere."

Damon replied to his clone, more or less, "I'm guessing Wulfe had a hand in this. He mentioned being present at our wedding."

They continued walking, expecting to find the med bay on this floor. However, when they arrived at its supposed location, they were surprised to discover a single large bedroom. Damon then noticed an entirely new section that had been built. Intrigued, they proceeded until they reached the end of the new corridor, where two doors awaited them.

One door was labeled "Medical Bay - Regular," while the other read "Medical Bay - Operative." Damon pushed open the door to the operative side.

The sound of their footsteps was absorbed by the vinyl cork flooring, and the air lacked the usual stale, sterile scent. It almost felt like fresh air from outside. Damon reached for the light switch, but the mere movement of his hand caused the lights to flicker on.

What he saw made a string of inventive curse words erupt from his lips. "What the hell is all this about? I swear that damn little beastie will have some explaining to do once I get her skinny ass fixed."

The out-pour of expletives was caused by a row of high-tech patient beds on Damon's right side. These beds were equipped with built-in monitors, scales, and a restraint system. The walls of the medbays were painted in various pastel shades, giving the space a spa or hotel-like feeling. The vinyl cork flooring made their steps soundless, and high cabinets filled with supplies lined the back part of the room. On the left side, there were incubators, and from the back, there were doors leading to operating theaters and treatment rooms.

Damon looked at the incubators in awe. He had seen nothing like them before. These incubators were about 20-30% bigger than the regular ones, and there were three of them. Inside each incubator, there was a soft-looking mattress. The incubator was made out of two boxes. The smaller box was where the patient went, and between the outer and inner boxes, Damon could see various probes and instruments.

There was a control panel in front of each incubator. One of the incubators had a darkened lid, and the monitor on the headboard displayed some readings. A slight humming sound indicated that it was active. Damon was impressed, but he couldn't help but wonder if this machine could treat Mimi and what it was capable of.

Damon turned to his colleague, number two, and asked, "What do you think? I believe these incubators would be much more useful in our hospital than in Missy's fantasy medbay. It seems like we have some inventory to take care of here."

Number two grunted and walked up to the monitor. He noticed various tanks under the incubator. Meanwhile, number one attempted to open the incubator but found that the lid was locked.

Number two said, "Let me try something."

He tapped a few buttons, and the lid hissed as it became transparent. They could now see Mimi, who appeared pale and thin, hooked up to an external pacemaker and cannulated. However, her neck seemed irritated. Number two pressed a few more buttons, and the lid opened.

Number one read the information displayed on the monitors and remarked, "So she has made everything perfect for herself. Well, not anymore. Let's see if we can get her system to do something other than just lazing around."

Number two added, "Her temperature has been set to 41 degrees Celsius, with pure oxygen to maximize absorption and maintain her saturation at no less than 98%. She's on a pressure sore protective mattress, with dim lighting and soundproofing. It doesn't seem like much of a challenge. I wonder if she has gone septic or if there was a fever reducer given too?"

Number one continued reading, "Yep, it was given through the skin as a mist, but not anymore. Well, there are salvatores who can handle this situation. It's not a bad idea to have two distinct spaces, by the way. We might make use of it."

Damon Number One went to the shelf that housed clean bedding. The material was much nicer than their regular ones, and he wrapped Mimi, whose weight of 25 kilos was not really impressive, in it. He groaned in his mind, knowing that it would be one hell of a battle with Samuel. Samuel would take one look at Mimi and want to put her in the incubator. But if the infection came on once they treated her, it wouldn't be an option, as she needed to cool off, not warm up.

Damon Number Two said, "This place has undergone some serious upgrades with this new wing. I wonder if it would be a good place to have a pack life one day."

Number One walked with Mimi in his arms, and she was still sleeping, even without any drugs. She was just so tired. Damon could see that the magical straps that kept one's soul attached to their body were torn and broken in Mimi. Well, Mimi wouldn't die, but she would end up in someone's mind. Damon didn't want her to lose her straps. She had to get better, not worse, than she already was.

They went to the portal room, and once they were back at the house, they teleported back to the medbay. Damon gently lowered Mimi onto one bed. Number Nine and Ten were already there, clad in scrubs, and they started to check her out. Damon took a few steps back, letting them do their work. He had gotten his radar to calm down now that he had touched her. Despite the long list of problems she had, he knew she was in expert hands.

Damon and Number Two looked at Number Ten and Nine.

Nine said, "Samuel had to go. We got her. You go to Mariella. I can sense that's what you want to do."

Number One nodded. He and Number Two went to take a long, hot shower, and then they both went to spend time with Mariella. They just couldn't help it.

A few days later, Number Seven said to Number Nine, "You go and get her. Ask Katherine and Elena. They are pretty good at finding her."

Nine frowned and nodded. He was tired. Baby, as usual, had proven to be one hell of a challenging one to care for. She was sick, running a fever, and now she had come up with a few new things to do. Nine walked out of the medbay and saw Katherine. He snapped his fingers, catching her attention and seeing Katherine amused as she recognized a certain expression on this version of her former lover, Damon Salvatore's face.

Katherine couldn't help but smirk as she nodded and went to play the new version of hide and seek. The game was simple: Mimi had transformed into a small black kitten-sized sandcat and hidden somewhere in the huge mansion. It was up to them to find her. The Salvatores had clipped her nails so she couldn't scratch, which made it more interesting. Elena smiled as she started to seek.

After ten minutes, Katherine spotted the black feline up in a cabinet in the kitchen. She smiled and grabbed a chair to reach for the feline. Still seeing that feline was feeling a bit drowsy, Katherine collected her in her arms, hopped down, and walked back to the medbay. Number seven was there, and he took the little feline and put her in bed. Katherine walked out happily, ready to continue whatever she had been doing. Number seven cast a spell to revert her back into human form, but he was quite surprised when it turned out to be Mimosa instead of Mimi.

Mimosa looked at him sleepily and muttered, "Sorry, she used her velvet and alpha power to transform me, and I just reacted."

Number seven nodded, as this wasn't the first time she had done something like this. Before he could inform anyone that she was still loose, Taylor came by and said, "Let me guess, Mimi is loose. Well, I found her, kind of."

Number seven asked eagerly, "Well, where is she? Bring her in!"

Taylor swallowed nervously and replied, "She's not in that form."

Number nine had just arrived and number seven said to him, "Missy is in a different form than a sandcat. Let's go see what she's up to."

Number nine rolled his eyes as they walked to the next floor, where there was a bigger bedroom.

Taylor cautiously approached the door and said, "Mimi, we're here to help you."

A growl and hiss could be heard, causing number nine to pull Taylor further away.

He muttered a spell and said to number seven, "Oh, Missy is feisty. Better put some shields on."

Number seven nodded and protected himself. 

As they opened the door, a massive white tiger lay on a torn bed, raising her head and snarling.

Salvatores stepped in, speaking in a low soothing voice, "Now, baby, calm down. I know you're sick, hurt, and want to be safe. There's nothing to worry about."

Number seven continued to talk to the huge feline, while number nine prepared his magic to spin a large web. The web was meant to trap the beast and then turn her into a human form. Nine couldn't help but think that one day it would be fun to fight Mimi using magic. However, she was a siphon and could absorb the magic, making her resistant to direct spells. So, they needed to contain her first. Nine focused on his spell, pouring his magic into a golden net forming in front of him. Number seven positioned himself on the other side of the massive beast, ready to catch the net once Nine finished it.

Damon, number one, and Mariella walked down the corridor. Mariella was recovering splendidly, thanks to the passionate sex they had had over the past few days. Damon felt his soul sing, knowing that Mimi was being taken care of and there was nothing to worry about. They were on their way to the medbay, as Mariella wanted to see what her radar would say about Wulfe or Magnum.

Mariella, still jealous and possessive after the previous experience, hadn't fully sorted out her thoughts.

When she heard Salvatores talking in a room and mentioning "baby," she hissed at Damon, saying, "Do you hear that? I wonder who is taking care of Mimi when she should be sedated on the medbay?"

Damon raised his eyebrows and listened carefully.

He replied, "It's number seven and number nine, but I don't think it's what you're thinking."

Furious, Mariella strode to the door and yanked it open.

""Shit, fine, catch!" Number nine cursed as the door was yanked open.

He threw his magic net to seven. He hoped his spell would hold and seven would catch his web. They pressed the huge enraged tiger onto the bed, securing the spell to keep Mimi flattened.

Seven went near her head and softly stroked her, saying, "Shh... baby, shh... I know, I know... everything is going to be just fine, nothing to worry about."

Number one asked in an irritated voice, "What does this mean? What the hell are you playing at here? Now is not the time to mess around with other forms. Get her to the medbay immediately."

Number nine kept his mouth shut, even though he wanted to tell number one a few facts. For instance, number one and number two had this mistaken notion that Mimi hadn't done much for them. In reality, it was Lepard, Demon, and Samuel who had helped them through. Quite a few Salvatores believed this, thanks to Mariella's jealousy and manipulation.

Number one said irritably, "Fine, do I have to do everything myself?" as he performed the spell to turn the beast into a human.

It worked, but Shadow was still pretty pissed off.

Mariella exclaimed, "What the fuck is going on? Your tiger form isn't white!"

Number nine released his spell and web, allowing Shadow to go free as web was dissolving.

Number seven said, "It's nothing for you to worry about. Go on and continue having sex everywhere. It's what you do best, right?"

Mariella and Damon walked out, realizing that it wasn't that important. If Mimi was truly that difficult, Mariella didn't want Damon to get involved with someone like that.

The pack began searching for Mimi once again, knowing that this wasn't the first or last time she would disappear. Number seven couldn't help but feel irritated as he tried to sense her with his telepathy, but Wulfe's sickness had somehow interfered with it. They hadn't been able to fix it, so it was useless. It gave number seven the worst headache and made him cranky. He, too, wanted to spend time with Mariella. He didn't even realize that it was Mariella's pheromones affecting him.

In his mind, he thought, "If Mimi continues like this, it will take her months to recover, and we won't be getting to Azores for ages. Why does she have to be so damn difficult?"

None of the Salvatores were in a caring mode, seeing Mimi as a nuisance and the others as just patients. They were more than happy to let Adam and the boys take care of them. 

They were staying in a mansion in Michigan. Mariella had spent the past seven years decorating it, and she loved being there. It felt like home to her. However, Mimi was still giving her a hard time, making it difficult for them to enjoy their vacation in the Azores. Mariella hoped Mimi would start feeling better soon. The trauma had affected many members of the pack, causing jealousy and possessiveness to arise, which were not Mariella's most attractive qualities. She had only made things worse. Right now, Mariella was trying to gather as much support from the Salvatores as possible, but there would be consequences for her actions. Not everyone in the pack was under her spell, and Adam was growing tired of being manipulated by any female. He was ready to stand up for himself and react accordingly. 

next chapter
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