43.64% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 151: 31. The Big L.

บท 151: 31. The Big L.

We were still lounging on our divans when Nick and Elias had had enough and approached us. With Ian absent, there was no one to stop them. I remained nestled in Damon's arms, allowing his hands to explore my body while responding only with moans and gasps, punctuated by intermittent purrs.

In a sneering and irritated tone, Nick addressed Damon, saying, "You're a joke, nothing more than a fucking machine. Always engaging in sexual encounters at every party, and never bothering to engage in meaningful conversations with those who could benefit you."

Damon lazily replied, "Having conversations with you two does nothing to benefit me, not in the slightest. As for my approach to sex, deal with it. It's what we vampires do, or rather, what normal vampires do. It's quite astonishing to witness the power of our offspring. But then again, you wouldn't know anything about that since you don't have any." He protectively rested his hand on my stomach and continued, "Think about it, Annaliese is somewhat your sire too. She blackmailed you into this. Oh, the damage this does to your reputation. You're a puppet on her strings with no one to set you free."

Nick paled and exclaimed, "How? Why? Damn you, Salvatore! You always meddle in things that don't concern you. Keep your nose out of our affairs and stop spying on us!"

I looked at Nick and spoke, "It's not him, but me and my babies. You've changed, and it's not just because of Annaliese. You used to have a spark of decency, but ever since Freya was freed from wherever she was held captive, she has corrupted you. I don't even recognize you anymore. The old version of you wouldn't have allowed Annaliese to awaken. Nope, I guess that Freya has some hold over you as well. How is she, by the way? Oh, right, she's become a breeding machine for us, locked away. Our babies will drain her of her magic, reducing her to a mere human. No more corrupted, evil witch. Is that it? Why are you upset? Is it because someone is using your family for their own gain? Well, it's their fault, not ours. Actions have consequences. If you haven't learned that by now, too bad. My hive and I are always ready to teach you that lesson, again and again."

As my voice had a snarky tone, Damon shushed me and gently sliced through my skin with his dagger, licking drops of blood that beaded before I healed, platinum burned, making me hiss. "My love, calm down," he said, "remember there are sleeping child here, or perhaps several. You need to focus on being a mama and let someone else handle the talking. Baby, you can be dangerous later. Right now, your focus should be on one thing - don't talk, just kiss. Even you can't fight the moonlight, when Big L hits you, my lady. Let this night be a wonderful memory. Your focus should be on being a woman in love."

I rolled my eyes at him and responded, "Did you really have to do that again? Now, let me see. This time you got 11 songs. Well done, Salvatore. Really well done."

He smirked, as always. Nick and Elias didn't catch on to our little exchange, and I squirmed a bit, making Damon even more eager and ready. I turned to him and kissed him passionately.

Elias interrupted, saying, "Come on now, you two aren't even married. There's no need to put on a show. Let's negotiate here. There's no need for us to be enemies."

I squirmed a bit more, feeling Damon's hard, hot cock almost digging through his pants, and Damon grunted in my ear, "Careful, baby. Actions have consequences."

I said to him, "Tell me, do you want to negotiate with them or not?"

He shook his head. As if by magic, Wulfe and several Salvatores approached, and Nick and Elias stood up. The men gathered around one table to "negotiate." Annaliese watched us closely. This was our plan - to let the others attack one Salvatore while we prepared ourselves to retaliate. I was loading up Damon as much as I could, allowing him to absorb my energies. He had opened his shirt slightly, so our magic symbols were close together.

We were sharing with each other. He had also taken his scales and placed them on his chest, right where mine were. As they touched, we felt a new connection. Our scales deepened our connection so much more. Somehow, I realized that it might not be the best thing to have this deep connection, but then again, I lived in the moment and enjoyed it.

As we prepared, Number Two and Mariella also got up. He motioned for Mariella to walk freely, and she joined the wolves and the others - Adam, Charles, and the boys - in walking and talking with the rest. They were the team that would do the biting. We needed to be ready to start pulling. Despite the strong love and lust I felt for our connection, I focused on making this just one of our missions. It wasn't the time to get lost in mushy love and hope for a perfect future, as it was unlikely to happen.

Number two was once again going to be the one who would distract Annaliese while we snatched one of the Salvatores. But before that, he would gather other dominant male vampires to join us. Annaliese would be occupied for the rest of the night and since her power was linked to Nick, who was weaker than us, she was the underdog here. It was my turn to show him that. Damon actually came up with this idea.

So I got up from his arms, and as we kissed, he walked over to talk to the other vampires, who were getting ready for this. Of course, we didn't use our crowns at this point. He was dressed in his usual black and gold attire, with the addition of leather pants like the others. I must admit, he looked incredibly attractive.

I approached Nick and Elias, who had gone to sit a little further away as the Salvatores hadn't really negotiated with them. Wulfe was walking with Mariella, and they seemed prepared.

I sat across from the originals and said, "How the mighty have fallen. Once, you two were something, but we have taken that spot away from you. Even I, a lowly freak and hybrid, am stronger than you, Nick. And why, you might ask? Well, I'm not just a wolf vampire like you. I have over 30 animal forms, plus anything else I can come up with. And let's not forget my little gifts from my friends."

I let my hands touch my scales, and Elias noticed the bite marks on my neck, made by Jake and Rob.

He looked at them and asked, "What are those marks on both sides of your neck? They're heart-shaped. I've seen nothing like that."

I replied, "I have allies in this world and beyond. Let's just say that once upon a time, there were two very important guys who wanted to protect me beyond the grave."

Harrison walked over to our table, glaring at me with contempt and hatred in his eyes.

He took a seat next to Nick, then turned to me and said, "You're a monster. You enslaved and killed people, and now you force their spirits to do your bidding. How many souls have you trapped like this, you wench!"

I looked back at him and replied, "You may look like my friend, but you're not him. Whoever turned you into a vampire took your soul. Your body may be animated by evil, but you are not Harrison anymore."

He spat at me, saying, "Who are you to decide who is good and who is evil? You're not a god. You're just a soulless killing machine, saving only those you care about."

I glanced at Nick and said, "Let me guess, you turned him into a vampire, thinking he would give you access to my organization?"

Nick smiled and admitted, "Well, it didn't go as planned. He quit, but yes, he was under my control for a while. I took him away from you. I was even planning to take Jake and Rob, but you killed them before I could."

I looked at Nick, feeling warmth in my neck. Harrison seemed to be in pain. His face contorted into a pained grimace.

Elias closed his eyes and whispered, "They're here, and they're not happy. Nick, I suggest you keep quiet. These are not ordinary ghosts. These are strong and they are very upset with us."

Elias opened his eyes and continued, "In the TV series, Cole had magic, but in real life, it's me. I'm a hybrid like him, not a pure vampire, but my wizard side isn't strong enough for magic. However, I can sense things."

Nick scoffed but fell silent, and Harrison walked away, shaking his head.

I turned to Elias and shared, "Jake, one of the ghosts, saved me years ago when I was going through a divorce with Damon. It's been decades, but I was ready to give up. Jake and Wulfe intervened and helped me. And Rob has saved me a few times, revealing the truth about my past. My children, very special twins, had given Jake and Rob temporary bodies to save me when I was trapped by Krycheck. I got to see them one last time. They bit me, leaving these markings as a final goodbye, a last kiss."

Nick stayed silent, his face pale and shaken. He seemed deeply affected, looking past me, as if something was happening behind me. He was moved, ashamed too.

Elias smiled wearily and said, "Your friends allowed my brother to see his daughter, and he's quite upset about it. It hits him still hard, even Hope understands, and has forgiven him, but he feels now the love. I apologize for the entire mess. I understand that it's our fault, but once Annaliese wakes up, we won't be able to control her powers. This has not been our finest hour."

I nodded and replied, "She will be taken care of, but I must admit, I'm not sure how I feel about you. I'm not in a forgiving mood, so I suggest you prepare yourself. I don't give second chances."

Nick grew paler, and Elias nodded as they both got up and left the club. Meanwhile, Number Two approached Annaliese, who was watching the originals walk away. He was accompanied by seven other vampires who sat near her. Number Two remained silent while the other vampires asserted their dominance over Annaliese, sitting close to her and touching her without regard for her resistance.

One male leaned in and whispered something naughty in her ear, biting it lightly. She swallowed, and although it was entertaining to watch, it reminded me that women aren't always as strong as we'd like others to believe. We can be just as vulnerable as men when faced with individuals like those. Annaliese saw me sitting there, and for some reason, she came up with a crazy idea.

She snapped her fingers at Number Ten and said, "You go ahead and dominate that bitch completely so her precious hive will see how weak she truly is. Make her lose her cool. "

It was too easy. I communicated with Damon mentally, saying, "Change of plans. I'm about to have Number Ten coming at me, so I'll bring him in. Get ready to boost. Let's see if we can take down Number Nine as well."

Damon grunted and replied, "Alright, they're about to contact Number Nine, so this will be extremely difficult. But I believe Annaliese is trying to overwhelm you."

I responded confidently, "Bring it on. She needs to remember that we're not alone in this. The entire hive is with us."

The wizards were also present, strategically positioned. We had given them energy crystals infused with my pathos energy, which they would channel to the hive once we started our plan. 

Ten approached me with a dangerous aura. It seemed like he had been fed and cared for a little more, but he still wasn't at full strength. As he came towards me, I sat up and he pulled me to stand, kissing me with brutal force. In response, I sank my teeth into his lips and began to pull. I used all my strength as we kissed, steadily pulling him closer until he was steadily oozing into the hive.

Wulfe noticed and offered to help, "Oh, wait a minute, I'll assist." He started pulling too, and I could feel Ten trembling as he pushed as hard as he could. He was afraid he wouldn't make it. Despite their earlier bravado, I could sense his desperation to return home and enter the hive.

I noticed Annaliese was quite distracted. One of the male vampires had buried his head between her legs, while Number Two made her suck his cock. Her mouth was full as Number Two thrust into her face, and another vampire had her hand wrapped around his cock. She seemed oblivious to the fact that, as an old and powerful creature, she was the center of what was essentially a live porn movie titled 'Slutty Snow-White and His Companions.' I wasn't sure how wild it would become.

I instructed Mariella, "Take Nine and start pulling him. We have the best chance yet."

A few minutes later, agony exploded in my mind, and I couldn't help but curse out loud, "Oh, fuck! Goddamn it!"

However, I pushed through the pain and pulled him along with Ten, who was now oozing with Wulfe's help. Constantine then came next to me, handed me a crystal, pressed it against my palm, and said a few words. I felt power beginning to flow from my hand, up my arm, and finally into the hive. I used that power to pull both Salvatores even faster.

In that moment, there was no club, no Annaliese, only pain and my unwavering determination to pull them all the way through. I cursed in my mind using colorful expressions, which did little to ease the frustration, but at least I let it out. I kept my eyes closed, holding onto Number Ten tightly. My fangs sank into his throat, and I offered him my wrist to establish a blood connection. It provided some relief, albeit minimal. 

I felt a shiver run down my skin, accompanied by a surge of pain. My body was drenched in sweat, and I wasn't sure if I could stay awake or if I would pass out soon. Despite this, I pushed through. Number nine had reached 55% completion, while number ten was at 68%. There was still work to be done, but we were more than halfway there.

To channel my frustration, I merged it with the hive mind. Before unleashing it, I warned everyone, "Be prepared. Time to take big guns. I'm about to release my rage, which means my fury will hit you all."

Damon stood beside me, sinking his fangs into my other arm, allowing ten to bite him instead of me.

He was part of our bloodlink and assured me, "I can handle it. I'll bear the brunt and distribute the rest. I am ready."

I tapped into my rage, which had been building up due to my inability to properly vent my frustrations. Meaning I had not unloaded my pathos in a long time.

Damon grunted and communicated through our hive mind, "Wow, you're incredibly strong. I can handle more. Bring it on."

I released a little more of my rage, maintaining control. Both Salvatores were drawn into it. Annaliese, completely engrossed in her sexual endeavors, failed to notice what we were doing. Sex was a powerful distraction, not just within our pack, but for others as well.

I allowed my rage to seep out, but only a small amount to keep me going. Damon grunted, signaling his readiness for more. I let only a little hint of it seep into the hive. I could have unleashed a lot more of my fury, as I had a strong willpower to keep it in check. However, not everyone possessed the same level of control, so it wasn't the right time to go on a rampage and kill them all.

Maybe someday, but not now. My rage was not the only thing that I could use. I could feel my darkness more and more. Maybe it would be a good idea to fight fire with fire. I felt the presence of Wulfe in my mind as if he was doing something, placing a blocker in a certain part of my mind. Soon enough, he spoke to me.

In a strict tone, he rarely used this, "We don't take out the darkness, unicorn. I've already told you I won't allow you to have it. So don't even think about taking it."

It had occurred to me that this darkness was one of my powers, but this spoilsport didn't let me have it. Slowly, I need to dig it out diminished, as Wulfe continued to work on my mind. He was also pulling Salvatores into the hive at the same time. We had gotten both of them over 85% progress, so things were going well. Very well.

Wulfe turned to Damon and said, "Miss has been digging out her darkness. She weakened so much that the power we placed there in that darkness was trying to influence her. I stopped it and pushed it back down, but I need to strengthen the blocker when we have the chance."

Damon grunted in response. "Good catch. We don't want Missy going wild. She's incredibly strong, her rage is almost overwhelming even for me. From her thoughts, I gathered she could unleash even more, as she has the willpower to control it. But for us, without that kind of willpower, it's not easy."

Wulfe grunted, fully focused. They had already gotten nine in, and the ten was almost done. Annaliese noticed this and started to freak out. Several men had manipulated and taken her advantage off, and now they had freed Salvatore from her control. Angered, she stood up and walked towards Mimi, who was leaning against the wall. Annaliese was furious. She pulled out a long dagger, not caring that she couldn't kill Mimi, who was immortal. At least this would make her feel something. 

I leaned against the wall, feeling exhausted after a long day. My legs trembled, and I struggled to stay upright and avoid fainting. My breaths were still heavy and panting. Suddenly, Annaliese approached me, her anger evident in her hisses.

"You damn thief," she spat, "you can't stand to see me happy or strong. You pregnant freak, I will put an end to you and those fetuses inside you."

I had no time to react as hot pain lanced through me. She viciously stabbed me in the lower belly with a nasty dagger, twisting it. I could feel my babies panic as dark magic coursed through the blade, causing them to retreat and go to sleep before I could calm them down. Blood gushed from my belly as she continued to stab me repeatedly, mocking the fact that I was no longer pregnant. I fought to hold on, using every ounce of energy to stay upright. I pulled myself up against the wall, but then darkness consumed me. I collapsed onto the floor, bleeding and unconscious.

Annaliese still held the bloody dagger as Number One noticed Mimi's unconscious form on the floor, pale and bleeding. He couldn't feel his babies anymore. Only Mariella's tight grip stopped him from reacting.

She reassured him, "They're asleep, not dead. Come on, calm down, and help Mimi."

Damon was furious, while Wulfe crouched beside Mimi, his expression serious as he muttered something in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Nine and Ten approached Mariella, who hugged them tightly.

Annaliese looked coldly at Damon and declared, "Fine, you have your precious clones now. Enjoy the time you have left. But this is far from over. Consider yourselves my mortal enemies, and you know what I'm capable of doing to my enemies."

She turned and walked away, not even acknowledging Magnum, who was surrounded by women and having the time of his life. Charles had found a sheet or blanket and they used it to wrap Mimi, while Wulfe continued muttering and using a spell to stem the bleeding and remove the dark magic.

Mariella and the Salvatores followed behind them, heading back to the limo and returning home. They were all exhausted and too drained to worry about Mimi. Mariella felt a wave of relief, knowing that all of her Salvatores were finally free, and she once again felt complete. 

next chapter
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