6.93% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 24: 24. I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.

บท 24: 24. I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.

I was sitting in a rocking chair, in my canopy, when a familiar voice asked me, "What in hell you are doing up here yourself, young lady, pregnant, alone, onto the roof?"

Something warmed my heart, and I turned around; it was number four, my Damon, and that had been so familiar way that it felt in my soul. He was again gotten some hold on himself, not being so unstable that heat had made him. 

I said, "Mariella bathed the whole damn castle with her pheromones, making my head hurt. I am downright nauseous and my cubs are upset, If I go inside so I made my place in the fresh air. I have here an enormous bed, a reading, a fridge, and my peace. Her pheromones drive me away, from everyone."

He stepped closer, and I could see that he had with him the bag, so he was more or less in a medical mood and I could see a slight tension around his eyes. He would not budge on this. So I just well let him check me over. 

I said, "I assume you want to check me over." 

I was still sitting in my rocking chair, as my cubs liked this motion. He nodded and strode over to me, putting his bag on one table, opening it, and taking a few things there. He had a gigantic pile of blood tubes too, so I guess he had blood work in his mind as well.

He ordered me to move onto the bed so he could properly grope me over and feel my cubs, too. He really did not ask. He told me what he was going to do and then did it. Just like he used to do, it was a real blast from the past, too. He was true Dr. Damon. Merciless, ruthless, and not ask, but act.

He took all of his tests and a pile of blood, grunted, and said, "You are pretty lean, so eat up. I will put these bloods into the machine and then we see what they will tell us."

He cleaned his supplies away, closed his bag, and did not really speak to me. He was ashamed of his behavior as well, and he felt he had let me down. Damn ability to read those pheromones. I knew him well enough that whatever I would say did not really help.

With that, he teleported away. Fine by me. I continued to live in my rooftop house, my perfect place. He said nothing more, but I continued eating as much as possible. That was the doctor doing a house call, so to speak. It was quite funny, actually. It was sweet that he took care of me, but he must have felt pretty unstable yet. My guess was something to do with Salvatore's rage.

Mariella and Damon had been fucking for over two weeks when a few beeps in Damon's phone told him that some test results had come through. He frowned, as he had taken no tests. He reached over, looked at his phone, and saw a pretty damn comprehensive panel taken from Mimi. He sighed. Of course, Mimi. Regret flooded his mind. He had been a beast and their relationship, heck, was there anything left of it?

He had forgotten her, and after that heat, even Mariella had admitted that the heat had been no fun for females, and even though she was pregnant and bred, she was not feeling yet too motherly. She was having fun in bed, making sure that she had a lot of men fucking with her, but not to be too brutal. She wanted nothing too rough. Her pleasure was most important.

Damon understood he had been a drunken idiot, and now this. He had blown it and so damn badly. Mimi had been right all along. They were gonna breed, and it was supposed to be a better time. After all that Mimi went through, she did not exist for months. Those letters had been so awful that he just somehow had unloaded them now and fucking had taken him over.

He had been jealous, not feeling at all loving, and he had raped her into heat, assaulted her, making sure that it had been the worst possible heat, and now she was pregnant and for a long time too. Alone. 

He scanned the salvatores and noticed number four going to medbay, so he was the culprit behind those tests. He cared for her, loved her even whereas, he, the original one, cared for Mariella's wet pussy and the sounds of sex. He groaned in his mind. He looked through the results. There were some values marked for red meaning usually IV but most of them were green or yellow so some could be made improvements since those tests had been marked that they had been taken two days ago, but results had just gotten in because of the software update, those values had might have been improved.

He told Mariella these observations in his mind as he scanned those results and reeled over his lack of caring for his alpha female. Missing bonds between her and Mimi felt so clear as he was no longer her vampire husband. The bond that had been forged between them almost a century ago had been severed by him and his idiocy, and now he felt it in his soul. He did not want to even think about what Mimi would feel.

He had not been there for her, not at all. He had only used her body, abused her, programmed her. She had seen right. He had given only vinegar and a bitter one. He was unsure what he could do for her. 

Damon was hesitant to go and do something because he was ashamed of the whole deal and he was wondering if he should put Cubs to bed and not keep anyone pregnant, but then again, Mimi might have gotten her instincts already and then it would be cruel for her again, deny the birth.

Mariella said to him, "Dear, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Do with that."

Damon grunted, got up, cleansed himself with energy, and dressed. He walked out into the medbay, knowing that Mariella would follow him soon. He was curious to see what was number four solution in those tests was. What was he planning to do?

He entered the medbay, seeing him packing his bag. The bag and putting there more tubes, packets of cannulas, needles, and syringes too. He saw his drug kit had been filled up, so he was ready to play hardball with Miss. Interesting. Damon himself was lazy enough that usually, he demanded the patient to come to him, not the other way round, but this one was really preparing for a house call. Maybe this would be the new normal, too. Maybe that bag could be useful after all. Especially when it came to dealing with Miss Mimi.

Number four looked up, grunted, and continued packing the bag. Mariella had entered too. Damon told her in his mind about the bag and its significance for Mimi so she would soon be under care. But at the same time, he realized he was not needed. That number four had taken his role as Mimi's doctor and somehow gotten Miss to trust him, of course, him being the version for Mimi. It was not surprising. He had not really the right to get involved. Number four was better for Mimi. He could smell his love for her. 

Damon asked number four, "You know those results lack? She might have improved on those values, so no need for it."

Number four said, "I Have my teeth. I will taste if she lacks, so I will know and she will get those IVs. She has her nest onto the roof, big ass canopy, bed, and fridge. Just because Mariella decided to bathe the entire castle with her aroma, giving Mimi a headache, and nausea, her cubs were upset too, so she moved outside. Well done, princess, driving her out literally. But That was your plan all along. Trying to drive her away, maybe to another house so you can have them all, worshipping you, give you pure pleasure as it was nasty heat."

His voice was sharp. Princess had not been said nicely. Mariella waited for a few minutes, but there was no reaction from number one. She looked at him, smelling that he was not upset for number four, but for her. No demand for number four to speak nicer to her and once again Mariella noticed she had again tried to be the princess and demanded everything. She had released several pheromones to get everyone fucking; she had needed men, and pleasure, and she did not want to share. She had not really thought further about those pheromones, but it had been more or wishful thinking and her own needs when she had let them out.

Mariella said, "Yep, that was me, but I just wanted everyone to have a good time and not to cook all the time. That heat was nasty, and I wanted pleasure. I need sex when I am pregnant. I was not really thinking about Mimi. Or her cubs, besides this in my castle, and I wanted to feel like home."

Number one sighed. He looked at Mariella sharply and said, "This is Pack's castle, not yours. Mimi is superior to you. You don't have brains in your head. Have I permitted you to spread willy-nilly your pheromones without asking me? I, Mimi's protector, could have told you not to release those pheromones, as they are not suitable for her. -goddamn you can do it. You are not really alpha, are you? Nothing but a brat, always demanding, needing, not really thinking of anyone else but yourself and your needs."

Mariella was quiet. There was not much she had to say. Number one was furious with her, and he was right. Number four said nothing, but just walked away. Carrying his quite heavy bag. To see Mimi.

Mariella said, "Well, we can clean the air so Mimi can come in. And not be on the roof. I will learn, not to let my wishes come through."

Damon grunted. "Don't bother, she is happy there. Why does she want to come inside when she has a perfect nest up there? Let's go and see what number four is ready to do to her and we will see if she should be inside."

He was grumpy, and for good reason. The entire pack had done it again to Mimi, and he was quite irritated by Mariella. She needed to pull her act together and for real. 

I was reading my book when the sound of determined footsteps got me to lift my eyes from my book and I saw number four striding, carrying the bag again. I had not seen that in ages and once it had been a must thing for him; he carried it with him everywhere. The bag of caring for Mimi. I smiled in my mind as memories flooded my mind.

I remembered quite many times when that bag had been used and this individual had taken this as his habit. He walked briskly to me and put his bag on one table.

He came to sit on the bed, and said, "Well, there was a software update, so the results are a little old, but I know what I am looking for so I am gonna taste your blood, and I have IV supplies with me, so if you are lacking, it is IV time and you can decide if you want to be awake or not during them."

I replied, "Well, maybe my values have improved..." I was not so eager to get IVs in me. I was trying to come up with a reason not to be in IVs.

He looked at me, put his hand on my belly, and said, "Young lady, you are packed with many litters. There are huge numbers of them inside you, so there are eaters too. Don't get your hopes up too much that your values would have improved greatly."

A voice from nearby said, "Yeah baby, you are most definitely lacking. My radar can tell that much, just from your scent alone, so be a good girl and cooperate, or else it is Sleepytime for you."

I raised my eyes, seeing a power couple coming towards my canopy.

Number one and Mariella walked closer. Mariella came sat on my bed and said, "I did not mean to drive you away, not really. I just did not remember to ask Damon about these pheromones. I thought only of what I wanted, not anything or anyone else. This is a lovely place, a little cool and there is the litter of leaves and debris here, brought by wind. Is it good for you to be in this situation as pregnant?"

I pointed my nets around my canopy and said, "Those keep too much out. It is only when they are removed, that stuff may get in, but I keep them quite closed off."

Damon walked near me too, grouched down, took leaves litter in his hand, smelled it, and handed it over to Mariella who sneezed.

She said, "That is.. what it is?" she sneezed again.

Her eyes were watering slightly too.

Damon said, "Just a little mouse pee, or rabbit pee, you know, wild animals pee on to ground and there is quite a forest surrounding us, where these leaves are from, so there might be many little surprises on these. It is windy so these leaves will get up here too. I would not recommend young lady you to sleep here, with this stuff. Let me show you."

He selected one leaf and brushed it against my arm, which itched like crazy. Number four stopped my hand and my nails so that I did not scratch my arm. Itch was almost painful need to have my nails on my skin. 

One said," Mouse pee, you are quite sensitive to it and if that happens during the night, you might scratch yourself a nice infection in your sleep." 

Mariella watched as number four produced a flank out of the blue, and slammed it into Mimi's lungs, causing her eyes to roll back in her head and she limped fully. Number four let her onto the bed, took out his drug kit, and made a cocktail, fast and efficiently, injecting it into her heart. She would stay down for now.

Number one was silent and let number four do his thing. He was watching her sleeping form. Soon, a few other Salvatores came onto the roof.

Number four said to them, "Dismantle this. I take care of her. She needs a few IVs and then she is fine. No need to get involved. I can handle this one just fine." He was more or less protecting her.

Number one took Mariella and teleported her to the bedroom to fuck. Number four had a job on hand, so to speak, so he could do to Mimi what he sees best. Number one was not so bothered by her and her health, and Mariella did not comment on that thing. She just went with the flow. Not sure what had come over to Damon, but she was pregnant, with cubs, meaning, she needed sex, and a willing, passionate man next to her was all that she needed. 

Number four carried Mimi into one bedroom downstairs. He put IVs that he could taste that she was lacking. She would stay down about 24 hours, enough time for these to run into her and then she would have to better time of being pregnant. Her nutritional status was not too bad, but it needed just a little support and he would give it to her. 

As he gazed at her slumbering form, he remembered how he used to leave his phone and wallet, and it felt like yesterday when he had done that. He was searching for himself, and it would take time for him to do just that. He had so many feelings for her, but these urges and needs that had come from the core were so alien to him still. They were his, and he did not want to hurt Mimi too badly, not unless she wanted him to.

Someday he could show her what she meant to him. He was ready to do for her pretty much anything. Even die for her, but as he was immortal, it was not an option, not at all. But he wanted them to have still good relations and his urges made him too volatile for a while and then number one was one thing that came between them. He did not see Mariella as a decent threat to them, but number one as pack leader could make his life darn difficult if needed. 

After 18 hours, he took a cannula out of her, covered her warmly, and walked away. It was not yet time for him to have a genuine relationship with her. It would be beautiful, that much he knew, but it would take its own time, and the love between was so precious to him that he did not want to spoil it. Not one bit of it. They had forever. They had time to take things slowly. He knew she had smelled his love for her. It was real, but he wanted to take things easily.

next chapter
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