39.59% The Salvatore Saga, Part Four: My new Life / Chapter 137: 17. Higher.

บท 137: 17. Higher.

Mariella was in the kitchen, grabbing something to drink, when a soft voice from the doorway apologized, "I'm sorry, darlin'. I was weak and stupid, thinking I was stronger than I actually am. I understand if you hate me."

Startled, Mariella dropped the soda bottle from her grip and turned around to see Damon, her number one, leaning against the doorframe. He looked exhausted, with a pain evident in his eyes. Without thinking, Mariella launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're back, but how? Why? Don't ever do this to me... I'm not Mimi, I can't handle it," her voice trembled as she buried her face in his chest, muffling her words.

Damon hugged her tightly, feeling her body in his arms and taking in her peach scent. He was shaking, too.

Softly, he explained, "Mimi, she let me in. I made her bite me just as you were leaving, and then she opened up. I got a boost. Oh my god, I got in. I'm safe. I'm no longer under her control. I'm free..." His voice wavered with uncertainty.

Mariella whispered, "I missed you. You understand that we're not supposed to be apart. You're not supposed to leave me, ever."

Damon reassured her, "Darling, I promise you, I won't leave you. I'll be with you always and forever, no matter where life takes us. I'll be by your side. But, darlin', I have to admit..."

Mariella interrupted, saying "Mimi," and Damon nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we connected. She revealed things to me, opened up a whole new way, and it awakened something in me, a part of me that has been asleep for a long time. And that part also yearns to be with her."

Mariella nodded understandingly and said, "You're mine. You listen to me. I need you, so damn bad."

Damon hushed her and said, "Shh, we're going to the registrar's office to get married. You and me, five and three, so you're not divorced from me. The wedding will come in time. We need to take things slowly. I need you too... I need you so freakin' much."

They spent hours confessing their love before finally acting on it and getting three and five involved. Damon shared what Mimi had shown him through the Salvatore hive mind, wanting them to experience it as well. They would see the brutal truth that Mimi had been hiding inside her all this time, a truth she hadn't even revealed to Wulfe. But now, they knew, and they would help her. 

They went to the register office and soon returned as a married couple. Damon felt a pang of guilt in his conscience. Mimi had not been his wife for years, and he couldn't imagine being without Mariella as his wife in just a few weeks. He tried to convince himself that their wedding would eventually happen and Mimi would be his, but deep down he knew how important Wulfe had become to Mimi. He also knew about her involvement with Magnum and the public affair with Colin. She was no longer his, but free. The pain in his chest made him shudder internally. He kept his anguish to himself for now, not wanting to upset Mariella any further. Perhaps at some point, he could let her know just how much he needed Mimi, too. It was an almost physical ache.

He realized that the pain he felt was the absence of their once-strong soulmate bond. It was a deep, festering wound in his soul. Their bond had been so powerful, and now it was gone. They returned to the house, and Damon showed Mariella around as if he hadn't been there before. It was a new, grand mansion.

He said to Mariella, "Mimi has been gone for 24 hours. We should find the blood room and bring her to the bedroom to rest and clean her up."

Mariella replied as she sensed something troubling Damon. "Show me what it is. Come on, show me. What she gave you, what was so bad?"

Damon showed her glimpses of that year, but not everything.

Mariella whispered, "Poor Mimi. With her memory, it's no wonder..."

Damon nodded and said, "Now that we know, we can try to help her. But we need Wulfe, so it will have to wait until after we get Annaliese out of our lives for good."

Mariella asked, "Tell me about Lilah. What was she like?"

Damon nodded and said, "She was something else. In those times, a violet witch like her was on the border between good and bad. She was sassy, bold, and courageous. But I lost her. She could have lived for centuries, but she didn't even make it to one. I got her killed. Annaliese poisoned her in front of my eyes after I refused to be hers."

There was such pain in Damon's voice that Mariella led him to the bedroom and seduced him. She wanted him to forget about Mimi, Lilah, and Annaliese, and focus on them. She needed him, and he needed her.

I woke up in the blood room, slumped onto a chair, still feeling groggy but not hungover, only stronger. Some little problems came with it, like my need to dominate men and make them obey me. But as I got myself awake, I noticed that we had a new member in our hive. Number one had gotten in, and upon a quick check, yep, he was messing with Mariella. I didn't bother to disturb them because the love I felt between them was sweet enough. Being the hive queen allowed me to feel what they were feeling if I wanted to, and I wanted to feel more, so I spied here and there.

It was time to recruit more people into our hive. Mariella had already brought Elena, a blonde, into the fold, as she had gotten her body, and Katherine was also willing to be a part of the hive. She didn't like Annaliese, so I planned to bring those two in as well, along with Dresden and Constantine. My hive was growing, getting stronger.

However, the ache in my breasts reminded me I needed to pump them out. It was part of the plan to get more wizards in so they could make a concentrated form of my milk, which I might bottle and give to Wulfe for a boost or something. But that would have to wait. I had slept for 72 hours and only drank for six, so I had a few days' time. But right now, I needed to focus on my hive, making it stronger, better, and making a difference.

I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a meal for myself, and ate. Of course, eating in vampire mode was different. I had my jug of Uber-strong blood, and that was mainly what interested me. I knew I was changing, but not all change is always bad.

I was eating when Tim walked in. It was dark, and I hadn't turned on the lights. And for a minute, he looked just like Jake. He stopped in the doorway, standing just like him. My heart skipped a beat. The ache was almost making me gasp, but then he came closer. I kept my expression neutral and focused on eating.

He said, "Number one is in. I saw him. He went with Mariella to the registrar to get married. The Salvatores and the wolves went there, too."

I nodded and said, "Good for them. They need to bond. I'm fine. I don't need to be married. I've learned not to be married. Besides, right now, I am the hive queen, not a wife. It's hard to explain. I am connected to them much more than any little ritual that humans have could connect us."

I allowed him time to feel me.

He took a deep breath and said, "Yep, I felt that. Wow, no need for marriage. By God, was that your soul?"

He looked at me sharply.

I replied, "Nope, it was just a few of my feelings. You know, as vampires, everything is amped up to the max, so we feel alright. Someone even more than me. I have learned to suppress my feelings for so long, and it has been quite a trip for me to even feel this much. And now this..."

He looked at me and said, "By God, you should have someone worship you day in and day out, telling you what a magnificent creature you are." His expression was pretty much adorning.

I responded, "I am not that magnificent. I have my faults. No one is perfect."

I did not feel so perfect, not ever really, it was just who I was, honest to myself to the boot.

Tim said to me, "You deserve so much more. I understand now why Jake was so into you. I really do. I don't blame him. Hell, I am jealous of him. He got to see you at your worst and your best. He got to have you in his bed."

I looked at him, smiling slightly, and said, "I have no idea what this will be or where I will end up, but I am hardly a goddess to be worshipped. More like a female demon to be feared. I understand you are a man and you find me attractive, and it is all part of the package when I am in my vampire form, meant to lure prey close. I am not saying no, but maybe. I just can't know."

He nodded and said, "I am not hitting on you. Well, I am hitting on you, but I do understand you. The job comes first, so gomenasai. I did not mean to offend or make you uncomfortable."

I smiled and said, "You know my favorite songs, I see. It is fine."

Tim smirked and said, "We hear you singing and humming on the base. You do it often, so yeah, I know a few songs that seem to hit you."

I told Tim about how Damon programmed me in the past to react to songs - fear songs, lust songs, love songs, too. Our songs. He was impressed, scared, and angry all at the same time. 

Mariella whispered to Damon, her voice filled with anticipation, "Do you want to meet Mimi? She's in the kitchen, reminiscing with Tim about the good ol' days. The sound of their laughter fills the air, mingling with the nostalgic tales."

Damon furrowed his brow, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. "So, you're feeling a bit envious? Let her have her fun. I can teach her a few things later," he said, his voice tinged with a touch of possessiveness.

Damon's vampire claws grazed Mariella's side, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. She bit her lip; the pain radiating through her body, but chose to keep her discomfort hidden. There was no point in upsetting Damon further. 

Mariella replied, her voice full of longing, "No, I want to listen to those stories, too. I have this inexplicable need to be close to her. It's like a hive instinct, but I'm not sure if it affects you."

Damon grunted, his presence felt in Mariella's mind. She sensed his displeasure; he was not yet powerful enough to fully control the hive. Mariella knew that Damon's frustration was mounting. 

Damon interrupted, his voice filled with resignation, "Fine, let's go to the shower first, and then we can join them and meet our queen. This whole hive thing is a little strange to me. I've always been the top dog."

Mariella smiled, her face lighting up. "Maybe one day, you'll be the top dog again. But it might take time. Annaliese isn't easy, and since she lost you, she's become even more stringent with the others. We have our work cut out for us." 

Mariella understood Damon's impatience, sensing the simmering anger that lay beneath the surface. The fact that Mimi had taken on the role of leader posed a significant problem. She hoped that there wouldn't be any major explosions, but Mimi's stubbornness and insistence on doing things her own way might not sit well with Damon.

The power struggle between them was yet another delicate issue. These were challenging times for them both. Damon was overwhelmed by the presence of new people living with them, the weight of Mariella's past flings, and the complicated dynamics with Mimi and Colin. He knew he had to bide his time before making his move against Annaliese. Letting Mimi have her way, even if it meant being with Colin, was a necessary step. 

I was enjoying my dessert, a delicious strawberry cake, while telling Tim about the first time I met Damon. Just then, Damon and Mariella walked in. Mariella was holding Damon's hand, walking close beside him as if she were afraid he would disappear like morning dew. Tim seemed a little bothered, but I simply nodded. Damon approached me, and took a few bites of my cake with his fingers, testing his limits. I wasn't in the mood for power games, so I chose not to react.

Tim asked me, "How did you meet Jake? He never told us or Mom, but he used to talk about you a lot, according to my mom."

I replied, "Jake was delivering sofas and tables to one of my houses. I was feeling moody and sad because my marriage wasn't working out. We were going through another tough time, with Damon being a part of it as well, but we just clicked."

Damon interjected, "You never told us that story with all the sordid details. Come on!"

I looked at him and said, "I'm not going to tell Tim how I had sex with his father, so no, I won't divulge the whole story. But let's just say Jake wasn't the only one who caught my attention. Colin got me, too. Remember one of the parties where you had to sleep with others? And call me, making sure I knew you were fucking others. Well, while I was planning our making us sex nest together, I brought someone else into the mix. So I got some guests to my sex nest."

I could see the muscles in Damon's jaw tense, and I knew he understood exactly what I was referring to. I let Mariella feel it too, and she frowned as the realization sank in. She understood it was not Damien, but Damon. He had remembered that all too well, being connected to my hive, made me able to let Mariella feel it, too.

Damon muttered, "Yeah, I told you, darling. I was a bastard, many times."

Tim excused himself and walked away.

Mariella apologized, saying, "Well, in case you didn't know, we've gotten married. I'm sorry your past hasn't been easy."

I replied, "This hive will make you feel my presence even more. I try to control my emotions, but I can't make any promises. I need to become stronger, defeat Annaliese, and free everyone. Soon, I'll be welcoming new members into the hive. Alaric can help, but I can bring them in faster. The wolves are still occupied, and Colin isn't here. I'm not interested in power games, but I will do things my way. I have a plan. If you have something to say, say it directly. Don't play power games with me. I don't have the patience for them. Now is not the time to try to seduce me. I don't have time for fun. What I did at the party was intentional, meant to upset and throw everyone off balance. It was all part of a plan. I think it's best if you and the Salvatores don't come to the Valentine's Day party. I can handle it with the others."

I looked directly at Mariella.

I had just finished devouring my cake, and an inexplicable sense of irritation washed over me. The room felt suffocating, as if something was gnawing at my insides. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but Damon's actions were definitely aggravating me. As I glanced in his direction, I noticed him sneaking yet another rice pie, slathered with eggbutter. The sight of it made my blood boil.

Without warning, I hissed at Damon, my words cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "If you dare to consume one more of those rice pies, Mariella will have your bowels dissected within the next two days. You need to drink at least three more liters of Coke, for your feeble coffee is not strong enough. It's not like Mariella's coffee. You must have your own. Do I need to make it for you as well? Stop being so disgustingly lazy and eat properly."

Mariella turned her gaze towards me, a frown forming on her face.

She spoke up, acknowledging my point. "You're right, Damon. Please, I am not in the mood to perform surgery on you. Stop blocking your guts. But Mimi, how on earth did you notice that?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

"I have no damn clue. I just become infuriated when he neglects his diet. He's such a lazy bastard," I replied, my frustration seeping through my words.

My irritation grew stronger, consuming me entirely. I felt as if I had no control over this overwhelming sensation. Mariella, her expression tinged with amusement, suggested that I should get Damon something better to eat. She even hinted that this might be connected to our hive connection, which only added to my bewilderment.

In a fit of annoyance, I grabbed a plate and stormed off to the smoking cabinet. There, I gathered smoked salmon, halibut, and even whale meat. I added pork loin to the mix and retrieved a large chunk of venison and wagyu from the fridge. As I arranged the meats on the plate, I placed half a stick of butter on top, anticipating its slow melting. To add some freshness, I sprinkled a handful of dill, parsley, and thyme.

Throughout the process, I muttered a string of inventive curse words, each one directed at Salvatore, his lazy habits, and his willingness to harm himself. Once the plate was ready, I delivered it to Damon, feeling a mix of resentment and satisfaction. He stared at the feast before him, allowing it to warm up before finally diving in.

I sat there for a while, my irritation gradually dissipating. A sense of accomplishment washed over me, as if I had done something right for once. It was an odd feeling.

Mariella smiled at me, her eyes full of understanding.

"I bet that once three and five come to eat, you'll be furious again. Congratulations, Mimi. You've just experienced your first feeding as Damon's protector. It's a peculiar mix of satisfaction, irritation, and the responsibilities of a protector," she remarked.

I rolled my eyes, rejecting the idea.

"No, I refuse. Cast a spell, do anything to remove it from me. I don't have time to constantly cater to half a pack," I pleaded.

Damon smirked smugly, while Mariella wore a knowing smile. "No, this time there's no escaping it. Your hive connection has been activated, and it cannot be undone. So, you better learn to deal with it," Mariella declared.

"Oh, shit me sideways," I thought to myself, overwhelmed by the uncertainty of what else this life had in store for me.

I strolled out of the kitchen and entered the blood room once again to drink a whole jug of blood. After that, it would be time for me to gather the next batch for my hive. I had a few days to prepare for the Valentine's Day party, so as I drank my blood, I also pumped out my milk to maximize its power. I wanted Dresden or Constantine to make it into a super booster for Wulfe, giving him an extra kick.

Lately, I have been feeling a need for someone by my side. It frustrated me because it exposed a weakness. My friendship with Wulfe had made me somewhat dependent on having someone, and it was difficult to be alone. However, I carefully concealed these feelings, ensuring that the hive wouldn't sense any vulnerability in me.

My old habit of keeping things to myself was resurfacing, and I allowed it to happen. This time, Wulfe wasn't there to remind me to trust and let others feel me. Instead, I hid my uncertainty and longing for companionship, projecting myself as the invincible queen of the hive, a powerful creature protecting them. I realized once again that this was who I truly was.

It wasn't just about the position, but, like Damon, who had never hidden the fact that he needed Mariella by his side. He never tried to be the strongest on his own. I was ready to bear burdens, be alone, and lead the way without needing a crutch. No, I would be never like that, needing someone so badly. I was still sorting through these thoughts as I finished extracting my milk and drank yet another jug of super-strong blood. It was time to expand my hive and bring more people into it. Yes, it was now my hive, not Damon's. It belonged to me.

next chapter
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