"Well did anyone found it?" yuuno asked
"Now i told you that it's rare and btw how much reward does the rainbow flower quest" ellain replied and asked "it's 100,000" yuuno replied "WHAT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US WE HAVE TO FIND IT" fender said "what i already told you about it" yuuno said "huuh" fender said "when we have the party" yuuno said "oooh why did we forget about it" fender said "hey were already here there's no time to complain.Less complain more exploring you got it" yuuno said "yeah yuuno-san is right less complain more exploring" rein said "tskk fine" fender said "is it me or your really acting different" ellain said "I'm. sorry let's just find it" fender said and calms down "Hey guys what is that it's so shiny" rein said "WHAT that might be the rainbow flower let's go" yuuno said *thud* "HUH who's there show yourself" yuuno said "what the heck is that.That is a level 18th monster we can't defeat that" fender said
well stop for now so as you all know about dungeon's right in every dungeon there's are always monster and their levels if their levels are higher than you then there's no chance defeating it well I'm a warrior and a magic caster as well rein is a healer, fender is a berserker, ellain is a magic caster, christ is a warrior
welp that's enough for information and let's get to it well actually.... TO BE CONTINUED HEH I GOT YOU SEE YOU SOON