55.55% The Omniverse Daily Life Of A Humanoid Living Spatial Hole(ATLA) / Chapter 5: Day-2: Kinda Rescuing Katara

บท 5: Day-2: Kinda Rescuing Katara

-Day 2-

Amidst the tundra full of white, two young men were one of the search parties out to look for Sokka's currently lost sister.

Moving through the thick snowy area, both the appropriately clothed young men kept tracking to try and find her, but it was not an easy task.

"So, where have you last seen her?" Ky asked the young man next to him.

"Somewhere around the fishing hole like I told the others back at the village, it's way north of here." Sokka replied with a serious expression and a tone full of worry.

Sokka takes a moment to think, then grabs his boomerang.

"Well, if she's in trouble, we have to find her quick. So, come on, there's still a way ahead of us. Let's save my annoying sister." Sokka declares as he points toward the direction they should follow.

"We'll have her home before you know it." Ky cheered with a nod as they continued to move toward the fishing hole.

"Extaly! Come on, let's get going." With that, he starts running, and beckons for Ky to hurry up and follow.

As Ky runs with him, he notices the sky is turning a pink-purple, indicating that the sun is about to set soon.

As they both continue running, the sky soon turns fully dark, and the stars begin to shine brightly. They both slow down and catch their breath, as Sokka talks to Ky. "We'll get her, I'm sure of it. But we do need to make it quick."

He takes out his boomerang and starts spinning it in the air. "If we rush, we might be able to make it back home before it gets too late."

"Yeah, that's why we're running." Ky who had recovered enough of his breath replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, just wanted to make sure." With that, he keeps running, and points out into the distance.

"I can see the fishing hole up ahead." Sure enough, as Sokka points out, Ky can see the faint outline of the fishing hole in the dark night sky.

They both continue running over to it and find nothing in the immediate area, there was only the hole, and up ahead in an unusually close proximity, there was a sort of snowy ravine, going way down.

"There's nothing here… As expected…" Sokka sighed.

"Do you think she fell down there?" After looking at the ravine, Ky looked at Sokka and asked.

"What?!… No… if she fell there she would have screamed first thing! That place is full of penguin bears, they are super tall hairy creatures that stand on two legs and have very long arms they use to behead people quite easily. They are very easily annoyed by loud noises so…

"wait… Holy! You're right! She's down there… I'm sure she must have fallen and since she didn't want to attract the attention of the penguin bears, she stayed silent and hid… probably using her water magic bullsh*t… and if she hasn't escaped yet, she must be injured!" Sokka went through a whole thought process before walking closer to the ravine and looking down.

Ky followed and looked down only to see a bunch of penguin bears, 4-meter-tall hairy bears that stand on two penguin legs and have arms so long they reach the ground. "Yeah, it looks very dangerous…"

Sokka stares down the ravine at the giant penguin-bears with horror written on his face. "Oh, no... she couldn't have fallen in there..."

He looks around frantically, as if trying to come up with a plan, then suddenly, an idea pops into his head. "Hey, you have that waterbending, right?"

He pauses for a moment, realizing what he's about to do. "Look... if my sister fell down there, she could be in big trouble. Can you please make a little ice slide with your waterbending?"

"Waterbending? Me?… I think there's a misunderstanding here… I can't do that, but I can do something a little similar… Though I don't know if can be useful in this situation." Ky expresses with a weak smile.

Sokka stares at Ky for a moment, confused. "What... do you mean? You're a waterbender, right? I thought all people from Elemental Island were waterbenders."

"That's a misconception born from rumors, the people from the elemental island's ancestors come from all the four nations, there are firebenders, earthbenders, waterbenders, airbenders, non-benders, and finally something specific to our island, a job known as R Master." Ky explained taking into consideration his new memories from this life, the culprit for making him question if this was the ATLA he knew.

Sokka stops for a moment and considers what he's just said. His expression becomes curious, as he stares at Ky's face. "So, you're not a waterbender? What... what is an R Master, then?"

"Well… it's a bit of an unusual job these days. Would you like the short explanation or the long one?" Ky questioned.

Sokka thinks for a moment. "Uhh... the short one, please." He pauses for a moment. "Do I even want to know what the long explanation is?"

"Maybe later, when we don't have to worry about rescuing someone. So an R Master… It's an ancient profession by the standards of today and it was passed down to me by my elders before the Fire Nation came and burned everything down to the ground.

"My function as an R Master is to study in essence all things, but the 3 most important and the biggest focus are: Bending, Chi, and Yin-Yang. It's like being a scholar with the added bonus that I have access to a few lost ancient arts that most people have no idea ever existed in the first place." Ky explained.

Sokka pauses for a moment, and looks at Ky with a look of awe in his eyes. "Wow, that sounds incredible. And... do I understand correctly, you can use bending without actually having to be a bender?! That sounds so awesome!"

He has a look of excitement on his face now. "So you can use bending?! You can manipulate chi?!"

(Wait… what… my memory… it got clearer as I talked about this… interesting…) Ky found himself knowing more than he thought.

"I would have been able to do it all properly if the Fire Nation hadn't burned Elemental Island to the ground… But now's not the time for that, so what I can do is something, my people called spirit arts… I won't get into the gist of it now, but mine in particular is called… gravitybending." Ky revealed as he too was surprised by this piece of information, it seemed his background in this world was not a simple one.

Sokka's eyes go wide with wonder and curiosity once again. "Gravitybending?! Are you telling me you can use gravity to move around?! That sounds amazing!"

His voice starts to sound almost admiring. "But wait, you said your abilities were destroyed by the Fire Nation?"

"First, No, I can't move gravity around however I want, I can only push or pull, repel or attract… kind of like a magnet.

"As for my abilities, I meant that the Fire Nation killed most of my masters, my teachers, before I could learn anymore… So technically, I'm not a full-fledged R Master… I'm still in training." Ky explained with a weak smile.

"That's still incredible. Even just being able to alter gravity... think of what you could do with that!" He pauses for a moment to think. "Well, if the Fire Nation killed your teachers, then how come you still have these amazing abilities? How do you know how you can do these things?"

"That's the fun part… I don't… Well, kinda… I can use my gravitybending… somewhat…" Ky expressed with an awkward smile.

"Well... hey, somewhat is still better than nothing, right?" His voice had a bit of optimism to it before he continued to ask. "Can I... can I actually see this gravitybending?"

"I'll try, but we should be focusing on how to get down there, Katara won't save herself… I think…" Ky reminded him.

Sokka nods, and looks down at the ravine once more. "Oh, right... we should probably... try and find Katara. But, well, she's my little sister, man, she means a lot to me. Can we at least see if she's down there?"

He then looks at Ky, his voice a little bit nervous now. "Please, man... if she's down there, and she's hurt and alone, I'll never forgive myself."

"Yeah… we have to check, but how do we get down there? Do you have any ideas? You're from around here after all." Ky found himself at a loss for a plan…

Sokka looks back up at Ky, and then down at the ravine. "Well, we can't just jump down there. Maybe if we create a makeshift rope with our clothing, we can shimmy down."

He pauses for a moment, then turns back to Ky. "Hey, if you can use your gravitybending, maybe we can use that too? See if maybe you can pull us down or something."

"I mean... I don't know if it works that way… I feel like I'm the center point of the gravitational field, like… I think I can only push things away from me or pull them to me. It's just a theory so I could try to pull myself towards something else..." Ky sighed not having much faith in that idea.

"Well, I feel like we have no other choice. Can you at least try? We have to help my sister, after all." He looks at Ky, his eyes pleading then insists.

"Please, just try."

"Ok… take my hand, if it works you'll need to be holding onto me." Ky nodded.

Without hesitation, he reaches out to take Ky's hand. "Hey... it's fine, I trust you. Just try." He looks down at the ravine again, clearly worried about his sister's safety.

"Good, let's do this…" Ky extends his arm while pointing down the ravine before pulling my arm in a motion.

His focus is great however there was still hesitation in his mind as he thought of what happened in the Igloo. Even still he put it all in…

And then… Nothing happens.

Sokka's eyes immediately go wide with disappointment, as his voice falls flat. "Oh, man... it didn't work..." He takes a moment to think, then looks at Ky with hope.

"Well, I guess we're back to plan A, then. We gotta make this rope, don't we?" He suggests.

"Wait, don't let go of me yet… I need to focus, let me try again!" While still holding on to Sokka, Ky tries once again.

Just like before nothing seems to happen.

However, the show around them starts floating in the air.

Sokka looks around as things start floating in the air, and quickly returns his attention to Ky. His eyes go wide as the realization hits him. "Hey, wait... if you can make things float, maybe you can make us float!"

He looks at Ky with a hopeful, almost pleading, expression. "Can you try that?!"

"Silence!! I'm trying to focus!!!" Ky who was too focused got distracted at that moment.

Like some karmic punishment for that mistake, instead of pulling them down or making them float.

What his ability did was much more… endangering…

As cracks quickly on the ground formed around the ravine edge they were standing on was pushed off, becoming separate from the rest of the snowy cliff and starting to fall with them still on it.

(To hell with my luck!) Ky complained in his mind.

"Oh, crap! Crap crap crap crap..." Sokka glances around frantically, as things begin to fall everywhere. He looks at Ky, horrified.

"What did you do?!" Then, he turns his attention back to the ravine, as he speaks once again, in a terrified tone.

"Can you make it stop?!" He once again questions Ky all of it hurriedly.

Before any of them could do anything to stop it or save themselves, the ravine edge fell off with them on it.

The descent began.

Sokka looked at Ky in complete shock, as everything fell off, and They were soon descending to meet the snowy yet still deadly ground.

He tried to speak, but no words came out of his mouth. His eyes went wide, as he stared at the ravine floor that was now rapidly approaching. He tried to say something, anything, but couldn't find the words.

Suddenly, his eyes go wide with fear, and his mind was racing. "Oh, no... oh, no... oh no no no no no! This can't be happening!"

"Stop!" Ky yells not minding Sokka and simply focusing on not dying.

(Not again, not like this!) He thought to himself.

It was then that he was met with a happy accident, some would go as far as to call it a miracle. Whatever it was that he did, he made the right choice.

Soon both Ky and Sokka stopped falling as they were both floating a few meters before the snowy ground while the ravine edge fell on top of the penguin bears.

Sokka gasped, as they suddenly stopped falling. He looked around, utterly confused and speechless. He scanned the surroundings for a moment, trying to understand what just happened. "Oh... my god... we're... floating?" He stared at Ky, and then glanced down at the ravine floor, and spoke words of relief. "Oh, thank the great spirits... thank the great spirits..."

He then looked at Ky again before asking. "What... how did you do that?! How did you make us float?!"

"I don't know." As Ky lost focus, they soon fell once again and this time actually hit the snowy ground, but they didn't get hurt as it was a safe distance so the snow broke their fall.

Sokka gasped once again, as he fell back down to the ground with Ky. He sat up quickly, taking note that neither of them seemed to be injured. He was clearly still freaked out by everything that had just happened, but also couldn't contain his excitement. "Oh! Woah, I... I guess we didn't hit the floor."

He looked at Ky in awe, still trying to comprehend what just happened. He questioned with both wonder and confusion in his voice. "Did you do that... did you make us float?!"

"I think so… but we should look for Katara before the penguin bears get back up" Ky couldn't help but sigh in relief as he let the situation settle in, on his own mind.

Sokka immediately nods his head in agreement, turning his attention back to Katara and the ravine. "Yeah, you're right. Let's check inside... just in case my sister is down here..."

He reaches out his hand, offering to help Ky stand. "Come on... let's go."

Ky took his hand before replying "Yeah, wherever she is, we'll find her." As he was helped up by him.

Sokka nods, his voice full of determination. He looks at Ky, and smiles. "We gotta hurry... I'm not letting her down there by herself. She's too important." He pauses for a moment, trying to figure out a plan. Suddenly, a thoughtful, almost devious, look crosses his face.

"Hey... can you use gravitybending to, uhh... make everything heavier? Like, could you make it to where the things you pull towards you, are so heavy, that the penguin bears can't move?"

"You're full of ideas, aren't you? But I'm not sur- " Before Ky could finish speaking they were both hit with snow.

From the side of the snow wall now next to them, a teenage girl with long brown hair and blue eyes, had soft features that while not quite sharp yet were getting there, and her physique was good with a balanced above average. She was wearing a blue water tribe robe with darker blue plants. In her hands, a leister could be found.

(Images here)

"Took you long enough!" She who was holding a leister expressed with a slightly angry face that could not hide the relief she felt looking at Sokka.

It was obvious to Ky that she had to be Sokka's sister.

Sokka's eyes immediately turn wide with shock, as he sees Katara. He rushes up to her, and wraps her in a tight hug, almost lifting her off the ground. "Oh, man! Katara, you're alive! I was so worried about you..." He lets go, and looks at her with a mixture of relief and worry.

"Are you okay? Have you been hurt or anything? I'm so glad to see you... oh, my god..." He pauses for a moment. "Where have you been?!"

Seeing as it was their moment, Ky decided not to interject but at that time his actions caught up to him.


The penguin bears crawled out of the snow and were not happy at all, their almost giant figure of 4m in height only added to their fearsome aura despite being rather goofy-looking animals.

However, at that moment, something snapped in Ky, and as if to be a reflection of his mind, the exterior acted accordingly.

(I'm so tired of this...) Ky didn't simply decide, he commanded that thought and his body obliged.

Not giving anyone time to do anything he pushed full force in the direction of the penguin bears with no restraint whatsoever with as if divine judgment had been cast right there, the "push" effect took place.

A wave of snow twice maybe even triple the size of the penguin bears pushed and swept them away as if they were never there in the first place taking them and going way into the horizon and disappearing.

*Huff.* *Huff.**Huff.* *Huff.**Huff.* *Huff.*

Heavy breathing and tiredness overtook his body as Ky did his best to keep himself together but his consciousness was once again slowly escaping him.

"Holy Molly dude! You're insane!!" Sokka was completely in shock having no more words only his expression to tell the rest of the story for him.

Katara said nothing just looking at the situation in awe and marveling at the act of power she had just witnessed.

"Anyway! What happened to you? Explain!" Sokka turned to his sister, inquiring.

"I was caught in an ice-sliding and ended up falling down here, but then when I was about to use my water bending to get out of here, I saw the penguin bears, and I didn't want to alert them, so I made myself a hole to hide in," Katara said before pausing for a bit and then continuing.

"I was planning to use my bending to dig my way up but the ice would crack when did so, it was too dangerous, so I decided to wait for the penguin bears to leave, however, that was taking too long, so… " She told her story before making a dramatic pause and then continuing.

"Finally, with not much of an option, I hoped you would come back and figure something out… and I have to admit Sokka, you did better than I ever expected... Now, I'm hungry you better not have lost the fish we got before... Also, who's this guy?" Katara finished her story before pointing at him in curiosity.

Sokka notices the tired, disoriented look on Ky's face. He turns, and faces Katara with a smile. "Don't worry... we actually, um... have the fish. I didn't lose it, I promise."

He turned back to Ky again, a bit worried about his health. "Hey, uh... are you okay? You don't look so good." He then pauses, looking over his shoulder at you. He points to Ky, speaking to Katara. "This is my friend, R Master... umm... what's your name again?"

(If you don't get your act together in going to be Mr. Steal Your Sister. You bastard! How did you forget my name again?!) Ky was frustrated and his tiredness did not help.

"I'm- " Before Ky could answer, he passed out, completely out cold.

"Woah! Crap! Crap crap crap crap crap!" Sokka looks down at you, worried, and shaking Ky by his shoulder. "Hey! Wake up! Are you okay?! Please be okay..." Sokka's voice sounded panicky, as he tried to rouse Ky awake.

However, Ky was completely unconscious and there was no waking me up right now.

Sokka lets out a breath of desperation, and then turned back to Katara who was still behind him. "Okay... Katara, we have a problem."

He then turned back to Ky. "Hey, I need you to wake up." Sokka pauses, as he looks down at you once again.

Ky was completely unconscious, and still could not be woken up. Sokka looked worried. "Can you please just wake up? Please?"

"… I don't know what's going on, but your friend is not good right now. We should take him home and take care of him until he wakes up. Gran Gran is sure to know something." Katara suggested as she saw her brother worried.

"Y-yeah, you're right." Sokka lifts Ky up with all his strength, and carries him in his arms. He looks over at Katara, and speaks with worry. "We have to get him home as soon as possible. I don't even want to think about what would happen if he didn't wake up..." He pauses for a moment, before speaking again

"Can you help me bring him back? It's going to be hard by myself."

Katara nods and goes to help him, as both siblings carry Ky to their house.

Sokka and Katara soon find themselves back home, their little village in sight. They then enter and Sokka turns to Katara with a small frown on his face as he carries Ky. "What if he doesn't wake up? I'm really worried here."

He pauses for a moment, then glances down at Ky again. He then speaks in a hopeful tone, albeit with a hint of panic in his voice. "I mean, we gotta be fine though, right? He's gotta wake up soon...?"

"What are you, his lover? You didn't even remember his name… leave this to me and Gran Gran, we'll call you once he wakes up." Katara rolled her eyes at her brother's dramatic behavior.

Sokka feels his face go red, and he averts his gaze, as if ashamed. Katara's words hit a nerve, and now he can't help but think to himself in a rather embarrassed manner.

But he tries his best to keep it together and push away all thought of his mistake. He speaks with a more level-headed tone now, but still with worry.

"Right... yes, you're right. Please call me once he wakes up." He glances back down at Ky, and then back up at her. "Thank you."

Once that was done, Sokka went outside without a distraction and noticed his Igloo. "My room!! What the hell happened?!"

Meanwhile, Katara was put in charge of looking after Ky once Gran Gran heard the story.

That was how Ky's second day in this world ended.

HaremHobo HaremHobo

Fellas, is it gay if….

next chapter
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