100% The Mobian Civil War / Chapter 3: He's Only Mine

บท 3: He's Only Mine

✿——❦ɱყ ცɛƖơ۷ɛɖ ♡ ɱყ ცɛƖơ۷ɛɖ❦——✿

✩━━Third Omniscient POV━━✩

The small bunny walked toward Amy's house, a worried expression on her face by the strange situation going on. Cream stops in front of Amy's house and raises her head, looking up at the building. The lights were out in every room, indicating that she's not home. Cream sighs quietly, about to walk away but she notices the door is cracked open. She wondered...She approaches the door, grabbing the knob and pushing it all the way open before looking into the pitch blackness of the house.

She looked around the room, fear gripping her as this situation worried her. Just the fact Amy's door is cracked and the house is pitch black isn't a good sign. Cream worried if someone broke in or worse...Gulping her nerves, she walks inside. "Amy?" She spoke softly, looking for her hedgehog friend. She stepped deeper into the darkness, only to jolt at the sound of the door closing behind her. She turns her head, looking behind her. "Huh...?" With the door closed, she had very little moonlight peeking into the house. Shortly after, she hears a loud bang coming from the door, causing the bunny to jump and rush back to it.

She raises her hand, reaching for the door knob but when she felt around, she couldn't find it. Confusion and panic began to rapidly fill her system. She thought she was feeling around the wrong area but she then found a hole where she recalls the doorknob being. She runs her hand over it, her fingers brushing around it before realization struck her. The doorknob fell off. Something hit her shoe and she felt herself jolt in her skin. She leans down, her hand reaching out and feeling around before she picks up what touched her foot, and she raises it in the moonlight.

It's the doorknob to the front door. Cream begins examining it by turning it around in her hand and looking at it intently. She first found a lot of strange marks, the marks made it look like the doorknob didn't come off for being weak or old. Rather, it looked like something of immense strength forcefully knocked it out of place. Cream even found a dent to attest to that. She puts it down after, turning toward the inside of the house. Although scared, she had no choice but to go deeper. Hesitantly, she raises her foot, stepping through the house that she knew the layout of by heart, but in this panic situation she felt as if she's lost in a mansion.

A waft brushes by Cream's nose, making it twitch as she smells something utterly disgusting. The smell made Cream cringe in response before clutching her nose with her fingers and falling to her knees, wanting to throw up then and there but somehow containing her disgust. Clutching her stomach with wide eyes, she thinks intently, wondering what that smell is. She couldn't pinpoint it other then the smell of rot...Like expired food or something similar.

She stands up, looking in the direction of the smell. It's coming from...the kitchen? She wondered to herself. It must be from the kitchen, it's strongest from there. She approaches it slowly, the hand on her stomach raising in front of her to make sure she doesn't walk into anything. Where's the light switch..? She wondered. Her hand brushes against the first wall she finds, she walks along it, mentally noting if she goes further, she'll be at the kitchen. As she stepped past a window, she realized this side of the wall didn't have the kitchen light switch. How is she suppose to navigate over there in nearly total darkness?

Creak Creak

The bunny jolted and swiftly turned her head as she heard what seemed to be walking. When she turned around, she saw someone...familiar. Or at least, a familiar shadow. She could barely make out the outline because of the darkness, but they stood right next to the moonlight coming from the window behind her. The only thing visible in the moonlight is one of their shoes. Cream's eyes slowly move down the figure's body, her eyes landing on their shoe. The pattern of a vertical white stripe on red made Cream positive that shoe is Amy's. She looks up at the face of the figure.

"Amy??" She says, feeling many emotions with fear being the main one. The figure stands still, a red pupil becoming visible and glowing through the darkness, glaring through Cream. The glare alone sent fear up her spine, the fear so strong and paralyzing that she's stuck in place. In a flash, the figure ran at her and hit her upside the head with a large physical object, making Cream scream and fall down in pain. She whimpers, clutching her head as she felt herself bleeding immensely from the physical trauma.

The assailant grabbed Cream by the leg and being dragged deeper into the darkness of the house. Cream screamed, scratching at the floorboards desperately and with shock. She was hoping to grab on something, anything. But she couldn't. "Someone help me!!" She shouts. "Anyone!!! Help ME!!!" She raises her voice, it cracking as she starts crying in horror. She feels herself being picked up and sat down in one of Amy's chairs.

Cream immediately starts squirming, but the assailant had a good grip on her. In an instant, Cream's entire torso and legs are tied to the chair she's sitting at with a strange material. Her mind immediately thought it was rope, but it doesn't feel like normal rope. It's kind of wet in texture yet solid enough to be sturdy against her flailing. What...is this? She realizes that the bleeding from her head seemed to have stopped entirely, and she felt lightheaded instead.

It's like all the blood coming from her head just disappeared. Her mind rushes in panic, adrenaline keeping her awake. Her pupils dart around the darkness, wondering who attacked her and what they want. "Whoever you are, please STOP!" She screams in horror, tears streaking down her cheeks. Her mind rapidly thought about what they'd do to her and what they did to Amy. Cream doesn't know how to put it but something about the assailant is just off.

A gloved hand reaches forward, grabbing Cream's jaw and pulling it open forcefully. Fear ran through Cream as her eyes darted around in a panic. She felt dirty gloved fingers firmly plant themselves on Cream's lips to keep her mouth open. Then, she felt something forcefully being shoved into her mouth. The taste was earthy and pretty gross, even the texture was a bit wet and slimy in a way. Her jaw is closed as the thing goes into her mouth; her teeth sink into the chewy item. Cream immediately felt disgust by the taste, she could tell it's definitely not a vegetable.

For some reason, her stomach immediately did a flip, vomit coming from her mouth as she's forced to chew the food. The figure kept their hand over Cream's mouth, forcing Cream to fully chew and eat whatever was being fed to her, as well as the vomit she was spewing onto it. Cream gulps slowly, a shutter running down her body after fully chewing and swallowing it. The figure's hand leaves Cream's mouth and the bunny coughs bits of vomit and spit in front of her. The bunny squealed in horror, wondering what she was just forced to eat that her body is rejecting. It feels as if her stomach was going to explode. As she trembled in her seat, she came to the realization the horrid smell from before is very strong here. The origin of said smell is around Cream, specifically in front of her.

"Hehehe..." She heard a familiar female giggle in the dark. "Did you enjoy that Cream?" The figure asks. Cream's eyes further widen in shock when she connects the voice to a person.

"Amy what are you doing!?!?" Cream shrieks out in a breaking voice, her body shaking in an attempt to break the rope around her.

"You were always that cute bunny Sonic wanted to watch over and babysit...you took his precious time from me! Just because you're some sensitive snowflake who needs to be taken care of...and I don't LIKE that!" The crazed happiness in her voice is replaced with immense rage. "Sonic is supposed to be MINE and MINE ALONE!" The psychotic voice spoke in the dark. It sounded as if Amy was demented by the way she spoke. "So..." Her voice returned to the unnaturally happy and creepy voice. "I decided to get you out of the way...Sonic will be so happy and so proud of me. I'll get his reward for sure...!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Cream yells back in horror, her voice shaking. She never wanted Sonic; she never had an interest in him! Amy knows that, so what is she saying!? Even so, Amy would never hurt Cream like this, they've always been best friends...Suddenly, a maniacally laughter erupts from the darkness.

"Hahahaha~! You're cute...~ You'll be even cuter with your corpse mangled everywhere!!" Amy announces, her murderous smile glistening in the moonlight. Cream freezes up in her seat. "Tell me~ Have you ever wanted a break from being a vegetarian?"

"N-....no?" Cream responded with a confused tone.

"Well~ Now you can have a break from it with the WHOLE family!" At that, Amy skips over, her finger pressing the light switch and the kitchen lights up. Cream winces, closing her eyes instinctively since her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Once her eyes start adjusting to the newfound brightness, Cream slowly opens them and looks at the counter in front of her. Her face of fear drops to one of immeasurable despair when she sees exactly what she ate.

It's a pile of bunny carcasses, all horrifically mutilated with a frightful expression on their cold faces. The pile is big, being no less then 30 in front of her, each were covered in the blood of themselves or each other, all who died horrifically. Their wounds varied from their guts being ripped from the inside out to some being decapitated. Their expressions paired with their injuries told Cream one thing: They were tortured before they died. Whether mentally, or physically, none of them died quickly or painlessly. This is why the kitchen smells so bad; it's filled with small carcasses of cute fluffy animals. Cream felt the warmth leave her face, going pale in an instant at the sight. "Wh-...." She couldn't even find her voice; she was just that horrified.

She heard laughter from her best friend, who saw her fear and fed off of it. Her shaky pupils look up at Amy, only to shrink. That's...not Amy. It's a cruel and sadistic pink hedgehog in a red dress, matching shoes, and ring bracelets. This Amy looked as if she was a cruelly made puppet, her skin having various stitching across it with her skin and fur being uneven colors. It was as if some parts were decayed or withered but was reattached to Amy anyway. Amy also smelled similar to the carcasses, as if she is already dead, but further than that, she had various blood stains and dirt marks across her clothes and body. But the most shocking thing was that her left eye was sown shut.

Cream didn't know why her friend looked like that. The endless possibilities of what could've possibly happened to her to make her look like that filled Cream to the brim with endless fear. It was as if she was drowning and choking in it. That Amy...is not her friend, it's an animal filled with endless malice, cruelty, and driven by insanity. "Surprise!~" Amy says, throwing her hands up and exposing the bloody hammer she's wielding. Blood dripped down the blunt ends of it, and Cream trembled, thinking it's Cream's blood and she's the first victim Amy will have, unless there were others prior...?

Her mind snapped out of intently thinking when she felt the familiar texture against her tongue again. She coughed, trying to refuse it as Amy forcefully kept her mouth open. "Eat up~! I want you all plump and fat for SONIC~!" Amy says in a sadistic tone, Cream shook back and forth in her chair, unable to turn her head away or get the meat out of her mouth. Unfortunately, she's forced to chew and swallow it again. She felt so awful for this. Mentally, physically, emotionally..."You seem to be enjoying it! How about some more~?"

Cream opened her mouth to say no, but her disgust came first, vomit leaving her mouth in heaps and ending up on herself. She coughed on it, a shriek coming out of her in a fruitless attempt to get help. Like before, no one came. It's as if no one heard her, or if she just can't be saved. Amy lifts up her chin, looking the bunny in the eyes. Amy saw despair flooding in Cream's pupils, something that made the toothy grin of the hedgehog's grow.

"This is what you get for talking to my SONIC!~" With those words, Cream's jaw is forced down, another one of the carcasses being forced into her mouth. Cream felt like she was living in hell, being stuck in an endless vacuum of torment. Cannibalizing on her own kind...? What kind of torture is this? Why do this to her? Is this some sort of sick twisted nightmare? No... it's real. Her friend is gone, and torturing her horrifically, and no sort of denial would shake that reality away.

It took 8 bunnies before Cream felt herself nearing her limit. Her stomach is burning up from the raw meat countering her usual diet, nonetheless the bacteria of what she's eating. She felt stuffed with food, and she didn't think she could physically stomach anymore. Her mouth was covered in blood and vomit, the dress and the floor having the same. She just wanted it to end, desperately. She wanted to convince Amy to stop- to calm down, but her vocal cords refused. Her voice was dry and in pain from all the screaming, her tongue drowning in misery from the taste of raw meat, her own stomach acid, and blood. Panting heavily, she looked at Amy who tilted her head at Cream, picking up a rather large rabbit carcass.

"I bet you're starting to have the munchies for them now~! You're eating them so easily." The hedgehog laughed demonically at her, raising the carcass up to Cream's parted lips. Upon her tongue touching the meat, she felt her stomach churn, and physically refuse further abuse, vomit spewing onto the raw meat as Amy tried to force Cream to eat it. Although Amy wasn't having it. "Eat up!~" She pushed her hand forward, forcing Cream to close her mouth around the meat despite her body's resistance. After, Amy grabs the back of Cream's head, lifting it back so gravity would work against her.

Which, started to work. Cream felt the vomit go down the wrong pipe and she began viciously coughing. The carcass also started to go down; except she hadn't chewed it yet. A lump in her throat formed as the carcass tried to slide down her throat as a whole. Panic rushed through her blood and body. She rapidly fought the rope holding her together, but it somehow only tightened against her wishes. The rope felt prickly and started to make cuts into her skin as she thrashed around.

Amy is too strong, no matter how much Cream shook her head and threw her body around, the chair stayed firmly in place, Amy's hand stayed holding her back by the ears, and that's when it happened. A shriek attempted to come out of Cream's throat, but she only further invited the waste in her mouth, and she choked further. She laid still on the chair, unable to move and too afraid to move as her pupils look at Amy, who's face slowly moved into view.

It felt like she let go of Cream's ears but...Cream knows that's not what really happened. She's in denial of what she suspects happened. Amy raised something in Cream's eyesight, which not only confirmed the horror Cream thought of, but also caused her to be further disgusted, more vomit coming from her stomach. Amy is moving her wrist back and forth, dangling Cream's long ears, as if it's a treat over a dog's muzzle. "Looking for this~?" Somehow, despite not having ears, Amy's muffled voice came through for Cream to register. Blood rapidly left Cream's head, and she was in shock, so her brain didn't immediately register everything.

She felt an immense pain in her throat as she realized her vision is blackening from the struggle to get oxygen through her mouth, and the carcass choking her alive. The monster she once called her friend tilted her head at Cream. "He's only mine." She says in her demonic voice before blood loss registered to Cream. She felt herself go limp, and eventually, with her choking ceasing, breathless.

Sally approached the door to Sonic's home. She has a spare key so getting in is no problem. She puts the key in, turning and opening it before stepping inside. As expected of Sonic, the place is a bit of a mess. Food stains scattered about, the couch cushions on the floor, and the TV of a game he was playing is still running. Sally sighs, shaking her head. If she didn't know better, 19 kids lived here instead of one immature and messy hedgehog who is proclaimed the fastest thing alive. Sally decides to shake it off and continue exploring.

Much to her dismay, the place is empty. If it wasn't always a messy place, she might be able to gauge when he was last here or if there's signs of abduction. She sighs, not sure how she'd ever find Sonic. Her phone vibrates as she gets a text. She pulls it out of her pocket and sees a message from Cream. The message said "I found Amy and Sonic! They're in Amy's bedroom, what are they doing?" Sally tensed and found herself rereading the message to make sure she's processing this properly. They're...what? This can't be real, Sonic would never...but Cream would never lie either.

Denial filled her heart as she ran out the house, she felt it aching from her running so fast to Amy's but it wasn't entirely from exhaustion, it was the idea that Cream is really telling the truth. She opens the door to Amy's, panting hard as she walks in. Her thoughts flew out of the window and horror overwhelms her at the horrific smell paired with the sight of Cream; dead in her chair with a bunny carcass stuffed down her throat and her ears gingerly placed on the counter.

Sally felt her heart rush at the sadistic crime scene. She tries to remain calm as she steps back, pushing open the door, she needs to warn the others immediately! She doesn't know who did this, but they can't get away with it! She runs out the door, her vision blackening as she gets hit directly in the face almost as soon as she turns around. She falls to the ground, her head hitting it hard and causing a feeling of drowsiness to wash over her. Blood fell from her nose and the back of her head.

She's on the brink of passing out and felt too weak to stand. Her eyelids blink slowly as she looks up at the familiar figure looking down at her. "Amy..?" She says slowly, the hedgehog leans down, their eye opening and piercing into Sally's soul.

"You think you're beautiful huh? You think you deserve Sonic?" The demonic voice asks lowly, sounding as if she's angry but expressing it in a happy tone. "Haha~ you're wrong...you're not worthy of Sonic's protection and love like I am! I've loved him for years, and you think you can just sweep in and take him away from me?" Amy's smile stretches abnormally. "What a joke~"

The happiness in her voice goes away as she grabs Sally by the neck, squeezing tight and beginning to choke her. The Mobian flailed weakly, trying to pry Amy's hands off. "I hate it when you look at Sonic, I hate it when you speak to Sonic, and I hate that you use your body to get Sonic! I hate it!" She says in a fury, her red eye glaring down at her. Amy's other hand reaches up and she started to tug and tear at Sally's hair and ears, bits of it falling onto the ground below Sally. Desperate, she squirms and gasps for air, unable to respond before she's thrown to the ground, hacking spit weakly in a pile of her hair.

"But~ don't worry~ I have the cure to that. You're never allowed to look or speak to Sonic EVER again." She giggles, Sally's blood rising and forming into a needle connected to string. "I'll make sure of that..." Amy sits on Sally's stomach, keeping her pinned down with her knees and legs. Amy puts her hammer down to the side and she lowers the blood created needle by Sally's mouth. "You'll be happy that I'm helping you too..." the needle punctures the skin, causing Sally to flinch. She tried speaking but her voice barely came out. "You're so happy that Sonic is with me...Huh...? That I'm giving you the best makeover of your life..."

Amy moved the needle swiftly, with blood magic needle and string, she cruelly sows Sally's mouth, so she's forced to do a blood stained, thin, and unnaturally wide smile. Her dilated pupils dart around as if she wanted to scream and flail, but the slow blinking and blood loss said otherwise. She felt too weak to fight, and with her mouth closed, muffles, nonetheless screams, were impossible. Amy smirks sadistically. "Much much better~ but we're not done yet~" Her sadistic smile stretches abnormally across her face. "I don't want you to EVER look at MY Sonic EVER again! He's mine, and only mine!" Amy slams her fist into Sally's face out of anger, making her previous nosebleed worse and make the struggle of staying in consciousness harder.

Moving the needle up by her eyes, Amy punctures Sally's eyelid then her muzzle, a rotating motion being done with her fingers and wrist to sow her eyes shut, starting with her right, then slowly making her way to Sally's left. A maniac smile painted Amy's face as she watched Sally suffer severe blood loss from the cruel stitching, and the horrible way her face contorted to the unnatural stitches. After this, Amy thought to herself, He will ONLY be mine.

next chapter
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